2,315 research outputs found

    PM Motors for High Efficiency Applications

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    PM motors are suitable for nearly all applications, like pumps, elevators, compressors, blowers, extruders, generators, electric vehicles, servodrives, cooling towers, household appliances, etc. This paper will present some applications where the use of PM motors allowed for enhancements in energy efficiency and process quality

    Motores de ímans permanentes para aplicações de alta eficiência

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    Motores de ímans permanentes (motores PM) podem ser utilizados em praticamente todas as aplicações, tais como bombas, elevadores, compressores, ventiladores, extrusoras, geradores, veículos elétricos, servoacionamentos, torres de refrigeração, eletrodomésticos, etc. Este artigo apresenta algumas aplicações para evidenciar que o uso de motores PM traz melhorias em eficiência energética e qualidade do processo

    Viscosity of Liquid Perfluoroalkanes and Perfluoroalkylalkane Surfactants

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    As part of a systematic study of the thermophysical properties of two important classes of fluorinated organic compounds (perfluoroalkanes and perfluoroalkylalkanes), viscosity measurements of four n-perfluoroalkanes and five perfluoroalkylalkanes have been carried out at atmospheric pressure and over a wide range of temperatures (278–353 K). From the experimental results the contribution to the viscosity from the CF2 and CF3 groups as a function of temperature have been estimated. Similarly, the contributions for CH2 and CH3 groups in n-alkanes have been determined using literature data. For perfluoroalkylalkanes, the viscosity results were interpreted in terms of the contributions of the constituent CF2, CF3, CH2, and CH3 groups, the deviations from ideality on mixing hydrogenated and fluorinated chains, and the contribution due to the formation of the CF2–CH2 bond. A standard empirical group contribution method (Sastri–Rao method) has also been used to estimate the viscosities of the perfluoroalkylalkanes. Finally, to obtain molecular level insight into the behavior of these molecules, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations have been performed and used to calculate the densities and viscosities of the perfluoroalkylalkanes studied. Although both quantities are underestimated compared to the experimental data, with the viscosities showing the largest deviations, the trends observed in the experimental viscosities are captured

    Systems involving hydrogenated and fluorinated chains: Volumetric properties of Perfluoroalkanes and Perfluoroalkylalkane Surfactants

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    As part of a combined experimental and theoretical study of the thermodynamic properties of perfluoroalkylalkanes (PFAAs), the liquid density of perfluorobutylpentane (F4H5), perfluorobutylhexane (F4H6), and perfluorobutyloctane (F4H8) was measured as a function of temperature from 278.15 to 353.15 K and from atmospheric pressure to 70 MPa. The liquid densities of n-perfluoropentane, n-perfluorohexane, n-perfluorooctane, and n-perfluorononane were also measured at room pressure over the same temperature range. The PVT behavior of the PFAAs was also studied using the SAFT-VR equation of state. The PFAA molecules were modeled as heterosegmented diblock chains, using different parameters for the alkyl and perfluoroalkyl segments, that were developed in earlier work. Through this simple approach, we are able to predict the thermodynamic behavior of the perfluoroalkylalkanes, without fitting to any experimental data for the systems being studied. Molecular dynamics simulations have also been performed and used to calculate the densities of the perfluoroalkylalkanes studied

    Rainfall Prediction in the State of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil Using Generalized Additive Models

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    The state of Paraíba is part of the semi-arid region of Brazil, where severe droughts have occurred in recent years, resulting in significant socio-economic losses associated with climate variability. Thus, understanding to what extent precipitation can be influenced by sea surface temperature (SST) patterns in the tropical region can help, along with a monitoring system, to set up an early warning system, the first pillar in drought management. In this study, Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) were used to filter climatic indices with higher predictive efficiency and, as a result, to perform rainfall predictions. The results show the persistent influence of tropical SST patterns in Paraíba rainfall, the tropical Atlantic Ocean impacting the rainfall distribution more effectively than the tropical Pacific Ocean. The GAMLSS model showed predictive capability during summer and southern autumn in Paraíba, highlighting the JFM (January, February and March), FMA (February, March and April), MAM (March, April and May), and AMJ (April, May and June) trimesters as those with the highest predictive potential. The methodology demonstrates the ability to be integrated with regional forecasting models (ensemble). Such information has the potential to inform decisions in multiple sectors, such as agriculture and water resources, aiming at the sustainable management of water resources and resilience to climate risk

    Characterization of the fetal membranes in buffalo cows in the first three months of gestation

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    Este estudo visou à caracterização das membranas fetais em búfalas (Bubalus bubalis, Linnaeus 1758) no terço inicial da gestação. As membranas fetais foram analisadas macroscópica e microscopicamente (luz e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão). O córion possui uma camada simples de células circulares, com núcleos de forma esférica, denominadas trofobláticas; há outro tipo celular, as células trofoblásticas gigantes, com dois ou mais núcleos. Ambas possuem uma grande quantidade de vesículas no citoplasma e retículo endoplasmático à microscopia de transmissão. O alantóide possui vasos preenchidos com eritrócitos, e contêm células alongadas, que formam um epitélio estratificado simples. O âmnion é uma membrana transparente, ou esbranquiçada; constituído por epitélio estratificado simples. A diferença principal entre o alantóide e o âmnion é que o último é avascular. O saco vitelínico é uma membrana opaca que desaparece durante a gestação; é a única membrana que não está em contato com as outras e apresenta três tipos diferentes de células que dão forma a três camadas distintas (endoderma, mesotélio, mesênquima)The aim of the study was to characterize the fetal membranes in buffalo cows (Bubalus bubalis, Linnaeus 1758) in the first 3 months of the gestation. The fetal membranes were analyzed gross and microscopically (light and ultrastructural analysis). The corion is a simple layer of circle cells, with spherical nucleus, named trofoblastics; there is another cellular type, named trophoblastic giant cells, with two or more nucleus. Both of them have many cytoplasmic and reticule endoplasmic vesicles on transmission electron microscopy. The allantoic has many vessels filled with eritrocytes, elongated cells which form a stratified simple epithelium. The amnion is transparent or sometimes whitish, consisting of a stratified simple epithelium. The main difference between the allantoic and amnion is that the latter is avascular. The yolk sac is an opaque membrane that disappears during gestation, and is the only membrane that is not in contact with the others; it presents three different types of cells which form three distinct layers (endoderm, mesothelium and mesenquimal

    Understanding the interactions of imidazolium-based ionic liquids with cell membrane models

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    Cell membrane models have been used to evaluate the interactions of various imidazolium-based ionic liquids (ILs) with Langmuir monolayers of two types of phospholipids and cholesterol. Data from surface pressure isotherms, Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) and polarization-modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS) pointed to significant effects on the monolayers of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) and cholesterol, used to mimic the membranes of eukaryotic cells, for ILs containing more than 6 carbon atoms in the alkyl chain (i.e. n > 6). For ILs with less hydrophobic tails (n ≤ 6) and low concentrations, the effects were almost negligible, therefore, such ILs should not be toxic to eukaryotic cells. The hydrophobicity of the anion was also proved to be relevant, with larger impact from ILs containing tetrafluoroborate ([BF4]-) than chloride (Cl-). Molecular dynamics simulations for DPPC monolayers at the surface of aqueous solutions of alkylimidazolium chloride ([Cnmim]Cl) confirm the penetration of the IL cations with longer alkyl chains into the phospholid monolayer and provide information on their location and orientation within the monolayer. For monolayers of dipalmitoylphosphatidyl glycerol (DPPG), which is negatively charged like bacteria cell membranes, the ILs induced much larger effects. Similarly to the results for DPPC and cholesterol, effects increased with the number of carbon atoms in the alkyl chain and with a more hydrophobic anion [BF4]-. Overall, the approach used can provide relevant information of molecular-level interactions behind the toxicity mechanisms and support the design of (quantitative) structure-activity relationship models, which may help design more efficient and environmentally friendly ILs.publishe

    An optimized nanoparticle delivery system based on chitosan and chondroitin sulfate molecules reduces the toxicity of amphotericin B and is effective in treating tegumentary leishmaniasis

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    Amphotericin B (AmpB) is active against leishmaniasis, but its use is hampered due to its high toxicity observed in patients. In this study, a nanoparticles-delivery system for AmpB (NQC-AmpB), containing chitosan and chondroitin sulfate molecules, was evaluated in BALB/c mice against Leishmania amazonensis. An in vivo biodistribution study, including biochemical and toxicological evaluations, was performed to evaluate the toxicity of AmpB. Nanoparticles were radiolabeled with technetium-99m and injected in mice. The products presented a similar biodistribution in the liver, spleen, and kidneys of the animals. Free AmpB induced alterations in the body weight of the mice, which, in the biochemical analysis, indicated hepatic and renal injury, as well as morphological damage to the kidneys of the animals. In general, no significant organic alteration was observed in the animals treated with NQC-AmpB. Mice were infected with L. amazonensis and treated with the nanoparticles or free AmpB; then, parasitological and immunological analyses were performed. The NQC-AmpB group, as compared to the control groups, presented significant reductions in the lesion size and in the parasite burden in all evaluated organs. These animals presented significantly higher levels of IFN-γ and IL-12, and low levels of IL-4 and IL-10, when compared to the control groups. The NQC-AmpB system was effective in reducing the infection in the animals, and proved to be effective in diminishing the toxicity evoked by AmpB, which was observed when it was administered alone. In conclusion, NQC-AmpB could be considered a viable possibility for future studies in the treatment of leishmaniasisThis work was supported by grants from Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa from UFMG (Edital 01/2014), Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Nano-biofarmacêutica (INCT-Nanobiofar), FAPEMIG (CBB-APQ-00496-11 and CBB-APQ-00819-12), and CNPq (APQ-472090/2011-9 and APQ-482976/2012-8). MACF is a grant recipient of FAPEMIG/CAPES. EAFC, VNC, and AAGF are grant recipients of CNPq. Eduardo AF Coelho and André AG Faraco are co-senior authors of this stud

    Treatment of snoring and sleep apnea syndrome with a removable mandibular advancement device in patients without TMD

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    INTRODUCTION: Among the sleep disorders reported by the American Academy of Sleep, the most common is obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS), which is caused by difficulties in air passage and complete interruption of air flow in the airway. This syndrome is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in apneic individuals. OBJECTIVE: It was the objective of this paper to evaluate a removable mandibular advancement device as it provides a noninvasive, straightforward treatment readily accepted by patients. METHODS: In this study, 15 patients without temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and with excessive daytime sleepiness or snoring were evaluated. Data were collected by means of: Polysomnography before and after placement of an intraoral appliance, analysis of TMD signs and symptoms using a patient history questionnaire, muscle and TMJ palpation. RESULTS: After treatment, the statistical analysis (t-test, and the "before and after" test) showed a mean reduction of 77.6% (p=0.001) in the apnea-hypopnea index, an increase in lowest oxyhemoglobin saturation (p=0.05), decrease in desaturation (p=0.05), decrease in micro-awakenings or EEG arousals (p=0.05) and highly significant improvement in daytime sleepiness (p=0.005), measured by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. No TMD appeared during the monitoring period. CONCLUSION: The oral device developed in this study was considered effective for mild to moderate OSAHS
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