17,715 research outputs found

    Electro and magneto statics of topological insulators as modeled by planar, spherical and cylindrical θ\theta boundaries: Green function approach

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    The Green function (GF) method is used to analyze the boundary effects produced by a Chern Simons (CS) extension to electrodynamics. We consider the electromagnetic field coupled to a θ\theta term that is piecewise constant in different regions of space, separated by a common interface Σ\Sigma, the θ\theta boundary, model which we will refer to as θ\theta electrodynamics (θ\theta ED). This model provides a correct low energy effective action for describing topological insulators (TI). In this work we construct the static GF in θ\theta ED for different geometrical configurations of the θ\theta boundary, namely: planar, spherical and cylindrical θ\theta interfaces. Also we adapt the standard Green theorem to include the effects of the θ\theta boundary. These are the most important results of our work, since they allow to obtain the corresponding static electric and magnetic fields for arbitrary sources and arbitrary boundary conditions in the given geometries. Also, the method provides a well defined starting point for either analytical or numerical approximations in the cases where the exact analytical calculations are not possible. Explicit solutions for simple cases in each of the aforementioned geometries for θ\theta boundaries are provided. The adapted Green theorem is illustrated by studying the problem of a point like electric charge interacting with a planar TI with prescribed boundary conditions. Our generalization, when particularized to specific cases, is successfully compared with previously reported results, most of which have been obtained by using the methods of images.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in PRD. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1511.0117

    Double percolation effects and fractal behavior in magnetic/superconducting hybrids

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    Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy ferromagnetic/ superconducting (FM/SC) bilayers with a labyrinth domain structure are used to study nucleation of superconductivity on a fractal network, tunable through magnetic history. As clusters of reversed domains appear in the FM layer, the SC film shows a percolative behavior that depends on two independent processes: the arrangement of initial reversed domains and the fractal geometry of expanding clusters. For a full labyrinth structure, the behavior of the upper critical field is typical of confined superconductivity on a fractal network.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Binary frequency of planet-host stars at wide separations: A new brown dwarf companion to a planet-host star

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    The aim of the project is to improve our knowledge on the multiplicity of planet-host stars at wide physical separations. We cross-matched approximately 6200 square degree area of the Southern sky imaged by the Visible Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) Hemisphere Survey (VHS) with the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) to look for wide common proper motion companions to known planet-host stars. We complemented our astrometric search with photometric criteria. We confirmed spectroscopically the co-moving nature of seven sources out of 16 companion candidates and discarded eight, while the remaining one stays as a candidate. Among these new wide companions to planet-host stars, we discovered a T4.5 dwarf companion at 6.3 arcmin (~9000 au) from HIP70849, a K7V star which hosts a 9 Jupiter mass planet with an eccentric orbit. We also report two new stellar M dwarf companions to one G and one metal-rich K star. We infer stellar and substellar binary frequencies for our complete sample of 37 targets of 5.4+/-3.8% and 2.7+/-2.7% (1 sigma confidence level), respectively, for projected physical separations larger than ~60-160 au assuming the range of distances of planet-host stars (24-75 pc). These values are comparable to the frequencies of non planet-host stars. We find that the period-eccentricity trend holds with a lack of multiple systems with planets at large eccentricities (e > 0.2) for periods less than 40 days. However, the lack of planets more massive than 2.5 Jupiter masses and short periods (<40 days) orbiting single stars is not so obvious due to recent discoveries by ground-based transit surveys and space missions.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 13 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, optical spectra will be available at CDS Strasbour

    Microcanonical finite-size scaling in specific heat diverging 2nd order phase transitions

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    A Microcanonical Finite Site Ansatz in terms of quantities measurable in a Finite Lattice allows to extend phenomenological renormalization (the so called quotients method) to the microcanonical ensemble. The Ansatz is tested numerically in two models where the canonical specific-heat diverges at criticality, thus implying Fisher-renormalization of the critical exponents: the 3D ferromagnetic Ising model and the 2D four-states Potts model (where large logarithmic corrections are known to occur in the canonical ensemble). A recently proposed microcanonical cluster method allows to simulate systems as large as L=1024 (Potts) or L=128 (Ising). The quotients method provides extremely accurate determinations of the anomalous dimension and of the (Fisher-renormalized) thermal ν\nu exponent. While in the Ising model the numerical agreement with our theoretical expectations is impressive, in the Potts case we need to carefully incorporate logarithmic corrections to the microcanonical Ansatz in order to rationalize our data.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    On the variability of HD 170699 - a possible COROT target

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    We present the analysis of the variability of HD 170699, a COROT star showing the characteristics of a non evolutionary Delta Scuti star with high rotational velocity. There is a clear period of 10.45 c/d with 5.29 mmag amplitude in the y filter. From the data, it can be seen that the star shows multi-periodicity and it is necessary to add more frequencies to adjust the observationsComment: To appear in RevMexAA(SC) in Proceedings of XII Reunion Regional Latinoamericana de la UAI held in Isla Margarita, Venezuela, October 22-26, 200

    Information fusion from multiple databases using meta-association rules

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    Nowadays, data volume, distribution, and volatility make it difficult to search global patterns by applying traditional Data Mining techniques. In the case of data in a distributed environment, sometimes a local analysis of each dataset separately is adequate but some other times a global decision is needed by the analysis of the entire data. Association rules discovering methods typically require a single uniform dataset and managing with the entire set of distributed data is not possible due to its size. To address the scenarios in which satisfying this requirement is not practical or even feasible, we propose a new method for fusing information, in the form of rules, extracted from multiple datasets. The proposed model produces meta-association rules, i.e. rules in which the antecedent or the consequent may contain rules as well, for finding joint correlations among trends found individually in each dataset. In this paper, we describe the formulation and the implementation of two alternative frameworks that obtain, respectively, crisp meta-rules and fuzzy meta-rules. We compare our proposal with the information obtained when the datasets are not separated, in order to see the main differences between traditional association rules and meta-association rules. We also compare crisp and fuzzy methods for meta-association rule mining, observing that the fuzzy approach offers several advantages: it is more accurate since it incorporates the strength or validity of the previous information, produces a more manageable set of rules for human inspection, and allows the incorporation of contextual information to the mining process expressed in a more human-friendly format

    Instruments de síntesi i integració : guia per a l'elaboració de l'anamnesi i l'informe

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    Per tal d'escollir un eix temàtic hem revisat base que sustenta el nostre treball i que detallem a continuació: (1)Creiem que el procés de canvi impulsat per l'IDES exigeix un canvi en les estratègies d'ensenyament aprenentatge, és per això que presentem una guia que pot servir com a un instrument de síntesi de diferents assignatures cursades al llarg de la diplomatura. A més afavoreix l'autoaprenentatge, autonomia i resolució de problemes. (2)El canvi d'estratègies comporta també una metodologia docent diferent que en el nostre cas combina presencialitat, virtualitat, treball autònom, treball en equip. La utilització de aquesta combinació de metodologies afavoreix també els diferents estils d'aprenentatge de l'alumnat, pesem que és important respectar les característiques individuals dels integrants del grup. Per totes aquestes raons creiem que l'eix temàtic que pot treball és el corresponent a: Estratègies d'aprenentatge: metodologies docents, autoaprenentatge, et