189 research outputs found

    Analysis of energy detection of unknown signals under Beckmann fading channels

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    (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.The Beckmann fading is a general multipath fading model which includes Rice, Hoyt and Rayleigh fading as particular cases. However, the generality of the Beckmann fading also implies a significant increased mathematical complexity. Thus, relatively few analytical results have been reported for this otherwise useful fading model. The performance of energy detection for multi-branch receivers operating under Beckmann fading is here studied, and the inherent analytical complexity is here circumvented by the derivation of a closed-form expression for the generalized moment generating function (MGF) of the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which is a new and useful result, as it is key for evaluating the receiver operating characteristics. The impact of fading severity on the probability of missed detection is shown to be less critical as the SNR decreases. Monte Carlo simulations have been carried out in order to validate the obtained theoretical expressions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto MINECO-FEDER TEC2013-42711-R y TEC2013-44442-P. Junta de Andalucía P11-TIC-7109

    Condensation and partial pressure change as a major cause of airflow: experimental evidence

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    The dominant model of atmospheric circulation is based on the notion that hot air rises, creating horizontal winds. A second major driver has been proposed in the biotic pump theory (BPT), by which intense condensation is the prime cause of surface winds from ocean to land. Critics of the BPT argue that air movement resulting from condensation is isotropic. This paper explores the physics of water condensation under mild atmospheric conditions, within a purpose-designed square-section 4.8m-tall closed-system structure. The data show a highly significant correlation (R2 >0.96, p value <0.001) between observed airflows and partial pressure changes from condensation. The assumption that condensation of water vapour is always isotropic is therefore incorrect

    Generalized MGF of Beckmann Fading with Applications to Wireless Communications Performance Analysis

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    The Beckmann distribution is a general multipath fading model for the received radio signal in the presence of a large number of scatterers, which can thence be modeled as a complex Gaussian random variable where both the in-phase and quadrature components have arbitrary mean and variance. However, the complicated nature of this distribution has prevented its widespread use and relatively few analytical results have been reported for this otherwise useful fading model. In this paper, we derive a closed-form expression for the generalized moment-generating function (MGF) of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of Beckmann fading, which permits to circumvent the inherent analytical complexity of this model. This is a new and useful result, as it is key for evaluating several important performance metrics of different wireless communication systems and also permits to readily compute the moments of the output SNR. Thus, we obtain simple exact expressions for the energy detection performance in Beckmann fading channels, both in terms of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and of the area under ROC curve. We also analyze the outage probability in interference limited systems affected by Beckmann fading, as well as the outage probability of secrecy capacity in wiretap Beckmann fading channels. Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to validate the derived expressions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional. Andalucía Tech

    Proyecto de orientaciĂłn y mentorizaciĂłn al alumnado de nuevo ingreso en una escuela de ingenierĂ­a

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    En este trabajo se presenta un plan de orientación a alumnos noveles en la ETSI de Telecomunicación de la Universidad de Málaga. El programa, que ha pasado por diversas fases en tres años, utiliza la mentoría de alumnos ve-teranos. Pese a la reducida participación, ha posibilitado el desarrollo de diversas actividades formativas y socializantes (para mentores y mentoriza-dos), así como un mejor conocimiento de los problemas que afectan a los alumnos noveles.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The immune response behavior in HIV-AIDS patients treated with ozone therapy for two years

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    HIV continues to be one of the biggest problems for the global public health. The African region is one of the most affected, accounting for almost two thirds of the new infections. Many of them are retroviral medications and multi-therapies aiming to stop the viral replication and maintaining immunological stability, which fail to guarantee the quality of life or enhance the patient's immunity Ozone has biological properties, among which the antimicrobial and modulatory effect on the immune response is highlighted, which makes it possible to use it in a complementary way for the treatment of these patients. We conducted the present study in which the effect of the ozone therapy administered systemically (blood route) is analyzed. We have studied 32 patients to whom we applied Major Autohemotherapy with a protocol of 15 sessions and maintenance every 15 days at 50 µg/ml of concentration; the initial dose was 4,000 µg/mlup to 12,000 µg/ml We indicated viral load, CD4 and CD8 counts before and at the end of therapy. The results showed a significant decrease in viral load to undetectable values and an increase of CD4 and CD8 at the end of the 15 sessions, being maintained at 2 years of treatment, thus achieving a permanent activation of the immune system and improving the quality of life of these patients. Key words: Ozone therapy, HIV-AIDS, Immune Response, Major Autohemotherap

    Response of patients with chronic hepatitis B in one year of treatment with major autohemotherapy

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    The Hepatitis B (HVB) is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world, it?s wide geographical distribution is a health problem, especially on the African continent, with prevalence rate of 6.1% in the adult population. Current treatment requires prolonged therapy (most cases for the rest of life) with the aim of stopping viral replication, maintaining immunological stability, preventing progression of liver disease and the most feared complications such as cirrhosis and hepatic cancer There are multiple references that point to ozone therapy as an alternative in the treatment of Hepatitis B, because of the known and demonstrated antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties. With these premises, we performed the present clinical study that included 28 patients with positive diagnosis of chronic Hepatitis B, surface antigen (HVBs Ag) positive, antibodies against surface antigen (HVBs) negative, viral load (HVB DNA ) and transaminaseselevated. These patients with 1 year of evolution and antiviral treatment were treated with Major Autohemotherapy with protocol of 15 sessions and maintenance every 15 days to 50 mcg of concentration, initial dose of 4,000 mcg / ml up to 12,000 mcg /ml We indicate Ag HVBs, Ac HVBs, HVB Viral Loading and transaminases before starting treatment at 15 days of completion and quarterly until the year. The results showed negativization of the surface antigen, antibody positivity against the surface antigen, significant decrease of viral load to undetectable values and normal values of the transaminases demonstrating the functional recovery of the disease associated with favorable immunological response providing a better quality of patients' lives. Key words: Hepatitis B, Transaminases, Ozone therapy, Major Autohemotherapy, Surface antigen, Surface Antigen Antibody

    Clinical study of patients with heart failure under treatment with ozone therapy

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    Heart failure (HF) is framed in one of the types of cardiovascular diseases; it consists of an acute and chronic form. The disease can evolve slowly from asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction, to a state of severe disability, presenting a wide prevalence in the population around 10% in people over 70 years old. More than three-quarters of the deaths from this pathology normally occur in low or middle-income countries. Angola is not exempt from this health problem be observed in a relatively young people, bringing disability and death at an early stage of life. Scientific advances and innovative treatments for the control and prevention of the disease continue to be insufficient. The ozone for it?s antioxidant, hemorheologic properties, oxygenation enhancers and blood circulation is an alternative treatment for these patients. We have performed a study where 45 patients who were diagnosed with a chronic stage of II-III HF due to the functional classification of the New York Heart Association (NYHA) and American Cardiology College / American Heart Association (ACC / AHA), previous echocardiogram with a Fracture of Left Ventricular Ejection (LVEF) less than 45%. We administered a Major Autohemotherapy with a protocol of 15 sessions, maintenance every 15 days and cycles every 6 months at 50?g of concentration, an initial dose of 4,000 ?g / ml up to 12,000?g / ml during the 3 years of treatment. Patients after the first treatment cycle improve their functional physical capacity and LVEF increased to normal levels (55%). It was proved that Autohemotherapy is an adjuvant, viable and beneficial treatment in chronic HF. Key words: Heart failure (HF), Major Autohemotherapy, Ozone therapy, Fracture of Left Ventricular Ejectio

    Fracture Toughness and Strength of Al2O3-Y3Al5O12 and Al2O3-Y3Al5O12-ZrO2 Directionally-Solidified Eutetic Oxides up to 1900K

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    Ceramics rods of binary (Al2O3–Y3Al5O12) and ternary (Al2O3–Y3Al5O12–ZrO2) eutectic ceramic oxides were grown in air and nitrogen using the laser-heated floating zone method. Both materials presented a fine and homogeneous microstructure, free from defects, with an average interlamellar spacing of 1.1 and 0.7 _mfor the binary and ternary eutectics, respectively. The strength and the toughness of the rods were measured from ambient temperature up to 1900K by three-point bending. For the fracture tests, a sharp notch was introduced in the rods using a femto second-pulsed laser. Samples grown in nitrogen presented higher strength than those grown in air. The mechanical properties of the Al2O3–YAG binary eutectic did not change with a temperature up to 1500–1600K and plastic deformation above this temperature led to a slight reduction in strength and an increase in toughness. In the case of the ternary eutectic, the toughening effect of the thermal residual stresses disappeared at high temperature and the toughness decreased by a factor of two at 1473 K. The behavior of the ternary eutectic above this temperature followed the trends of the binary one although the changes in strength and toughness were much larger because of the smaller domain size (which favored diffusion-assisted plastic flow) and the lower eutectic temperature

    Further experimental evidence that condensation is a major cause of airflow

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    This paper further explores the physics of water condensation, using an experimental structure designed for that purpose. The data show a highly significant correlation (R2 >0.94, p value <0.001) between observed airflows and partial pressure changes from condensation, when the results of different experiments are pooled. Changes in air density on cooling provide insufficient energy to account for the airflow. The finding is that the kinetic energy of the chilled air falls short by an order of magnitude, even to move a relatively small proportion of the 20 kg of air contained within the structure. Meanwhile the physics of condensation indicate a surplus of kinetic energy is made available from the air surrounding the locus of condensation. At low rates of condensation a considerable proportion of the available kinetic energy in the enclosed air is absorbed in friction and turbulence. That proportion reduces with higher rates of condensation
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