9 research outputs found

    Application of plasmonics in organic photovoltaics

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá studiem plasmonicky navýšené absorpce vedoucí ke zlepšení účinnosti organických solárních článků. K navýšení absorpce světla ve fotoaktivní vrstvě jsou použity koloidní nanočástice stříbra. Rozptyl světla z nanočástic střibra do fotoaktivní vrstvy představuje jedno z možných řešení, jak navýšit celkovou účinnost fotovoltaických zařízení. Simulace elektromagnetických jevů jsou pro statické podmínky prováděny v softwaru Lumerical (Lumerical Solutions, Inc.). Je zkoumána absorpce ve fotoaktivní vrstvě v závislosti na konfiguraci stříbrných nanočástic. Simulace potvrzují, že ve fotoaktivní vrstvě, která je modifikovaná nanočásticemi stříbra, dochází k navýšení absorpce. Abychom potvrdili výsledky simulací, bylo vyrobeno několik stříbrem modifikovaných vzorků. Vzorky byly pro tento druh experimentu připravené z poly(3-hexyltiofenu):[6,6]-fenyl-C61-butyric-acid-metyl esteru. U některých, nanočásticemi stříbra modifikovaných, vzorků dochází k navýšení tvorby excitonů, v důsledku čehož je pozorován nárůst fotoproudu. V této práci je zahrnut teoretický i experimentální přístup k dané problematice.The diploma thesis deals with the study of the plasmon-enhanced absorption leading to an improvement of the power conversion efficiency in organic solar cells. To increase the light absorption in the photoactive layer, colloidal silver nanoparticles are used. The scattering of the light from silver nanoparticles into the photoactive layer represents one of possible solutions how to increase the power conversion efficiency of photovoltaic devices. To perform electromagnetic simulations in the steady-state regime, the software Lumerical (Lumerical Solutions, Inc.), is used. For different geometrical arrangements of silver nanoparticles, the absorption in photoactive layer is observed. Simulations prove the enhancement of the absorption in the photoactive layer while incorporating silver nanoparticles. To confirm results from simulations, a couple of samples modified with silver nanoparticles, is produced. Samples produced for this kind of experiments are based on Poly(3-hexylthiophene):[6,6]-Phenyl-C61-butyric-acid-methyl ester. For some samples modified with silver nanoparticles, an exciton creation is improved. As the result, the enhancement in the short-circuit current is observable. Here, the theoretical and experimental approach to this topic is reviewed.

    Physics of Metamaterials

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    Tato bakalářská práce je věnována elektrodynamice metamateriálů, které mají současně zápornou permitivitu a permeabilitu. Je ukázáno, že takové prostředí je popsáno záporným indexem lomu, což má výrazné důsledky v oblasti optiky. Mezi ně patří zejména „opačný“ lom, který je demonstrován simulací interakce gaussovského monochromatického svazku s prostředím s indexem lomu v programu COMSOL Multiphysics. Dále je studováno šíření elektromagnetické energie v tomto prostředí: nejprve je ukázáno, že rychlost šíření elektromagnetické energie je rovna grupové rychlosti, která má opačný směr než rychlost fázová. Poté jsou zformulovány Fresnelovy vztahy ve tvaru, který je platný pro kladný i záporný index lomu.The bachelor work deals with electrodynamics of metamaterials for which both the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability are simultaneously negative. It is shown that the double negative media are described by a negative refraction index which has an important impact on optics laws. In particular, the negative refraction is demonstrated by simulation of interaction of the Gauss monochromatic beam impinging on a negative refractive material. Next, the electromagnetic energy propagation in the negative refractive materials is studied. It is shown that the energy propagation velocity equals the group velocity, which has the opposite sign than the phase velocity. Finally, Fresnel formulas valid both for positive and negative refraction index are given.

    Relations between the motoric tests of coordination abilities and skills in skating, ice hockey players at the age of 7 to 8 years.

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    4 Abstract: The work is aimed at determining the relationships between selected kinetic tests and the level of basic skating skills. Kinetic tests will be selected on the basis of previous studies related to our research purpose and the requirements of standardization. The studied sample will be composed of children aged between 7 - 8 years (2nd and 3rd grade) from the hockey team HC Sparta Prague. Variable criteria are gaming activities of individuals (basic skating skills) that will be measured by using the tests of kinetic. Title: Relations between the motoric tests of coordination abilities and skills in skating, ice hockey players at the age of 7 to 8 years. Goals: The aim of the thesis is to determine the simultaneous validity of selected kinetic tests of coordination skills for individuals sport activities - the basic skating skills. Method: The thesis is conceived as an empirical observation type of quantitative research. Results: The Iowa - Brace test achieved the best explained variability of 26% for the variable criteria at skating forward. For other variable criteria, except for the forward cross - over, explained approximately 16% of variance. The test of the dynamic balance ability best explains the variation of the variable criteria of forward skating 17%. 5 While using multiple linear..

    The Property Crimnals in the Territory of Municipality Janov n.N. and Bedrichov

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    katedra: KSS; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 91 s, 3 s. obr. přílohBakalářská práce se zabývala problematikou majetkové trestné činnosti v rekreační oblasti Janova nad Nisou a Bedřichova v okrese Jablonec nad Nisou. Cílem uvedené práce bylo zjištění a posouzení změn týkající se druhu a četnosti majetkové trestné činnosti s ohledem na roční období v letech 2003 a 2006. Dále posouzení sociálních charakteristik u zjištěných pachatelů této trestné činnosti, také v roce 2003 a 2006 a v poslední řadě posouzení preventivní činnosti působících orgánů Policie ČR v daných oblastech v téže letech. Teoretická část práce pojednává o skladbě trestné činnosti v daných oblastech, o příčinách a výskytu vzniku kriminálního chování a jednání v obecné rovině, o motivaci kriminálního chování, o osobnosti pachatele, o funkci rodiny, školy, systému prevence kriminality a úlohu Policie ČR. Praktická část práce pomocí analýzy dostupných dokumentů se zabývá zkoumáním četnosti páchání majetkové trestné činnosti s rozdělením do ročních období a porovnáním těchto období roků 2003 a 2006. V závěru se zaměřuje na již stanovené období a vyhodnocuje pomocí analýzy systémy působících policejních subjektů oproti působícím pachatelům v rámci prevence kriminality zaměřené na majetkovou trestnou činnost.The graduation theses deal with the property criminality in a recreation district Janov n. N. and Bedrichov in Jablonec n. N. township. The aim of the work was a survey and an analysis of the changes of kind and frequency of the property criminality considering the weather seasons in 2003 and 2006.The next point of the work is the examination of social characteristic of the known property criminals in the same years 2003 and 2006 and as the last the examination of preventive activities of applied Czech Police authorities at the same time and the same district. The theoretical part of the work discusses the composition of the criminality in the mentioned territory, reasons and occurrence of the origin of the criminal behavior in generally, motivation of the criminal behavior, the personality of the criminal, the function of the family and school, system of prevention of the criminal activities and the task of Police of Czech Republic. The practical part discusses the frequency of the property criminality according to the weather seasons in years 2003 and 2006 by the analysis of accessible documents. At the close the work is focused on the mentioned seasons and it evaluates the applied police´s systems against the occurring criminals within the prevention of the property criminal activities

    The property criminals in villages Janov n.N. and Bedrichov

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    Intercomparison of Ground- and Satellite-Based Total Ozone Data Products at Marambio Base, Antarctic Peninsula Region

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    This study aims to compare the ground-based Brewer spectrophotometer total ozone column measurements with the Dobson spectrophotometer and various satellite overpass data available at Marambio Base during the period 2011–2013. This station provides a unique opportunity to study ozone variability near the edge of the southern polar vortex; therefore, many institutions, such as the National Meteorological Service of Argentina, the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, have been carrying out various scientific activities there. The intercomparison was performed using total ozone column data sets retrieved from the ground-based instruments and from Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)—Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), OMI–Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS), Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment 2 (GOME2), and Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrophotometer for Atmospheric Cartography (SCIAMACHY) satellite observations. To assess the quality of the selected data products, comparisons with reference to the Brewer spectrophotometer single observations were made. The performance of the satellite observational techniques was assessed against the solar zenith angle and effective temperature, as well as against the actual shape of the vertical ozone profiles, which represent an important input parameter for the satellite ozone retrievals. The ground-based Dobson observations showed the best agreement with the Brewer data set (R2 = 1.00, RMSE = 1.5%); however, significant solar zenith angle (SZA) dependency was found. The satellite overpass data confirmed good agreement with the Brewer observations but were, however, overestimated in all cases except for the OMI(TOMS), when the mean bias differed from −0.7 DU in the case of the OMI(TOMS) to 6.4 DU for the SCIAMACHY. The differences in satellite observational techniques were further evaluated using statistical analyses adapted for depleted and non-depleted conditions over the ozone hole period