1,606 research outputs found

    Alexandra Kollontaï

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    In questo articolo si vuole presentare uno dei personaggi meno esaminati della Rivoluzione d’Ottobre: Alexandra Kollontaï. È stata l’unica donna al governo di Lenin e le sue riforme hanno modificato strutture millenarie di subordinazione femminile all’interno della giovane Repubblica Sovietica. Verranno illustrate le riflessioni di Alexandra Kollontaï sull’emancipazione femminile e il suo progetto iniziale per la liberazione economica delle donne, più precisamente le sue elaborazioni riguardanti il lavoro, la famiglia e lo Stato. Per fare ciò si analizzerà il suo scritto «La famille et l’État comuniste». Il periodo storico preso in considerazione corrisponde ai primi anni della giovane Repubblica Sovietica, dal consolidamento del regime fino alla stalinizzazione. Il primo paragrafo tratterà del lavoro salariato come strumento di liberazione femminile; il secondo focalizzerà l’attenzione sul lavoro domestico e sull’idea di una nuova struttura familiare e statale; infine saranno affrontate le difficoltà riscontrate da Kollontaï ed il problema dell’eredità del suo pensiero.In this article one of the most important yet least examined protagonists of the October revolution, Alexandra Kollontaï, will be introduced. She was the only woman in Lenin’s government and her reforms modified structures of female subordination, dating back thousands of years, within the young Soviet Republic. Alexandra Kollontaï’s reflections on female emancipation will thus be illustrated, as well as her initial project for women’s economic freedom, more specifically her developments regarding work, family and the state. To do this, her text “La famille et l’État communiste” will be analysed. The historical period taken into consideration corresponds to the first years of the young Soviet Republic, from the regime’s consolidation until Stalinisation. The first paragraph will discuss paid work as an instrument of female emancipation; the second will focus on housework and on the idea of a new family and state structure; at the end the difficulties observed by Kollontaï and the problem of Kollontaï’s legacy will be analyzed

    Indagine sulla prevalenza di Circovirus tipo 2 (PCV-2) nella popolazione di cinghiali (Sus scrofa) delle province di Grosseto e Pisa

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    Il circovirus suino tipo 2 (PCV-2) è un agente eziologico molto piccolo (17 nm) a simmetria icosaedrica, privo di envelope contenente DNA a singolo filamento circolare. Il virus, ampiamente diffuso negli allevamenti suini di tutto il mondo, è causa di patologie respiratorie, riproduttive nonché della sindrome nefrite e dermatite del suino (PDNS) e della sindrome da deperimento organico post-svezzamento (PMWS). La presenza del virus e le manifestazioni patologiche associate sono state dimostrate anche nel cinghiale. Questa tesi si pone come obiettivo di raccogliere informazioni sulla prevalenza di PCV-2 e caratterizzare le lesioni organiche dei cinghiali nelle Province toscane di Pisa e Grosseto. Su un campione di 92 cinghiali provenienti dalla provincia di Pisa e di 52 cinghiali provenienti dalla provincia di Grosseto sono state condotte indagini istopatologiche ed istochimiche su vari organi per individuare la presenza di lesioni ed indagini di immunofluorescenza su tessuto linfoide per svelare la presenza dell’antigene virale di PCV-2. Si sono accertate lesioni a carico del tessuto polmonare, splenico, tonsillare e dei linfonodi. Lo studio ha rilevato una prevalenza per PCV-2 del 13% e del 42% rispettivamente nelle Province di Pisa e Grosseto. In conclusione si evince il ruolo di serbatoio di PCV-2 che il cinghiale gioca nei confronti del suino rappresentando un pericolo, soprattutto per quegli esemplari allevati al brado con il quale può venire facilmente in contatto. Queste considerazioni devono essere valutate nei futuri programmi di eradicazione di tale virosi. Parole chiave: Circovirus suino tipo II, cinghiale europeo, Sindrome da deperimento organico post-svezzamento, immunofluorescenza, linfonod

    Planning and Managing of Diagnostic Imaging Technologies in Healthcare: The Introduction of Managed Equipment Service (MES) for the System’s Sustainability

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    The lack of resources has driven healthcare management studies to recognise Private and Public Partnerships (PPP) as the solution in managing efficiency, effectiveness and profitability of technological innovation. Recent researchers have identified the buying model called Managed Equipment Service (MES), in which purchaser and seller share the risks of technology’s management and use, as an optimal problem-solving method. The aim of this research is to analyse the potential economic-financial and organizational benefits of MES introduction in healthcare, in particular for the acquisition of the diagnostic imaging technologies. The research applies the case study method. We have examined a representative Italian Local Health Authority for its dimensions, managerial characteristics and case-mix offered but, especially, for its high health standards. In the study we have involved the strategic figure of radiographer in diagnostic imaging. The data has been elaborated through statistical analysis to observe the correlations. Evidence demonstrates that MES costs are lower than all the other planning and purchasing methods analysed (between 11% - 239%). When correlations between age of facilities and effectiveness of provided services is strong, MES grants the maintenance of a lower average age of technologies and a more efficient use of resources and significant margins of profitability. The emerging model of PPP is a possible solution to the current issues surrounding economic and financial sustainability of healthcare systems, considered the fewer resources and the technological progress. MES in healthcare appears to be a highly efficient way of managing innovation, in particular for diagnostic imaging technologies. Keywords: Public Private Partnership (PPP), Managed Equipment Service (MES), middle-high technologies, diagnostic imaging

    Secondary flow and radial mixing modelling for CFD-based Through-Flow methods: an axial turbine application

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    Abstract The paper presents the theoretical bases and an application of a CFD-based Through-Flow model. The code solves the axisymmetric Euler equations and takes into account the effect of tangential blockage and body force. It inherits its numerical scheme from a state-of-the-art CFD solver (TRAF code). Blade body forces are calculated directly from the tangency condition to the meridional flow surface, which is iteratively adapted during the time-marching procedure. Dissipative forces are computed through a realistic distribution of entropy along streamlines. Both secondary flow and tip leakage effects on the meridional flow-field are included through the adoption of a concentrated vortex model, while the corresponding loss contributions are evaluated from correlations. Also, a radial mixing model considering both turbulent diffusion and spanwise convection is implemented. The accuracy of the method is assessed by comparison with CFD calculations and experimental data on the transonic CT3 turbine stage tested in the framework of the TATEF2 European project. A good agreement in terms of overall performance and radial distributions is achieved for both design and off-design operating conditions

    Real-Life Effectiveness of Adalimumab Biosimilars in Patients with Chronic Plaque Psoriasis

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    Introduction The real-life effectiveness of adalimumab biosimilars in patients with psoriasis has rarely been investigated. Objective To investigate drug survival of adalimumab biosimilars in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis and factors associated with its discontinuation. Methods We carried out a retrospective observational study including all consecutive patients with chronic plaque psoriasis who initiated adalimumab biosimilar MSB11022 (Idacio), ABP501 (Amgevita), or SB5 (Imraldi) between 1 January 2018 and 1 January 2021. The 1-year drug survival of adalimumab biosimilar and independent factors associated with its discontinuation were investigated. Cox regression models were fit to estimate adjusted hazard ratios (aHRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the risk of adalimumab discontinuation. A propensity score matching (PSM) model was adopted as sensitivity analysis. Results The study involved a total of 410 patients with follow-up of 549.84 person-years, 271 (66.1%) men, a mean (SD) age of 51.8 (14.5) years, and a baseline PASI of 14.54 (5.02). Among adalimumab biosimilars, 250 (61%) patients received MSB11022, 98 (24%) received ABP501, and 62 (15%) received SB5. Drug survival of adalimumab biosimilars at 1 year was 81.5% in the overall study population. Obesity was associated with increased risk of adalimumab discontinuation (HR = 2.01; 95% CI 1.33-3.03), whereas psoriatic arthritis (aHR = 0.32; 95% CI 0.16-0.64) and receiving adalimumab as first systemic treatment (aHR = 0.44; 95% CI 0.27-0.70) were associated with lower risk. Conclusion The real-life effectiveness of adalimumab biosimilars in patients with psoriasis is consistent with that previously reported for the originator

    Critical issues and key points from the survey to the creation of the historical building information model: The case of Santo Stefano Basilica

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    The new era of designing in architecture and civil engineering applications lies in the Building Information Modeling (BIM) approach, based on a 3D geometric model including a 3D database. This is easier for new constructions whereas, when dealing with existing buildings, the creation of the BIM is based on the accurate knowledge of the as-built construction. Such a condition is allowed by a 3D survey, often carried out with laser scanning technology or modern photogrammetry, which are able to guarantee an adequate points cloud in terms of resolution and completeness by balancing both time consuming and costs with respect to the request of final accuracy. The BIM approach for existing buildings and even more for historical buildings is not yet a well known and deeply discussed process. There are still several choices to be addressed in the process from the survey to the model and critical issues to be discussed in the modeling step, particularly when dealing with unconventional elements such as deformed geometries or historical elements. The paper describes a comprehensive workflow that goes through the survey and the modeling, allowing to focus on critical issues and key points to obtain a reliable BIM of an existing monument. The case study employed to illustrate the workflow is the Basilica of St. Stefano in Bologna (Italy), a large monumental complex with great religious, historical and architectural assets

    Clinical Phenotype of Pediatric and Adult Patients With Spinal Muscular Atrophy With Four SMN2 Copies: Are They Really All Stable?

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    Clinical phenotype; Pediatric patients; Spinal muscular atrophyFenotipo clínico; Pacientes pediátricos; Atrofia muscular espinalFenotip clínic; Pacients pediàtrics; Atròfia muscular espinalObjective The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the clinical phenotypes associated with 4 SMN2 copies. Methods Clinical phenotypes were analyzed in all the patients with 4 SMN2 copies as part of a nationwide effort including all the Italian pediatric and adult reference centers for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Results The cohort includes 169 patients (102 men and 67 women) with confirmed 4 SMN2 copies (mean age at last follow-up = 36.9 ± 19 years). Six of the 169 patients were presymptomatic, 8 were classified as type II, 145 as type III (38 type IIIA and 107 type IIIB), and 8 as type IV. The remaining 2 patients were asymptomatic adults identified because of a familial case. The cross-sectional functional data showed a reduction of scores with increasing age. Over 35% of the type III and 25% of the type IV lost ambulation (mean age = 26.8 years ± 16.3 SD). The risk of loss of ambulation was significantly associated with SMA type (p < 0.0001), with patients with IIIB and IV less likely to lose ambulation compared to type IIIA. There was an overall gender effect with a smaller number of women and a lower risk for women to lose ambulation. This was significant in the adult (p = 0.009) but not in the pediatric cohort (p = 0.43). Interpretation Our results expand the existing literature on natural history of 4 SMN2 copies confirming the variability of phenotypes in untreated patients, ranging from type II to type IV and an overall reduction of functional scores with increasing age.S.C.P., G.P.C., and E.M. are members of the European Reference Network for Rare Neuromuscular Diseases (ERN EURO-NMD). G.Coratti is funded by grant from the Italian Ministry of Health (GR-2021-12374579). E.M. is funded by grant from the Italian Ministry of Health (RF-2019-12370334). M.C.P. is funded by grant from the Italian Ministry of Health (GR-2018-12365706). E.P. is funded by grant from the Italian Telethon (GUP21008). The ITASMAC registry is partly funded by Biogen and Roche

    Single antibody detection in a DNA origami nanoantenna

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    DNA nanotechnology offers new biosensing approaches by templating different sensor and transducer components. Here, we combine DNA origami nanoantennas with label-free antibody detection by incorporating a nanoswitch in the plasmonic hotspot of the nanoantenna. The nanoswitch contains two antigens that are displaced by antibody binding, thereby eliciting a fluorescent signal. Single-antibody detection is demonstrated with a DNA origami integrated anti-digoxigenin antibody nanoswitch. In combination with the nanoantenna, the signal generated by the antibody is additionally amplified. This allows the detection of single antibodies on a portable smartphone microscope. Overall, fluorescence-enhanced antibody detection in DNA origami nanoantennas shows that fluorescence-enhanced biosensing can be expanded beyond the scope of the nucleic acids realm