937 research outputs found

    Estratégias para un sistema de comunicación interna y mejoramiento del Departamento de Comunicación en la Facultad Municipal Teatro Nacional Sucre en la Ciudad de Quito

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    Toda propuesta busca alcanzar objetivos medibles y realizables, uno de ellos y el más importante en este trabajo de investigación, es la búsqueda de estrategias y la creación de herramientas para mejorar la comunicación interna de la Fundación Municipal Teatro Nacional Sucre y el Departamento de Comunicación de la misma. Las herramientas de comunicación deben conducir a un camino donde el trabajo en equipo se fortalezca y los lazos de participación se evidencien y beneficien al personal y a la institución. El afán de buscar maneras de mejorar un departamento tan importante, es porque la comunicación debe ser el eje de todo proceso y el camino para que una institución supere debilidades y genere políticas claras de proceder

    Analogue Experiments of Subduction vs. Collision Processes: Insights for the Iranian Tectonics

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    We investigate, using laboratory experiments, the behavior of subduction-collision transition. These experiments help understanding of the tectonics at the transition between the Zagros collision ranges and the Makran emerged accretionary prism in south-eastern Iran. Lithospheric plates are modeled by sand-silicone plates floating on glucose syrup, and the density contrast between oceanic and continental lithospheric plates and asthenosphere is reproduced. Analogue experiments model the convergence between two lithospheric plates, a small continent indenting a large continental plate. These experiments provide evidence for surface deformation in front of the indenter and above the oceanic subduction zone that depend on the behavior of the slab below the collision zone. Slab break-off following the subduction of the small continent favors the indentation process, because it results in an increasing compression in front of the indenter, and extension above the neighbouring oceanic subduction, both of them being responsible for the appearance of the indenter-like geometry of the plate boundary. When the slab does not deform significantly at depth, in contrast, the closure of the oceanic domain in front of the indenter is followed by a longer period of continental subduction, during which the tectonic regime within the large continent remains quite homogeneous. In south-east Iran, the transition between Zagros and Makran is accommodated over a large area, from the Hormoz strait to the East-Iranian ranges; it suggests that the slab is continuous at depth. On the contrary, the Chaman fault zone between Makran and Himalayas is a narrow zone and is clearly related to a tear away of the underlying slab

    Integrated Maintenance and Service Policies Definition for Urban Ropeway Transport System

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    International audienceThis work proposes a stochastic model for integrating service and maintenance policies in order to address the queuing problem and the cost of maintenance for public transport systems. The authors adopt the following approaches: (i) a cost-model that considers the uncertainty of passengers’ plans to compute the waiting time; (ii) a maintenance cost-model which take into account two different maintenance policies (periodic block-type and age-based); and (iii) a bi-objective optimisation process to bring together the service and maintenance policies. Finally, the proposed work is applied to a massive-urban ropeway belonging to a public transportation system, in which the current service policy has been evaluated, considering the established transportation operation

    Structural analysis of railways bolster-beam under commercial operation conditions: Over-traction and over-braking

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    The conditions for the operation of railway systems are closely related to the increase of the commercial demand; as a consequence, the performance of the structural elements of railways changes. The present paper focuses on a study of the structural behaviour of bolster-beams under commercial operation conditions of railway systems, specifically in the dynamic conditions generated in events of over-traction and over-braking on the vehicle running. The proposed work is constructed based on the following phases: (i) analysis of the kinematics of the vehicle; (ii) development of numerical models, a model based on the multibody theory, and a Finite Elements model; (iii) development of experimental field tests; and (iv) development of simulations for a detailed analysis of the structural behaviour for a study of the strain distribution in the main bolster-beam. This study is applied to a particular case of a railway system that provides commercial service to passengers

    Les conditions de mise en place du design comme nouveau modèle de conception des politiques publiques

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    Aujourd’hui, on invente de nouvelles façons de concevoir l’action publique qui rompent avec la pratique traditionnelle de l’action publique française caractérisée par une autorité bureaucratique, utilisant la loi comme principal moyen d’action d’un état centralisé. On voit apparaître de nouveaux professionnels : les « designers des politiques publiques » comme l’association de la 27e région, et des collectifs comme ETC, Carton Plein, De l’Aire. Des travaux universitaires abordent également la question de ces changements de postures théoriques vis-à-vis de l’action publique. Enfin, les institutions publiques elles mêmes envisagent le changement. En témoigne la création du Secrétariat Général à la Modernisation de l’Action Publique, du Ministère de la Fonction publique, de la Réforme de l’État et de la Décentralisation, et de « la semaine de l’innovation publique » en novembre 2014. Même au niveau de la formation, on s’emploie à former de nouveaux professionnels capables de penser et d’agir différemment. Ce mémoire interroge les conditions dans lesquelles le champ professionnel du design des politiques publiques peut se mettre en place. L’hypothèse soutenue dans ce mémoire suppose que les nouvelles pratiques inspirées du design des politiques publiques ne recèlent de capacité réellement transformatrice qu’a certaines conditions. En particulier en dépassant leur aspect méthodologique, vu comme une succession logique d’opérations et en adoptant une posture théorique et éthique spécifique définis au cours de ce travail de recherche

    Antennas and absorbing materials based on geopolymers

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    Continental collision, gravity spreading, and kinematics of Aegea and Anatolia

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    International audienceWe have carried out experiments using a layered medium of sand and silicone to investigate the lateral extrusion of a material which spreads over its own weight while being compressed by the advance of a rigid indenter. Boundary conditions in the box mimic those prevailing in the Anatolian-Aegean system. Both shortening in front of the rigid piston, which models the northward motion of Arabia, and extension resulting from the gravity spreading of the sand-silicone layer are necessary to initiate the lateral extrusion. Strike-slip faults accommodate the lateral escape and link the normal faults accompanying gravity spreading with the thrust faults in front of the rigid indenter. Strike-slip faults begin to accommodate extrusion at a late stage in the experiments after the normal and thrust faults have developed. Experiments also show that the initial geometry of the boundary of the spreading layer may result in the formation of two arcs behind which material extends, in a manner analogous to the Hellenic and Cypriot arcs, without invoking a rheological change at the junction of the two arcs. The experiments also suggest that southward motion of the eastern part of the spreading region is compensated by the northward advance of the piston, which is a possible explanation for the slower movement of the Cypriot arc compared to the Aegean arc

    Horizontal subduction zones, convergence velocity and the building of the Andes

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    We discuss the relationships between Andean shortening, plate velocities at the trench, and slab geometry beneath South America. Although some correlation exists between the convergence velocity and the westward motion of South America on the one hand, and the shortening of the continental plate on the other hand, plate kinematics neither gives a satisfactory explanation to the Andean segmentation in general, nor explains the development of the Bolivian orocline in Paleogene times. We discuss the Cenozoic history of horizontal slab segments below South America, arguing that they result from the subduction of oceanic plateaus whose effect is to switch the buoyancy of the young subducting plate to positive. We argue that the existence of horizontal slab segments, below the Central Andes during Eocene-Oligocene times, and below Peru and North-Central Chile since Pliocene, resulted (1) in the shortening of the continental plate interiors at a large distance from the trench, (2) in stronger interplate coupling and ultimately, (3) in a decrease of the trenchward velocity of the oceanic plate. Present-day horizontal slab segments may thus explain the diminution of the convergence velocity between the Nazca and South American plates since Late Miocene