107 research outputs found

    Novel ICI suppressing receiver for high-mobility DVB-T2 reception with large FFT modes

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    This paper proposes a novel framework for reducing the inter-carrier interference (ICI) caused by time-varying channels in mobile OFDM systems. The proposed ICI suppressing scheme is based on the application of the sum-product (SP) algorithm to a factor graph (FG) representing the joint a posteriori probability (APP) of the transmitted symbols. Simulation results show that this new iterative soft-input soft-output (SISO) detection strategy achieves good performance when the ICI power is high, which can be due to high mobility or the use of large FFT sizes. We discuss its application to the reception of the new DVB-T2 broadcasting standard for a set of realistic mobile scenarios

    Common-mode voltage elimination in multilevel power inverter-based motor drive applications

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    The industry and academia are focusing their efforts on finding more efficient and reliable electrical machines and motor drives. However, many of the motors driven by pulse-width modulated converters face the recurring problem of common-mode voltage (CMV). In fact, this voltage leads to other problems such as bearing breakdown, deterioration of the stator winding insulation and electromagnetic interferences (EMI) that can affect the lifespan and correct operation of the motors. In this sense, multilevel converters have proven to be a useful tool for solving these problems and mitigating CMV over the past few decades. Among other reasons, because they provide additional degrees of freedom when comparing with two-level converters. However, although there are several proposals in the scientific literature on this topic, no complete information has been reviewed about the CMV issues and the different multilevel alternatives that can be used to solve it. In this context, the objective of this work is to determine how multilevel power converters provide additional degrees of freedom to make the reduction of the CMV possible by using specific modulation techniques, making it easier for engineers and scientists in this field to find solutions to this problem. This document consists of a descriptive study that collects the strengths and weaknesses of most important multilevel power converters, with special emphasis on how CMV affects each of them. In addition, the differences of modulation techniques aimed to the CMV reduction are explained in terms of output voltage, operating linear range, and generated CMV. Considering this last, it is recommended to use those modulation techniques that allow the generation of CMV levels of 0 V in order to be able to completely eliminate said voltage.This work was supported in part by the Government of the Basque Country within the Fund for Research Groups of the Basque University System under Grant IT978-16; in part by the Research Program ELKARTEK under Project ENSOL2-KK-2020/00077; in part by the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya; in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades of Spain under Project PID2019-111420RB-I00 and Project PID2020-115126RB-I00; and in part by the FEDER Funds.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Effect of vitamin E administered to men in infertile couples on sperm and assisted reproduction outcomes: a double-blind randomized study

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    Objective: To evaluate the influence on sperm parameters and invitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes of the administration of 400 mg/day of vitamin E for 3 months to men from infertile couples who are undergoing IVF. Design: Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study. Setting: Human reproduction unit of a university hospital. Patients: A total of 101 couples, 50 in the vitamin E group and 51 in the placebo group, undergoing IVF, among whom 64.4% of cases had an abnormal spermiogram according to World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Interventions: Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), 400 mg daily by mouth for 3 months, with sperm analysis performed immediately before starting the treatment and 3 months later on the day of IVF. Main Outcome Measures: WHO sperm parameters and IVF outcomes. Results: Although there was a statistically significant increase in progressive motility in the vitamin E group compared with before-treatment values, a similar increase occurred in the placebo group. Normal morphology was even better in the placebo group. Regarding IVF outcomes, better fertilization rates were observed in the placebo group, but the live-birth rate per transfer was statistically significantly higher in the vitamin E group: 17 (41.46%) of 41 versus 9 (20.46%) of 44 in the placebo group. Although the clinical pregnancy rates (both per transfer and per cycle started) and the implantation rate were somewhat higher in the vitamin E group (43.9% and 25%; 36.0% and 22.0%; and 24.7% and 14.1%, respectively), the increase was not statistically significant. Conclusions: The effect of vitamin E on classic sperm parameters was not an improvement over placebo. Nonetheless, vitamin E administration was associated with a statistically significantly higher live-birth rate, and there was a trend toward better results in other IVF parameters

    Single-cell RNA-sequencing of differentiating iPS cells reveals dynamic genetic effects on gene expression.

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    Recent developments in stem cell biology have enabled the study of cell fate decisions in early human development that are impossible to study in vivo. However, understanding how development varies across individuals and, in particular, the influence of common genetic variants during this process has not been characterised. Here, we exploit human iPS cell lines from 125 donors, a pooled experimental design, and single-cell RNA-sequencing to study population variation of endoderm differentiation. We identify molecular markers that are predictive of differentiation efficiency of individual lines, and utilise heterogeneity in the genetic background across individuals to map hundreds of expression quantitative trait loci that influence expression dynamically during differentiation and across cellular contexts

    Las metĂĄstasis Ăłseas del cĂĄncer

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    Las metĂĄstasis Ăłseas representan un problema clĂ­nico devastador en las neoplasias mĂĄs frecuentes, especialmente en el mieloma mĂșltiple, mama, prĂłstata, y pulmĂłn. Las consecuencias incluyen dolores refractarios a analgĂ©sicos convencionales, osteolisis que conlleva en ocasiones compresiĂłn medular, fracturas patolĂłgicas, y trastornos metabĂłlicos. Recientes avances en el diagnĂłstico mediante tĂ©cnicas de imagen, asĂ­ como diversas tĂ©cnicas bioquĂ­micas, han favorecido un certero diagnĂłstico y seguimiento. El aumento de la supervivencia se ha mejorado mediante una aproximaciĂłn multimodal en los tratamientos con la combinaciĂłn de la inhibiciĂłn de la osteolisis, la cirugĂ­a ortopĂ©dica profilĂĄctica y la radioterapia. Recientes progresos en la investigaciĂłn bĂĄsica han determinado la huella molecular de metĂĄstasis de un tumor capaz de predecir su proclividad metastĂĄsica. La investigaciĂłn bĂĄsica favorecerĂĄ un conocimiento de los mecanismos bĂĄsicos y llevarĂĄ a elucidar dianas moleculares que favorecerĂĄn el desarrollo de fĂĄrmacos capaces de prevenir, amortiguar o bloquear el proceso metastĂĄtico.Bone metastases represent a devastating clinical problem in the most frequent neoplasies, especially in multiple myeloma, tumours breast, prostate and lung. The consequences include pain which is refractory to conventional analgesics, osteolysis often leading to bone-marrow compression and pathological fractures, and metabolic disorders. Recent advances in diagnosis using imaging techniques as well as different biochemical techniques have helped accurate diagnosis and follow-up. The increase in survival has improved through a multimodal approach combining, inhibition of osteolysis, with prophylactic orthopaedic surgery and radiation therapy. Recent advances in basic research have determined the molecular metastatic that can predict its proclivity to metastasize. Basic research will improve understanding of the basic mechanisms and lead to the clarification of molecular targets that will help in the development of medicines capable of preventing, decreasing or blocking the metastatic process

    3D Ruthenium Nanoparticle Covalent Assemblies from Polymantane Ligands for Confined Catalysis

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    The synthesis of metal nanoparticle (NP) assemblies stabilized by functional molecules is an important research topic in nanoscience, and the ability to control interparticle distances and positions in NP assemblies is one of the major challenges in designing and understanding functional nanostructures. Here, two series of functionalized adamantanes, bis-adamantanes, and diamantanes, bearing carboxylic acid or amine functional groups, were used as building blocks to produce, via a straightforward method, networks of ruthenium NPs. Both the nature of the ligand and the Ru/ligand ratio affect the interparticle distance in the assemblies. The use of 1,3-adamantanedicarboxylic acid allows the synthesis of three-dimensional (3D) networks of 1.7–1.9 nm Ru NPs presenting an interparticle distance of 2.5–2.7 nm. The surface interaction between Ru NPs and the ligands was investigated spectroscopically using a 13C-labeled ligand, as well as theoretically with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. We found that Ru species formed during the NP assembly are able to partially decarbonylate carboxylic acid ligands at room temperature. Decarbonylation of a carboxylic acid at room temperature in the presence of dihydrogen usually occurs on catalysts at much higher temperatures and pressures. This result reveals a very high reactivity of ruthenium species formed during the network assembly. The Ru NP networks were found to be active catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of phenylacetylene, reaching good selectivity toward styrene. Overall, we demonstrated that catalyst activity, selectivity, and NP network stability are significantly affected by Ru NP interparticle distance and electronic ligand effects. As such, these materials constitute a unique set that should allow a better understanding of the complex surface chemistry in carbon-supported metal catalysts

    Grupo español de cirugía toråcica asistida por videoimagen: método, auditoría y resultados iniciales de una cohorte nacional prospectiva de pacientes tratados con resecciones anatómicas del pulmón

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    Introduction: our study sought to know the current implementation of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) for anatomical lung resections in Spain. We present our initial results and describe the auditing systems developed by the Spanish VATS Group (GEVATS). Methods: we conducted a prospective multicentre cohort study that included patients receiving anatomical lung resections between 12/20/2016 and 03/20/2018. The main quality controls consisted of determining the recruitment rate of each centre and the accuracy of the perioperative data collected based on six key variables. The implications of a low recruitment rate were analysed for '90-day mortality' and 'Grade IIIb-V complications'. Results: the series was composed of 3533 cases (1917 VATS; 54.3%) across 33 departments. The centres' median recruitment rate was 99% (25-75th:76-100%), with an overall recruitment rate of 83% and a data accuracy of 98%. We were unable to demonstrate a significant association between the recruitment rate and the risk of morbidity/mortality, but a trend was found in the unadjusted analysis for those centres with recruitment rates lower than 80% (centres with 95-100% rates as reference): grade IIIb-V OR=0.61 (p=0.081), 90-day mortality OR=0.46 (p=0.051). Conclusions: more than half of the anatomical lung resections in Spain are performed via VATS. According to our results, the centre's recruitment rate and its potential implications due to selection bias, should deserve further attention by the main voluntary multicentre studies of our speciality. The high representativeness as well as the reliability of the GEVATS data constitute a fundamental point of departure for this nationwide cohort
