3,677 research outputs found


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    Validity of the FACIT-Sp to assess spiritual well-being in elderly patients

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    Among instruments measuring spiritual well-being, the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual well-being (FACIT-Sp-12) is the most widely used instrument in research. It has been validated in patients suffering from cancer or HIV/AIDS, but has rarely been used in elderly patients. The objectives of this study were to determine the psychometric properties and suitability of the FACIT-Spto assess spiritual well-being in hospitalized elderly patients. This cross-sectional study uses a mixed method approach. Subjects were patients (N = 208), aged 65 years and older, consecutively admitted in post-acute rehabilitation. Psychometric properties of the FACITSp were investigated. The internal structure of the FACIT-Sp (factor structure and internal consistency) was assessed. Convergent validity of the FACIT-Sp was assessed using the Spiritual Distress Assessment Tool (SDAT), the question "Are you at peace?" and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Predictive validity was assessed using length of stay (LOS) and discharge destination. Understanding and interpretation of FACIT-Sp items were consecutively assessed in a sub-sample of 135 patients. Results show that FACIT-Sp scores ranged from 7 to 46 (mean 29.6 ± 7.8); 23.1% of the patients had high spiritual well-being. Cronbach's α was g ood ( 0.85). Item-to-total correlations were all significant (0.34 to 0.73). Principal component analyses performed with 2 or 3 factors were only moderately consistent with previous work. FACIT-Sp correlated with SDAT, "Are you at peace?" and GDS (Rho = −0.45, P < 0.001; 0.51, P < 0.001 and −0.38, P < 0.001). No association was found with LOS or discharge destination. Spontaneous comments about one or more FACIT-Sp items were made by 97/135 (71.9%). Specifically, items that address purpose and meaning in life were frequently found difficult to answer. Analyses suggest that the FACIT-Sp may underestimate spiritual well-being in older patients. In conclusion, despite having acceptable psychometric properties, the FACIT-Sp presents limitations for measurement of spiritual well-being in hospitalized elderly patients

    A context model for semantic mediation in Web services composition

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    This paper presents a context-driven approach that aims at supporting semantic mediation between composed Web services. Despite the widespread adoption of Web services by the IT community, innovative solutions are needed in order to overcome the challenging issue that relates to the semantic disparity of exchanged data. Indeed, there is a lack of means for interpreting these data according to the contextual requirements of each Web service. The context-driven approach suggests two steps. The first step consists of developing a model for anchoring context to data flowing between Web services. In the second step, we use this model to support the semantic mediation between Web services engaged in a composition. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

    The DataRes Project

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    Paper for the 2012 International iConference. This presentation discusses data management and the DataRes Project

    Research Data Management in Policy and Practice: The DataRes Project

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    Abstract I n this paper, we report findings of the DataRes Project, a two-year project funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS). We examine the perceptions of library professionals faced with supporting federal funding agency mandates for research data management plans, describe the state of data management requirements at major federal funding agencies, discuss our findings about the policy landscape at the top National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) awardee institutions in the United States, and describe examples of robust responses to the needs of researchers for data management plan support

    TOP2A and EZH2 Provide Early Detection of an Aggressive Prostate Cancer Subgroup.

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    Purpose: Current clinical parameters do not stratify indolent from aggressive prostate cancer. Aggressive prostate cancer, defined by the progression from localized disease to metastasis, is responsible for the majority of prostate cancer–associated mortality. Recent gene expression profiling has proven successful in predicting the outcome of prostate cancer patients; however, they have yet to provide targeted therapy approaches that could inhibit a patient\u27s progression to metastatic disease. Experimental Design: We have interrogated a total of seven primary prostate cancer cohorts (n = 1,900), two metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer datasets (n = 293), and one prospective cohort (n = 1,385) to assess the impact of TOP2A and EZH2 expression on prostate cancer cellular program and patient outcomes. We also performed IHC staining for TOP2A and EZH2 in a cohort of primary prostate cancer patients (n = 89) with known outcome. Finally, we explored the therapeutic potential of a combination therapy targeting both TOP2A and EZH2 using novel prostate cancer–derived murine cell lines. Results: We demonstrate by genome-wide analysis of independent primary and metastatic prostate cancer datasets that concurrent TOP2A and EZH2 mRNA and protein upregulation selected for a subgroup of primary and metastatic patients with more aggressive disease and notable overlap of genes involved in mitotic regulation. Importantly, TOP2A and EZH2 in prostate cancer cells act as key driving oncogenes, a fact highlighted by sensitivity to combination-targeted therapy. Conclusions: Overall, our data support further assessment of TOP2A and EZH2 as biomarkers for early identification of patients with increased metastatic potential that may benefit from adjuvant or neoadjuvant targeted therapy approaches. ©2017 AACR

    Cube law, condition factor and weight-length relationships: history, meta-analysis and recommendations

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    This study presents a historical review, a meta-analysis, and recommendations for users about weight–length relationships, condition factors and relative weight equations. The historical review traces the developments of the respective concepts. The meta-analysis explores 3929 weight–length relationships of the type W = aLb for 1773 species of fishes. It shows that 82% of the variance in a plot of log a over b can be explained by allometric versus isometric growth patterns and by different body shapes of the respective species. Across species median b = 3.03 is significantly larger than 3.0, thus indicating a tendency towards slightly positive-allometric growth (increase in relative body thickness or plumpness) in most fishes. The expected range of 2.5 < b < 3.5 is confirmed. Mean estimates of b outside this range are often based on only one or two weight–length relationships per species. However, true cases of strong allometric growth do exist and three examples are given. Within species, a plot of log a vs b can be used to detect outliers in weight–length relationships. An equation to calculate mean condition factors from weight–length relationships is given as Kmean = 100aLb−3. Relative weight Wrm = 100W/(amLbm) can be used for comparing the condition of individuals across populations, where am is the geometric mean of a and bm is the mean of b across all available weight–length relationships for a given species. Twelve recommendations for proper use and presentation of weight–length relationships, condition factors and relative weight are given

    Validity of the FACIT-Sp to Assess Spiritual Well-Being in Elderly Patients

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    Abstract Among instruments measuring spiritual well-being, the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual well-being (FACIT-Sp-12) is the most widely used instrument in research. It has been validated in patients suffering from cancer or HIV/AIDS, but has rarely been used in elderly patients. The objectives of this study were to determine the psychometric properties and suitability of the FACIT-Spto assess spiritual well-being in hospitalized elderly patients. This cross-sectional study uses a mixed method approach. Subjects were patients (N = 208), aged 65 years and older, consecutively admitted in post-acute rehabilitation. Psychometric properties of the FACITSp were investigated. The internal structure of the FACIT-Sp (factor structure and internal consistency) was assessed. Convergent validity of the FACIT-Sp was assessed using the Spiritual Distress Assessment Tool (SDAT), the question &quot;Are you at peace?&quot; and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Predictive validity was assessed using length of stay (LOS) and discharge destination. Understanding and interpretation of FACIT-Sp items were consecutively assessed in a sub-sample of 135 patients. Results show that FACIT-Sp scores ranged from 7 to 46 (mean 29.6 ± 7.8); 23.1% of the patients had high spiritual well-being. Cronbach&apos;s α was good (0.85). Item-to-total correlations were all significant (0.34 to 0.73). Principal component analyses performed with 2 or 3 factors were only moderately consistent with previous work. FACIT-Sp correlated with SDAT, &quot;Are you at peace?&quot; and GDS (Rho = −0.45, P &lt; 0.001; 0.51, P &lt; 0.001 and −0.38, P &lt; 0.001). No association was found with LOS or discharge destination. Spontaneous comments about one or more FACIT-Sp items were made by 97/135 (71.9%). Specifically, items that address purpose and meaning in life were frequently found difficult to answer. Analyses suggest that the FACIT-Sp may underestimate spiritual well-being in older patients. In conclusion, despite having acceptable psychometric properties

    Firm finances, weather derivatives and geography

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    This paper considers some intellectual, practical and political dimensions of collaboration between human and physical geographers exploring how firms are using relatively new financial products – weather derivatives – to displace any costs of weather-related uncertainty and risk. The paper defines weather derivatives and indicates how they differ from weather insurance products before considering the geo-political, cultural and economic context for their creation. The paper concludes by reflecting on the challenges of research collaboration across the human–physical geography divide and suggests that while such initiatives may be undermined by a range of institutional and intellectual factors, conversations between physical and human geographers remain and are likely to become increasingly pertinent. The creation of a market in weather derivatives raises a host of urgent political and regulatory questions and the confluence of natural and social knowledges, co-existing within and through the geography academy, provides a constructive and creative basis from which to engage with this new market and wider discourses of uneven economic development and climate change

    A Chromosome-Scale Assembly of the Garden Orach (Atriplex hortensis L.) Genome Using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing

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    Atriplex hortensis (2n = 2x = 18, 1C genome size 1.1 gigabases), also known as garden orach and mountain-spinach, is a highly nutritious, broadleaf annual of the Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae alliance (Chenopodiaceae sensu stricto, subfam. Chenopodioideae) that has spread in cultivation from its native primary domestication area in Eurasia to other temperate and subtropical regions worldwide. Atriplex L. is a highly complex but, as understood now, a monophyletic group of mainly halophytic and/or xerophytic plants, of which A. hortensis has been a vegetable of minor importance in some areas of Eurasia (from Central Asia to the Mediterranean) at least since antiquity. Nonetheless, it is a crop with tremendous nutritional potential due primarily to its exceptional leaf and seed protein quantities (approaching 30%) and quality (high levels of lysine). Although there is some literature describing the taxonomy and production of A. hortensis, there is a general lack of genetic and genomic data that would otherwise help elucidate the genetic variation, phylogenetic positioning, and future potential of the species. Here, we report the assembly of the first high-quality, chromosome-scale reference genome for A. hortensis cv. “Golden.” Long-read data from Oxford Nanopore’s MinION DNA sequencer was assembled with the program Canu and polished with Illumina short reads. Contigs were scaffolded to chromosome scale using chromatin-proximity maps (Hi-C) yielding a final assembly containing 1,325 scaffolds with a N50 of 98.9 Mb – with 94.7% of the assembly represented in the nine largest, chromosome-scale scaffolds. Sixty-six percent of the genome was classified as highly repetitive DNA, with the most common repetitive elements being Gypsy- (32%) and Copia-like (11%) long-terminal repeats. The annotation was completed using MAKER which identified 37,083 gene models and 2,555 tRNA genes. Completeness of the genome, assessed using the Benchmarking Universal Single Copy Orthologs (BUSCO) metric, identified 97.5% of the conserved orthologs as complete, with only 2.2% being duplicated, reflecting the diploid nature of A. hortensis. A resequencing panel of 21 wild, unimproved and cultivated A. hortensis accessions revealed three distinct populations with little variation within subpopulations. These resources provide vital information to better understand A. hortensis and facilitate future study