375 research outputs found

    Chefer i industri- och serviceföretag - fungerar de pÄ samma sÀtt?

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    A method in urban planning for identifying objects of densification through GIS : case study Helsingborg City

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    Om vi vill undvika ytterligare exploatering av vÄr dyrbara jordbruksmark Àr förtÀtning av stadslandskapet ett alternativ för att bÄde spara pÄ vÄra resurser och minska avstÄnden inom staden. Projektets syfte har varit att ta fram en systematisk metod för att underlÀtta stadsplaneraren arbete att identifiera ytor och objekt i stadslandskapet lÀmpliga för förtÀtning. FrÄn studier om hÄllbar stadsutveckling och olika kommuners översiktsplaner har relevanta parametrar valts ut som grund för en kategorisering av stadslandskapet. Med Helsingborgs stad som fallstudie kunde kategorierna anvÀndas för att fÄ ut ytor som kan vara lÀmpliga att förtÀta. Metoden realiserades praktiskt genom bearbetning av geografisk data i det geografiska informationssystemet ArcGIS. Resultatet, som metoden tar fram, ska ses som ett diskussionsunderlag vid översiktsplanering och förtÀtningsprojekt.If we want to avoid further urban sprawl and exploitation of our precious agricultural land our best hope is to densify our cities. Only then can we conserve valuable resources and also shorten the travel distances within our city. The purpose of this project has been to develop a systematic method to help urban planners identify objects and surfaces, within the city, suitable for new construction options and thus build dense cities. By studying the subject of sustainable city planning, and various comprehensive plans, a set of parameters were chosen as a foundation to categorize the city landscape. By applying these categories on a case study, Helsingborg City, the method was able to extract surfaces that possibly could be used for expansion. The method was put in practice through processing of geographical data in geographic information system ArcGIS. The result that comes from using the method should be used as a basis of discussion in the early stages of city planning processes

    Efter den Kungliga Krigsflygskolan

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    Den hĂ€r uppsatsen grĂ€ver pĂ„ djupet i en av Sveriges mest Ă€rofyllda anlĂ€ggning genom tiderna, den Kungliga Krigsflygskolan F5 i Ljungbyhed. I 70 Ă„r tillhörde heden det svenska flygvapnet och har sedan 1998 fortsatt sina traditioner utan militĂ€r befattning. Idag Ă€r omrĂ„det en privatĂ€gd park som anvĂ€nds för uthyrning till olika aktörer inom utbildning, rekreation och företagsverksamhet. Uppsatsen försöker ta reda pĂ„ vilka förĂ€ndringar flottiljen har gĂ„tt igenom sedan avvecklingen för att föra en diskussion kring parkens bevarandeproblem och utvecklingsmöjligheter med hjĂ€lp av studier i Ljungbyheds militĂ€rhistoria, fĂ€ltstudie och intervju med en pensionerad Kapten.This rapport delves deeper into one of Sweden’s most honorable establishment, the Royal Air Force Flight Academy F5 in Ljungbyhed. For 70 years the moor belonged to the Swedish air force and has since 1998 kept its traditions without any military authority. Today it is privately owned and provides facilities for education, business and recreational purposes. The purpose with this rapport is to figure out how the transition between an airbase and recreational park has affected the area. With studies in Ljungbyhed’s military history, field study and interview with a retired Captain a discussion about preservation and the future can be had

    Hypothermic Machine Perfusion Preservation of the DCD Kidney: Machine Effects

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    Purpose. Kidneys from DCD donors represent a significant pool, but preservation problems exist. The study objective was to test the importance of machine type for hypothermic preservation of DCD kidneys.Methods. Adult Beagle dog kidneys underwent 45 minutes of warm in situ ischemia followed by hypothermic perfusion for 24 hours (Belzer-MPS Solution) on either an ORS LifePort or a Waters RM3 using standard perfusion protocols. Kidneys were then autotransplanted, and renal function was assessed over 7 days following contralateral nephrectomy. Results. Renal vascular resistance was not different between the two pumps. After 24 hours, the oxygen partial pressure and oxygen delivery in the LifePort perfusate were significantly lower than those in the RM3 but not low enough to change lactate production. TheLifePort ran significantly colder than RM3 (2° versus 5°C). The arterial pressure waveform of the RM3 was qualitatively different from the waveform of the LifePort. Preservation injury after transplantation was not different between the devices. When the LifePort was changed to nonpulsatile flow, kidneys displayed significantly greater preservation injury compared to RM3. Conclusions. Both LifePort and RM3 can be used for hypothermic machine perfusion preservation of DCD kidneys with equal outcomes as long as the duty cycle remains pulsatile

    Eget material eller utgivna lÀromedel - LÀromedel pÄ estetiska programmets Gehörs- och MusiklÀra 1

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    Studiens syfte Ă€r att ge en bild av hur lĂ€rare i gehörs- och musiklĂ€ra 1 (GeMu 1) vĂ€ljer och arbetar med lĂ€romedel till kursen. Studiens fokus ligger pĂ„ hur lĂ€rares tolkning av styrdokumenten pĂ„verkar lĂ€romedelsurvalet, samt hur kollegiala samarbetsformer spelar in nĂ€r lĂ€rare vĂ€ljer lĂ€romedel. Studien bestĂ„r av fem intervjuer i vilka GeMu-lĂ€rare har berĂ€ttat om deras val av lĂ€romedel samt hur styrdokument och samarbete mellan lĂ€rare pĂ„verkar vilka lĂ€romedel som vĂ€ljs. LĂ€rarna som intervjuats Ă€r verksamma pĂ„ kommunala gymnasieskolor i södra Sverige och undervisar i kursen GeMu 1. Studien visar att de GeMu-lĂ€rare som deltog i studien ofta utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n sin egen GeMu-metodik vid lĂ€romedelsval och att utstrĂ€ckningen av samarbetet med andra GeMu-lĂ€rare varierar. Studien visar vidare att egenproducerade lĂ€romedel Ă€r anvĂ€ndbara, frĂ€mst pĂ„ grund av att de Ă€r anpassningsbara och enkla att förĂ€ndra. Studien visar Ă€ven att de intervjuade lĂ€rarna tolkar styrdokumenten olika. För att ge en mer likvĂ€rdig undervisning och en rĂ€ttvisare bedömning samarbetar lĂ€rarna dock ofta för att komma till ett samförstĂ„nd kring undervisningens innehĂ„ll.The study aims to provide a picture of how teachers in music theory and ear training choose and work with teaching material for the upper secondary school course “Gehörs- och musiklĂ€ra 1”, which translates into “Ear training and music theory 1”. The focus of the study is on how the teachers' interpretations of the national governing documents affects the selection of teaching material, and how collaboration between teachers comes into play when teachers choose teaching material. The study consists of five interviews in which teachers in ear training and music theory share their views about the choice of teaching material, and how the national governing documents for upper secondary music theory education and teachers’ collaboration affects that decision. The teachers who were interviewed are active in upper secondary schools in southern Sweden and teach the music theory course. The study shows that the teachers in the study in choose teaching material based on their own personal educational thoughts with some influence from other teachers. The teachers use self-produced learning material extensively, which the study shows can be useful if they are made accessible for other teachers. The study shows that teachers interpret the governing documents differently, and that they often collaborate to provide a more equal level of education between schools and a more fair assessment

    First-order query evaluation on structures of bounded degree

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    We consider the enumeration problem of first-order queries over structures of bounded degree. It was shown that this problem is in the Constant-Delaylin class. An enumeration problem belongs to Constant-Delaylin if for an input of size n it can be solved by: - an O(n) precomputation phase building an index structure, - followed by a phase enumerating the answers with no repetition and a constant delay between two consecutive outputs. In this article we give a different proof of this result based on Gaifman's locality theorem for first-order logic. Moreover, the constants we obtain yield a total evaluation time that is triply exponential in the size of the input formula, matching the complexity of the best known evaluation algorithms

    Hypothermic Machine Perfusion Preservation of the DCD Kidney: Machine Effects

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    Purpose. Kidneys from DCD donors represent a significant pool, but preservation problems exist. The study objective was to test the importance of machine type for hypothermic preservation of DCD kidneys. Methods. Adult Beagle dog kidneys underwent 45 minutes of warm in situ ischemia followed by hypothermic perfusion for 24 hours (Belzer-MPS Solution) on either an ORS LifePort or a Waters RM3 using standard perfusion protocols. Kidneys were then autotransplanted, and renal function was assessed over 7 days following contralateral nephrectomy. Results. Renal vascular resistance was not different between the two pumps. After 24 hours, the oxygen partial pressure and oxygen delivery in the LifePort perfusate were significantly lower than those in the RM3 but not low enough to change lactate production. TheLifePort ran significantly colder than RM3 (2° versus 5°C). The arterial pressure waveform of the RM3 was qualitatively different from the waveform of the LifePort. Preservation injury after transplantation was not different between the devices. When the LifePort was changed to nonpulsatile flow, kidneys displayed significantly greater preservation injury compared to RM3. Conclusions. Both LifePort and RM3 can be used for hypothermic machine perfusion preservation of DCD kidneys with equal outcomes as long as the duty cycle remains pulsatile

    Status of nutrition education in medical schools

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    Background: Numerous entreaties have been made over the past 2 decades to improve the nutrition knowledge and skills of medical students and physicians. However, most graduating medical students continue to rate their nutrition preparation as inadequate

    The evolution of Nutrition in Medicine, a computer-assisted nutrition curriculum

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    The primary mission of the Nutrition in Medicine (NIM) project is to provide tools to facilitate the nutrition training of undergraduate medical students. NIM has developed and distributed a CD-ROM-based nutrition curriculum to medical schools since 1995. However, the medical school environment is changing rapidly; there is pressure to do more in less time, and many schools are emphasizing independent and integrated learning. The need for a nutrition curriculum that is more flexible and more accessible has driven the evolution of the NIM curriculum from CD-ROM-based delivery into a more modular curriculum with Web delivery. Such changes facilitate access and eliminate the need for installation of CD-ROMs and the associated technical support issues. In addition, the instructional units are smaller and more modular. Eventually, the authoring system will allow instructors to put together a course to meet their specific instructional needs. Our future plans also include custom-tailoring that will allow students to opt out of learning material on the basis of pretest scores if they are already proficient in the content. In this update, we provide a detailed description of the new system and the rationale for the modifications we made. Furthermore, we describe how each change addresses barriers to nutrition education as identified from our surveys and others and from direct user feedback. These innovative strategies should allow a better fit of NIM within diverse medical school environments and help to promote incorporation of the curriculum into more medical schools

    Prevalence and Evolution of Core Photosystem II Genes in Marine Cyanobacterial Viruses and Their Hosts

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    Cyanophages (cyanobacterial viruses) are important agents of horizontal gene transfer among marine cyanobacteria, the numerically dominant photosynthetic organisms in the oceans. Some cyanophage genomes carry and express host-like photosynthesis genes, presumably to augment the host photosynthetic machinery during infection. To study the prevalence and evolutionary dynamics of this phenomenon, 33 cultured cyanophages of known family and host range and viral DNA from field samples were screened for the presence of two core photosystem reaction center genes, psbA and psbD. Combining this expanded dataset with published data for nine other cyanophages, we found that 88% of the phage genomes contain psbA, and 50% contain both psbA and psbD. The psbA gene was found in all myoviruses and Prochlorococcus podoviruses, but could not be amplified from Prochlorococcus siphoviruses or Synechococcus podoviruses. Nearly all of the phages that encoded both psbA and psbD had broad host ranges. We speculate that the presence or absence of psbA in a phage genome may be determined by the length of the latent period of infection. Whether it also carries psbD may reflect constraints on coupling of viral- and host-encoded PsbA–PsbD in the photosynthetic reaction center across divergent hosts. Phylogenetic clustering patterns of these genes from cultured phages suggest that whole genes have been transferred from host to phage in a discrete number of events over the course of evolution (four for psbA, and two for psbD), followed by horizontal and vertical transfer between cyanophages. Clustering patterns of psbA and psbD from Synechococcus cells were inconsistent with other molecular phylogenetic markers, suggesting genetic exchanges involving Synechococcus lineages. Signatures of intragenic recombination, detected within the cyanophage gene pool as well as between hosts and phages in both directions, support this hypothesis. The analysis of cyanophage psbA and psbD genes from field populations revealed significant sequence diversity, much of which is represented in our cultured isolates. Collectively, these findings show that photosynthesis genes are common in cyanophages and that significant genetic exchanges occur from host to phage, phage to host, and within the phage gene pool. This generates genetic diversity among the phage, which serves as a reservoir for their hosts, and in turn influences photosystem evolution
