957 research outputs found

    Malignancy risk of thyroid nodules: quality assessment of the thyroid ultrasound report

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    Background Thyroid nodules are a challenge in clinical practice and thyroid ultrasonography is essential for assessing the risk of malignancy. The use of ultrasound-based malignancy risk classification systems has been recommended by several scientific societies but radiologist’s adherence to these guidelines may vary. The authors aimed to analyze the quality of the information provided by the thyroid ultrasound report, to assess the malignancy risk of thyroid nodules, in Portugal. Methods Multicenter and retrospective study, conducted in three of the five Portuguese NUTS2 corresponding to about 88.3% of the mainland population. We included 344 consecutive unselected participants aged ≥ 18 years who underwent thyroid ultrasonography in 2019. The description of six features of the dominant thyroid nodule was analyzed: maximum size, shape, margins, composition, echogenicity and echogenic foci. A utility score, including these six features, was used as an indicator of the report’s quality. A score of 4 was considered as a minimum value. Results Maximum diameter was reported for all nodules. Shape, margins, composition, echogenicity and echogenic foci were reported in 8.1%, 25.0%, 76.5%, 53.2% and 20.9%, respectively. Only 21.8% of the nodules had a score ≥ 4. At least one of four suspicious features, including marked hypoechogenicity, microcalcifications, irregular margins and non-oval shape, was identified in 8.7% of the nodules. Cervical lymph nodes’ status was reported in 93% of the exams. The risk category was only reported in 7.8% of the participants. Conclusion The adherence of Portuguese radiologists to a standardized reporting model and to an ultrasound-based malignancy risk stratification system is still low and has implications for the correct characterization of the malignancy risk of nodules and the decision to perform fine-needle aspiration biopsy

    Study of the Risk of Ankle Injury During Impact on the Ground and Definition of Support Orthoses

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    This work studies the effect of different orthoses on preventing injuries in the ankle-foot joint. It was carried out using OpenSim and the available ankle-foot musculoskeletal model and AFO orthoses models. The motion situation assessed is related to placing the foot on the ground. It is also analyzed how a passive ankle-foot orthosis, muscles reflexes and muscle coactivation influence the risk of injury, namely during ankle inversion. Results indicate that muscle coactivation and the use of an AFO can reduce injury risk. Thus, an average stiffness AFO is best suited for preventing ankle injuries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intercellular Communication in the Heart: Therapeutic Opportunities for Cardiac Ischemia

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    The maintenance of tissue, organ, and organism homeostasis relies on an intricate network of players and mechanisms that assist in the different forms of cell–cell communication. Myocardial infarction, following heart ischemia and reperfusion, is associated with profound changes in key processes of intercellular communication, involving gap junctions, extracellular vesicles, and tunneling nanotubes, some of which have been implicated in communication defects associated with cardiac injury, namely arrhythmogenesis and progression into heart failure. Therefore, intercellular communication players have emerged as attractive powerful therapeutic targets aimed at preserving a fine-tuned crosstalk between the different cardiac cells in order to prevent or repair some of harmful consequences of heart ischemia and reperfusion, re-establishing myocardial function

    Structure, growth and production of a remarkably abundant population of the common goby, Pomatoschistus microps (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae)

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    The common goby, Pomatoschistus microps, is a relevant species from estuarine food webs, playing important roles as predator of polychaetes and crustaceans and as prey for larger fishes and crustaceans. The Minho estuary (NW Portugal) is a relatively wellpreserved and productive system. To assess the population structure and production of P. microps in this estuary, monthly samples were undertaken in three different areas along an estuarine gradient in the lower estuary. The density of P. microps varied considerably among seasons and sampling stations, with higher densities occurring in summer and autumn. The lowest densities were found closer to the sea. In general, the density of females was higher than the density of males in all sampling stations, while juveniles were more abundant within a salt marsh area. Compared with other European estuaries, our data showed a remarkable higher density and production values of P. microps. This may be related to the high freshwater input and the low salinities found in this estuary. In addition, we hypothesize that the lower density of the sympatric species P. minutus and the high availability of bivalve shells observed in the Minho estuary may have also contributed to the present results, once P. minutus and P. microps often display a diet overlap and the bivalve shells are crucial for the common goby reproduction.This research was supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. A.T. Souza has a PhD grant (SFRH/BD/ 71232/2010) from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal). I. Martins was financed for CIÊNCIA 2007 and the project INPACTAR PTDC/MAR/111537/2009; FCT; COMPETE; QREN; UE


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    NIVEIS DE SUPERÓXIDO DISMUTASE REVELAM STRESS OXIDATIVO AUMENTADO NA POLINEUROPATIA AMILOIDÓTICA FAMILIAR Henrique Reguengo1,2, Maria Luís Cardoso2, Teresa Coelho3, Ana Martins3, Marta Novais3, Madalena Cruz1, Isabel Fonseca3, Berta Martins4, Franklim Marques2 1Serviço de Química Clínica, HSA/CHP, 2FFUP, 3Unidade Clínica de Paramiloidose, HSA/CHP, 4Laboratório de Imunogenética, ICBAS/UP. Hospital de Santo António, Centro Hospitalar do Porto (HSA/CHP), Porto. Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto (FF/UP), Porto. Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto (ICBAS/UP), Porto. Introdução A polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar (PAF) é provocada por mutações no gene da transtirretina, principalmente em resultado da mutação TTRv30M no caso de Portugal. Estudos recentes em vários tipos de amiloidoses revelam que o stress oxidativo pode estar envolvido quer na produção das fibrilas de proteína amilóide, quer na modificações pós formação das fibrilas. A enzima superóxido dismutase (SOD) desempenha um importante papel antioxidante que protege as células expostas aos radicais superóxido. O presente estudo pretendeu avaliar o stress oxidativo nesta patologia. Material e Métodos A amostra em estudo incluiu 40 doentes com PAF e 45 portadores assintomáticos da mutação, seguidos habitualmente na Unidade Clínica de Paramiloidose do CHP. Foi ainda considerado um grupo controlo de 26 indivíduos saudáveis. Avaliou-se a concentração de SOD intra-eritocitária com um método colorimétrico disponível no KIT RANSOD ref SD 125 da Randox. A análise estatística foi efectuada utilizando o software SPSS, versão 19. Resultados Os valores de SOD obtidos foram os seguintes: Controlos: (1208±254 U/g Hb), Portadores assintomáticos (1436±62 U/g Hb), Doentes com PAF (1455±350 U/g Hb). Os valores resultaram da média de três réplicas. Os valores de SOD foram significativamente mais elevados no grupo de doentes com PAF e nos portadores assintomáticos, comparativamente ao grupo controlo (respectivamente P=0.003 e P=0.013). Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os doentes com PAF e os portadores assintomáticos. No grupo de doentes com PAF verificou-se uma correlação positiva significativa entre os valores de SOD e Proteína C reactiva (r=0.45, P =0.013). Conclusão A alteração da concentração da SOD nos doentes com PAF sugere uma maior exposição dos mesmos a fenómenos de stress oxidativo comparativamente ao grupo controlo. Dado que este fenómeno pode ter influência quer no despoletar, quer no curso da patologia da doença, justifica-se uma maior atenção e estudo deste fenómeno nestes doentes. Apresentador: Henrique Reguengo, Técnico Superior de Saúde, Serviço de Quimica Clínica, HSA/CHP; Aluno de Doutoramento em Ciências Farmacêuticas, FF/UP

    Assessing the effects of temperature and salinity oscillations on a key mesopredator fish from European coastal systems

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    Abstract A population dynamics model was developed to assess the short and long-term effects of temperature and salinity variations in the common goby Pomatoschistus microps in a Portuguese estuary (Minho estuary, NW Portugal). The population was divided into juveniles, females and males, which constituted the model’s state variables. Linear regressions between the observed and the predicted density of juveniles, females and the total population were significant. Parameter’s sensitivity and uncertainty analysis were estimated. The model was able to satisfactory describe the P. microps population dynamics, and thus was used to simulate the effects of climatic changes on the fish population. Simulations indicated that the common goby population is sensitive to both temperature and salinity changes. Overall, scenarios of + 4°C increase caused significant population decreases. Similarly, increased salinities led to a population shrinkage, whereas scenarios of salinity decrease generated an opposite variation on the population. According to the IPCC predictions for climatic tendencies, the population of the common goby will tend to decrease in the near future, experiencing marked oscillations (decrease or increase) during climatic extremes, namely droughts and floods, respectively. These results may be a useful tool for future planning and management of estuarine systems given that the common goby is an important species of estuarine food webs in many temperate ecosystems. Keywords: Population modelling, Pomatoschistus microps, climate change, uncertainty, estuary, Portuga

    A CF3I-based SDD Prototype for Spin-independent Dark Matter Searches

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    The application of Superheated Droplet Detectors (SDDs) to dark matter searches has so far been confined to the light nuclei refrigerants C2ClF5 and C4F10 (SIMPLE and PICASSO, respectively), with a principle sensitivity to spin-dependent interactions. Given the competitive results of these devices, as a result of their intrinsic insensitivity to backgrounds, we have developed a prototype trifluoroiodomethane (CF3I)-loaded SDD with increased sensitivity to spin-independent interactions as well. A low (0.102 kgd) exposure test operation of two high concentration, 1 liter devices is described, and the results compared with leading experiments in both spin-dependent and -independent sectors. Although competitive in both sectors when the difference in exposures is accounted for, a problem with fracturing of the detector gel must be addressed before significantly larger exposures can be envisioned.Comment: revised and updated; accepted Astrop. Phy


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    MARCADORES DE STRESS OXIDATIVO NA POLINEUROPATIA AMILOIDÓTICA FAMILIAR Henrique Reguengo1,2, Maria Luís Cardoso2, Teresa Coelho3, Ana Martins3, Marta Novais3, Luísa Gomes1, Isabel Fonseca3, Berta Martins4, Franklim Marques2 1Serviço de Química Clínica, HSA/CHP, 2FFUP, 3Unidade Clínica de Paramiloidose, HSA/CHP, 4Laboratório de Imunogenética, ICBAS/UP. Hospital de Santo António, Centro Hospitalar do Porto (HSA/CHP), Porto. Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto (FF/UP), Porto. Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto (ICBAS/UP), Porto. Introdução A Polineuropatia Amilóidotica Familiar (PAF) é uma amiloidose hereditária associada a variantes de transtirretina (TTR), em que ocorre deposição sistémica de amilóide, principalmente a nível dos nervos periféricos. Alguns estudos sugerem que o stress oxidativo pode estar envolvido na formação e modificação das fibrilas de amilóide. Fisiologicamente, o organismo defende-se das agressões mediadas pelos radicais livres utilizando diversas reservas antioxidantes celulares. Estudos realizados revelam diferentes respostas ao stress oxidativo envolvendo o malondialdeído (MDA), a capacidade antioxidante total (TAS), algumas vitaminas (A e E) e enzimas: glutationa reductase (GRed) e a superóxido dismutase (SOD). Objectivos Este estudo pretendeu quantificar alguns marcadores de stress oxidativo e analisar as diferenças entre doentes com PAF e portadores assintomáticos. Material e Métodos Foram incluídos 40 doentes com diagnostico de PAF e 45 portadores assintomáticos da mutação, procedentes da Unidade Clínica de Paramiloidose. Procedeu-se à avaliação da TAS da GRed e da SOD, respectivamente através dos Kit comerciais da Randox TAS NX2332, Glutationa Reductase ref. GR 2368, RANSOD ref. SD 125 e do MDA com o kit comercial da Zeptometrix, OXItek TBARS. Ref. 0801192. A comparação entre os grupos foi efectuada pelo teste t de student para amostras independentes e a relação entre as variáveis pela correlação de Pearson. Resultados Os valores de TAS e GRed foram significativamente mais elevados no grupo de doentes com PAF comparativamente aos portadores assintomáticos (P=0.02 e P=0.03, respectivamente). Entre os dois grupos, não se verificaram diferenças significativas no MDA, SOD e vitaminas A e E. No grupo de doentes com PAF, foi encontrada uma correlação significativa entre a TAS e a função renal avaliada pela creatinina sérica (r=0.60, P=0.01) e pela cistatina C (r=0.51, P=0.01). Nos portadores assintomáticos apenas a creatinina se correlacionou com a TAS, mas não a cistatina C. Apesar do grupo dos doentes com PAF apresentar valores mais elevados de creatinina sérica, as diferenças não foram significativas e o valor máximo apresentado foi de 1,46 mg/dl nos PAF e 1,02 mg/dl nos portadores assintomáticos. Conclusão Apesar do MDA não apresentar diferenças estatisticamente significativas, a capacidade antioxidante parece ser superior nos doentes com PAF comparativamente aos portadores assintomáticos. Os resultados revelam ainda uma correlação positiva significativa entre a TAS e os níveis séricos de creatinina e de cistatina C. É possível que o aumento dos valores de TAS reflicta um mecanismo de defesa ao aumento de stress oxidativo, geralmente associado à disfunção renal, avaliada pela creatinina e pela cistatina C. Apresentador: Henrique Reguengo, Técnico Superior de Saúde, Serviço de Quimica Clínica, HSA/CHP; Aluno de Doutoramento em Ciências Farmacêuticas, FF/UP
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