1,254 research outputs found

    Extracting the Proton ubar content from pp->Direct Photon plus Jet Cross Sections

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    An analysis procedure is proposed to measure the antiquark distributions in the proton over the region 0.01 < x < 0.1. The procedure involves the measurement of high p_t asymmetric direct photon and jet final states in pp interactions. This measurement can be made at the RHIC collider running in pp mode at an energy of sqrt(s)=500 GeV/c. This analysis identifies a region of phase space where the contribution from quark-antiquark annihilation uncharacteristically approaches the magnitude of the contribution from the leading process, quark-gluon Compton scattering. The forward-backward angular asymmetry in the parton center of mass is sensitive to the antiquark content of the proton and the ubar parton density function can be extracted.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Search for a Solution of the Pioneer Anomaly

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    In 1972 and 1973 the Pioneer 10 and 11 missions were launched. They were the first to explore the outer solar system and achieved stunning breakthroughs in deep-space exploration. But beginning in about 1980 an unmodeled force of \sim 8 \times 10^{-8} cm/s^2, directed approximately towards the Sun, appeared in the tracking data. It later was unambiguously verified as being in the data and not an artifact. The cause remains unknown (although radiant heat remains a likely origin). With time more and more effort has gone into understanding this anomaly (and also possibly related effects). We review the situation and describe ongoing programs to resolve the issue.Comment: 24 pages 8 figure

    Application of Optimal Control to CPMG Refocusing Pulse Design

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    We apply optimal control theory (OCT) to the design of refocusing pulses suitable for the CPMG sequence that are robust over a wide range of B0 and B1 offsets. We also introduce a model, based on recent progress in the analysis of unitary dynamics in the field of quantum information processing (QIP), that describes the multiple refocusing dynamics of the CPMG sequence as a dephasing Pauli channel. This model provides a compact characterization of the consequences and severity of residual pulse errors. We illustrate the methods by considering a specific example of designing and analyzing broadband OCT refocusing pulses of length 10 t180 that are constrained by the maximum instantaneous pulse power. We show that with this refocusing pulse, the CPMG sequence can refocus over 98% of magnetization for resonance offsets up to 3.2 times the maximum RF amplitude, even in the presence of +/- 10% RF inhomogeneity.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures; Revised and reformatted version with new title and significant changes to Introduction and Conclusions section

    Proposing new variables for the identification of strategic groups in franchising

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    The identification of strategic groups in the Spanish franchising area is the main aim of this study. The authors have added some new strategic variables (not used before) to the study and have classified franchisors between sectors and distribution strategy. The results reveal the existence of four perfectly differentiated strategic groups (types of franchisors). One of the major implications of this study is that the variables that build a strategic group vary depending on the respective sector the network operates in and its distribution strategy. This fact indicates that including sector and distribution strategy is absolutely necessary to achieve good classifications of franchisor type

    Determination of polarized parton distribution functions and their uncertainties

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    We investigate the polarized parton distribution functions (PDFs) and their uncertainties by using the world data on the spin asymmetry A_1. The uncertainties of the polarized PDFs are estimated by the Hessian method. The up and down valence-quark distributions are determined well. However, the antiquark distributions have large uncertainties at this stage, and it is particularly difficult to fix the gluon distribution. The \chi^2 analysis produces a positively polarized gluon distribution, but even \Delta g(x)=0 could be allowed according to our uncertainty estimation. In comparison with the previous AAC (Asymmetry Analysis Collaboration) parameterization in 2000, accurate SLAC-E155 proton data are added to the analysis. We find that the E155 data improve the determination of the polarized PDFs, especially the polarized antiquark distributions. In addition, the gluon-distribution uncertainties are reduced due to the correlation with the antiquark distributions. We also show the global analysis results with the condition \Delta g(x)=0 at the initial scale, Q^2=1 GeV^2, for clarifying the error correlation effects with the gluon distribution.Comment: 9 pages, 15 eps figures, REVTeX, FORTRAN package is available at the web site http://www-hs.phys.saga-u.ac.jp/aac.html. Replaced 3 eps figures in Fig.

    Models for the Polarized Parton Distributions of the Nucleon

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    Polarized deep inelastic scattering (DIS) data are analyzed in leading and next-to-leading order of QCD within the common `standard' scenario of polarized parton distributions with a flavor-symmetric light sea (antiquark) distribution ÎŽqˉ\delta\bar{q}, and a completely SU(3)f_f broken `valence' scenario with totally flavor-asymmetric light sea densities (ÎŽuˉ≠ήdˉ≠ήsˉ)(\delta\bar{u}\neq\delta\bar{d}\neq\delta\bar{s}). The latter flavor-broken light sea distributions are modelled with the help of a Pauli-blocking ansatz at the low radiative/dynamical input scales of ÎŒLO(NLO)2=0.26\mu_{\rm LO(NLO)}^2=0.26 (0.40) GeV2^2 which complies with predictions of the chiral quark-soliton model and expectations based on the statistical parton model as well as with the corresponding, well established, flavor-broken unpolarized sea (dˉ>uˉ\bar{d}>\bar{u}). Present semi-inclusive DIS data cannot yet uniquely discriminate between those two flavor-symmetric and flavor-broken polarized light sea scenarios.Comment: 39 pages, LaTe

    Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection

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    Cross-language plagiarism detection deals with the automatic identification and extraction of plagiarism in a multilingual setting. In this setting, a suspicious document is given, and the task is to retrieve all sections from the document that originate from a large, multilingual document collection. Our contributions in this field are as follows: (1) a comprehensive retrieval process for cross-language plagiarism detection is introduced, highlighting the differences to monolingual plagiarism detection, (2) state-of-the-art solutions for two important subtasks are reviewed, (3) retrieval models for the assessment of cross-language similarity are surveyed, and, (4) the three models CL-CNG, CL-ESA and CL-ASA are compared. Our evaluation is of realistic scale: it relies on 120,000 test documents which are selected from the corpora JRC-Acquis and Wikipedia, so that for each test document highly similar documents are available in all of the six languages English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Polish. The models are employed in a series of ranking tasks, and more than 100 million similarities are computed with each model. The results of our evaluation indicate that CL-CNG, despite its simple approach, is the best choice to rank and compare texts across languages if they are syntactically related. CL-ESA almost matches the performance of CL-CNG, but on arbitrary pairs of languages. CL-ASA works best on "exact" translations but does not generalize well.This work was partially supported by the TEXT-ENTERPRISE 2.0 TIN2009-13391-C04-03 project and the CONACyT-Mexico 192021 grant.Potthast, M.; BarrĂłn Cedeño, LA.; Stein, B.; Rosso, P. (2011). Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection. Language Resources and Evaluation. 45(1):45-62. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-009-9114-zS4562451Ballesteros, L. A. (2001). Resolving ambiguity for cross-language information retrieval: A dictionary approach. PhD thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, Bruce Croft.BarrĂłn-Cedeño, A., Rosso, P., Pinto, D., & Juan A. (2008). On cross-lingual plagiarism analysis using a statistical model. In S. Benno, S. Efstathios, & K. Moshe (Eds.), ECAI 2008 workshop on uncovering plagiarism, authorship, and social software misuse (PAN 08) (pp. 9–13). Patras, Greece.Baum, L. E. (1972). An inequality and associated maximization technique in statistical estimation of probabilistic functions of a Markov process. Inequalities, 3, 1–8.Berger, A., & Lafferty, J. (1999). Information retrieval as statistical translation. In SIGIR’99: Proceedings of the 22nd annual international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval (vol. 4629, pp. 222–229). Berkeley, California, United States: ACM.Brin, S., Davis, J., & Garcia-Molina, H. (1995). Copy detection mechanisms for digital documents. In SIGMOD ’95 (pp. 398–409). New York, NY, USA: ACM Press.Brown, P. F., Della Pietra, S. A., Della Pietra, V. J., & Mercer R. L. (1993). The mathematics of statistical machine translation: Parameter estimation. Computational Linguistics, 19(2), 263–311.Ceska, Z., Toman, M., & Jezek, K. (2008). Multilingual plagiarism detection. In AIMSA’08: Proceedings of the 13th international conference on artificial intelligence (pp. 83–92). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.Clough, P. (2003). Old and new challenges in automatic plagiarism detection. National UK Plagiarism Advisory Service, http://www.ir.shef.ac.uk/cloughie/papers/pas_plagiarism.pdf .Dempster A. P., Laird N. M., Rubin D. B. (1977). Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 39(1), 1–38.Dumais, S. T., Letsche, T. A., Littman, M. L., & Landauer, T. K. (1997). Automatic cross-language retrieval using latent semantic indexing. In D. Hull & D. Oard (Eds.), AAAI-97 spring symposium series: Cross-language text and speech retrieval (pp. 18–24). Stanford University, American Association for Artificial Intelligence.Gabrilovich, E., & Markovitch, S. (2007). Computing semantic relatedness using Wikipedia-based explicit semantic analysis. In Proceedings of the 20th international joint conference for artificial intelligence, Hyderabad, India.Hoad T. C., & Zobel, J. (2003). Methods for identifying versioned and plagiarised documents. American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(3), 203–215.Levow, G.-A., Oard, D. W., & Resnik, P. (2005). Dictionary-based techniques for cross-language information retrieval. Information Processing & Management, 41(3), 523–547.Littman, M., Dumais, S. T., & Landauer, T. K. (1998). Automatic cross-language information retrieval using latent semantic indexing. In Cross-language information retrieval, chap. 5 (pp. 51–62). Kluwer.Maurer, H., Kappe, F., & Zaka, B. (2006). Plagiarism—a survey. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 12(8), 1050–1084.McCabe, D. (2005). Research report of the Center for Academic Integrity. http://www.academicintegrity.org .Mcnamee, P., & Mayfield, J. (2004). Character N-gram tokenization for European language text retrieval. Information Retrieval, 7(1–2), 73–97.Meyer zu Eissen, S., & Stein, B. (2006). Intrinsic plagiarism detection. In M. Lalmas, A. MacFarlane, S. M. RĂŒger, A. Tombros, T. Tsikrika, & A. Yavlinsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the European conference on information retrieval (ECIR 2006), volume 3936 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 565–569). Springer.Meyer zu Eissen, S., Stein, B., & Kulig, M. (2007). Plagiarism detection without reference collections. In R. Decker & H. J. Lenz (Eds.), Advances in data analysis (pp. 359–366), Springer.Och, F. J., & Ney, H. (2003). A systematic comparison of various statistical alignment models. Computational Linguistics, 29(1), 19–51.Pinto, D., Juan, A., & Rosso, P. (2007). Using query-relevant documents pairs for cross-lingual information retrieval. In V. Matousek & P. Mautner (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 630–637). Pilsen, Czech Republic.Pinto, D., Civera, J., BarrĂłn-Cedeño, A., Juan, A., & Rosso, P. (2009). A statistical approach to cross-lingual natural language tasks. Journal of Algorithms, 64(1), 51–60.Potthast, M. (2007). Wikipedia in the pocket-indexing technology for near-duplicate detection and high similarity search. In C. Clarke, N. Fuhr, N. Kando, W. Kraaij, & A. de Vries (Eds.), 30th Annual international ACM SIGIR conference (pp. 909–909). ACM.Potthast, M., Stein, B., & Anderka, M. (2008). A Wikipedia-based multilingual retrieval model. In C. Macdonald, I. Ounis, V. Plachouras, I. Ruthven, & R. W. White (Eds.), 30th European conference on IR research, ECIR 2008, Glasgow , volume 4956 LNCS of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 522–530). Berlin: Springer.Pouliquen, B., Steinberger, R., & Ignat, C. (2003a). Automatic annotation of multilingual text collections with a conceptual thesaurus. In Proceedings of the workshop ’ontologies and information extraction’ at the Summer School ’The Semantic Web and Language Technology—its potential and practicalities’ (EUROLAN’2003) (pp. 9–28), Bucharest, Romania.Pouliquen, B., Steinberger, R., & Ignat, C. (2003b). Automatic identification of document translations in large multilingual document collections. In Proceedings of the international conference recent advances in natural language processing (RANLP’2003) (pp. 401–408). Borovets, Bulgaria.Stein, B. (2007). Principles of hash-based text retrieval. In C. Clarke, N. Fuhr, N. Kando, W. Kraaij, & A. de Vries (Eds.), 30th Annual international ACM SIGIR conference (pp. 527–534). 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    Ownership and control in a competitive industry

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    We study a differentiated product market in which an investor initially owns a controlling stake in one of two competing firms and may acquire a non-controlling or a controlling stake in a competitor, either directly using her own assets, or indirectly via the controlled firm. While industry profits are maximized within a symmetric two product monopoly, the investor attains this only in exceptional cases. Instead, she sometimes acquires a noncontrolling stake. Or she invests asymmetrically rather than pursuing a full takeover if she acquires a controlling one. Generally, she invests indirectly if she only wants to affect the product market outcome, and directly if acquiring shares is profitable per se. --differentiated products,separation of ownership and control,private benefits of control

    Polarized Parton Distribution Functions in the Nucleon

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    Polarized parton distribution functions are determined by using world data from the longitudinally polarized deep inelastic scattering experiments. A new parametrization of the parton distribution functions is adopted by taking into account the positivity and the counting rule. From the fit to the asymmetry data A_1, the polarized distribution functions of u and d valence quarks, sea quarks, and gluon are obtained. The results indicate that the quark spin content is \Delta\Sigma=0.20 and 0.05 in the leading order (LO) and the next-to-leading-order (NLO) MS-bar scheme, respectively. However, if x dependence of the sea-quark distribution is fixed at small x by "perturbative QCD" and Regge theory, it becomes \Delta \Sigma=0.24 ~ 0.28 in the NLO. The small-x behavior cannot be uniquely determined by the existing data, which indicates the importance of future experiments. From our analysis, we propose one set of LO distributions and two sets of NLO ones as the longitudinally-polarized parton distribution functions.Comment: 51 pages, REVTeX, aps.sty, aps12.sty, epsfig.sty, prabib.sty, revtex.sty, revtex.cls, 17 eps figures. Submitted for publication. Email: [email protected]
