201 research outputs found

    Sewage disposal plant

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a statickým posouzením betonové části čističky odpadních vod. Konkrétně výpočtem a posouzením základové desky, obvodové stěny, vnitřní stěny a stropní desky, vypracováním výkresu tvaru a výkresu výztuže řešených prvků. Betonová část čističky je celá pod úrovní terénu. Statické schéma a výpočet vnitřních sil byl proveden v programu Scia Engineer 2011 – studentská verze.This thesis deals with the design and static assessment of a concrete part of a sewage treatment plant. Specifically, the calculation and assessment of the base plate, external walls, internal walls and ceiling slabs, elaboration of shape and reinforcement drawings of selected structural element. The concrete part of the Sewage disposal plant is all below ground level. Static system and the calculation of internal forces was carried out in Scia Engineer 2011 - student version.

    Universal Cabling Design for the Company GNT s.r.o

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou a návrhem univerzální kabeláže v multifunkčním domě, který projde kompletní rekonstrukcí a bude sloužit pro firemní účely společnosti GNT s.r.o.. Návrh kabeláže vychází z požadavků investora a analýzy stavebního plánu domu, ve kterém nikdy nebyla realizována žádná počítačová síť. Výstupem práce je kompletní dokumentace návrhu a odhadovaný rozpočet jeho realizace.The thesis is to analyse and design universal cabling in a multi-functional house that will be subject to a thorough reconstruction. The house shall serve for business purposes of the company GNT, s.r.o.. The cabling design is based on investor´s requirements and the construction plan analysis of the house. There had been no computer network in the house. The thesis shall encompass a complete documentation of the project, and its estimated budget.

    Cut distance identifying graphon parameters over weak* limits

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    The theory of graphons comes with the so-called cut norm and the derived cut distance. The cut norm is finer than the weak* topology. Dole\v{z}al and Hladk\'y [Cut-norm and entropy minimization over weak* limits, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 137 (2019), 232-263] showed, that given a sequence of graphons, a cut distance accumulation graphon can be pinpointed in the set of weak* accumulation points as a minimizer of the entropy. Motivated by this, we study graphon parameters with the property that their minimizers or maximizers identify cut distance accumulation points over the set of weak* accumulation points. We call such parameters cut distance identifying. Of particular importance are cut distance identifying parameters coming from subgraph densities, t(H,*). This concept is closely related to the emerging field of graph norms, and the notions of the step Sidorenko property and the step forcing property introduced by Kr\'al, Martins, Pach and Wrochna [The step Sidorenko property and non-norming edge-transitive graphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 162 (2019), 34-54]. We prove that a connected graph is weakly norming if and only if it is step Sidorenko, and that if a graph is norming then it is step forcing. Further, we study convexity properties of cut distance identifying graphon parameters, and find a way to identify cut distance limits using spectra of graphons. We also show that continuous cut distance identifying graphon parameters have the "pumping property", and thus can be used in the proof of the the Frieze-Kannan regularity lemma.Comment: 48 pages, 3 figures. Correction when treating disconnected norming graphs, and a new section 3.2 on index pumping in the regularity lemm

    Strength training and changes in the dynamics of running economy

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    The aim of this study was to examine an acute effect of 4RM training and plyometric training (PT) on running economy (RE; O2 consumption) in endurance runners during a 48 hour interval. Eight performance runners (age 25.4±1.4 years) completed a maximum strength training (4RM) of lower limbs (3 sets, rest 2 min, 5 exercises) and subsequently underwent a RE test on a treadmill (speed 8, 10 and 12 km·h-1) at three time intervals (0, +24 and +48 h) after the training. We found that the average VO2·BM-1·min-1 and ΔVO2·BM-1·min-1 at the given speed increased from baseline (a pretest 48 h before the strength intervention) by 2.3-5.6% and culminated after 24 h. These changes in RE after the strength intervention were not statistically significant, when compared to the pretest (48 h before the intervention). The second investigation was conducted in seven runners (age 25±1.6 years). This time the intervention was plyometric (7 sec load, rest 2 min, maximum intensity, 3 sets, 6 exercises on the dominant lower limb). We found that the average VO2·BM-1·min-1 and ΔVO2·BM-1·min-1 at given speeds at intervals 0, +24 and +48 h did not increase, when compared to the pretest (p < 0.05; max +1%). These minimal changes probably resulted from the design of the PT, which had not a sufficiently destructive effect on muscle cells. The comparison of these two investigations indicates a stronger (although statistically insignificant) deterioration of RE after 4RM training versus PT.This investigation was conducted within the framework of a specific students’ research at the Masaryk University 0790/2012 "Factors affecting the economy of running (the effect of explosive strength training and stretching acutely applied before performance on the economy of running) II"