216 research outputs found

    Colour and Naming in Healthy and Aphasic People

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    Abstract The purpose of this study was to create a paradigm suitable for people with aphasia and healthy subjects to evaluate the influence of colour on naming pictures of objects. We designed a completely new stimulus set based on images of 140 common real objects that were inspired by the Snodgrass and Vanderwart picture set (1980). We were especially interested whether there is a difference in performance between the aphasic patients and the group of healthy controls. Adding chromatic information to pictures of objects shows only a small effect in verification and categorisation tasks. However, when observers are required to name objects, colour speeds performance and enhances accuracy (Rossion & Pourtois, 2004). The present study contrasts two different claims as to why colour may benefit object naming. The first is that colour simply aids the segmentation of the object from its background (Wichmann et al., 2002). The second is that colour may help to elicit a wider range of associations with the object, thereby enhancing lexical access (Bisiach, 1966). To distinguish between these processes an equal number of pictures containing high and low colour diagnostic objects were presented against either fractal noise or uniform backgrounds in a naming task to aphasic subjects with anomia and to healthy controls. Performance for chromatic stimuli was compared with that for monochrome stimuli equated in luminance. Results show that colour facilitates naming significantly in both subject groups and there was no significant difference between objects with high or low colour diagnostic values. We also found that object segmentation and the lexical access seem to occur in parallel processes, rather than in an additive way

    Mouse conventional dendritic cells can be universally classified based on the mutually exclusive expression of XCR1 and SIRPα

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    Since the identification of mouse dendritic cells (DC) in the early 70s, all attempts to consistently classify the identified functional DC subpopulations according to their surface molecule expression failed. In the absence of DC lineage markers, a great variety of non-congruent surface molecules were used instead. Recent advances in the understanding of the involvement of transcription factors in the differentiation of DC subpopulations, together with the identification of a lineage marker for cross-presenting DC, have now allowed to establish a consistent and unified DC classification in the mouse. We demonstrate in the present article that all conventional DC in the mouse can be universally subdivided into either XCR1+ (“cross-presenting”) DC or SIRPα+ DC, irrespective of their activation status. This advancement will greatly facilitate future work on the biology of mouse DC. We discuss this new classification in view of current DC classification systems in the mouse and the human

    Kuri’y Zág Fág Vol.2: Culturas e Memórias

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    Interculturalidade, interdisciplinaridade, bilinguismo, especificidade. Conceitos que dão base e corpo às diversas pesquisas apresentadas nos livros Kuri’y Zág Fág – Ensino e Natureza e Kuri’y Zág Fág – Culturas e Memórias, que dão continuidade à Coleção Ações e Saberes Guarani, Kaingang e Laklãnõ Xokleng em foco, com a publicação de trabalhos de conclusão de curso fruto de pesquisas realizadas por estudantes da segunda turma (2016-2020) do Curso Licenciatura Intercultural Indígena do Sul da Mata Atlântica da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Pesquisadoras/es Guarani, Kaingang e Laklãnõ-Xokleng nos guiam através de suas próprias experiências a uma reflexão crítica sobre estes conceitos, ferramenta preciosa ao permitir abrir um campo de possibilidades para as práticas pedagógicas nas escolas das aldeias e nos cursos específicos de formação técnica e superior, renovando permanentemente as perspectivas a partir das experiências singulares que se espalham e florescem pelo mundo afora.Interculturalidade, interdisciplinaridade, bilinguismo, especificidade. Conceitos que dão base e corpo às diversas pesquisas apresentadas nos livros Kuri’y Zág Fág – Ensino e Natureza e Kuri’y Zág Fág – Culturas e Memórias, que dão continuidade à Coleção Ações e Saberes Guarani, Kaingang e Laklãnõ Xokleng em foco, com a publicação de trabalhos de conclusão de curso fruto de pesquisas realizadas por estudantes da segunda turma (2016-2020) do Curso Licenciatura Intercultural Indígena do Sul da Mata Atlântica da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Pesquisadoras/es Guarani, Kaingang e Laklãnõ-Xokleng nos guiam através de suas próprias experiências a uma reflexão crítica sobre estes conceitos, ferramenta preciosa ao permitir abrir um campo de possibilidades para as práticas pedagógicas nas escolas das aldeias e nos cursos específicos de formação técnica e superior, renovando permanentemente as perspectivas a partir das experiências singulares que se espalham e florescem pelo mundo afora

    Cysteine Peptidases, Secreted by Trichomonas gallinae, Are Involved in the Cytopathogenic Effects on a Permanent Chicken Liver Cell Culture

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    Trichomonas gallinae, the aetiological agent of avian trichomonosis, was shown to secrete soluble factors involved in cytopathogenic effect on a permanent chicken liver (LMH) cell culture. The present study focused on the characterization of these molecules. The addition of specific peptidase inhibitors to the cell-free filtrate partially inhibited the monolayer destruction, which implied the presence of peptidases in the filtrate and their involvement in the cytopathogenic effect. One-dimensional substrate (gelatin) SDS-PAGE confirmed the proteolytic character of the filtrate by demonstrating the proteolytic activity within the molecular weight range from 38 to 110 kDa. In addition, the proteolytic activity was specifically inhibited by addition of TLCK and E-64 cysteine peptidase inhibitors implying their cysteine peptidase nature. Furthermore, variations in the intensity and the number of proteolytic bands were observed between cell-free filtrates of low and high passages of the same T. gallinae clonal culture. Two-dimensional substrate gel electrophoresis of concentrated T. gallinae cell-free filtrate identified at least six proteolytic spots. The mass spectrometric analysis of spots from 2-D gels identified the presence of at least two different Clan CA, family C1, cathepsin L-like cysteine peptidases in the cell-free filtrate of T. gallinae. In parallel, a PCR approach using degenerated primers based on the conserved amino acid sequence region of cysteine peptidases from Trichomonas vaginalis identified the coding sequences for four different Clan CA, family C1, cathepsin L-like cysteine peptidases. Finally, this is the first report analyzing molecules secreted by T. gallinae and demonstrating the ubiquity of peptidases secreted by this protozoon

    The import receptor for the peroxisomal targeting signal 2 (PTS2) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is encoded by the PAS7 gene

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    The import of peroxisomal matrix proteins is dependent on one of two targeting signals, PTS1 and PTS2. We demonstrate in vivo that not only the import of thiolase but also that of a chimeric protein consisting of the thiolase PTS2 (amino acids 1-18) fused to the bacterial protein β-lactamase is Pas7p dependent. In addition, using a combination of several independent approaches (two-hybrid system, co-immunoprecipitation, affinity chromatography and high copy suppression), we show that Pas7p specifically interacts with thiolase in vivo and in vitro. For this interaction, the N-terminal PTS2 of thiolase is both necessary and sufficient. The specific binding of Pas7p to thiolase does not require peroxisomes. Pas7p recognizes the PTS2 of thiolase even when this otherwise N-terminal targeting signal is fused to the C-terminus of other proteins, i.e. the activation domain of Gal4p or GST. These results demonstrate that Pas7p is the targeting signal-specific receptor of thiolase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and, moreover, are consistent with the view that Pas7p is the general receptor of the PTS2. Our observation that Pas7p also interacts with the human peroxisomal thiolase suggests that in the human peroxisomal disorders characterized by an import defect for PTS2 proteins (classical rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata), a functional homologue of Pas7p may be impaired

    Emprendimiento estudiantil universitario. Caso: universidad del zulia

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar las competencias de emprendimiento desarrolladas por los estudiantes de administración de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad del Zulia en el municipio Maracaibo del estado Zulia. Las bases teóricas se fundamentaron en las perspectivas de Veciana (1999), González (2004), Martínez y Carmona (2009), Sáenz y López (2015) y Alles (2008), Winter 2000), Gareth y Crozier (2004), Schnarch (2014), y Belzunce y col (2011), Hernández (2000) y Porter (1991), entre otros. Se recurrió a la investigación cualitativa, abordando las capacidades personales, organizacionales y comerciales. La población estuvo conformada por 373 estudiantes activos y presenciales cursantes de la Escuela de Administración de la referida facultad y universidad. Se concluye que los estudiantes en su proceso de formación universitaria han adquirido y puesto en práctica 21 competencias correspondientes a las capacidades personales, organizacionales y comerciales, permitiendo implementar aptitudes y actitudes en pro del desarrollo de iniciativas empresariales, así como de solventar problemas socioeconómicos desde la axiología profesional

    Creativity in Higher Education: Teaching Activities during Student Groups’ Idea Evaluation Process

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    Creativity should be cultivated in higher education to tackle the increasingly complex healthcare problems; however, despite this need for novelty, students collaborating in groups to solve a complex problem often seek consensus around low-novelty ideas. This study aims to explore the challenges higher education student groups face while evaluating and improving creative ideas, and to identify teaching activities that overcome these challenges. A qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with 14 teachers from the “innovation project” at Radboud university medical center in Netherlands. The results show that student groups face challenges in balancing thegoals of novelty and usefulness in their search for creative ideas, often selecting either novel ideas that are infeasible or ineffective, or useful ideas that already exist. Furthermore, teachers also identified problematic group dynamics as a challenge in the idea evaluation process. To overcome these challenges, teachers reported using cognitive, affective, metacognitive, and sociocommunicative teaching activities. In conclusion, higher education studentsmay not develop their most creative ideas even when creative solutions are required. This study highlights the importance of teaching higher education students to skilfully manage the twin goals of novelty and usefulness in theirsearch for creative solutions, while also dealing with group dynamics

    Creativity in Higher Education: Teaching Activities during Student Groups’ Idea Evaluation Process

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    Creativity should be cultivated in higher education to tackle the increasingly complex healthcare problems; however, despite this need for novelty, students collaborating in groups to solve a complex problem often seek consensus around low-novelty ideas. This study aims to explore the challenges higher education student groups face while evaluating and improving creative ideas, and to identify teaching activities that overcome these challenges. A qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with 14 teachers from the “innovation project” at Radboud university medical center in Netherlands. The results show that student groups face challenges in balancing thegoals of novelty and usefulness in their search for creative ideas, often selecting either novel ideas that are infeasible or ineffective, or useful ideas that already exist. Furthermore, teachers also identified problematic group dynamics as a challenge in the idea evaluation process. To overcome these challenges, teachers reported using cognitive, affective, metacognitive, and sociocommunicative teaching activities. In conclusion, higher education studentsmay not develop their most creative ideas even when creative solutions are required. This study highlights the importance of teaching higher education students to skilfully manage the twin goals of novelty and usefulness in theirsearch for creative solutions, while also dealing with group dynamics

    Emprendimiento estudiantil universitario na Universidad del Zulia

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    The objective of this research is to determine the entrepreneurship skills developed by the administration students of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the Universidad del Zulia in the Maracaibo municipality of Zulia state. The theoretical bases were based on the classical view of scientific administration, considering the perspectives of Veciana (1999), González (2004), Martínez y Carmona (2009), Sáenz y López (2015) y Alles (2008), Winter 2000), Gareth y Crozier (2004), Schnarch (2014), y Belzunce y col (2011), Hernández (2000) y Porter (1991), among others. In this regard, qualitative research was used, addressing personal, organizational and commercial capabilities. The population consisted of 373 active and face-to-face students of the seventh semester in the School of Administration of the aforementioned faculty and university. It is concluded that the students in their university training process have acquired and put into practice 21 competences corresponding to the personal, organizational and commercial capacities, allowing to implement aptitudes and attitudes in favor of the development of business initiatives, as well as to solve socioeconomic problems from the professional axiology.El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar las competencias de emprendimiento desarrolladas por los estudiantes de administración de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad del Zulia en el municipio Maracaibo del estado Zulia. Las bases teóricas se fundamentaron en las perspectivas de Veciana (1999), González (2004), Martínez y Carmona (2009), Sáenz y López (2015) y Alles (2008), Winter 2000), Gareth y Crozier (2004), Schnarch (2014), y Belzunce y col (2011), Hernández (2000) y Porter (1991), entre otros. Se recurrió a la investigación cualitativa, abordando las capacidades personales, organizacionales y comerciales. La población estuvo conformada por 373 estudiantes activos y presenciales cursantes de la Escuela de Administración de la referida facultad y universidad. Se concluye que los estudiantes en su proceso de formación universitaria han adquirido y puesto en práctica 21 competencias correspondientes a las capacidades personales, organizacionales y comerciales, permitiendo implementar aptitudes y actitudes en pro del desarrollo de iniciativas empresariales, así como de solventar problemas socioeconómicos desde la axiología profesional.O objetivo da presente investigação é determinar as competências de empreendimento, desenvolvidas pelos estudantes de Administração da Faculdade de Ciências Económicas e Sociais da Universidade de Zulia, no Município Maracaibo do estado Zulia. As bases teóricas foram fundamentadas de acordo com as perspectivas de Veciana (1999), González (2004), Martínez e Carmona (2009), Sáenz e López (2015), Alles (2008), Winter (2000), Gareth e Crozier (2004), Schnarch (2014), Belzunce et. al (2011), Hernández (2000), Porter (1991), entre outros. Recorreu-se à investigacão qualitativa, abordando sobre as capacidades pessoais, organizacionais e comerciais. A população definida para participar no estudo foi constituída por 373 estudantes activos e presenciais, da Escola de Administração da referida Instituição de Ensino Superior. Concluiu-se que os estudantes, no seu processo de formação universitária, têm adquirido e posto em prática, 21 competências, correspondentes às capacidades pessoais, organizacionais e comerciais, permitindo implementar atitudes e aptidões, em prol do desenvolvimento de iniciativas empresariais, assim como de resolver problemas socio-económicos desde a axiologia profissional