4,467 research outputs found

    Analysis of energy detection of unknown signals under Beckmann fading channels

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    (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.The Beckmann fading is a general multipath fading model which includes Rice, Hoyt and Rayleigh fading as particular cases. However, the generality of the Beckmann fading also implies a significant increased mathematical complexity. Thus, relatively few analytical results have been reported for this otherwise useful fading model. The performance of energy detection for multi-branch receivers operating under Beckmann fading is here studied, and the inherent analytical complexity is here circumvented by the derivation of a closed-form expression for the generalized moment generating function (MGF) of the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which is a new and useful result, as it is key for evaluating the receiver operating characteristics. The impact of fading severity on the probability of missed detection is shown to be less critical as the SNR decreases. Monte Carlo simulations have been carried out in order to validate the obtained theoretical expressions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto MINECO-FEDER TEC2013-42711-R y TEC2013-44442-P. Junta de Andalucía P11-TIC-7109

    Software tools for computing EW chiral amplitudes

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    We present an implementation of the Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian (also denoted as Higgs Effective Theory) in several high energy physics Mathematica packages. In particular, we implement the bosonic part of the electoweak Lagrangian up to next-to-leading order for FeynRules, FeynArts and FeynCalc. These tools are publicly available and can be used to readily calculate the Feynman rules and amplitudes in the theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 pdf figures, contribution to the proceedings of QCD22 - 25th International Conference in Quantum Chromodynamics (4-7/07/2022, Montpellier - FR

    Análisis preliminar de diferentes índices de sequía en el marco de la planificación hidrológica. El caso del sistema de explotación de la Costa del Sol occidental

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    La gestión del agua en zonas turístico-costeras de clima mediterráneo se presenta como un gran reto del siglo XXI. Se trata de áreas densamente pobladas y con grandes fluctuaciones estacionales en el número de habitantes y, por tanto, en la demanda de agua. La existencia en el subsistema de explotación I-3 (Costa del Sol Occidental) de recursos de agua de distinta procedencia (superficiales, subterráneos, etc.) convierte a este sistema de explotación en un ejemplo para el cálculo de diferentes índices de sequía a partir de distintos tipos de variables (climáticas, hidrogeológicas e hidrológicas). Se han utilizado dos índices, el índice estandarizado de precipitación (SPI) y el índice de estado (Ie). Los resultados obtenidos han variado en función del índice y de la variable analizada. Se ha observado un comportamiento menos oscilante, y por lo tanto más útil a la hora de identificar sequías a medio y largo plazo, en el caso del índice SPI para todas las variables, y del índice Ie aplicado a las series de piezometría y volumen almacenado en el embalse de La Concepción.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The match between molecular subtypes, histology and microenvironment of pancreatic cancer and its relevance for chemoresistance

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    In the last decade, several studies based on whole transcriptomic and genomic analyses of pancreatic tumors and their stroma have come to light to supplement histopathological stratification of pancreatic cancers with a molecular point-of-view. Three main molecular studies: Collisson et al. 2011, Moffitt et al. 2015 and Bailey et al. 2016 have found specific gene signatures, which identify different molecular subtypes of pancreatic cancer and provide a comprehensive stratification for both a personalized treatment or to identify potential druggable targets. However, the routine clinical management of pancreatic cancer does not consider a broad molecular analysis of each patient, due probably to the lack of target therapies for this tumor. Therefore, the current treatment decision is taken based on patients’ clinicopathological features and performance status. Histopathological evaluation of tumor samples could reveal many other attributes not only from tumor cells but also from their microenvironment specially about the presence of pancreatic stellate cells, regulatory T cells, tumor-associated macrophages, myeloid derived suppressor cells and extracellular matrix structure. In the present article, we revise the four molecular subtypes proposed by Bailey et al. and associate each subtype with other reported molecular subtypes. Moreover, we provide for each subtype a potential description of the tumor microenvironment that may influence treatment response according to the gene expression profile, the mutational landscape and their associated histolog

    RNAiFold2T: Constraint Programming design of thermo-IRES switches

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    Motivation: RNA thermometers (RNATs) are cis-regulatory ele- ments that change secondary structure upon temperature shift. Often involved in the regulation of heat shock, cold shock and virulence genes, RNATs constitute an interesting potential resource in synthetic biology, where engineered RNATs could prove to be useful tools in biosensors and conditional gene regulation. Results: Solving the 2-temperature inverse folding problem is critical for RNAT engineering. Here we introduce RNAiFold2T, the first Constraint Programming (CP) and Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) algorithms to solve this problem. Benchmarking tests of RNAiFold2T against existent programs (adaptive walk and genetic algorithm) inverse folding show that our software generates two orders of magnitude more solutions, thus allow- ing ample exploration of the space of solutions. Subsequently, solutions can be prioritized by computing various measures, including probability of target structure in the ensemble, melting temperature, etc. Using this strategy, we rationally designed two thermosensor internal ribosome entry site (thermo-IRES) elements, whose normalized cap-independent transla- tion efficiency is approximately 50% greater at 42?C than 30?C, when tested in reticulocyte lysates. Translation efficiency is lower than that of the wild-type IRES element, which on the other hand is fully resistant to temperature shift-up. This appears to be the first purely computational design of functional RNA thermoswitches, and certainly the first purely computational design of functional thermo-IRES elements. Availability: RNAiFold2T is publicly available as as part of the new re- lease RNAiFold3.0 at https://github.com/clotelab/RNAiFold and http: //bioinformatics.bc.edu/clotelab/RNAiFold, which latter has a web server as well. The software is written in C++ and uses OR-Tools CP search engine.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2016), to appear in journal Bioinformatics 201

    ICF-Based Disability Survey in a Rural Population of Adults and Older Adults Living in Cinco Villas, Northeastern Spain: Design, Methods and Population Characteristics

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    Background: This article describes the methods of a door-to-door screening survey exploring the distribution of disability and its major determinants in northeastern Spain. This study will set the basis for the development of disability-related services for the rural elderly in northeastern Spain. Methods: The probabilistic sample was composed of 1,354 de facto residents from a population of 12,784 Social Security card holders (age: 6 50 years). Cognitive and disability screenings were conducted (period: June 2008-June 2009). Screening instruments were the MMSE and the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule. Participants screened positive for disability underwent an assessment protocol focusing on primary care diagnoses, disability, lifestyle, and social and health service usage. Participants screened positive for cognitive functioning went through in-depth neurological evaluation. Results: The study sample is described. Usable data were available for 1,216 participants. A total of 625 individuals (51.4%) scored within the positive range in the disability screening, while 135 (11.1%) scored within the positive range of the cognitive screening. The proportion of positively screened individuals was higher for women and increased with age. Conclusions: Screening surveys represent a feasible design for examining the distribution of disability and its determinants among the elderly. Data quality may benefit from methodological developments tailored to rural populations with a low education level. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Base

    Diseño de una estrategia para la recuperación conservación y aprovechamiento de un bosque de niebla en el predio “La Chaguya” (Zipacón – Cundinamarca)

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    Los ecosistemas alto andinos de Colombia vienen sufriendo serios procesos de transformación y degradación, debidos principalmente al cambio de uso del suelo, al desarrollarse actividades sectoriales y agropecuarias inadecuadas. A estos procesos contribuye también el establecimiento de cultivos con fines ilícitos, los efectos del conflicto armado y la incidencia del Cambio Climático Global, el cual podría reducir el 75% de la extensión actual de este ecosistema en los próximos 50 años según los estudios del IDEAM (1998). Por lo anterior, en concordancia con la Ley 99 de 1993 que incluye la protección especial de las zonas de bosques y páramos, los nacimientos de agua y las zonas de recarga de acuíferos, el Gobierno colombiano a través del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Vivienda y Desarrollo formuló el Programa Nacional para el Manejo Sostenible y Restauración de Ecosistemas de la Alta Montaña Colombiana (Bosques y páramos), con el fin de orientar la gestión ambiental en estos ecosistemas y adelantar acciones para su manejo sostenible y restauración. El presente trabajo tiene por objeto diseñar una estrategia para la recuperación conservación y aprovechamiento de un bosque de niebla para su posterior implementación.The Andean high ecosystems of Colombia, be suffering serious transformation processes and degradation, due mainly to the change of use of the floor, when the develop of the sectoral and agricultural activities are inadequate. Also mentioned the establishment of cultivations with illicit ends, the effect of the armed conflict and the incidence of the Global Climatic Change, which could reduce 75% of the current extension of this ecosystem in next 50 years according to the studies of the Ideam. For the above-mentioned, in agreement with the Law 99 of 1993 that it includes the special protection of the areas of forests and moors, the births of water and the recharge areas of aquifer, the Colombian Government through the Ministry of the Environment, dwelling and develop formulated the National Program for the Sustainable Handling and Restoration of Ecosystems of the High Colombian Montaña: forests and moors, with the purpose of to guide the environmental administration in these ecosystems and to advance actions for their sustainable handling and restoration. The work has for object to design a strategy for the recovery conservation and use of a forest of fog, with the end that is used in later investigations for its implementation