1,372 research outputs found


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    Objective: Aims of our study is to face and trying to struggle a very interesting case of a syndrome where the causes and contributory causes are differentiated although they synergistically do evoke a severe and hazardous medical profile which may lead to complete infirmity and destructive complications, if not promptly corrected and healed. The case is represented by a middle age individual (male), obese, which presents the two following malaises:  infective arthritis and venous lymphedema chiefly at his ankles, that are swollen because of an acute infective phase, and we actually deem the individual is affected by the co-existence of infective arthritis and venous lymphoedema, owing to the scores recorded by the Lequesne's test. Methods: We have employed a fully natural gélée containing Ruscus aculeatus root extract, Achillea millefolium alcoholic extract and Centella Asiatica glyceric extract. The gélée was made up by crosslinked Tara gum, that is capable of releasing the biologic principles contained in the cosmetic system gradually. Results: We are really satisfied by the encouraging results, as this severe syndrome, that did not achieve evident  rescue by any medician, surgeon or physician, appears to regress promptly in 11 days after the first application and this is the umpteenth confirmation that Natural Medicine is often more reliable than the Official Allopathic Medicine. Conclusion: We are really satisfied by the encouraging results, as this severe syndrome that did not achieve evident  rescue by any medician, surgeon or physician appears to regress promptly in 11 days after the first application and this is the umpteenth confirmation that Natural Medicine is often more reliable than the Official Allopathic Medicine

    Seyle’s biological stressors influence dramatically skin physiology: our experiences with electrical admittance magnitude measurements

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    Introduction: Abrupt changes of environmental temperatures and assault of chemical and physical assaults belong to the series of biological stresses recorded by the austro-canadian endocrinologist Seyle onto skin, phenomena that are progressively overset all natural events and anthropological lifestyles, are too often depreciated and underestimated by dermatologists and cosmetologists at all. Aims of our study is to evaluate by electrical admittance magnitude measurements the influence these two irrefutable afflictions, designed as stressors, influence negatively human skin and to do this we have selected, to conduct the study, peculiar individuals that, owing to their choice of living, may or not be injured by extreme changes of temperatures and aggressions by chemical and physical pollutants. Materials and Methods: We have recruited 20 nuns in a cloistered convent in Mid Italy: ten of these have been always accustomed to live inside the cloister and their life-style permits the good conservation of the intact skin physiology (that is living at air temperature and medium-low relative humidity) and the other ten are accustomed to live and work outdoor and to be assaulted by abrupt and extreme changes of environmental temperature and pollutants. Cloistered nuns have the chance to choose where to live, indoor or aoutdoor. We measured the electrical admittance magnitude (in μmho) at the beginning and at the end of the experiment that lasts 29 weeks, using an appropriate instrument based on the system developed by Feldman, working at a single frequency of 30kHz. Results and Conclusion: It is self evident that after the simulation of phyto-induced cortisol release onto the skins of all the 20 volunteers, the subjects that which live outdoor show an exaggerated value of dehydration with regard to the subjects that live indoor. Changes of environmental temperatures and chemical pollutants, is self evident, jeopardize human skin integrity and safety, but we have disclosed the eventuality that these phenomena may reveal devastative effects onto skin to drive even to a praecox skin senescence and degradation

    Product-complete tilting complexes and Cohen-Macaulay hearts

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    We show that the cotilting heart associated to a tilting complex TT is a locally coherent and locally coperfect Grothendieck category (i.e. a completion of an artinian abelian category) if and only if TT is product-complete. We then apply this to the specific setting of the derived category of a commutative noetherian ring RR. If dim(R)<\dim(R)<\infty, we show that there is a derived duality Dfgb(R)Db(B)op\mathcal{D}^b_{fg}(R) \cong \mathcal{D}^b(\mathcal{B})^{op} between modR\mathrm{mod} R and a noetherian abelian category B\mathcal{B} if and only if RR is a homomorphic image of a Cohen--Macaulay ring. Along the way, we obtain new insights about t-structures in Dfgb(R)\mathcal{D}^b_{fg}(R). Finally, we show some consequences for the theory of Gorenstein complexes.Comment: 25 pages, second version: minor changes and corrections, added Lemma 7.4 and Remark 7.

    Quantum information transfer from spin to orbital angular momentum of photons

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    The optical "spin-orbit" coupling occurring in a suitably patterned nonuniform birefringent plate known as `q-plate' allows entangling the polarization of a single photon with its orbital angular momentum (OAM). This process, in turn, can be exploited for building a bidirectional "spin-OAM interface", capable of transposing the quantum information from the spin to the OAM degree of freedom of photons and \textit{vice versa}. Here, we experimentally demonstrate this process by single-photon quantum tomographic analysis. Moreover, we show that two-photon quantum correlations such as those resulting from coalescence interference can be successfully transferred into the OAM degree of freedom.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Dalle preferenze individuali alle scelte collettive: un'analisi teorica ed empirica

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    Partendo da una generale sinossi sulla teoria delle scelte collettive si procede ad un'analisi delle relazioni tra dinamiche politiche e macroeconomiche e ad una indagine sul confronto fra i vari tipi di sistema elettoraleope

    Meta-Analysis of cortical inhibitory interneurons markers landscape and their performances in scRNA-seq studies.

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    The mammalian cortex contains a great variety of neuronal cells. In particular, GABAergic interneurons, which play a major role in neuronal circuit function, exhibit an extraordinary diversity of cell types. In this regard, single-cell RNA-seq analysis is crucial to study cellular heterogeneity. To identify and analyze rare cell types, it is necessary to reliably label cells through known markers. In this way, all the related studies are dependent on the quality of the employed marker genes. Therefore, in this work, we investigate how a set of chosen inhibitory interneurons markers perform. The gene set consists of both immunohistochemistry-derived genes and single-cell RNA-seq taxonomy ones. We employed various human and mouse datasets of the brain cortex, consequently processed with the Monocle3 pipeline. We defined metrics based on the relations between unsupervised cluster results and the marker expression. Specifically, we calculated the specificity, the fraction of cells expressing, and some metrics derived from decision tree analysis like entropy gain and impurity reduction. The results highlighted the strong reliability of some markers but also the low quality of others. More interestingly, though, a correlation emerges between the general performances of the genes set and the experimental quality of the datasets. Therefore, the proposed method allows evaluating the quality of a dataset in relation to its reliability regarding the inhibitory interneurons cellular heterogeneity study

    L'amministratore di condominio fra tradizione e riforma

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    La legge 11 dicembre 2012, n. 220 recante “modifiche alla disciplina del condominio negli edifici” in GU Serie Generale n. 293 del 17-12-2012, è stata lo spunto per procedere ad un'analisi riguardo la figura dell'amministratore di condominio. Il ruolo di amministratore è andato evolvendosi con il tempo, tanto da assumere una fisionomia così differente da come era stato concepito nel 1942, che il legislatore ha ritenuto necessaria una Riforma della materia condominio in generale e dell'amministratore in particolare. Uno dei temi intorno ai quali dottrina e giurisprudenza hanno avuto modo di elaborare numerose teorie è quello riguardante la natura giuridica stessa dell'amministratore di condominio. La tesi prevalente e condivisa dalla maggioranza della dottrina vede nella figura dell'amministratore il ruolo di mandatario dell'assemblea, questa teoria sembra oggi trovare sicuri riferimenti nelle modifiche introdotte dalla Riforma, che per la prima volta introduce, negli articoli disciplinanti l'amministratore, rimandi espliciti alla disciplina del mandato. E' da ritenersi, però, che non solo tali riferimenti non assumano rilevanza tale da chiudere il discorso riguardo la natura giuridica dell'amministratore in modo definitivo, ma, se letta nel suo insieme e nelle sue novità, la Riforma delinea una nuova figura di amministratore di condominio che poco ha a che fare con la qualifica di semplice mandatario. In tal senso si è dunque cercato di riproporre una teoria elaborata nel 1992 da Amagliani che sostiene l'esistenza di un contratto (peraltro tipico) di amministrazione di condominio caratterizzante il rapporto assemblea – amministratore. Non solo detta teoria sembra oggi essere ancora valida, a discapito della teoria classica del mandato, ma con la Riforma si sono riconosciuti nuovi obblighi e attribuzioni tali da rendere oggi più che mai lontane e diverse le due figure di amministratore e di mandatario. Una distanza che si accentua maggiormente se si affronta il tema della responsabilità, argomento trattato negli anni soprattutto dalla giurisprudenza. Con la descrizione di alcune importanti sentenze della Corte di cassazione si può descrivere un vero e proprio mutamento di prospettiva a riguardo, verso il riconoscimento di una sempre maggiore e rigorosa responsabilità, anche extracontrattuale, in capo all'amministratore. Infine si è dato conto delle importanti novità riguardanti la nomina e le attribuzioni introdotte con la Riforma, con particolare riferimento ai requisiti imposti oggi per la prima volta dall'ordinamento all'atto della nomina da parte dell'assemblea e delle importanti nuove funzioni attribuite all'amministratore

    High-resolution sample size enrichment of single-cell multi-modal low-throughput Patch-seq datasets

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    Single-cell multimodal technologies are becoming the hot topic of single-cell heterogeneity and function studies, promising to unravel the hidden relationship and functionalities of different aspects of the cells. Among the plethora of single-cell technologies, interesting is the patch-seq technology, which simultaneously performs Patch clamp measures and scRNA-seq on the same cells. However, given the experimental limitations of throughput of Patch clamp, the scRNA-seq analysis is challenging because it requires more samples to investigate cellular heterogeneity. Usually, the solution is associating the cells with the cell types in an existing scRNA-seq dataset. However, doing so loses part of the single cell resolution of the multimodal technique. Therefore, this work proposes a procedure leveraging the Seurat Integration process to find from a reference dataset t he most similar cells to the ones from the patch-seq. The similarity is how much gene expression profiles are identical, and to evaluate that, this work defines various etrics based on R and Index. In this way, one obtains a selection of suitable Reference cells to enrich the number of cells on which to perform multimodal investigation