1,144 research outputs found

    L'effet miroir : la construction de la Communauté européenne et la rhétorique politique au Québec et au Canada, 1989-2000

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    De l'entrée en vigueur de l'Accord de libre-échange entre le Canada et les États-Unis en 1989, au deuxième référendum québécois sur la souveraineté en 1995, les références à la construction européenne furent présentes au sein des débats politiques. Toutefois, après le référendum de 1995, ces références deviennent plus rares. L'usage rhétorique de ces références renvoie au fonctionnement interne des microcosmes politiques canadien et québécois. Visant la conquête de l'espace politique, les acteurs de ces microcosmes opèrent une sélection stratégique des éléments de la construction européenne dans les contextes des relations entre le Canada et le Québec ainsi que de l'évolution du fédéralisme canadien. L'usage des références à la construction européenne dans le discours politique obéit alors à une logique partisane cherchant à augmenter la capacité persuasive des arguments fédéralistes et souverainistes. Cette étude explore ici une manifestation de « l'effet-miroir », puisque les références européennes s'avèrent plus révélatrices du débat constitutionnel canado-québécois que de la réalité de l'Europe communautaire.From the coming into force of the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the United States in 1989 to the second referendum on Québec sovereignty in 1995, references to the European construction were present in political debates. After the 1995 Referendum, references to the European construction became scarce. References to the European construction, during the period prior to the referendum, and their absence, following the 1995 Québec referendum, indicate how Canadian and Québec political microcosms work. There is a strategic selection of elements about the European construction in the context of Canada-Québec relations and the evolution of Canadian federalism. This strategic selection of elements is in keeping with the struggle to conquer the political space. The uses of references to the European construction in political discourses obeyed a partisan logic aimed at making more convincing arguments of Federalist and Sovereignist forces. This study brings to light what we call the « mirror effect » because the object under study reveals more about the Canada-Québec Constitutional issue than Europe

    Instrument et évaluation : le portfolio dans sa pratique

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    Comprend des références bibliographiquesCe document met en contexte le séminaire "Instrument et évaluation : le portfolio dans sa pratique". Vous y trouverez une brève description du contenu de chacun des treize documents vidéo présentés par Nathalie Martin, enseignante au Cégep du Vieux-Montréal et chargée de cours PERFORMA, et Lina Martel, conseillère pédagogique au secteur PERFORMA. La captation de ces vidéos a eu lieu dans les locaux du Cégep à distance le 18 novembre 2014. Ces vidéos sont disponibles sur le site du PCUC : http://evaluationfad.cegepadistance.ca/portfolio-pratique/Comprend des références bibliographique

    GePEToS : A Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation package for Positron Emission Tomography

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    GePEToS is a simulation framework developed over the last few years for assessing the instrumental performance of future PET scanners. It is based on Geant4, written in Object-Oriented C++ and runs on Linux platforms. The validity of GePEToS has been tested on the well-known Siemens ECAT EXACT HR+ camera. The results of two application examples are presented : the design optimization of a liquid Xe micro-PET camera dedicated to small animal imaging as well as the evaluation of the effect of a strong axial magnetic field on the image resolution of a Concorde P4 micro-PET camera.Comment: 5 pages, 12 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Scienc

    A new family of diverse skin peptides from the microhylid frog genus phrynomantis

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    A wide range of frogs produce skin poisons composed of bioactive peptides for defence against pathogens, parasites and predators. While several frog families have been thoroughly screened for skin-secreted peptides, others, like the Microhylidae, have remained mostly unexplored. Previous studies of microhylids found no evidence of peptide secretion, suggesting that this defence adaptation was evolutionarily lost. We conducted transcriptome analyses of the skins of Phrynomantis bifasciatus and Phrynomantis microps, two African microhylid species long suspected to be poisonous. Our analyses reveal 17 evolutionary related transcripts that diversified from to those of cytolytic peptides found in other frog families. The 19 peptides predicted to be processed from these transcripts, named phrynomantins, show a striking structural diversity that is distinct from any previously identified frog skin peptide. Functional analyses of five phrynomantins confirm the loss of a cytolytic function and the absence of insecticidal or proinflammatory activity, suggesting that they represent an evolutionary transition to a new, yet unknown function. Our study shows that peptides have been retained in the defence poison of at least one microhylid lineage and encourages research on similarly understudied taxa to further elucidate the diversity and evolution of skin defence molecules

    The Beauty of Symmetry: Common-mode rejection filters for high-speed interconnects and balanced microwave circuits

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    Common-mode rejection filters operating at microwave frequencies have been the subject of intensive research activity in the last decade. These filters are of interest for the suppression of common-mode noise in high-speed digital circuits, where differential signals are widely employed due to the high immunity to noise, electromagnetic interference (EMI) and crosstalk of differential-mode interconnects. These filters can also be used to improve common-mode rejection in microwave filters and circuits dealing with differential signals. Ideally, common-mode stopband filters should be transparent for the differential mode from DC up to very high frequencies (all-pass), should preserve the signal integrity for such mode, and should exhibit the widest and deepest possible rejection band for the common mode in the region of interest. Moreover, these characteristics should be achieved by means of structures with the smallest possible size. In this article, several techniques for the implementation of common-mode suppression filters in planar technology are reviewed. In all the cases, the strategy to simultaneously achieve common-mode suppression and all-pass behavior for the differential mode is based on selective mode-suppression. This selective mode suppression (either the common or the differential mode) in balanced lines is typically (although not exclusively) achieved by symmetrically loading the lines with symmetric resonant elements, opaque for the common-mode and transparent for the differential mode (common-mode suppression), or vice versa (differential-mode suppression).MINECO, Spain-TEC2013-40600-R, TEC2013-41913-PGeneralitat de Catalunya-2014SGR-15

    Experimental study of a liquid Xenon PET prototype module

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    A detector using liquid Xenon in the scintillation mode is studied for Positron Emission Tomography (PET). The specific design aims at taking full advantage of the liquid Xenon properties. It does feature a promising insensitive to any parallax effect. This work reports on the performances of the first LXe prototype module, equipped with a position sensitive PMT operating in the VUV range (178 nm).Comment: Proc. of the 7th International Workshops on Radiation Imaging Detectors (IWORID-7), Grenoble, France 4-7 July 200

    Programa compartiendo saberes sobre la producción escrita de textos argumentativos en estudiantes del primer semestre de la carrera de educación, 2021

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo principal comprobar que el programa “Compartiendo saberes”, el cual se fundamenta en la escritura colaborativa mejora significativamente la producción escrita de textos argumentativos de los estudiantes de la carrera de Educación de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, quienes cursan el primer semestre durante el año 2021. Con dicho propósito, se aplicó un diseño preexperimental a una muestra intencional por conveniencia de 30 estudiantes, quienes fueron evaluados a través de una prueba de entrada y una prueba de salida después del programa referido. El programa “Compartiendo saberes” tuvo una duración de 10 sesiones agrupadas en 3 módulos basados en las dimensiones de macroestructura, superestructura y microestructura textual. El análisis estadístico utilizado fue la prueba no paramétrica de Wilcoxon, a través de la cual se obtuvo una diferencia de promedios entre la prueba inicial (31,57) y la prueba de salida (60,43), la cual fue equivalente a 28,86. De igual modo, el nivel de significancia p=0,00 validó la hipótesis general planteada y descartó la nula, demostrando que el programa propuesto tuvo efectos positivos en la capacidad de producción textual argumentativa de los participantes, así como en cada uno de los niveles de su construcción

    A reproducible extrusion printing process with highly viscous nanoparticle inks

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    Printing of functional materials such as nanoparticle inks is a class of additive fabrication techniques complementary to standard subtractive electronics fabrication techniques such as pcb technology on pcb level or silicon based microelectronics on integrated circuit level. To date the majority of digital printing processes for (micro)electronics is inkjet based. Moreover aerosol jet based printing also establishes itself for printing on non-planar substrates and for materials with higher viscosities. A material deposition technique available since decades and mainly used for dispensing of adhesives and sealing materials is fluid-filament printing. It allows to cover a wide range of materials and viscosities and thus, also holds potential for additive manufacturing of electronics. In this paper we systematically study the influences on fluid filament printing both theoretically taking into account ink and equipment tolerances and experimentally using mainly standard dispensing equipment and two commercial screen printing inks. At the end of the paper we derive recommendations for reproducible printing of conductive lines and pads and give an outlook to printing 2.5D structures