523 research outputs found

    Cell population structure prior to bifurcation predicts efficiency of directed differentiation in human induced pluripotent cells.

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    Steering the differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) toward specific cell types is crucial for patient-specific disease modeling and drug testing. This effort requires the capacity to predict and control when and how multipotent progenitor cells commit to the desired cell fate. Cell fate commitment represents a critical state transition or tipping point at which complex systems undergo a sudden qualitative shift. To characterize such transitions during iPSC to cardiomyocyte differentiation, we analyzed the gene expression patterns of 96 developmental genes at single-cell resolution. We identified a bifurcation event early in the trajectory when a primitive streak-like cell population segregated into the mesodermal and endodermal lineages. Before this branching point, we could detect the signature of an imminent critical transition: increase in cell heterogeneity and coordination of gene expression. Correlation analysis of gene expression profiles at the tipping point indicates transcription factors that drive the state transition toward each alternative cell fate and their relationships with specific phenotypic readouts. The latter helps us to facilitate small molecule screening for differentiation efficiency. To this end, we set up an analysis of cell population structure at the tipping point after systematic variation of the protocol to bias the differentiation toward mesodermal or endodermal cell lineage. We were able to predict the proportion of cardiomyocytes many days before cells manifest the differentiated phenotype. The analysis of cell populations undergoing a critical state transition thus affords a tool to forecast cell fate outcomes and can be used to optimize differentiation protocols to obtain desired cell populations

    Augmented Reality in Astrophysics

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    Augmented Reality consists of merging live images with virtual layers of information. The rapid growth in the popularity of smartphones and tablets over recent years has provided a large base of potential users of Augmented Reality technology, and virtual layers of information can now be attached to a wide variety of physical objects. In this article, we explore the potential of Augmented Reality for astrophysical research with two distinct experiments: (1) Augmented Posters and (2) Augmented Articles. We demonstrate that the emerging technology of Augmented Reality can already be used and implemented without expert knowledge using currently available apps. Our experiments highlight the potential of Augmented Reality to improve the communication of scientific results in the field of astrophysics. We also present feedback gathered from the Australian astrophysics community that reveals evidence of some interest in this technology by astronomers who experimented with Augmented Posters. In addition, we discuss possible future trends for Augmented Reality applications in astrophysics, and explore the current limitations associated with the technology. This Augmented Article, the first of its kind, is designed to allow the reader to directly experiment with this technology.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap&SS. The final publication will be available at link.springer.co

    Valence Bond States: Link models

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    An isotropic anti-ferromagnetic quantum state on a square lattice is characterized by symmetry arguments only. By construction, this quantum state is the result of an underlying valence bond structure without breaking any symmetry in the lattice or spin spaces. A detailed analysis of the correlations of the quantum state is given (using a mapping to a 2D classical statistical model and methods in field theory like mapping to the non-linear sigma model or bosonization techniques) as well as the results of numerical treatments (regarding exact diagonalization and variational methods). Finally, the physical relevance of the model is motivated. A comparison of the model to known anti-ferromagnetic Mott-Hubbard insulators is given by means of the two-point equal-time correlation function obtained i) numerically from the suggested state and ii) experimentally from neutron scattering on cuprates in the anti-ferromagnetic insulator phase.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures; added references, corrected some typos, new sections. Published versio

    Explaining the t tbar forward-backward asymmetry without dijet or flavor anomalies

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    We consider new physics explanations of the anomaly in the top quark forward-backward asymmetry measured at the Tevatron, in the context of flavor conserving models. The recently measured LHC dijet distributions strongly constrain many otherwise viable models. A new scalar particle in the antitriplet representation of flavor and color can fit the t tbar asymmetry and cross section data at the Tevatron and avoid both low- and high-energy bounds from flavor physics and the LHC. An s-channel resonance in uc to uc scattering at the LHC is predicted to be not far from the current sensitivity. This model also predicts rich top quark physics for the early LHC from decays of the new scalar particles. Single production gives t tbar j signatures with high transverse momentum jet, pair production leads to t tbar j j and 4 jet final states.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; v2: notation clarified, references adde

    Vertical integration and firm boundaries : the evidence

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    Since Ronald H. Coase's (1937) seminal paper, a rich set of theories has been developed that deal with firm boundaries in vertical or input–output structures. In the last twenty-five years, empirical evidence that can shed light on those theories also has been accumulating. We review the findings of empirical studies that have addressed two main interrelated questions: First, what types of transactions are best brought within the firm and, second, what are the consequences of vertical integration decisions for economic outcomes such as prices, quantities, investment, and profits. Throughout, we highlight areas of potential cross-fertilization and promising areas for future work

    Warped Reheating in Multi-Throat Brane Inflation

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    We investigate in some quantitative details the viability of reheating in multi-throat brane inflationary scenarios by estimating and comparing the time scales for the various processes involved. We also calculate within perturbative string theory the decay rate of excited closed strings into KK modes and compare with that of their decay into gravitons; we find that in the inflationary throat the former is preferred. We also find that over a small but reasonable range of parameters of the background geometry, these KK modes will preferably tunnel to another throat (possibly containing the Standard Model) instead of decaying to gravitons due largely to their suppressed coupling to the bulk gravitons. Once tunneled, the same suppressed coupling to the gravitons again allows them to reheat the Standard Model efficiently. We also consider the effects of adding more throats to the system and find that for extra throats with small warping, reheating still seems viable.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, discussions on closed string decay expanded, references adde

    In vitro bioactivity of titanium-doped bioglass

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    Previous studies have suggested that incorporating relatively small quantities of titanium dioxide into bioactive glasses may result in an increase in bioactivity and hydroxyapatite formation. The present work therefore investigated the in vitro bioactivity of a titanium doped bioglass and compared the results with 45S5 bioglass. Apatite formation was evaluated for bioglass and Ti-bioglass in the presence and absence of foetal calf serum. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were used to evaluate the surface development and energy dispersive X-ray measurements provided information on the elemental ratios. X-ray diffraction spectra confirmed the presence of apatite formation. Cell viability was assessed for bone marrow stromal cells under direct and indirect contact conditions and cell adhesion was assessed using SEM

    Superconductivity in the YIr2Si2 and LaIr2Si2 Polymorphs

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    We report on existence of superconductivity in YIr2Si2 and LaIr2Si2 compounds in relation to crystal structure. The two compounds crystallize in two structural polymorphs, both tetragonal. The high temperature polymorph (HTP) adopts the CaBe2Ge2-structure type (space group P4/nmm) while the low temperature polymorph (LTP) is of the ThCr2Si2 type (I4/mmm). By studying polycrystals prepared by arc melting we have observed that the rapidly cooled samples retain the HTP even at room temperature (RT) and below. Annealing such samples at 900C followed by slow cooling to RT provides the LTP. Both, the HTP and LTP were subsequently studied with respect to magnetism and superconductivity by electrical resistivity, magnetization, AC susceptibility and specific heat measurements. The HTP and LTP of both compounds respectively, behave as Pauli paramagnets. Superconductivity has been found exclusively in the HTP of both compounds below Tsc (= 2.52 K in YIr2Si2 and 1.24 K in LaIr2Si2). The relations of magnetism and superconductivity with the electronic and crystal structure are discussed with comparing experimental data with the results of first principles electronic structure calculations

    Massive Spin-2 States as the Origin of the Top Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry

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    We show that the anomalously large top quark forward-backward asymmetry observed by CDF and D\O\, can naturally be accommodated in models with flavor-violating couplings of a new massive spin-2 state to quarks. Regardless of its origin, the lowest-order couplings of a spin-2 boson to fermions are analogous to the coupling of the graviton to energy/momentum, leading to strong sensitivity of the effects associated with its virtual exchange to the energy scales at hand. Precisely due to this fact, the observed dependence of the asymmetry on the ttˉt\bar t invariant mass fits nicely into the proposed framework. In particular, we find a vast parameter space which can lead to the central value for the observed forward-backward asymmetry in the high mass bin, while being in accord with all of the existing experimental constraints.Comment: added discussion of differential observables at the LHC, matches version accepted for publication in JHE

    Color & Weak triplet scalars, the dimuon asymmetry in BsB_s decay, the top forward-backward asymmetry, and the CDF dijet excess

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    The new physics required to explain the anomalies recently reported by the D0 and CDF collaborations, namely the top forward-backward asymmetry (FBA), the like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry in semileptonic b decay, and the CDF dijet excess, has to feature an amount of flavor symmetry in order to satisfy the severe constrains arising from flavor violation. In this paper we show that, once baryon number conservation is imposed, color & weak triplet scalars with hypercharge Y=1/3Y=1/3 can feature the required flavor structure as a consequence of standard model gauge invariance. The color & weak triplet model can simultaneously explain the top FBA and the dimuon charge asymmetry or the dimuon charge asymmetry and the CDF dijet excess. However, the CDF dijet excess appears to be incompatible with the top FBA in the minimal framework. Our model for the dimuon asymmetry predicts the observed pattern hd≪hsh_d\ll h_s in the region of parameter space required to explain the top FBA, whereas our model for the CDF dijet anomaly is characterized by the absence of beyond the SM b-quark jets in the excess region. Compatibility of the color & weak triplet with the electroweak constraints is also discussed. We show that a Higgs boson mass exceeding the LEP bound is typically favored in this scenario, and that both Higgs production and decay can be significantly altered by the triplet. The most promising collider signature is found if the splitting among the components of the triplet is of weak scale magnitude.Comment: references added, published versio
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