615 research outputs found

    Intensidad de luz emitida por unidades de fotopolimerización utilizadas por cirujanos dentistas de la ciudad de Cajamarca, 2015

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    Objetivo: Determinar la intensidad de luz emitida por unidades de fotopolimerización utilizadas por cirujanos dentistas de la ciudad Cajamarca, 2015. Materiales y métodos: El estudio prospectivo, transversal, descriptivo y observacional, está constituido por 109 unidades de fotopolimerización utilizadas por cirujanos dentistas de la ciudad Cajamarca en sus consultorios y/o clínicas privadas. Primeramente se evaluó una serie de datos proporcionados por el cirujano dentista, que se centra en el tipo de fuente de luz, marca y tiempo de uso de las unidades de fotopolimerización; finalmente se determinó la intensidad de luz emitida por éstas con ayuda de un radiómetro de marca Litex (Optilux Dentamerica iii ®). Para el análisis estadístico los datos recogidos fueron procesados en el programa estadístico SPSS versión 21 (IBM). Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos permitieron concluir que la gran mayoría de las unidades de fotopolimerización presentan un nivel de intensidad de luz eficiente. En relación al tipo de fuente de luz, marca comercial y tiempo de uso se ubican mayormente en el nivel eficiente en emisión de luz. Conclusión: El nivel de intensidad emitida por unidades de fotopolimerización de cirujanos dentistas de la ciudad de Cajamarca es significativamente eficiente.Objective: To determine the intensity of light emitted by light curing units used by dentists in Cajamarca city, 2015. Materials and methods: The prospective, transversal, descriptive and observational study consists of 109 curing units used by dentists in Cajamarca city in their offices and / or private clinics. First, a series of data provided by dentists, which focuses on the type of light source, make and time use of curing units was evaluated. Finally the intensity of light emitted by curing units using a radiometer Litex mark (Dentamerica ® Optilux) was determined. For statistical analysis the data collected were processed in SPSS version 21 (IBM). Results: The results lead to the conclusion that the vast majority of light-curing units had a level of light intensity efficiently. Regarding the type of light source, brand and time use are located mostly in the efficient light emission level. Conclution: The intensity of light emitted by light curing units used by dentists in Cajamarca city is significantly efficient.Tesi

    New Burnout Evaluation Model Based on the Brief Burnout Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties for Nursing

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    Health care personnel are considered one of the worker sectors most exposed to heavier workloads and work stress. One of the consequences associated with the exposure to chronic stress is the development of burnout syndrome. Given that evaluating this syndrome requires addressing the context in which they are to be used, the purpose of this work was to analyze the psychometric properties and structure of the Burnout Brief Questionnaire (CBB), and to propose a more suitable version for its application to health professionals, and more specifically nurses. The final study sample was made up of 1236 working nursing professionals. An exploratory factorial analysis was carried out and a new model was proposed through a confirmatory factorial analysis. Thus, validation of the CBB questionnaire for nursing health care personnel showed an adequate discrimination of the items and a high internal consistency of the scale. With respect to the factorial analysis, four factors were extracted from the revised model. Specifically, these new factors, called job dissatisfaction, social climate, personal impact, and motivational abandonment, showed an adequate index of adjustment. Thus, the Brief Burnout Questionnaire Revised for nursing staff has favorable psychometric properties, and this model can be applied to all health care professionals

    Analysis of the Risk and Protective Roles of Work-Related and Individual Variables in Burnout Syndrome in Nurses

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    Aims: Burnout syndrome is a phenomenon that is becoming ever more widespread, especially in workers such as nurses who have heavy workloads and time pressures. The progression of burnout syndrome has been shown to be related to both individual and work-related variables. The objective of this study is to examine the risk and protective roles played by work-related and personal variables, both sociodemographic and psychological, in the development of burnout in nurses. Method: The sample was composed of 1236 nurses aged between 21 and 57 years, with a mean age of 31.50 years (SD = 6.18). Women accounted for 84.5% (n = 1044), and the remaining 15.5% (n = 192) were men. Exploratory tests were performed to understand the relationships between burnout and other variables, and a binary logistic regression was conducted to understand the roles of these variables in the incidence of this syndrome. Lastly, a regression tree was constructed. Results: The results show that the sociodemographic variables examined are not related to the level of burnout in nurses. However, certain work-related variables, such as spending more time with colleagues and patients and reporting good-quality relationships, exhibit a negative relationship with the occurrence of burnout. Of the psychological variables, the stress factors conflict-social acceptance and irritability-tension-fatigue, as well as informative communication, are shown to be risk factors for the appearance of burnout in nurses. In contrast, the communication skills factor, empathy, and energy-joy exert a protective function. Conclusion: Identifying the variables that influence the occurrence of burnout syndrome and understanding the manner in which they exert their influence are key elements in the development of effective prevention and intervention of burnout in nursing

    Community intervention programmes with people affected by leprosy: Listening to the voice of professionals

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    Background Community participation and implementing interventions based on the community are key strategies to eliminate leprosy. Health professionals have an essential role as they are a necessary source of information because of their knowledge and experience, as well as their comprehensive perspective of contexts included in the programmes. This study has the aim of analysing the perceptions on the development of programmes with people affected by leprosy from the perspective of professionals that work at different organisations in endemic contexts. Methodology A qualitative study was carried out with the written response to an open question questionnaire which was sent by email. The script content was related to positive aspects and difficulties in daily work, participation from the community in activities, contribution to gender equality and programme sustainability. 27 health professionals were interviewed, 14 women and 13 men, all of which belonged to 16 organisations in India and Brazil. Once the content of the interviews was analysed, two main topics emerged: barriers perceived by professionals and proposals to improve the sustainability of the programmes. Principal finding Professionals identify barriers related to social stigma, inequalities, gender inequalities, difficulty managing the disease, limited services, lack of resources and lack of community participation. Furthermore, some necessary recommendations were taken into account to improve programme development related to: Eliminating stigma, reaching gender equality, developing adequate and effective services, guaranteeing adequate and quality resources and achieving compassion among professionals. Conclusions Although introducing community programmes with people affected by leprosy has a long history in countries such as India and Brazil, there are still several barriers that can hinder their development. Based on the specific needs of the contexts, recommendations are suggested that, with the involvement of all parties and with sensitive approaches towards human rights and gender, they could help to guarantee universal health coverage and the sustainability of said programmes

    Mineral metabolism in cats

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    The present Doctoral Thesis wa metabolism in the feline species. Through a series of studies, the relationship between calcium metabolism and the main hormones involved in it has been determined metabolism during the juvenile stage of growing cats effects linked to feeding calculolytic diets on feline mineral metabolism. The first part of the work was aimed the quantification of intact (I-PTH) and whole PTH) and to characterize the dynamics of PTH secretion, including the assessment of PTH-Ca curve in healthy cats. Thirteen clinically healthy cats were subjected to experimentally induced hypo study the PTH secretion in response to changes in plasma calcium concentration. The results obtained in these studies show assays used to quantify PTH (I-PTH and W for the determination of this hormone in feline patients. Furthermore, the feline PTH-Ca curve had a great similarity with canine PTH thus the previous knowledge on dynamics of PTH secretion in dogs could be extrapolated to cats. The second part was focused on the study of the major electrolytes and hormones involved in mineral metabolism in growing cats (from 3 to 15 months of age). Based on the hypothesis that growing animals are subjected to changes in mineral metabolism, a total of fourteen healt cats were studied between 3 and 15 months of age. The concentrations and changes of the main parameters related to mineral metabolism were determined. From 3 months of age to adulthood (15 months) animals experienced significant changes in the concentra electrolytes related to mineral metabolism. Therefore, the use of appropriate reference ranges is essential especially when pathological processes are evaluated in young animals. A b s t r a c t 99 was focused on the study of mineral . We also studied the changes in mineral g and analyzed the to validate a commercial assay for parathyroid hormone (Wand hypo- and hypercalcemia to n showed that the W-PTH) were suitable and reliable PTH-Ca curve and healthy concentration of...La presente Tesis Doctoral se ha centrado metabolismo mineral en la especie felina. A través de una serie de trabajos se ha estudiado en detalle la relación entre el metabolismo del calcio y las principales hormonas involucradas, incluyendo el estudio de los principales cambios que se producen en dichos parámetros durante la etapa juvenil de gatos en crecimiento, para finalmente culminar con el estudio de los posibles efectos ligados a la alimentación con dietas calculolíticas sobre el metabolismo mineral felino. El primer trabajo se planteó con el objeto de validar un ensayo comercial para la cuantificación de completa (W-PTH) y profundizar en el estudio de la dinámica de secreción de PTH y evaluación de la curva PTH se emplearon trece gatos clínicamente sanos los cuales fueron sometidos a hipo- e hipercalcemia inducidas experimentalmente a fin de estudiar la secreción de PTH frente a cambios en la conc plasmático. Los resultados obtenidos en esta serie de estudios mostraron que los ensayos empleados para la cuantificación de PTH (I fueron adecuados y fiables para la determinación de la concentración de dicha hormona en pacientes felinos. Además, la curva PTH en estudio fue similar a la curva PTH de estudios previos de dinámica de secreción en perros podrían ser extrapolados a la especie felina. El segundo trabajo se centró en el estudio de las concentraciones de los principales electrolitos y hormonas involucrados en el metabolismo mineral de gatos en crecimiento (desde los 3 a los 15 meses de edad). Basándonos en la hipótesis de que animales en crecimiento están sujetos a cambios del metabolismo fosfocálcico gatos sanos durante la etapa comprendida entre los 3 y 15 meses de edad a fin de cuantificar los niveles de los principales parámetros relacionados..

    Aplicación de la teoría de espacios Snoezelen en el diseño de un hospital geriátrico en la provincia de Trujillo

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    La presente investigación se desarrolla a partir de la necesidad de diseñar un proyecto arquitectónico destinado a la atención del adulto mayor, por el acelerado proceso de envejecimiento en la población mayor de 60 años en la provincia de Trujillo, teniendo en cuenta la teoría de los Espacios Snoezelen, diseñados como nuevo concepto de rehabilitación frente a alguna discapacidad, teniendo como objetivo principal, potenciar la estimulación a través de los órganos sensoriales: el tacto, el oído y la vista. Por lo tanto, se busca determinar de qué manera la teoría de Espacios Snoezelen es aplicada en el diseño de un Hospital Geriátrico. Para el desarrollo, se realizó la investigación de antecedentes teóricos en diferentes centros destinados a personas con discapacidad, obteniendo resultados positivos, momentos de relajación y bienestar frente a las conductas negativas. Se analizó la información para proponer el conjunto de indicadores de cada estimulación aplicada, así mismo se buscó estudios de casos arquitectónicos a nivel internacional para validar dicha aplicación. Teniendo como lineamientos de diseño a la estimulación visual que ayuda a jerarquizar, interpretar, inspeccionar y reconocer los espacios exteriores, el ojo humano presenta diferentes características que genera información psicológica y sensibilidad humana, es decir ayuda a transmitir sensaciones y emociones a través de la exploración del entorno. La estimulación táctil – háptica, permite reconocer e identificar un objeto o espacio, su principal función se basa en transmitir sensaciones de cercanía y profundidad, presenta la capacidad de reconocer texturas y temperaturas mediante el contacto directo de la piel con los espacios u objetos y la estimulación auditiva que estructura y articula cada una de las experiencias espaciales con el exterior que experimenta el ser humano, la aplicación de esta es considerada como parte esencial, ya que el sonido se incorpora con las impresiones visuales y ayuda a captar el volumen acústico del proyecto arquitectónico.This research work is aimed at designing an architectonic project to meet the needs of elderly people, rapidly growing population 60 years old and above, in the Trujillo province, under the theory of Snoezelen, designed under the new conception of rehabilitation from some kind of physical limitation, aiming at strengthening stimulation through feeling, hearing and sight, our main sensory organs. Thus, our objective is to show how the Snoezelen Spaces theory, becomes applicable in the design of a Geriatric Hospital. With this purpose, research in the theoretical antecedents was carried out, in various institutions dedicated to attend people with physical limitations, attaining positive results, relaxing experiences and welfare in front of negative behavior. Carful research was carried out on all this information in order to offer an entire set of indicators to each applied stimulation, as we also searched for information on architectonic cases worldwide, in order to validate our final results. Keeping in mind the design based on visual stimulation, the human eye offers a variety of characteristics, which brings psychological information and human sensibility, thus helping transmitting sensations and emotions through exploring the surroundings. We can identify an object or space through tactile- haptic stimulation, having as its main function texture recognition and temperature by direct contact with the skin, providing, as its basic function, transmission of closeness and depth, together with the auditory stimulation, excites and articulates, each of the space experiences a person goes through, and its function is considered essential, since sound becomes one with the visual impressions and, together with the visual impressions , it helps capture the acoustic volume of the architectonic project

    Measurement device design: Rain gauge

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    The need to size large hydraulic infrastructures, exploit extensive agricultural areas or simply arrange water assets for human consumption makes the evaluation of the available water resources essential. Water is a scarce resource that is poorly distributed both, spatially and temporally. Therefore, a set of hydrological networks that allow the evaluation of water quantity and quality is required. In order to achieve this, the first step is to retrieve reliable data on rainfall. To carry out a correct evaluation of water resources, both in the small and large scale, disposing hydrological networks that involve a certain number of measuring devices becomes critical. Despite the great amount of studies that have been developed on measuring devices such as rain gauges, there are still many errors that remain in the measurements and that have not been ruled out yet, thus affecting the accuracy of the measurements. In this sense, the design of a device that provides an accurate measurement of rainfall and also results affordable, could be the key to a product with great acceptance in the market. The aim of this work is to present the design of a measurement device that provides accurate data and can be used in multiple ways: as an ordinary rain gauge, as a rain gauge recorder, or even allowing to carry on both functions simultaneously. The methodology followed for its implementation has consisted in analyzing the techniques and procedures to be trailed at quantifying rainfall, conducting a market study and analyzing specifications to be in accordance to WMO (World Meteorological Organization) [2] [3] to then go through a conceptual design and finally complete the detailed design where materials are valued and simulation tests are performed in order to meet certain accuracy and economical requirements.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Venta y manipulación ilegal de medicamentos

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