2,450 research outputs found
Sticking together: teaching, learning and the art of research
In this paper we emphasise the importance for community educators of building bridges between emerging needs, research, teaching and learning. A case study of recent work is used to illustrate the way in which research in vocational education and training offers the potential for practical outcomes which are not necessarily defined by the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). We believe that fragmentation must be resisted: the glue securing teaching, learning and research must be preserved.
The project which functions as our case study concerned the education and training needs of youth and community arts practitioners. Situated in the north of England, the research was directed by a partnership comprising Yorkshire and Humberside Arts, West Yorkshire Youth Association, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, youth and community arts practitioners and the University of Huddersfield. This innovative collaboration led to pragmatic outcomes in course development, teaching and learning: a new postgraduate course is planned in direct response to the research, a conference was held to share the findings with practitioners whose input, using a focus group approach, was vital in the writing of the final report. We also envisage the work having a practical impact on future approaches to teaching and learning.
We analyse the glue which holds together the collaborative partnership and answer the question: what is the nature of cross-sectoral partnership and how do all the partners get what they want? We believe this brings us back to the good old fashioned idea that the purpose of educational research is to inspire change, and is not only to add to the sum of human knowledge. Sadly, all too often nowadays there is a tendency for research to serve the demands of the RAE
Detektion und akustikophysikalische Analyse von mikroembolischen Signalen mittels transkranieller Zweikanal-Dopplersonographie bei terminal herzinsuffizienten Patienten:mit pulsatilem linksventrikulären Unterstützungssystem und deren Korrelation zu klinischen und hämostaseologischen Parametern
Anzahl und signalmorphologische Eigenschaften von MES wurden bei 15 Patienten mit LVAD (Novacor N 100® oder TCI HeartMate®) mittels serieller TCD detektiert und beide LVAD hinsichtlich MES-Rate und -Morphologie in Korrelation mit effektiver Antikoagulation und thrombembolischen Komplikationen verglichen. Während der kumulativen Unterstützungszeit von 3499 Tagen traten 12 Thrombembolien bei 5 der 9 Novacor®- und 9 Thrombembolien bei 3 der 6 TCI HeartMate®-Patienten auf (p = 0,95). Die MES-Prävalenz zeigte zum Auftreten von thrombembolischen Insulten und zum Anteil effektiv antikoagulierter Tage im Gesamt- (r = 0,37), TCI HeartMate®- (r = 0,27) Novacor®-Kollektiv (r = 0,47) keine signifikante Korrelation. Der MES-Mittelwert korrelierte beim Gesamt- und TCI HeartMate®-Kollektiv (r = 0,54; p = 0,04 und r = 0,88; p = 0,03) signifikant mit der Insultanzahl. In dem Novacor®-Kollektiv ist signalmorphologisch ein größerer Anteil an soliden Mikroembolien anzunehmen als im TCI Heartmate®-Kollektiv (p-Wert <0,0001)
Sustaining productivity of tropical red snappers using new monitoring and reference points
1. Analyse current monitoring and logbook data sets, as well as survey and other information,to establish whether these data provide sufficient power to develop critical indicators of fishery performance.
2. Provide a risk analysis that examines the use of age structure and catch rate information for development of critical indicators, and response rules for those criteria, in the absence of other fishery information.
3. Develop a monitoring program that uses commercial vessels from the fishery to provide independent data
Empleo de carbones activados procedentes de lignina como catalizadores no metálicos en la oxidación húmeda con peróxido de hidrogeno
Una lignina obtenida por un proceso a la sosa se empleó como precursor para preparar carbones activados.
En primer lugar, se carbonizó la lignina en atmósfera inerte y, a continuación, se procedió a su activación
térmica en atmósfera oxidante usando temperaturas entre 150 y 350 C. Se emplearon distintas técnicas de
caracterización para evaluar sus propiedades texturales y quÃmica superficial, observando un aumento del
desarrollo de la porosidad con la temperatura de activación usada, y un marcado carácter básico en todos
ellos. Los carbones preparados se ensayaron como catalizadores no metálicos para la oxidación húmeda
catalÃtica con peróxido de hidrógeno (CWPO) de 4-nitrofenol (4-NP; 5 g L-1), usando condiciones de
operación relativamente suaves (presión atmosférica, T = 50 C, pH = 3, carga de catalizador = 2.5 g L-1,
[H2O2]0 = 17.8 g L-1). Con los catalizadores preparados a las temperaturas de activación más altas (300 y
350 C) se logró eliminar cerca del 70 % de 4-NP, observándose una eficiente descomposición de H2O2. Por su parte, los materiales preparados a las temperaturas de activación más bajas (150 y 200 C) promovieron
una descomposición del H2O2 más rápida pero ineficiente, eliminándose menos del 25 % de 4-NP en estos
Anthocyanin composition and related pigments in strawberry
The anthocyanin composition of the strawberry has been object of various studies, but it is still not fully characterized. It is well known the presence af pelarganidin 3 - glucoside (Pg 3 -gluc) as major anthocyanin, usually accompanied of smaller proportions of pelargonidin 3- rutinoside (Pg 3 -rut) and cyanidin 3-glucosid e (Cy. 3- gluc).Comissão Europeia (Fundo Social Europeu) e Governo Português através do Programa PRODEP (III) - ref.ª 5.3/N/199.006/00-Doutoramento
In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of mesenchymal stem cells in myocardial infarction
Background - We investigated the potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to track magnetically labeled mesenchymal stem cells (MR-MSCs) in a swine myocardial infarction (MI) model. Methods and Results - Adult farm pigs (n=5) were subjected to closed-chest experimental MI. MR-MSCs (2.8 to 16×107 cells) were injected intramyocardially under x-ray fluoroscopy. MRIs were obtained on a 1.5T MR scanner to demonstrate the location of the MR-MSCs and were correlated with histology. Contrast-enhanced MRI demonstrated successful injection in the infarct and serial MSC tracking was demonstrated in two animals. Conclusion - MRI tracking of MSCs is feasible and represents a preferred method for studying the engraftment of MSCs in MI
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