3,891 research outputs found

    Overview of Study Areas and UNAM-Iztacala Student Research

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    The State of Veracruz is located on the east coast of Mexico and consists of many shallow marine systems such as estuaries and coastal lagoons. These estuarine systems are ecological sites of great importance due to the interactions that occur between the intertidal zones and adjacent areas. This importance is reflected in the variety of natural components present in these sites as well as the large number of species that depend on this aquatic zone, such as birds, mammals, molluscs, crustaceans and fishes. Many of the crustaceans and fishes are consumed by the local inhabitants and distributed in commercial areas in Mexico City. It is estimated that Veracruz state is in fourth place in fisheries landings for the country, and contributes 10% of the total fisheries production. Academic personnel from the laboratories of Ecology and Zoology in the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Tlalnapantla, Mexico have focused their research efforts since 1988 on two of the systems in Veracruz state, the Tecolutla River and the lagoonal system of Alvarado. Research in both locations has resulted in a number of professional theses by undergraduate students in the Biology Department at UNAM-Iztacala

    Reproductive Structures and Early Life History of the Gulf Toadfish, Opsanus beta, in the Tecolutla Estuary, Veracruz, Mexico

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    Although the Gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta, is an abundant member of the nearshore Gulf of Mexico ichthyofaunal assemblage, little information exists regarding the ecology of the species, especially for southern Gulf of Mexico populations. We added to the existing knowledge of this species by describing the reproductive structures and examining the early life history of this species in the Tecolutla estuary, Mexico. Macro- and microscopic examination of 7 males showed spermatogenesis to be similar to other teleost species except for the occurrence of biflagellate spermatozoa. Histological examination of the male accessory gland showed 3 tissue layers, but their functions are still undetermined. We found asynchronous development of oocytes in the ovaries of 16 females, which may indicate multiple spawning over the long spawning season noted in this study. Batch fecundity estimates among females ranged from 79 to 518 mature ova with a mean ovum diameter of 3.5 mm. The above-mentioned factors along with large size at hatching, attached larval forms, and paternal care may account, in part, for the abundance of this species in highly dynamic systems

    Centro Turístico Comercial para el Balneario de Mancora-Piura

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    El tema a desarrollar en la presente tesis es un Centro Turístico-Comercial ubicado en el distrito de Máncora-Piura .La zona a intervenir será una plazuela ubicada en el centro del distrito, la cual está invadida por comerciantes informales que contaminan el entorno y sobre todo los humedales de al lado. Los problemas más resaltantes del distrito son, el crecimiento desordenado, la mala ocupación de terrenos, la carencia de servicios de calidad como la de espacios públicos. La sumatoria de estos han significado el incremento de delincuencia, invasiones y quizás en un futuro la pérdida de su mayor recurso: el turismo. La respuesta ante la problemática es generar un proyecto que mejore, complemente e integre las necesidades turísticas, comerciales, recreativas y culturales de la zona, de manera ordenada y organizada en el núcleo de Máncora. Para esto se planteó un estudio dividido en cuatro capítulos: el marco teórico, el marco referencial, el estudio de factibilidad y la programación. Todos ellos nos sirven de base en la búsqueda de la respuesta arquitectónica que cumpla con nuestros objetivos. Primero, la elección del marco teórico en la que está inscrita el diseño del proyecto se planteó en respuesta al enfrentamiento del tema con el contexto. Consideramos estas teorías las necesarias y adecuadas para dicho desarrollo. Ellas consideran: El centro turístico-comercial debe brindar diferentes actividades y servicios turísticos a un determinado lugar. Para un buen desarrollo del proyecto se debe tener en cuenta la arquitectura popular del lugar, no sólo por el clima y los materiales, sino también por la gente que lo habita y su cultura. La arquitectura tiene como función principal la unión y el integramiento con el entorno, generando de esta forma nuevos lugares contemporáneos. El espacio público con uso privado es un concepto que se enfoca en el servicio a la ciudad de espacio colectivo y a la vez presta un servicio privado a la comunidad. Los espacios para el compartir son lugares donde las personas pueden conversar, divertirse y relajarse, por lo general son espacios abiertos y flexibles que mejoran la cohesión social. El siguiente capítulo, el marco referencial, comprende datos técnicos y relevantes para la consideración al momento de diseñar el edificio. Este se divide en Antecedentes, Marco histórico, Marco geográfico/urbanístico y Marco normativo; de ellos podemos obtener ideas importantes como las siguientes: Los tres referentes escogidos nos enseñan a cómo enfrentar y responder los distintos temas de función, sensación y contexto que se presentan. En el caso de la historia de Máncora se observó que el cambio de ciudad pesquera a turística fue repentina y la falta de reacción de sus autoridades conllevó a invasiones, ambulantes, robos, etc., esto nos dio a conocer la problemática y que hacer para afrontarla. Las características del distrito de Máncora como territorio y del terreno con sus alrededores como área de estudio, significan una serie de datos importantes a tomar en cuenta al momento de decidir cómo conseguimos la comodidad y confort del usuario del proyecto. El distrito no cuenta con un Plan Maestro por lo que no existen parámetros urbanísticos para nuestro terreno, por lo que el proyecto se regirá únicamente a través del Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones. El capítulo de Estudio de Factibilidad se trata de una investigación para saber si en verdad, el centro turístico-comercial sería factible en la localidad.Primero, si bien el usuario serán turistas internacionales, nacionales y pobladores definimos nuestro público objetivo, el cual sustentará el proyecto,como jóvenes de entre las edades de 20 – 40 años pertenecientes a la clase B/C. Luego, tras revisar todos los criterios de éxito para el proyecto y dejar en claro hacia que usuario nos dirigimos, concluimos que el distrito de Máncora demuestra un claro potencial y una necesidad por albergar dicho centro. El proyecto conseguiría una mejor estadía al turista y una mejor calidad de vida al poblador. El último capítulo de investigación previa es la Programación, ella comprende los criterios formales, contextuales, ambientales y constructivos de diseño. Estos criterios son importantes referentes a tomar en cuenta en el momento de diseñar el edificio. La programación del edificio se enfoca a nuestro público objetivo ya definido, por lo que las áreas y en sí el ambiente del edificio estará dirigido para su consumo y comodidad. El proyecto es la respuesta a las necesidades actuales de Máncora y serviría de incentivo para los demás servicios de la zona a que se concienticen y mejoren su calidad. El proyecto aporta una interpretación de arquitectura peruana contemporánea basada en las tipologías de la arquitectura popular del lugar. El proyecto si bien es un área privada, entrega a la ciudad un espacio público para una mejor relación social del poblador con el turista. El proyecto se convertiría en un hito importante en la zona norte del país y consolidaría a Máncora como lugar turístico, lo que incentivaría aún más su desarrollo económico. El programa del proyecto contempla la restauración del humedal, y este al ser protagonista de nuestra intervención aseguramos su reintegración a la ciudad como espacio urbano. Para un mejor uso del centro comercial recomendamos usar los criterios de éxito y tomar en cuenta el comercio dirigido hacia nuestro públicoTrabado de investigacio

    Feeding Habits and Sexual Dimorphism of the Violet Goby, Gobioides broussoneti Lacepede (Pisces: Gobiidae), in the Estuarine System of Tecolutla, Veracruz, Mexico

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    Gobioides broussoneti were sampled in Silveña estuary, a branch of the Tecolutla estuary, Veracruz, Mexico, during 2 trips made between February 1998 and June 1999 to evaluate diet and sexual dimorphism. A total of 65 G. broussoneti ranging from 49–401 mm SL (0.7–124.2 g WW) were collected. There was a 1:1.2 sex ratio in favor of females. Seven food types were noted, with filamentous algae (25.4%) and detritus (21.3%) representing the principal food types. A 24 h feeding study revealed that this species feeds continuously throughout the day. The ovaries of all female G. broussoneti contained previtellogenic oocytes, characteristic of immature or regressed fish. In contrast, the lobular testis of the males contained late stages of spermatogenesis, suggesting that the fish examined were at the end of the reproductive season. Sexual dimorphism of G. broussoneti is distinguished by a small urogenital papilla, which is in the ventral region between the anal orifice and the anal fin origin. In the females it is short, blunt and has a yellow coloration; in males it is thin, pointed and has a smooth appearance. Only immature or regressed females were captured during this study indicating that G. broussoneti uses the Tecolutla estuary as a nursery and feeding ground. Questions about reproductive seasonality, ovarian development, and spawning of G. broussoneti need further investigation

    Reproductive Biology of the Opossum Pipefish, Microphis brachyurus lineatus, in Tecolutla Estuary, Veracruz, Mexico

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    The reproductive biology of the opossum pipefish, Microphis brachyurus lineatus, was investigated in Tecolutla estuary, Veracruz, Mexico, to determine sex ratio, size at maturity, gonadal and brood pouch histology, reproductive seasonality, and fecundity of this little-known syngnathid. A total of 345 fish were collected between 1995–1998, with an overall sex ratio of 1:1.35 favoring females. Brooding males made up 45% of the population, resulting in an operational sex ratio of 1:2.45 heavily favoring females. All males \u3e 90 mm SL were considered sexually mature, as this was the size at which the brood pouch was clearly developed. Females \u3e 110 mm SL were sexually mature, and had asynchronous oocyte development. Opossum pipefish appear to have a year-round reproductive season in Tecolutla estuary, as females with vitellogenic oocytes and males with eggs in the brood pouch were captured during every month of the year. The number of eggs in the brood pouch was positively correlated with male SL (P \u3c 0.001), and in all but 2 cases males brooded embryos from a single female. The brood pouch is not enclosed by a membrane, and each egg is embedded in a septum consisting of epithelial tissue and numerous blood vessels. Evidence from this study suggests M. brachyurus lineatus may be a sequentially polygamous species with sex-role reversal reproductive behavior, although additional research is necessary to confirm the reproductive ecology and behavior of the species

    Povezanost slike o vlastitu tijelu s tjelesnom aktivnošću, zadovoljstvom životom i mediteranskom prehranom španjolskih adolescenata

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    The aim of this study was to examine the association between physical self-concept and physical activity, the intention to be physically active, life satisfaction, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet in adolescents. A total of 1,808 Spanish adolescents (12-16 years of age) participated in this cross-sectional study. Physical Self Questionnaire, Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Screening Measure, Intention to be Physically Active Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Mediterranean Diet Quality Index were administered. The boys with a lower physical self-concept showed higher odd ratios of being inactive, having low intentions of being physically active, poor life satisfaction and low adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Similarly, most of the associations were also statistically significant in girls as well. In conclusion, the study reveals that having a low level of physical self-concept increases the risk of being inactive and of having a low level of intention to be physically active, life satisfaction and adherence to the Mediterranean diet in adolescents.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi povezanost između samopoimanja tijela i tjelesne aktivnosti, namjere da se bude tjelesno aktivan, zadovoljstva životom i pridržavanja mediteranske prehrane kod adolescenata. U ovo transverzalno istraživanje bilo je uključeno ukupno 1.808 španjolskih adolescenata (u dobi od 12 do 16 godina). U istraživanju su korišteni sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: Physical Self Questionnaire, Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Screening Measure, Intention to be Physically Active Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, i Mediterranean Diet Quality Index. Dječaci s nižom razinom zadovoljstva vlastitim tijelom, u bilo kojoj njegovoj dimenziji, pokazali su veću sklonost tjelesnoj neaktivnosti, nižu odlučnost da budu tjelesno aktivni, manifestirali su nisku razinu zadovoljstva životom i slabo pridržavanje načela mediteranske prehrane. Slično kao i kod dječaka, većina relacija bila je statistički značajna i kod djevojčica. Zaključno, istraživanje je ukazalo na činjenicu da niska razina samopoimanja povećava rizik za neaktivnost i za nisku razinu namjere za kasniju tjelesnu aktivnost te da je povezano sa slabijim zadovoljstvom životom i slabijim pridržavanjem načela mediteranske prehrane kod adolescenata

    Gonadal Development and Sexual Dimorphism of Gobiomorus dormitor from the Estuarine System of Tecolutla, Veracruz, Mexico

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    The bigmouth sleeper, Gobiomorus dormitor, is a benthic, euryhaline species, and is very abundant in river mouths, coastal lagoons, and sites away from marine influence from south Florida to Dutch Guyana. There are few studies of its life history, ecology, and abundance, particularly within Mexican waters. Nine trips to Tecolutla estuary, Veracruz, Mexico, were taken between October 1995 and May 1998 to estimate the gonadal development and sexual dimorphism of G. dormitor. A total of 94 individuals ranging from 15–260 mm SL and 0.05–181 g were captured. Seventy-two specimens were adults (60 females, 12 males) and 22 were juveniles that did not show external sexual dimorphism. Both juvenile and adult stages of G. dormitor were captured year-round in seagrass beds and adjacent shallow, muddy or sandy areas. This study has shown that G. dormitor are resident and undergo sexual maturation in the Tecolutla estuary. Histological evidence suggests both males and females undergo gonadal recrudescence in the estuary and have an extended reproductive season from May through November. However, it is unclear if the species actually spawns in the estuary, since females in the final stages of oocyte maturation were not captured. Additional research on the reproductive biology and ecology of this under-studied species is necessary to determine its role in tropical estuaries in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Information learned from areas in the center of its distribution may aid in conserving the species at the periphery of its range in Florida, where it is considered threatened