228 research outputs found

    Long-Term Effects of Concussion on Motor Performance Across the Lifespan.

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    This dissertation aims to provide critical insight into the possible long-term effects of concussion on motor and cognitive performance, through a set of cross-sectional investigations. To date, the elite athlete population has garnered most of the research and public attention, while the largest athletic population, high school athletes, has been largely overlooked. The hypotheses state that individuals with a concussion history will have worse cognitive and motor performance and that this trend will be divergent with age. That is, the previously concussed individuals will exhibit worse performance, and will be divergently worse from the control group with age. With this in mind, the three investigations focus on cognitive and motor performance in three age groups (i.e. 20, 40, and 60 year olds), in those with and without an adolescent concussion history. The first investigation assessed cognition between concussion history and control groups, within age groups. Using a standard computer-based, clinical concussion assessment, processing speed, attention, learning, working memory accuracy and working memory speed were quantified for each concussion group by age. There were no differences between the concussion history and control groups, within age. The second investigation assessed gait spatio-temporal, kinematic, and toe clearance variables. Again, no significant concussion history group differences were observed in the multivariate assessment for the gait spatio-temporal, kinematic, and toe clearance variables. In addition, there appeared to be no pattern suggesting that a concussion history adversely affects gait, across age. The final investigation assessed skill acquisition, implicit learning, and the internal timing mechanism between concussion history and control groups, within age. Again, there was no consistent pattern to suggest an adverse relationship between concussion history and motor performance, across age. Considering this set of observations, there does not appear to be a long-term, negative relationship between adolescent concussion history and cognition or motor performance in this population.PhDKinesiologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113411/1/dnmart_1.pd


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    The aim of this study was to identify changes in pitching characteristics during nine innings of professional (MLB) baseball. Ball tracking data were obtained for 1,514,304 pitches thrown by 129 pitchers during the 2008–2014 MLB seasons and compared across the nine innings using linear mixed model analyses. Earlier innings contained significantly more hard (i.e., fast-type) pitches. A significant decrease in pitch speed and release height emerged before the sixth inning. These data revealed that aspects of a starting pitcher’s performance significantly change as early as the second or third inning of an MLB game, although these do not influence his effectiveness. Coaches may use these data to inform their decision to relieve a starting pitcher and/or direct in-game strategies to exploit trends in pitcher performance

    Cortical activity during walking and balance tasks in older adults and in people with Parkinson’s disease: a structured review

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    An emerging body of literature has examined cortical activity during walking and balance tasks in older adults and in people with Parkinson’s disease, specifically using functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) or electroencephalography (EEG). This review provides an overview of this developing area, and examines the disease-specific mechanisms underlying walking or balance deficits. Medline, PubMed, PsychInfo and Scopus databases were searched. Articles that described cortical activity during walking and balance tasks in older adults and in those with PD were screened by the reviewers. Thirty-seven full-text articles were included for review, following an initial yield of 566 studies. This review summarizes study findings, where increased cortical activity appears to be required for older adults and further for participants with PD to perform walking and balance tasks, but specific activation patterns vary with the demands of the particular task. Studies attributed cortical activation to compensatory mechanisms for underlying age- or PD-related deficits in automatic movement control. However, a lack of standardization within the reviewed studies was evident from the wide range of study protocols, instruments, regions of interest, outcomes and interpretation of outcomes that were reported. Unstandardized data collection, processing and reporting limited the clinical relevance and interpretation of study findings. Future work to standardize approaches to the measurement of cortical activity during walking and balance tasks in older adults and people with PD with fNIRS and EEG systems is needed, which will allow direct comparison of results and ensure robust data collection/reporting. Based on the reviewed articles we provide clinical and future research recommendations

    Gait Performance in People with Symptomatic, Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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    There is a dearth of knowledge about how symptom severity affects gait in the chronic (>3 months) mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) population despite up to 53% of people reporting persisting symptoms following mTBI. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if gait is affected in a symptomatic, chronic mTBI group and to assess the relationship between gait performance and symptom severity on the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI). Gait was assessed under single- and dual-task conditions using five inertial sensors in 57 control subjects and 65 people with chronic mTBI (1.1 year from mTBI). The single- and dual-task gait domains of Pace, Rhythm, Variability, and Turning were calculated from individual gait characteristics. Dual-task cost (DTC) was calculated for each domain. The mTBI group walked (domain z-score mean difference: single-task = 0.70; dual-task = 0.71) and turned (z-score mean difference: single-task = 0.69; dual-task = 0.70) slower (p<0.001) under both gait conditions, with less rhythm under dual-task gait (z-score difference = 0.21, p=0.001). DTC was not different between groups. Higher NSI somatic sub-score was related to higher single- and dual-task gait variability as well as slower dual-task pace and turning (p<0.01). People with chronic mTBI and persistent symptoms exhibited altered gait, particularly under dual-task, and worse gait performance related to greater symptom severity. Future gait research in chronic mTBI should assess the possible underlying physiological mechanisms for persistent symptoms and gait deficits

    Gait measurement in chronic mild traumatic brain injury: A model approach

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    INTRODUCTION: Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) can impact gait, with deficits linked to underlying neural disturbances in cognitive, motor and sensory systems. Gait is complex as it is comprised of multiple characteristics that are sensitive to underlying neural deficits. However, there is currently no clear framework to guide selection of gait characteristics in mTBI. This study developed a model of gait in chronic mTBI and replicated this in a separate group of controls, to provide a comprehensive and structured methodology on which to base gait assessment and analysis. METHODS: Fifty-two people with chronic mTBI and 59 controls completed a controlled laboratory gait assessment; walking for two minutes back and forth over a 13 m distance while wearing five wirelessly synchronized inertial sensors. Thirteen gait characteristics derived from the inertial sensors were selected for entry into the principle component analysis based on previous literature, robustness and novelty. Principle component analysis was then used to derive domains (components) of gait. RESULTS: Four gait domains were derived for our chronic mTBI group (variability, rhythm, pace and turning) and this was replicated in a separate control cohort. Domains totaled 80.8% and 77.4% of variance in gait for chronic mTBI and controls, respectively. Gait characteristic loading was unambiguous for all features, with the exception of gait speed in controls that loaded on pace and rhythm domains. CONCLUSION: This study contributes a four component model of gait in chronic mTBI and controls that can be used to comprehensively assess and analyze gait and underlying mechanisms involved in impairment, or examine the influence of interventions

    Fundamental physics and absolute positioning metrology with the MAGIA lunar orbiter

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    MAGIA is a mission approved by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) for Phase A study. Using a single large-diameter laser retroreflector, a large laser retroreflector array and an atomic clock onboard MAGIA we propose to perform several fundamental physics and absolute positioning metrology experiments: VESPUCCI, an improved test of the gravitational redshift in the Earth–Moon system predicted by General Relativity; MoonLIGHT-P, a precursor test of a second generation Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) payload for precision gravity and lunar science measurements under development for NASA, ASI and robotic missions of the proposed International Lunar Network (ILN); Selenocenter (the center of mass of the Moon), the determination of the position of the Moon center of mass with respect to the International Terrestrial Reference Frame/System (ITRF/ITRS); this will be compared to the one from Apollo and Lunokhod retroreflectors on the surface; MapRef, the absolute referencing of MAGIA's lunar altimetry, gravity and geochemical maps with respect to the ITRF/ITRS. The absolute positioning of MAGIA will be achieved thanks to: (1) the laboratory characterization of the retroreflector performance at INFN-LNF; (2) the precision tracking by the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS), which gives two fundamental contributions to the ITRF/ITRS, i.e. the metrological definition of the geocenter (the Earth center of mass) and of the scale of length; (3) the radio science and accelerometer payloads; (4) support by the ASI Space Geodesy Center in Matera, Italy. Future ILN geodetic nodes equipped with MoonLIGHT and the Apollo/Lunokhod retroreflectors will become the first realization of the International Moon Reference Frame (IMRF), the lunar analog of the ITRF

    Next-generation laser retroreflectors for GNSS, solar system exploration, geodesy, gravitational physics and earth observation

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    The SCF_Lab (Satellite/lunar/gnss laser ranging and altimetry Characterization Facility Laboratory) of INFNLNF is designed to cover virtually LRAs (Laser Retroreflector Arrays) of CCRs (Cube Corner Retroreflectors) for missions in the whole solar system, with a modular organization of its instrumentation, two redundant SCF (SCF_Lab Characterization Facilities), and an evolutionary measurement approach, including customization and potentially upgrade on-demand. See http://www.lnf.infn.it/esperimenti/etrusco/ for a general description

    The Phoenix stream : a cold stream in the southern hemisphere

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    We report the discovery of a stellar stream in the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 (Y1A1) data. The discovery was made through simple color–magnitude filters and visual inspection of the Y1A1 data. We refer to this new object as the Phoenix stream, after its resident constellation. After subtraction of the background stellar population we detect a clear signal of a simple stellar population. By fitting the ridge line of the stream in color–magnitude space, we find that a stellar population with age τ=11.5±0.5 Gyr and [Fe/H]<−1.6, located 17.5±0.9 kpc from the Sun, gives an adequate description of the stream stellar population. The stream is detected over an extension of 8°.1 (2.5 kpc) and has a width of ∼54 pc assuming a Gaussian profile, indicating that a globular cluster (GC) is a probable progenitor. There is no known GC within 5 kpc that is compatible with being the progenitor of the stream, assuming that the stream traces its orbit. We examined overdensities (ODs) along the stream, however, no obvious counterpart-bound stellar system is visible in the coadded images. We also find ODs along the stream that appear to be symmetrically distributed—consistent with the epicyclic OD scenario for the formation of cold streams—as well as a misalignment between the northern and southern part of stream. Despite the close proximity we find no evidence that this stream and the halo cluster NGC 1261 have a common accretion origin linked to the recently found EriPhe OD

    VDES J2325−5229 a z = 2.7 gravitationally lensed quasar discovered using morphology-independent supervised machine learning

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    We present the discovery and preliminary characterization of a gravitationally lensed quasar with a source redshift zs = 2.74 and image separation of 2.9 arcsec lensed by a foreground zl = 0.40 elliptical galaxy. Since optical observations of gravitationally lensed quasars showthe lens system as a superposition of multiple point sources and a foreground lensing galaxy, we have developed a morphology-independent multi-wavelength approach to the photometric selection of lensed quasar candidates based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) supervised machine learning. Using this technique and gi multicolour photometric observations from the Dark Energy Survey (DES), near-IR JK photometry from the VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS) and WISE mid-IR photometry, we have identified a candidate system with two catalogue components with iAB = 18.61 and iAB = 20.44 comprising an elliptical galaxy and two blue point sources. Spectroscopic follow-up with NTT and the use of an archival AAT spectrum show that the point sources can be identified as a lensed quasar with an emission line redshift of z = 2.739 ± 0.003 and a foreground early-type galaxy with z = 0.400 ± 0.002.We model the system as a single isothermal ellipsoid and find the Einstein radius θE ∼ 1.47 arcsec, enclosed mass Menc ∼ 4 × 1011 M and a time delay of ∼52 d. The relatively wide separation, month scale time delay duration and high redshift make this an ideal system for constraining the expansion rate beyond a redshift of 1

    O "CC" e a patologização do natural: higiene, publicidade e modernização no Brasil do pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial

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    The aim of this article is to discuss the relationship between consumption and changing habits through new industrial products related to health and hygiene, which were announced as the possibility of replacing the natural odor and industrialized by artificial smell. This would represent the cultural transformation of natural physiological functions, such as sweat, something unwholesome and socially repugnant and also a synonym for backwardness. The ideal of a hygienic, modern and deodorized find life in the media and advertising - in the modernization and expansion process in the Brazil post-II World War the privileged space for the placement and supply of new and abundant products that promised to cancel the threat of "body odor" - "BO" and replace it, by the "smell good", hygienic and socially enjoyable that could be bought.O objetivo do artigo é discutir a relação entre consumo e mudança de hábitos por meio de novos produtos industrializados relacionados à saúde e à higiene, que foram anunciados como capazes de substituir o odor natural pelo cheiro artificial e industrializado. Sugerimos que foi um processo social e cultural de transformação de funções fisiológicas naturais, como o suor e o mau hálito, em algo nocivo à saúde e repugnante socialmente e também em um sinônimo de atraso. O ideal de uma vida higiênica, moderna e desodorizada encontrou na imprensa e na publicidade - em processo de modernização e expansão no Brasil após a Segunda Guerra Mundial - o espaço privilegiado para a veiculação e oferta de novos e abundantes produtos que prometiam cancelar a ameaça do "cheiro de corpo", o "CC", e substituí-lo pelo "cheiro bom", salubre e socialmente aceitável que poderia, inclusive, ser comprado