1,402 research outputs found

    Modelling Euro-Mediterranean Agricultural Trade

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    This paper examines the methodological problems to define a modelling approach to assess the impact of full or limited bilateral liberalisation of agricultural trade flows in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The bilateral trade liberalisation process in the region is framed by complexity, in policy instruments and in the characteristics of the products, in particular fruits and vegetables. Advantages and disadvantages of the general equilibrium and partial equilibrium approaches to simulate trade policy impacts are assessed. Caveats of existing models are related to the representation of specific policy instruments (tariffs, entry prices and other non-tariff measures) and on the seasonal nature of horticultural trade, which is of major importance in the Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Are. The paper provides an illustration of how an imperfect substitute product model could be helpful to describe the trade effects of bilateral price changes, for given seasons.

    F&V Trade Model to Assess Euro-Med Agreements. An Application to the Fresh Tomato Market

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    The complexity derived from the bilateral trade liberalisation process in the Mediterranean region is difficult to represent in a trade model, not only because of the range of instruments still constraining trade but also because of the special nature of the most important traded goods (product differentiation and seasonality). Tariff-rate quotas (TRQ's) and the entry price system are clearly defined on a monthly basis for the fruits and vegetables trade flows towards the European Union (EU). This point makes efforts to model such a trade in yearly basis not representative of reality. We propose a static partial equilibrium model tailored to model trade impacts of specific policy instruments which considers imports from different sources as imperfect substitutes, following the non-linear Armington type model. Different policy scenarios have been run using the model, considering changes in TRQ's and Entry Price regimes, its tariffication and preference erosion. The results of model runs show that, as regards to EU producers, bilateral trade liberalisation with extension of TRQs would be the least dramatic scenario. By contrast, the phasing out of the entry price system would have serious consequences on EU producers. The model has also given detailed information on Morocco's interests in the negotiation, although it could easily include a larger number of suppliers. Morocco appears to be interested in multilateral liberalisation as well as in bilateral liberalisation. In fact, multilateral liberalisation will not cause a great deal of preference erosion against Moroccan exporters, unless tariff reductions only affect MFN suppliers.International Relations/Trade,


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    La historia de la delincuencia común está por escribirse en Colombia. Este trabajo de historia de caso muestra una situación particular del accionar de los delincuentes en una ciudad capital que se vio enfrentada a una ola de criminalidad diversa, producto del desplazamiento generado por la violencia política en los campos y trasladada bajo otras modalidades a la ciudad capital.PALABRAS CLAVESDelincuentes, delincuencia común, alias, criminales, policía Nacional.ABSTRACTThe history of delinquent or common crime in Colombia is to be written. This history work shows a particular situation where the actions of the crime in a capital city that was facing a diverse crime wave product of the displacement generated by political violence in the countryside and moved under other forms to the capital city. KEY WORDSDelinquent, common criminals, alias, criminals, national polic

    La adición en la talla escultórica: una propuesta constructiva

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    [ES] El objeto de este TFG consiste en aplicar conceptos como el de la sostenibilidad y reciclaje en la talla escultórica. Con ello conseguimos dotar a nuestros trabajos de nuevas posibilidades constructivas que revertirán en una mayor expresividad al vernos completamente libres de los condicionantes del soporte. Conseguiremos aportar un nuevo punto de vista a la talla al componer el volumen escultórico gracias al sistema de la hibridación. Integraremos recursos disponibles en forma de residuos por lo que trabajaremos el reciclaje. Nos desligaremos del trabajo exclusivamente extractivo para integrar la adición en cualquier fase del trabajo. Con ello conseguiremos potenciar la significación de la obra mientras disfrutamos de una libertad creativa total sin límite de formato. Y por último, introduciremos el cromatismo en la talla gracias a los colores de los diferentes tipos de piedra que utilizamos.[EN] The purpose of this TFG is to apply concepts such as sustainability and recycling to sculptural carving. With this we are able to provide our works with new constructive possibilities that will revert to greater expressiveness as we are completely free from the constraints of the support. We will be able to bring a new point of view to the carving by composing the sculptural volume thanks to the hybridization system. We will integrate available resources in the form of waste so we will work on recycling. We will separate ourselves from exclusively extractive work to integrate addition into any phase of work. With this, we will be able to enhance the significance of the work while enjoying total creative freedom without limit of format. And finally, we will introduce chromaticism in carving thanks to the colors of the different types of stone that we use.Villanueva Martinez, C. (2020). La adición en la talla escultórica: una propuesta constructiva. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/162495TFG

    Listen to the Voices: A Reflection on How 2020 and COVID-19 Have Affected Lives

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    Throughout the last few months of 2019, stories of a new and deadly virus were on every news channel around the world. Many Americans saw it as foreign news, others worried about the virus’ spread, and some felt that it would be contained quickly never making it past the Atlantic or Pacific. By March of 2020, COVID-19 made its way to the United States, forcing a new normal of quarantining, remote-learning/teaching, and teleworking. Graduate students and educators of Professional Opportunities Supporting Scholarly Engagement (POSSE), a College of Education program focused on research and contributing to the educational field of discourse, came together with a notion and a desire to provide support during this challenging time. Using a Google form questionnaire, POSSE reached out to as many people throughout the United States and the world to share their experiences with the changes, good and bad, over the past year

    Canulación temprana de fístulas arteriovenosas nativas en hemodiálisis. Serie de casos y revisión de la literatura

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    The native arteriovenous fistula (nAVF) is the ideal access in patients in hemodialysis, however, traditionally requires a period of maturation from its surgical construction that usually takes more than 8 weeks, exposing patients to a longer time with catheters; In this article, we describe 4 cases of early cannulation (<3 weeks) based on nursing staff expertise and ultrasound criteria. Keywords: vascular access, arteriovenous fistula, maturation, cannulation, renal insufficiency, ultrasound.La fístula arteriovenosa nativa (FAVn) constituye el acceso ideal en los pacientes de hemodiálisis, sin embargo, necesita un periodo de maduración desde su construcción quirúrgica; en este periodo, que suele tardar más de 8 semanas, se expone a los pacientes a un tiempo mayor con catéteres. El presente artículo describe cuatro casos de canulación temprana (<3 semanas) que se llevaron a cabo con base en la experticia del personal de enfermería y algunos criterios ecográficos

    Explainable generalized additive neural networks with independent neural network training

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    Neural Networks are one of the most popular methods nowadays given their high performance on diverse tasks, such as computer vision, anomaly detection, computer-aided disease detection and diagnosis or natural language processing. While neural networks are known for their high performance, they often suffer from the so-called “black-box” problem, which means that it is difficult to understand how the model makes decisions. We introduce a neural network topology based on Generalized Additive Models. By training an independent neural network to estimate the contribution of each feature to the output variable, we obtain a highly accurate and explainable deep learning model, providing a flexible framework for training Generalized Additive Neural Networks which does not impose any restriction on the neural network architecture. The proposed algorithm is evaluated through different simulation studies with synthetic datasets, as well as a real-world use case of Distributed Denial of Service cyberattack detection on an Industrial Control System. The results show that our proposal outperforms other GAM-based neural network implementations while providing higher interpretability, making it a promising approach for high-risk AI applications where transparency and accountability are crucial.Xunta de GaliciaAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020-118101GB-I0

    Control and Monitoring of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms

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    This paper elucidates the importance of governing an artificial intelligence model post-deployment and overseeing potential fluctuations in the distribution of present data in contrast to the training data. The concepts of data drift and concept drift are explicated, along with their respective foundational distributions. Furthermore, a range of metrics is introduced, which can be utilized to scrutinize the model's performance concerning potential temporal variations.Comment: 10 pages, 33 equation

    Efecto del anclaje externo y expansión interna en la fijación del injerto a nivel femoral en la reconstrucción de ligamento cruzado anterior. Hospitales Luis Nicasio Sáenz y Emergencias Grau, 2014

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorEl documento digital no refiere asesorEvalúa el efecto del anclaje externo y la expansión interna sobre el injerto en la fijación femoral. Realiza un estudio analítico, observacional, longitudinal y ambispectivo. La población fue de 75 pacientes operados en los Servicios de Ortopedia y Traumatología de los hospitales Luis Nicasio Sáenz y Emergencias Grau que cumplieron con criterios de inclusión y exclusión. La recolección de datos se basó en la historia clínica y la aplicación de la escala de Tegner, la escala de Lysholm, exámen físico y controles radiográficos. Se recolectó en 03 fases: fase 1 o pre operatorio aplicando las 2 escalas y el exámen físico, y fases 2 y 3 o post operatorio a 6 meses y 12 meses de seguimiento respectivamente utilizando la escala de Lysholm, examen físico y radiografias de rodilla controles de hallar inestabilidad. Se compararon los resultados de la expansión interna y el anclaje externo, con la fijación interna, considerado como el gold-standart. Los resultados fueron analizados con estadística descriptiva e inferencial como las pruebas de Kruskall-Wallys y U de Mann-Withney. Encuentra 75 pacientes seleccionados, 60 completaron el estudio; 63 (84%) hombres, 12 (16%) mujeres, la edad promedio fue de 30,92 años y una DE +6,1824 años, el promedio de días de hospitalización fue 8,6 días y una DE +1,436 días. Se utilizaron 23 (30%) autoinjertos, 52 (70%) aloinjertos, 27 (36%) sistemas de expansión interna, anclaje externo 33 (40%), fijación interna 15 (24%). La puntuación en la escala de Lysholm fue 61,15 (pobre) en el pre operatorio y 90,44 (bueno) a los 12 meses y en la escala de Tegner se obtuvo 7 puntos en 57 (95%) pacientes y 8 puntos en 3 (5%). Se reportaron 3 complicaciones. Las prueba de Kruskal – Wallys y U de Mann-Whitney no mostraron diferencias significativas al año. Concluye en la mejora de la funcionalidad de pobre a bueno en 1 año para ambos sistemas de fijación no hallándose diferencias significativas.Tesi