9 research outputs found

    Shutter of the Artesanian Well Gushing Abandons in Monzoungoudo, Benin

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    The artesian well of Monzoungoudo has been abandoned since 2005. The non-mastery of artesianism springing up at this water point constitutes a waste of the resource and has caused environmental damage. It is a question of an uncontrolled flow of the artesian well induced by the depressurization of the aquifer, resulting in a potential loss of capacity of neighbouring wells and continuous flow of the well at the mouth of its casing. In contact of the recovered water with the surrounding soil, it may generate local flooding, gullying, soil subsidence, the formation of sinkholes and cause damage to the infrastructures located nearby. In addition, the water from the artesian aquifer on the surface migrates to the Monzoun River, while transporting suspended particles or contaminants encountered on its path. The receiving environment of this water could then be affected by an input of turbid water or various contaminants. All these reasons justify the validity of this study, which proposes to address the technique of plugging the abandoned artesian wells of Monzoungoudo in order to stop or control the gushing water

    Perception de la qualité de l’air et de ses conséquences sanitaires chez des populations exposées à Cotonou : cas des carrefours Vedoko cica-Toyota et Akpakpa PK3

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    Air pollution is a global disaster responsible for millions of deaths each year. To provide solutions adapted to the most vulnerable populations, it is necessary to know and understand their point of view on the issue. This study aims at studying the perception of the exposed populations on air pollution as well as its health consequences. Within a radius of 500m, from the Vedoko Cica-Toyota and Akpakpa PK3 crossroads in Cotonou, a semi-directive questionnaire was carried out using KoBoCollect software with 217 individuals. Information on socio-demographic characteristics, air quality, sources of pollution, health consequences and means of protection of the populations living or working in these intersections was collected. Most of the population considers that the air quality is poor, with the main sources of pollution being means of transport, human activities, factories, and lack of hygiene. The health consequences are multiple with a predominance of diseases and respiratory symptoms. Wearing a mask, even if not systematic, is the main means of protection used. The average age of the respondents was 35 years with a minimum of 18 years and a maximum of 83 years. Finally, 64.4% were men and 35.5% were women. Many of the individuals surveyed are aware of the existence of air pollution and its health consequences. At both sites, the air is perceived in majority as being polluted.La pollution de l’air est un fléau mondial responsable chaque année de millions de morts. Pour apporter des solutions adaptées aux populations les plus vulnérables, il convient de connaître et de comprendre leur point de vue sur la question. Cette étude a pour objectif d’étudier la perception des populations exposées sur la pollution atmosphérique ainsi que ses conséquences sanitaires.Dans un rayon de 500m, à partir des carrefours Vedoko Cica-Toyota et Akpakpa PK3 de Cotonou, un questionnaire semi-directif a été réalisé à l’aide du logiciel KoBoCollect auprès de 217 individus. Des informations sur les caractéristiques socio-démographiques, la qualité de l’air, les sources de pollution, les conséquences sanitaires et les moyens de protection des populations vivant ou travaillant aux alentours de ces carrefours ont été collectées.  La majorité de la population estime que l’air est de mauvaise qualité, avec comme principales sources de pollution, les moyens de déplacement, les activités humaines, les usines et le manque d’hygiène. Les conséquences sanitaires sont multiples avec une prédominance de maladies et de symptômes respiratoires. Le port du masque, même non systématique, est le principal moyen de protection utilisé. L’âge moyen des enquêtés est de 35 ans avec un minimum de 18 ans et un maximum de 83 ans. Enfin, il y avait 64,4% d’hommes et 35,5% de femmes. La majorité des individus enquêtés ont conscience de l’existence de la pollution de l’air et de ses conséquences sanitaires. Aux deux sites, l’air est perçu en majorité comme étant pollué

    Perception de la qualité de l’air et de ses conséquences sanitaires chez des populations exposées à Cotonou : cas des carrefours Vedoko cica-Toyota et Akpakpa PK3

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    Air pollution is a global disaster responsible for millions of deaths each year. To provide solutions adapted to the most vulnerable populations, it is necessary to know and understand their point of view on the issue. This study aims at studying the perception of the exposed populations on air pollution as well as its health consequences. Within a radius of 500m, from the Vedoko Cica-Toyota and Akpakpa PK3 crossroads in Cotonou, a semi-directive questionnaire was carried out using KoBoCollect software with 217 individuals. Information on socio-demographic characteristics, air quality, sources of pollution, health consequences and means of protection of the populations living or working in these intersections was collected. Most of the population considers that the air quality is poor, with the main sources of pollution being means of transport, human activities, factories, and lack of hygiene. The health consequences are multiple with a predominance of diseases and respiratory symptoms. Wearing a mask, even if not systematic, is the main means of protection used. The average age of the respondents was 35 years with a minimum of 18 years and a maximum of 83 years. Finally, 64.4% were men and 35.5% were women. Many of the individuals surveyed are aware of the existence of air pollution and its health consequences. At both sites, the air is perceived in majority as being polluted.La pollution de l’air est un fléau mondial responsable chaque année de millions de morts. Pour apporter des solutions adaptées aux populations les plus vulnérables, il convient de connaître et de comprendre leur point de vue sur la question. Cette étude a pour objectif d’étudier la perception des populations exposées sur la pollution atmosphérique ainsi que ses conséquences sanitaires.Dans un rayon de 500m, à partir des carrefours Vedoko Cica-Toyota et Akpakpa PK3 de Cotonou, un questionnaire semi-directif a été réalisé à l’aide du logiciel KoBoCollect auprès de 217 individus. Des informations sur les caractéristiques socio-démographiques, la qualité de l’air, les sources de pollution, les conséquences sanitaires et les moyens de protection des populations vivant ou travaillant aux alentours de ces carrefours ont été collectées.  La majorité de la population estime que l’air est de mauvaise qualité, avec comme principales sources de pollution, les moyens de déplacement, les activités humaines, les usines et le manque d’hygiène. Les conséquences sanitaires sont multiples avec une prédominance de maladies et de symptômes respiratoires. Le port du masque, même non systématique, est le principal moyen de protection utilisé. L’âge moyen des enquêtés est de 35 ans avec un minimum de 18 ans et un maximum de 83 ans. Enfin, il y avait 64,4% d’hommes et 35,5% de femmes. La majorité des individus enquêtés ont conscience de l’existence de la pollution de l’air et de ses conséquences sanitaires. Aux deux sites, l’air est perçu en majorité comme étant pollué

    Impact of Waste Management on Surface Water and Soil Pollution on the Right Bank of the Congo River in the Brazzaville Agglomeration (Republic of Congo)

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    Situated on the right bank of the Pool Malébo, in the Congo River basin, the city of Brazzaville is rich in potential water resources. This resource is being polluted by human practices that are deteriorating the quality of the soil and, consequently, the quality of the water. The aim of this study is therefore to list the activities carried out by the population around watercourses in order to get an idea of how waste is managed and its impact on water and soil quality. The survey sample was selected on the basis of zones of influence located between 250 m and 750 m around watercourses. The survey form was drawn up using Sphinx Plus2-Edition Lexica-V5. The data from the surveys was entered into the same software, then transferred to Excel for processing in order to produce the graphs. 880 people were surveyed, the most dominant age group being between 25 and 48 years old, i.e. a rate of 66%; the female sex being the most representative with a rate of 54%. The average age of the respondents was lower secondary school, and they were generally employed in the private sector. Commercial activities (restaurants/bars, pharmacies, grocery stores/butchers, markets, etc.) are the most common economic activity, with a rate of around 70%; 59% of these activities are located close to or very close to the watercourse (750 - 1000 m). The activities that contribute to soil degradation, and consequently water degradation, in the city of Brazzaville are: 59% the dumping of household waste and/or wastewater on the ground and 32% uncontrolled urbanization. The study shows that soil and water pollution in Brazzaville is caused by poor management of household waste and uncontrolled urbanization

    Expertises des centres d'enfouissement des déchets urbains dans les PED (contributions à l'élaboration d'un guide méthodologique et à sa validation expérimentale sur sites)

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    Ce travail de recherche a permis d élaborer des outils d expertise, de définir des paramètres analytiques de caractérisation des déchets et des paramètres spécifiques de suivi de l évolution du massif de déchets dans les pays en développement (PED). Ces outils constituent un guide qui se décline en deux parties : une partie organisation de suivi et une deuxième partie consacrée au protocole expérimental de suivi et peut être adapté selon les situations. Ce guide d expertise permet de définir les conditions minimales d enfouissement des déchets ménagers dans les PED, afin de limiter les impacts environnementaux. La méthodologie s appuie sur des dysfonctionnements rencontrés dans ces pays, sur des questionnaires types et sur des mesures de paramètres pertinents capables de renseigner sur les déchets et l évolution du massif. Trois expertises ont permis de valider le guide. La première est réalisée sur le site de Polesgo au Burkina Faso (en démarrage), la deuxième sur le site de Ouled Fayet en Algérie (en exploitation) et la troisième sur un site d enfouissement de type décharge sèche à Saaba au Burkina Faso (en fin d exploitation).This research permitted to work out tools for expertise, to define analytical parameters of waste characterization and specific parameters to follow-up of the evolution of the municipal solid waste in the landfill; it also allow us to settle an experimental guide of expertise for hiding waste s center in the developing countries. This guide includes an organization part of follow-up and a second part is consecrate to the experimental protocol of follow-up, which can be adapted according to situations'. This guide of expertise permits to define the minimal conditions of hiding domestic waste in the developing countries, in order to limit the environmental impacts. The methodology is based on dysfunctions met in these countries, on standard questionnaires and measurements of pertinents parameters able to inform about waste. Three expertises made possible to validate the guide. The first one, realized the site of Polesgo in Burkina Faso (in starting), the second one, on the site of Ouled Fayet in Algeria (in exploitation) and the third one, on a site of hiding of the type entombment or dry tomb in Saaba in Burkina Faso (at the end of the exploitation).LIMOGES-BU Sciences (870852109) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Evaluation of Flow of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in

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    Abstract The present study focused on the flows of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) entering and circulating in Benin, the actors of the chain and the analysis of the current situation for the implementation of a strategy to strengthen local capacity to meet the requirement of the flow of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) for reuse in some African countries and to increase the sustainable management of resources by the recovery of materials in e-waste The results of various surveys show that tons of electrical and electronic equipments out of service reach the Benin territory in a range of from 6781 tons in 2004to 8560 tons in 2007 with a high rate of household penetration. These new or used equipments are managed by different groups of people that are consumers (large and small), repairers, collectors and recyclers. Note that, recycling is highly developed in the informal sector and mostly deals with the recovery and the recycling of electronic circuits (diodes, transistors, speaker, strength, magnet, etc.) and other parts such as aluminum, plastic, copper, etc.. The results obtained allowed to identify the market share of different producers, to evaluate the flow of new and used equipments, to establish the chain of actors and traceability of equipment. Also the socio -economic impacts and the environmental health issues were evaluated

    The combined effect of three floating macrophytes in domestic wastewater treatment

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    We conducted this study to assess the efficiency of the combination of three floating macrophytes (Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth), Pistia stratiotes L. (water lettuce), and Lemna minor L. (duckweed)) for the treatment of domestic wastewater. The experiments were performed on a pilot scale consisting of four basins aligned in series: one anaerobic pond, two facultative ponds (containing water hyacinth and water lettuce respectively), and one maturation pond (containing duckweed). The study showed that combining the different macrophytes studied led to significantly reduced pollution in domestic wastewater. Based on inlet pollution loads, water hyacinth pond better eliminate carbon pollution. The water lettuce pond was good at removing nitrogen pollution, and the duckweed pond better-eliminated phosphorus. The overall yield for TSS, COD, BOD5, TKN, and PO43− was 92%, 98%, 98%, 87%, and 80% respectively. Based on the results, combining different floating macrophytes in a domestic wastewater treatment plant could improve its overall treatment performance