30,065 research outputs found

    Coherence and broadening effects in medium induced gluon radiation

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    Interferences between different emitters in the multi-parton shower is the building block of QCD jet physics in vacuum. The presence of a hot medium made of quarks and gluons is expected to alter this interference pattern. To study such effects, we derive the gluon emission spectrum off an "asymptotic quark" traversing a hot and dense QCD medium at first order in the medium density. The resulting induced gluon distribution gets modified when the new interference terms between the initial and final quark are included. We comment on the possible phenomenological consequences of this new contribution for jet observables in heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 4 pages. To appear in the Proceedings of the conference Hard Probes 2012 - Sardinia - Italy - May 27 -June 1 201

    Coherence phenomena between initial and final state radiation in a dense QCD medium

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    In this work we investigate medium modifications to the interference pattern between initial and final state radiation. We compute single gluon production off a highly energetic parton that undergoes a hard scattering and subsequently crosses a dense QCD medium of finite size. We extend our previous studies obtained at first order in opacity by providing general results for multiple soft scatterings and their specific formulation within the harmonic oscillator approximation. We show that there is a gradual onset of decoherence between the initial and final state radiation due to multiple scatterings, that opens the phase space for large angle emissions. By examining the multiplicity of produced gluons, we observe a potentially large double logarithmic enhancement for dense media and small opening angles. This result points to a possible modification of the evolution equations due to a QCD medium of finite size. We briefly comment on the phenomenological consequences of this setup in high-energy nuclear collisions.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures. Fix typos and updated references. Discussion in the introduction updated. Accepted for publication in JHE

    Clinical Evaluation of the Osteointegration

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    INTRODUCTION: The treatment of the complete or partially edentulous patient with a prothesis supported by dental implants is a procedure with high predictability. Themost important factor is the osteointegration of the implant. AIM OF PRESENTATION: Analysis of the clinical methods of evaluation of the osteointegration. DESCRIPTION: The method most commonly used is the intraoral radiograph that allows us to study the level of the bone and to identify radiolucencies around the implant. This technique will be modified by the quality of the X-ray image, the range of the optical system of humans, subjective interpretation and the problem of quantifying. The X-ray is not enough. Digital X-ray systems provide some advantages such us lower exposure to radiation, the possibility of modifying images, measuring lengths and angles, and densitometric studies. The resonance frequency analysis syste(Osstell) is a technique that evaluates the stability of the interface bone-implant. Used when connecting the abutments, it shows us the degree of osteointegration (protocols of early loading)

    Telomere-driven diseases and telomere-targeting therapies

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    Telomeres, the protective ends of linear chromosomes, shorten throughout an individual's lifetime. Telomere shortening is proposed to be a primary molecular cause of aging. Short telomeres block the proliferative capacity of stem cells, affecting their potential to regenerate tissues, and trigger the development of age-associated diseases. Mutations in telomere maintenance genes are associated with pathologies referred to as telomere syndromes, including Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome, dyskeratosis congenita, pulmonary fibrosis, aplastic anemia, and liver fibrosis. Telomere shortening induces chromosomal instability that, in the absence of functional tumor suppressor genes, can contribute to tumorigenesis. In addition, mutations in telomere length maintenance genes and in shelterin components, the protein complex that protects telomeres, have been found to be associated with different types of cancer. These observations have encouraged the development of therapeutic strategies to treat and prevent telomere-associated diseases, namely aging-related diseases, including cancer. Here we review the molecular mechanisms underlying telomere-driven diseases and highlight recent advances in the preclinical development of telomere-targeted therapies using mouse models.Research in the Blasco laboratory is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional project RET OS (grant SAF2013-45111-R), the European Research Council project TEL STEM CELL (grant ERC-2008-AdG/232854), and Fondacion Botin.S

    Género y gobiernos municipales. El caso de Villa Guerrero, Estado de México (2003-2006)

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    Este documento analiza algunas causas que obstaculizan la representación femenina en la toma de decisiones de los gobiernos municipales mexicanos. Para ello, utiliza el enfoque de género que permite explicar la inequidad social y política entre mujeres y hombres así como sus consecuencias. En un segundo momento, presenta un estudio de caso que refiere los obstáculos socioculturales que enfrentó una alcaldesa para lograr el triunfo en un contexto con hegemonía política masculina

    Implications of free Shiga toxin-converting bacteriophages occurring outside bacteria for the evolution and the detection of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli

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    In this review we highlight recent work that has increased our understanding of the distribution of Shiga toxin-converting phages that can be detected as free phage particles, independently of Shiga toxin-producing bacteria (STEC). Stx phages are a quite diverse group of temperate phages that can be found in their prophage state inserted within the STEC chromosome, but can also be found as phages released from the cell after activation of their lytic cycle. They have been detected in extraintestinal environments such as water polluted with feces from humans or animals, food samples or even in stool samples of healthy individuals. The high persistence of phages to several inactivation conditions makes them suitable candidates for the successful mobilization of stx genes, possibly resulting in the genes reaching a new bacterial genomic background by means of transduction, where ultimately they may be expressed, leading to Stx production. Besides the obvious fact that Stx phages circulating between bacteria can be, and probably are, involved in the emergence of new STEC strains, we review here other possible ways in which free Stx phages could interfere with the detection of STEC in a given sample by current laboratory methods and how to avoid such interference

    A holistic and integrated approach to implementing cognitive pharmaceutical services

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    La Farmacia Comunitaria forma parte del sistema de salud. Este sistema actualmente se encuentrasometido a presiones económicas y debe afrontar cambios en la demanda tanto de los consumidorescomo de los gobiernos. La respuesta de la profesión farmacéutica está dirigida a orientar su prácticahacia el paciente y a implantar servicios cognitivos farmacéuticos (CPS). En distintos países estosservicios tiene objetivos similares aunque presentan diferencias en el énfasis de los servicios, en susdefiniciones, denominaciones y en la utilización de diferentes herramientas. Sin embargo, todos ellospueden clasificarse utilizando un amplio modelo jerárquico que se basa en la toma de decisionesclínicas y en la amplitud del cambio requerido. (Box 1). Los retos que debe afrontar la profesión estánrelacionados con el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo de farmacia orientado al paciente que afecta a laspolíticas de salud, a la formación e investigación, a la evolución de los mercados, a los abordajes delcambio tanto a nivel individual como organizacional, y a la implantación de CPS. Estos temas y lainvestigación en práctica farmacéutica que se ha venido realizando con anterioridad han sidosintetizados para proporcionar una plataforma para el cambio que pueda guiar un planteamientoholístico e integrado de implantación de CPS. Conceptualmente la implantación de CPS puedeenmarcarse en seis niveles: clínico, provisión de servicios, farmacia comunitaria, organizaciónprofesional, gobierno y agentes implicados (Figura 1). La experiencia reciente relacionada con laimplantación de servicios ha mostrado la aplicación de programas de implantación que han incluidouno o dos de estos niveles en lugar de haber utilizado un abordaje holístico. Por ello se ha desarrolladoun modelo concéntrico para ilustrar la implantación de CPS dentro del planteamiento integrado yholístico necesario para apoyar el cambio En España se ha desarrollado un programa (conSIGUE) quepretende integrar los seis niveles con el objetivo de apoyar la implantación y evaluación de un CPS, elservicio de seguimiento farmacoterapéutico.Community pharmacy is part of the health care system which is currently under economic pressureand facing changes in demands from consumers and government. In response, the pharmacy profession is becoming more patient orientated and implementing cognitive pharmaceutical services(CPS). CPS in various countries has similar objectives with different emphasis, definitions, labels andusing different tools. However, they can be classified using a broad hierarchical model based onclinical decision making and the extent of change required (Box 1). The challenges faced by theprofession are related the development of a new patient orientated model of pharmacy which affectshealth care policy, education and research, the evolution of the market, the individual andorganisational approaches to change and the implementation of CPS. These issues and previousresearch conducted in pharmacy practice have been synthesised to provide a platform for change thatcan guide a holistic and integrated approach to CPS implementation. Implementation can beconceptually framed in six levels: clinical, service provision, community pharmacy, professionalorganisation, government and stakeholder (Figure 1). Past experience with service implementation hasseen the application of programs that include one or two of these levels in practice rather than aholistic approach. A concentric model was developed to illustrate the implementation of CPS and theholistic and integrated approach required to support change. A program (conSIGUE) being conductedin Spain has attempted to integrate all six levels to support the implementation and evaluation of amedication management service (Seguimiento Farmacoterapéutico

    Post-mortem culture of Balamuthia mandrillaris from the brain and cerebrospinal fluid of a case of granulomatous amoebic meningoencephalitis, using human brain microvascular endothelial cells

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    The first isolation in the UK of Balamuthia mandrillaris amoebae from a fatal case of granulomatous amoebic meningoencephalitis is reported. Using primary cultures of human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs), amoebae were isolated from the brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The cultures showed a cytopathic effect at 20–28 days, but morphologically identifiable B. mandrillaris amoebae were seen in cleared plaques in subcultures at 45 days. The identification of the organism was later confirmed using PCR on Chelex-treated extracts. Serum taken while the patient was still alive reacted strongly with slide antigen prepared from cultures of the post-mortem isolate, and also with those from a baboon B. mandrillaris strain at 1 : 10 000 in indirect immunofluorescence, but with Acanthamoeba castellanii (Neff) at 1 : 160, supporting B. mandrillaris to be the causative agent. If the presence of amoebae in the post-mortem CSF reflects the condition in life, PCR studies on CSF and on biopsies of cutaneous lesions may also be a valuable tool. The role of HBMECs in understanding the interactions of B. mandrillaris with the blood–brain barrier is discussed

    Primary Sector Evolution: 1999-2009

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    nalysing the current situation of agriculture is very important because the economy in a lot of regions is based on this sector. For this reason, the present scenario in many regions mirrors that of agriculture. Farms and their structural evolution over the last decade allow us to see the effects of factors such as the economic crisis and the changes in Common Agrarian Policy (CAP) on this sector and the economies of some regions.In this sense, European countries compiled agrarian censuses in 2009 and 2010 to comply with the legal regulations established by the European Council in order to obtain a framework or directory of farms that could serve to carry out sampling designs for sectorial agricultural surveys. These censuses have been elaborated in Spain since 1982 and are the main source of primary sector information.Thus, in this paper we have used the agrarian census data from 2009 to analyse the current situation of farms. In addition, information from the 1999 agrarian census has been used to ascertain the main changes that have taken place in these farms during this decade. This analysis has made it possible to determine the main effects that the worldwide economic crisis has had on farm structure and, therefore, on the hard-hit agrarian economy