192 research outputs found

    Nitrogen-use efficiency of maize genotypes in contrasting environments.

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    The purpose ofthis study was to evaluate the nitrogen-use efficiency of 15 corn hybrids in different environments. The experiment was conducted at the research station Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, in environments with low (12 kg ha-l) and high (120 kg ha-J) nitrogen fertilization, in a randomized block design with three replications. The chlorophyll content, leaf nitrogen and nitrate reductase activity in the flag leaf were determined at flowering and the grain yield was evaluated at harvest. The chlorophyll content proved to be sensitive to nitrogen availability, although without discriminating genotypic differences efficiently. To use nitrate reductasefor this purposeJurther studies are needed on the reliability ofthis biochemical variable to diagnose genotypes efficient in N use precociously. The hybrid L2xL3 was considered promising for maize breeding programs aimed at gene introgression related to N-use efficiency

    Helicoverpa armigera: ameaça a lavouras Bt de algodoeiro.

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    O lançamento comercial, em 1996, de plantas de milho e algodão geneticamente modificadas para controlar pragas causou uma revolução no manejo de lagartas, sendo adotadas amplamente em diversas culturas desde então. Essa tática de controle promoveu a redução significativa do uso de inseticidas, gerando, consequentemente, benefícios como reduções nos custos de produção (Carpenter, 2010), nas taxas de intoxicação de trabalhadores por inseticidas (Koser; Qain, 2011), nos impactos em espécies não alvo dos inseticidas, como inimigos naturais e polinizadores (Lu et al., 2012), e nas pressões de seleção de populações resistentes causadas pelos inseticidas. Entretanto, qualquer tática de controle exerce pressão de seleção de indivíduos mais resistentes.bitstream/item/185478/1/2018-cpamt-rafael-pitta-helicoverpa-armigera-ameaca-algodoeiro.pd

    Bird-termite interactions in Brazil: A review with perspectives for future studies

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