3,469 research outputs found

    Tracking relations among bacterial and protozoan communities in wastewater treatment plants

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    Background: Understanding the interactions between prokaryotic and eukaryotic populations in complex environments can be challenging. Particularly, there is a recognized difficulty in establishing how the interactions between the bacterial and the protozoan populations can affect the performance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Objectives: In order to determine the relationships between microbial communities (protozoa, metazoa and filamentous bacteria) and abiotic parameters (physical-chemical and operational), thirty seven WWTP with activated sludge process were studied in Portugal, during two years, in a trimestral sampling strategy. Methods: Samples were collected to enable a molecular characterization of the microbiota. In order to ensure the diversity of microorganisms, 100 samples were selected based on their geographic localization and time-spaced to track relationships within bacteria and protozoa. A 16S rRNA gene PCR-DGGE approach was carried out for bacterial community fingerprinting. The resulting profiles were analysed together with the results obtained from the survey of the protozoa populations. Finally, the study of the correlations between the physical-chemical and operational parameters and the microbial communities was also investigated. Conclusions: The study of these interactions constitutes a strategy for the understanding of how the different metabolic groups of prokaryotic and protozoa are affected by the relations between this populations, allowing a better prediction of the overall community dynamics. This will allow setting the conditions that better contribute to improve the wastewater treatment while increasing the knowledge of overall communities networking in complex environments

    Essence of Daylight in the Cistercian Monastic Church of S. Bento de Cástris, Évora, Portugal

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    Natural light in the Cistercian churches is closely linked not only with the liturgical requirements at the “officium” but also with the canonical hours based on the "ora et labora" dictated by the Rule of St. Benedict. The Cistercian architecture, in its beginnings (12th century forward) is characterized by austerity, simplicity and the play of light and shadow that gives value to the monastic architectural space itself, making it perfect for a contemplative experience. In the Cistercian Monastery the church is the central piece of the monastic building. Nave, transept and apse are the main architectural components to which is added the choir. This paper contextualizes the importance and close connections of natural light, within the Cistercian Monasteries architecture. Thus the essence of daylight is analyzed within the Church of the Monastery of S. Bento de Cástris, in Évora, Portugal. This former Monastery (13th - 19th centuries) includes the church, at the southeastern corner which has not only a high choir, but also a low lateral choir (within the presbytery). Its unchanged exterior walls are made of solid masonry. Although the function of the walls is primarily structural, the windows allow the daylight to penetrate the space of the church. The church has two external façades facing northeast and southeast. The combined orientation effect of the church’s main axis and the sun trajectory determines how the sunlight reaches the interior of this architectural structure. This study presents the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the luminous environment in the church of S. Bento de Cástris, being the first based on the authors’ perception of the effect of the daylight within the different areas of the enclosed space. The appreciation of the spatial experiences was supported by quantitative daylight simulations that were conducted in selected areas within the space. With this paper is intended to contribute to the debate about the specificity of daylight, in the context of Cistercian architecture.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Built Heritage Research and History of Architecture: Light and Acoustic in the Cistercian Monastic Church of S. Bento de Cástris (Portugal)

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    The research on the Cistercian legacy in Portugal is an innovative multidisciplinary study. Consequently, the results achieved in this research have many different approaches: the former monasteries and their architecture are the main subjects concerning morphology, architectonic rehabilitation but also acoustics, thermal comfort, or natural light. This research, carried out at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Beira Interior (DECA-UBI), was developed in connection with two other research centres - Lab2PT (Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory) and CIDEHUS (Interdisciplinary Centre for History, Culture and Societies). In 2015, the curriculum of the Integrated Master Degree in Architecture of the University of Beira Interior underwent revision. Consequently, it was needed to allocate more time to the teaching of History of Architecture and the requirement to assign specific syllabus to the Portuguese History of Architecture, which is emphasized by the specific and multidisciplinary research performed linking with other sciences of engineering. The natural light in the Cistercian churches is closely linked not only with the liturgical requirements at the officium but also with the canonical hours based on the "ora et labora" dictated by the Rule of St. Benedict. The Cistercian Monastery of São Bento de Cástris (13th-19th centuries), in Évora, Portugal, includes a church, at the south-eastern corner. This church presents an unusual space setting with two choirs which seems to favour different positions for coral groups supporting liturgical and musical expression activities within the research scope of a Research Project. As the light in the Cistercian Monasteries, mainly, in their churches, is mostly related to the fulfilment of liturgical needs, this paper analyses the relationship between daylight conditions within the monastic choirs located within the monastic church. The chant was a very important way of oration and thus of the liturgy. This was the ORFEUS Project – “The Tridentine Reform and music in the cloistral silence: The Monastery of S. Bento de Cástris” which was based on a multidisciplinary approach around the Tridentine Reform with reflexes in the musical Cistercian feminine matrix between the 16th and 18th centuries on Cistercian Monasteries. This paper describes the objectives and methodology applied to the case study thus linking Built Heritage Research and History of Architecture, i.e., Research and Education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social and cultural contexts change but intelligence persists as incisive to explain children’s academic achievement

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    The intelligence is a well established predictor of school achievement. Although school failure/success can be explained by cognitive variables, socio-familial variables can also have an impact. Since these variables haven’t been so systematically investigated together, the present study aims to consider both variables to understand their causal roles in academic achievement. With a sample of 376 Portuguese children aged 6 to 10 years, a path analysis was carried out based on a prior analysis to search for causal relationships between intelligence and socio-familial variables to explain children’s academic achievement. The results point to intelligence as a major influence on school performance, combined with socio-familial variables (directly: community, type of school, mother's education and school year; and indirectly: socioeconomic status and father’s education level). Practical implications were discussed concerning the relevance of the investigated variables in explaining academic achievement of children.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, IP (FCT) and the POCH/FSE under Grant SFRH/BD/85110/2012 to Ana Filipa Alves

    Impacto das variáveis sociofamiliares no desenvolvimento cognitivo da criança

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    O presente estudo explora a variável meio (urbano vs rural) no desenvolvimento cognitivo das crianças. A investigação na área aponta que fatores sociofamiliares (profissão da mãe e do pai, habilitações escolares da mãe e do pai e meio de pertença urbano vs rural), assim como os contextos escolares, estão associados a diferenças nas habilidades cognitivas das crianças. Nesta comunicação recorremos à aplicação da Escala de Competências Cognitivas (ECCOs4/10) a uma amostra de crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e os 9 anos, do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, de escolas públicas e privadas, do meio rural e urbano. Esta aplicação da escala procurou analisar as reações e atitudes das crianças em relação a cada uma das provas e aos seus itens, no fundo um estudo mais qualitativo dos processos e estratégias cognitivas que as crianças usam na resolução da ECCOs.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    A Target for Protective Interventions against Parkinson’s Disease

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    Funding Information: This research was funded by FWO and F.R.S.-FNRS under the Excellence of Science Program (EOS), MODEL-IDI Ref. number 30826052, and CD-INFLADIS Ref. number 40007512. A.C.P. is funded by FCT SFRH/BD/14611/2019. I.S.L was funded by FCT SFRH/BD/114552/2016 and is funded by MODEL-IDI Ref. number 30826052; A.C.M. was funded by FCT SFRH/BD/104599/2014; R.G. was funded by FCT IF 01495/2015. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Sub-chronic inflammation, caused by age-related dysbiosis, primes the brain to neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases. Evidence revealed that Parkinson’s disease (PD) might originate in the gut, demonstrating gastro-intestinal disturbances, as reported by PD patients long before developing motor symptoms. In this study, we conducted comparative analyses in relatively young and old mice maintained in conventional or gnotobiotic conditions. We aimed to confirm that the effects induced by age-related dysbiosis, rather than aging itself, sensitize to PD onset. This hypothesis was confirmed in germ-free (GF) mice, which proved resistant to the pharmacological induction of PD, regardless of their age. Contrary to conventional animals, old GF mice did not develop an inflammatory phenotype or an accumulation of iron in the brain, two catalysts sensitizing to disease onset. The resistance of GF mice to PD is reverted when colonized with stool collected from conventional old animals, but not if receiving bacterial content from young mice. Hence, changes in gut microbiota composition are a risk factor for PD development and can be targeted preventively by iron chelators, shown to protect the brain from pro-inflammatory intestinal priming that sensitizes to neuroinflammation and the development of severe PD.publishersversionpublishe

    Cognitive performance in childhood: mother and urban environment make the difference

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    Apesar das controvérsias sobre o conceito e a avaliação da inteligência, o desempenho cognitivo assume um papel fundamental no contexto educativo e são múltiplos os fatores que lhe estão associados. Este estudo toma uma amostra aleatória e representativa de 1201 crianças do 2.º ciclo do ensino básico de escolas públicas portuguesas, com idades entre 9 e 14 anos. Discute-se o impacto das variáveis sociofamiliares (profissão da mãe e do pai, escolaridade da mãe e do pai e meio de pertença urbano vs rural). Os resultados destacam a relevância dessas variáveis para a explicação do desempenho cognitivo dos alunos, especialmente a escolaridade da mãe e o meio urbano de proveniência. Apresentam-se considerações práticas voltadas à equidade do sistema educativo.Despite the controversies over the concept and evaluation of intelligence, cognitive achievement plays a fundamental role in educational context, and multiple factors are related to it. The current study uses a random and representative sample of 1201 2nd grade children from Portuguese public schools, between 9 and 14 years old. This study aims to discuss the impact of social and familial variables (mother and father’s jobs, mother and father’s educational level, and urban or rural environment of belonging). The results highlight the importance of social and familial variables as an explanation to students’ cognitive achievement, with great relevance to mother’s educational level and urban environment of belonging. Practical considerations aiming a better equity in educational system are presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Survey on Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Vernacular Houses in Madeira (Portugal)

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    Vernacular housing in the Island of Madeira (Archipelago of Madeira, Portugal) is built anonymously. This architecture is made by the people and for the people without the aid of an architect. This built heritage demonstrates the relationship between the population and its surroundings, through the care with which they treated the climatic constraints and that is clearly related to the seasonal variation of temperature, regardless of cultural differences and of the level of development of each community. The Island of Madeira has temperate climates characterized by mild temperatures all year round. The climate is largely influenced by the Eastern branch of the Azores anticyclone especially from spring to autumn. These buildings are strongly marked by an agricultural economy and are characterized by great regional diversity. The agricultural feature took care of the fertile alluvial land, giving rise to the first settlements. However, with the growth of the population began the conquest of the coast, occupying the dense forest that provided them with good timber for local consumption and for export. With the land tamed, the next challenge was to control the waters, the first paths between the places of difficult access, which carried the waters of irrigation at various locations, including the north and the south shores. The built vernacular heritage of the Island of Madeira had a primary function of shelter, and then housing and nowadays new uses are being implemented. The research and study of the essence, the behaviour, the possibilities of traditional technologies used in a specific territory are like the rediscovery, always renewed, of the profound meaning of the Portuguese architecture. This paper analyses through surveys whether a very specific type of vernacular heritage housing in the Island of Madeira provides comfort. In fact, questionnaire responses from the initial survey regarding 66 vernacular houses were analysed to understand the residents' satisfaction with the existing conditions through post-occupancy evaluation. Several variables were associated with dwelling and thermal comfort. This way, a post-occupancy evaluation is proposed including energy monitoring for fine-tuning and increasing energy efficiency as well as for gathering knowledge for planners and developers. This study not only provides valuable information for future housing sustainable rehabilitation but also it may enable the identification by the Local Authority of ways of improving the quality of life for residents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Metabolic aspects of palladium(II) potential anti-cancer drugs

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    This mini-review reports on the existing knowledge of the metabolic effects of palladium [Pd(II)] complexes with potential anticancer activity, on cell lines and murine models. Most studies have addressed mononuclear Pd(II) complexes, although increasing interest has been noted in bidentate complexes, as polynuclear structures. In addition, the majority of records have reported in vitro studies on cancer cell lines, some including the impact on healthy cells, as potentially informative in relation to side effects. Generally, these studies address metabolic effects related to the mechanisms of induced cell death and antioxidant defense, often involving the measurement of gene and protein expression patterns, and evaluation of the levels of reactive oxygen species or specific metabolites, such as ATP and glutathione, in relation to mitochondrial respiration and antioxidant mechanisms. An important tendency is noted toward the use of more untargeted approaches, such as the use of omic sciences e.g., proteomics and metabolomics. In the discussion section of this mini-review, the developments carried out so far are summarized and suggestions of possible future developments are advanced, aiming at recognizing that metabolites and metabolic pathways make up an important part of cell response and adaptation to therapeutic agents, their further study potentially contributing valuably for a more complete understanding of processes such as biotoxicity or development of drug resistance.AG acknowledges funding from the CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials project, with references UIDB/50011/2020 & UIDP/50011/2020, financed by national funds through the FCT/MEC and when appropriate co-financed by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement. MM acknowledges financial support from POCentro, COMPETE 2020, Portugal 2020 and European Community through the FEDER and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (UIDB/00070/2020). TC and AM are grateful to the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for grants SFRH/BD/145920/2019 and SFRH/BD/111576/2015, respectively.publishe

    Neuromodulation as a cognitive enhancement strategy in healthy older adults: promises and pitfalls

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    Increases in life expectancy have been followed by an upsurge of age-associated cognitive decline. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) have risen as promising approaches to prevent or delay such cognitive decline. However, consensus has not yet been reached about their efficacy in improving cognitive functioning in healthy older adults. Here we review the effects of TMS and tDCS on cognitive abilities in healthy older adults. Despite considerable variability in the targeted cognitive domains, design features and outcomes, the results generally show an enhancement or uniform benefit across studies. Most studies employed tDCS, suggesting that this technique is particularly well-suited for cognitive enhancement. Further work is required to determine the viability of these techniques as tools for long-term cognitive improvement. Importantly, the combination of TMS/tDCS with other cognitive enhancement strategies may be a promising strategy to alleviate the cognitive decline associated with the healthy aging process
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