43 research outputs found

    Neural crest stem cells undergo multilineage differentiation in developing peripheral nerves to generate endoneurial fibroblasts in addition to Schwann cells

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    Neural crest stem cells (NCSCs) persist in peripheral nerves throughout late gestation but their function is unknown. Current models of nerve development only consider the generation of Schwann cells from neural crest, but the presence of NCSCs raises the possibility of multilineage differentiation. We performed Cre-recombinase fate mapping to determine which nerve cells are neural crest derived. Endoneurial fibroblasts, in addition to myelinating and non-myelinating Schwann cells, were neural crest derived, whereas perineurial cells, pericytes and endothelial cells were not. This identified endoneurial fibroblasts as a novel neural crest derivative, and demonstrated that trunk neural crest does give rise to fibroblasts in vivo, consistent with previous studies of trunk NCSCs in culture. The multilineage differentiation of NCSCs into glial and non-glial derivatives in the developing nerve appears to be regulated by neuregulin, notch ligands, and bone morphogenic proteins, as these factors are expressed in the developing nerve, and cause nerve NCSCs to generate Schwann cells and fibroblasts, but not neurons, in culture. Nerve development is thus more complex than was previously thought, involving NCSC self-renewal, lineage commitment and multilineage differentiation

    On the change of growth and wood constructive substances in Salix Koriyanagi which was grown in different soil moisture conditions

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    textabstractThe cellular interactions that drive the formation and maintenance of the insulating myelin sheath around axons are only partially understood. Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated (LGI) proteins play important roles in nervous system development and mutations in their genes have been associated with epilepsy and amyelination. Their function involves interactions with ADAM22 and ADAM23 cell surface receptors, possibly in apposing membranes, thus attenuating cellular interactions. LGI4-ADAM22 interactions are required for axonal sorting and myelination in the developing peripheral nervous system (PNS). Functional analysis revealed that, despite their high homology and affinity for ADAM22, LGI proteins are functionally distinct. To dissect the key residues in LGI proteins required for coordinating axonal sorting and myelination in the developing PNS, we adopted a phylogenetic and computational approach and demonstrate that the mechanism of action of LGI4 depends on a cluster of three amino acids on the outer surface of the LGI4 protein, thus providing a structural basis for the mechanistic differences in LGI protein function in nervous system development and evolution

    Functional phylogenetic analysis of LGI proteins identifies an interaction motif crucial for myelination

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    The cellular interactions that drive the formation and maintenance of the insulating myelin sheath around axons are only partially understood. Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated (LGI) proteins play important roles in nervous system development and mutations in their genes have been associated with epilepsy and amyelination. Their function involves interactions with ADAM22 and ADAM23 cell surface receptors, possibly in apposing membranes, thus attenuating cellular interactions. LGI4-ADAM22 interactions are required for axonal sorting and myelination in the developing peripheral nervous system (PNS). Functional analysis revealed that, despite their high homology and affinity for ADAM22, LGI proteins are functionally distinct. To dissect the key residues in LGI proteins required for coordinating axonal sorting and myelination in the developing PNS, we adopted a phylogenetic and computational approach and demonstrate that the mechanism of action of LGI4 depends on a cluster of three amino acids on the outer surface of the LGI4 protein, thus providing a structural basis for the mechanistic differences in LGI protein function in nervous system development and evolution

    Functional phylogenetic analysis of LGI proteins identifies an interaction motif crucial for myelination

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    The cellular interactions that drive the formation and maintenance of the insulating myelin sheath around axons are only partially understood. Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated (LGI) proteins play important roles in nervous system development and mutations in their genes have been associated with epilepsy and amyelination. Their function involves interactions with ADAM22 and ADAM23 cell surface receptors, possibly in apposing membranes, thus attenuating cellular interactions. LGI4-ADAM22 interactions are required for axonal sorting and myelination in the developing peripheral nervous system (PNS). Functional analysis revealed that, despite their high homology and affinity for ADAM22, LGI proteins are functionally distinct. To dissect the key residues in LGI proteins required for coordinating axonal sorting and myelination in the developing PNS, we adopted a phylogenetic and computational approach and demonstrate that the mechanism of action of LGI4 depends on a cluster of three amino acids on the outer surface of the LGI4 protein, thus providing a structural basis for the mechanistic differences in LGI protein function in nervous system development and evolution

    A tissue-specific knockout reveals that Gata1 is not essential for Sertoli cell function in the mouse

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    The transcription factor Gata1 is essential for the development of erythroid cells. Consequently, Gata1 null mutants die in utero due to severe anaemia. Outside the haematopoietic system, Gata1 is only expressed in the Sertoli cells of the testis. To elucidate the function of Gata1 in the testis, we made a Sertoli cell-specific knockout of the Gata1 gene in the mouse. We deleted a normally functioning 'floxed' Gata1 gene in pre-Sertoli cells in vivo through the expression of Cre from a transgene driven by the Desert Hedgehog promoter. Surprisingly, Gata1 null testes developed to be morphologically normal, spermatogenesis was not obviously affected and expression levels of putative Gata1 target genes, and other Gata factors, were not altered. We conclude that expression of Gata1 in Sertoli cells is not essential for testis development or spermatogenesis in the mouse

    LGI3/2-ADAM23 interactions cluster Kv1 channels in myelinated axons to regulate refractory period

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    Along myelinated axons, Shaker-type potassium channels (Kv1) accumulate at high density in the juxtaparanodal region, directly adjacent to the paranodal axon-glia junctions that flank the nodes of Ranvier. However, the mechanisms that control the clustering of Kv1 channels, as well as their function at this site, are still poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that axonal ADAM23 is essential for both the accumulation and stability of juxtaparanodal Kv1 complexes. The function of ADAM23 is critically dependent on its interaction with its extracellular ligands LGI2 and LGI3. Furthermore, we demonstrate that juxtaparanodal Kv1 complexes affect the refractory period, thus enabling high-frequency burst firing of action potentials. Our findings not only reveal a previously unknown molecular pathway that regulates Kv1 channel clustering, but they also demonstrate that the juxtaparanodal Kv1 channels that are concealed below the myelin sheath, play a significant role in modifying axonal physiology

    N-WASP is required for membrane wrapping and myelination by Schwann cells

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    During peripheral nerve myelination, Schwann cells sort larger axons, ensheath them, and eventually wrap their membrane to form the myelin sheath. These processes involve extensive changes in cell shape, but the exact mechanisms involved are still unknown. Neural Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) integrates various extracellular signals to control actin dynamics and cytoskeletal reorganization through activation of the Arp2/3 complex. By generating mice lacking N-WASP in myelinating Schwann cells, we show that N-WASP is crucial for myelination. In N-WASP–deficient nerves, Schwann cells sort and ensheath axons, but most of them fail to myelinate and arrest at the promyelinating stage. Yet, a limited number of Schwann cells form unusually short internodes, containing thin myelin sheaths, with the occasional appearance of myelin misfoldings. These data suggest that regulation of actin filament nucleation in Schwann cells by N-WASP is crucial for membrane wrapping, longitudinal extension, and myelination

    Functional and molecular characterization of mouse Gata2-independent hematopoietic progenitors

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    The Gata2 transcription factor is a pivotal regulator of hematopoietic cell development and maintenance, highlighted by the fact that Gata2 haploinsufficiency has been identified as the cause of some familial cases of acute myelogenous leukemia/myelodysplastic syndrome and in MonoMac syndrome. Genetic deletion in mice has shown that Gata2 is pivotal to the embryonic generation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs). It functions in the embryo during endothelial cell to hematopoietic cell transition to affect hematopoietic cluster, HPC, and HSC formation. Gata2 conditional deletion and overexpression studies show the importance of Gata2 levels in hematopoiesis, during all developmental stages. Although previous studies of cell populations phenotypically enriched in HPCs and HSCs show expression of Gata2, therehasbeen nodirect study of Gata2 expressing cells during normal hematopoiesis. In this study, we generate a Gata2Venus reporter mouse model with unperturbed Gata2 expression to examine the hematopoietic function and transcriptome of Gata2 expressing and nonexpressing cells. We show that all the HSCs are Gata2 expressing. However, not allHPCs in the aorta, vitellineand umbilical arteries, and fetal liver require or express Gata2. These Gata2-independent HPCs exhibit a different functional output and genetic program, including Ras and cyclic AMP response element-binding protein pathways and other Gata factors, compared with Gata2-dependent HPCs. Our results, indicating that Gata2 is of major importance in programming toward HSC fate but not in all cells with HPC fate, have implications for current reprogramming strategies

    Etude immunochimique du groupe des Tombusvirus

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