158 research outputs found

    Use of fractal dimensions to quantify coral shape

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    A morphometrical method to quantify and characterize coral corallites using Richardson Plots and Kaye's notion of fractal dimensions is presented. A Jurassic coral species (Aplosmilia spinosa) and five Recent coral species were compared using the Box-Counting Method. This method enables the characterization of their morphologies at calicular and septal levels by their fractal dimensions (structural and textural). Moreover, it is possible to determine differences between species of Montastraea and to tackle the high phenotypic plasticity of Montastraea annularis. The use of fractal dimensions versus conventional methods (e.g., measurements of linear dimensions with a calliper, landmarks, Fourier analyses) to explore a rugged boundary object is discussed. It appears that fractal methods have the potential to considerably simplify the morphometrical and statistical approaches, and be a valuable addition to methods based on Euclidian geometr

    Controlling Groundwater Exploitation Through Economic Instruments: Current Practices, Challenges and Innovative Approaches

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    Groundwater can be considered as a common-pool resource, is often overexploited and, as a result, there are growing management pressures. This chapter starts with a broad presentation of the range of economic instruments that can be used for groundwater management, considering current practices and innovative approaches inspired from the literature on Common Pool Resources management. It then goes on with a detailed presentation of groundwater allocation policies implemented in France, the High Plains aquifer in the USA, and Chile. The chapter concludes with a discussion of social and political difficulties associated with implementing economic instruments for groundwater management

    Novel therapies in breast cancer: what is new from ASCO 2008

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Breast cancer is the most common female cancer and the second most common cause of female cancer-related deaths in the United States. World-wide, more than one million women will be diagnosed with breast cancer annually. In 2007, more than 175,000 women were diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States. However, deaths due to breast cancer have decreased in the recent years in part because of improved screening techniques, surgical interventions, understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease, and utilization of traditional chemotherapies in a more efficacious manner. One of the more exciting areas of improvement in the treatment of breast cancer is the entrance of novel therapies now available to oncologists. In the field of cancer therapeutics, the area of targeted and biologic therapies has been progressing at a rapid rate, particularly in the treatment of breast cancer.</p> <p>Since the advent of imatinib for the successful treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia in the 2001, clinicians have been searching for comparable therapies that could be as efficacious and as tolerable. In order for targeted therapies to be effective, the agent must be able to inhibit critical regulatory pathways which promote tumor cell growth and proliferation. The targets must be identifiable, quantifiable and capable of being interrupted.</p> <p>In the field of breast cancer, two advances in targeted therapy have led to great strides in the understanding and treatment of breast cancer, namely hormonal therapy for estrogen positive receptor breast cancer and antibodies directed towards the inhibition of human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER)2. These advances have revolutionized the understanding and the treatment strategies for breast cancer. Building upon these successes, a host of novel agents are currently being investigated and used in clinical trials that will hopefully prove to be as fruitful. This review will focus on novel therapies in the field of breast cancer with a focus on metastatic breast cancer (MBC) and updates from the recent annual ASCO meeting and contains a summary of the results.</p

    Prediction of High-Grade Vesicoureteral Reflux after Pediatric Urinary Tract Infection: External Validation Study of Procalcitonin-Based Decision Rule

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    BACKGROUND: Predicting vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR) 653 at the time of the first urinary tract infection (UTI) would make it possible to restrict cystography to high-risk children. We previously derived the following clinical decision rule for that purpose: cystography should be performed in cases with ureteral dilation and a serum procalcitonin level 650.17 ng/mL, or without ureteral dilatation when the serum procalcitonin level 650.63 ng/mL. The rule yielded a 86% sensitivity with a 46% specificity. We aimed to test its reproducibility. STUDY DESIGN: A secondary analysis of prospective series of children with a first UTI. The rule was applied, and predictive ability was calculated. RESULTS: The study included 413 patients (157 boys, VUR 653 in 11%) from eight centers in five countries. The rule offered a 46% specificity (95% CI, 41-52), not different from the one in the derivation study. However, the sensitivity significantly decreased to 64% (95%CI, 50-76), leading to a difference of 20% (95%CI, 17-36). In all, 16 (34%) patients among the 47 with VUR 653 were misdiagnosed by the rule. This lack of reproducibility might result primarily from a difference between derivation and validation populations regarding inflammatory parameters (CRP, PCT); the validation set samples may have been collected earlier than for the derivation one. CONCLUSIONS: The rule built to predict VUR 653 had a stable specificity (ie. 46%), but a decreased sensitivity (ie. 64%) because of the time variability of PCT measurement. Some refinement may be warranted

    What to consider when pseudohypoparathyroidism is ruled out: IPPSD and differential diagnosis

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    Background: Pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP) is a rare disease whose phenotypic features are rather difficult to identify in some cases. Thus, although these patients may present with the Albright''s hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO) phenotype, which is characterized by small stature, obesity with a rounded face, subcutaneous ossifications, mental retardation and brachydactyly, its manifestations are somewhat variable. Indeed, some of them present with a complete phenotype, whereas others show only subtle manifestations. In addition, the features of the AHO phenotype are not specific to it and a similar phenotype is also commonly observed in other syndromes. Brachydactyly type E (BDE) is the most specific and objective feature of the AHO phenotype, and several genes have been associated with syndromic BDE in the past few years. Moreover, these syndromes have a skeletal and endocrinological phenotype that overlaps with AHO/PHP. In light of the above, we have developed an algorithm to aid in genetic testing of patients with clinical features of AHO but with no causative molecular defect at the GNAS locus. Starting with the feature of brachydactyly, this algorithm allows the differential diagnosis to be broadened and, with the addition of other clinical features, can guide genetic testing. Methods: We reviewed our series of patients (n = 23) with a clinical diagnosis of AHO and with brachydactyly type E or similar pattern, who were negative for GNAS anomalies, and classify them according to the diagnosis algorithm to finally propose and analyse the most probable gene(s) in each case. Results: A review of the clinical data for our series of patients, and subsequent analysis of the candidate gene(s), allowed detection of the underlying molecular defect in 12 out of 23 patients: five patients harboured a mutation in PRKAR1A, one in PDE4D, four in TRPS1 and two in PTHLH. Conclusions: This study confirmed that the screening of other genes implicated in syndromes with BDE and AHO or a similar phenotype is very helpful for establishing a correct genetic diagnosis for those patients who have been misdiagnosed with "AHO-like phenotype" with an unknown genetic cause, and also for better describing the characteristic and differential features of these less common syndromes

    Paleoclimatic control of biogeographic and sedimentary events in Tethyan and peri-Tethyan areas during the Oxfordian (Late Jurassic)

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    Appareillage polyvalent permettant d'étudier : soit les propriétés thermodynamiques (par torsion effusion), soit le coefficient de viscosité (par la méthode du creuset oscillant) d'alliages liquides

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    Les recherches poursuivies au sein du laboratoire nécessitant la connaissance aussi bien des propriétés thermodynamiques que physico-chimiques des métaux et alliages liquides, nous avons mis au point un appareillage permettant : - soit l'étude des grandeurs thermodynamiques à partir de mesures de pression de vapeur. - soit l'étude du coefficient de viscosité des métaux et alliages liquides. En effet, les méthodes choisies pour effectuer la détermination de ces grandeurs se ramenant soit à des mesures d'angle, soit à celles des caractéristiques physiques d'un mouvement oscillant, il nous a été possible de concevoir une infrastructure commune aux deux types de mesures, l'élément essentiel du système étant un fil de torsion. Ce fil, soumis à un couple, traduira l'effet exercé soit par un angle de déviation qu'on mesure, soit par un retour au zéro après un mouvement oscillant amorti dont on mesure le décrément et la période. Dans ce rapport, nous établirons tout d'abord les relations qui existent entre l'angle de déviation, la pression partielle et les propriétés thermodynamiques d'une part et entre le décrément logarithmique, la période des oscillations et le coefficient de viscosité d'autre part, avant de donner une description de l'appareillage expérimental. Enfin, nous donnerons les caractéristiques spécifiques de cet appareillage pour la détermination de l'une et l'autre de ces propriétés

    Use of fractal dimensions to quantify coral shape

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    A morphometrical method to quantify and characterize coral corallites using Richardson Plots and Kaye’s notion of fractal dimensions is presented. A Jurassic coral species (Aplosmilia spinosa) and five Recent coral species were compared using the Box-Counting Method. This method enables the characterization of their morphologies at calicular and septal levels by their fractal dimensions (structural and textural). Moreover, it is possible to determine differences between species of Montastraea and to tackle the high phenotypic plasticity of Montastraea annularis. The use of fractal dimensions versus conventional methods (e.g., measurements of linear dimensions with a calliper, landmarks, Fourier analyses) to explore a rugged boundary object is discussed. It appears that fractal methods have the potential to considerably simplify the morphometrical and statistical approaches, and be a valuable addition to methods based on Euclidian geometry
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