104 research outputs found

    Family house with bookshop in Brno

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    Práce řeší projektovou dokumentaci rodinného domu s knihkupectvím v Brně. Objekt je navržen jako třípodlažní s částečným podsklepením a garáží. Rodinný dům je obdelníkového tvaru, osazený do mírně sklonitého terénu. V podzemním podlaží je situována technická místnost a sklepní prostory. První nadzemní podlaží slouží k provozním účelům. Je zde umístěno knihkupectví se zázemím pro zaměstnance a garáž. Přístup ke knihkupectví a prodejní plocha je řešena bezbarierově. V dalších nadzemních podlažích jsou dva samostatné byty pro čtyřčlennou až pětičlennou rodinu. Objekt obsahuje terasu a balkony. Zastřešen je sedlovou střechou. Objekt svým architektonickým a proporčním řešením zapadá do okolní zástavby.The thesis solves a project documentation of family house with bookshop in Brno. The object is designed as a three-floor with partial basement and garage. Family house is rectangular in shape, staffed by sloping terrain. In basement is situated technical room and cellars. The first floor is used for operating purposes. Here is located bookshop with facilities for employees and garage. Acces road to the bookshop and sales area indoors are designed for disabled person. In other floors are two independent flats for family of four to five. Object includes terrace and balconies. Object is covered by a gable roof. Architectural and proportional design of the building fits into surrounding development.

    Office building Brno-Bystrc

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá projektovou dokumentací administrativní budovy s fitness centrem v Brně-Bystrci. Objekt je navržen jako samostatně stojící budova se čtyřmi nadzemními a jedním podzemním podlažím. Půdorys objektu je obdelníkového tvaru, osazený do mírně svažitého terénu. V podzemním podlaží je situována podzemní garáž a technické zázemí objektu. V prvním nadzemním podlaží se nachází fitness centrum a garáž pro zákazníky. V dalších nadzemních podlažích jsou kancelářské prostory soukromé firmy. Nad střechou je strojovna vzduchotechniky. Konstrukční systém je železobetonový skelet, fasáda je navržena jako lehký obvodový plášť. Objekt je zastřešen plochou střechou.The master´s thesis deals with a project documentation of a office building with fitness center in Brno-Bystrc. The object is designed as a detached building with four floors and with one basement. Floor plan of the building is regular, staffed by sloping terrain. In basement is situated underground garage and technical rooms of building. In the first floor is fitness center and garage for a customers. In other floors are office spaces for private company. Above the roof is a engine rooms of ventilation. The structural system is reinforced concrete skeleton, facade is designed as a curtain walling. The object is covered with a flat roof.

    Impact of climate warming on European inland waters

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    Climate change impacts include such an overwhelming number of facets that the extent of references is impossible to cover. The selection presented in this review on global warming is presumably subjective, although the author has tried to assemble relevant and/or most recent information. The references specified should be regarded as examples that direct the reader to more information on a specific subject

    Do the regular annual extreme water level changes affect the seasonal appearance of Anabaena in Poyang Lake?

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    Background Poyang Lake is an ecosystem experiencing annual variations in water level of up to 14 m. Water level changes were 8.03 and 11.22 m, respectively, in the years 2013 and 2014. The biomass and heterocyst frequency of Anabaena increased in the summers of recent years. Methods A weekly to bi-weekly monitoring from June to November 2013 and 2014 was set up to explain the variations of Anabaena appearance in different phases of the water level. Results Anabaena was present in the lake throughout the year. The average relative biomass of Anabaena in the present study was over 40%, being most abundant in summer. The average heterocyst frequency was 0.23% in 2013 and 0.76% in 2014. Correlation analysis indicated a positive trend of Anabaena biomass with water temperature and water level and a negative one with total nitrogen (TN), which is the reason for the increase of heterocyst frequency in 2013 and 2014. Heterocyst frequency of Anabaena was positively correlated with water temperature, water level and PO4-P, and negatively with dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN/DIP), NO3-N and TN. Moreover, water temperature and DIN/DIP were significantly correlated with water level, indicating that water level changes have a direct effect on Anabaena and heterocyst formation in Poyang Lake. Conclusions The results of this study support the hypothesis that increasing biomass and heterocyst formation of Anabaena can be primarily caused by seasonal changes of the water level in Poyang Lake

    Improving Blocking Operation Support in Intel TBB

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    Abstract-The Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) template library has become a popular tool for programming many-core systems. However, it is not suitable in situations where a large number of potentially blocking calls has to be made to handle long-running operations like disk access or remote data access. We have designed and implemented an add-on for the TBB that allows developers to better integrate long-running operations into their applications. We have extended TBB's task dependencies to also include blocking operations and implemented a run-time that efficiently manages these dependencies. I. INTRODUCTION The Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) C++ template library [1] has become a popular tool for programming manycore systems. Based on work-stealing techniques, it enables efficient parallel execution of a set of computational tasks with dependencies. The library is suitable for a wide range of applications and enables even mainstream developers to utilize the power of multi-core systems. However, the use of blocking operations within TBB tasks is not advised and it should be avoided whenever possible. Despite that, there are situations where it is necessary to wait for completion of potentially blocking operations. Examples for such situations could be I/O tasks such as reading a file or communication over a network. Another situation where blocking may be required is when a conventional general-purpose CPU is used in conjunction with accelerators or coprocessors specialized in highly parallel execution or specific workloads. Examples of such heterogeneous computing include the utilization of GPUs via CUDA We have developed the HyPHI heterogeneous programming library for Intel Xeon Phi that utilizes many TBB programming concept

    New, old and evergreen frontiers in freshwater phytoplankton ecology: the legacy of Colin S. Reynolds

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    This paper offers a brief overview of the contributions provided by widely recognised phytoplankton ecologists to honour the memory of an undisputed leader in the field of aquatic sciences: Colin S. Reynolds. Colin passed away quite unexpectedly in December 2018 causing a wave of sorrow that rapidly circulated among friends and colleagues all over the world. The 14 review papers collected in this Special Issue form a tribute to Colin’s scientific thinking, which survives the man and represents a legacy to all the scientists in the field, especially to young generations. Although authors and editors carefully selected 14 different topics, a certain degree of overlap exists among the collected contributions. This, far from being a limit, further underlines the holistic nature of Colin’s vision about phytoplankton and shows the need to develop a comprehensive cultural framework when analysing this complex ecological group of organisms

    Joint field experiments for comparisons of measuring methods of photosynthetic production

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    During the 1st GAP Workshop at Konstanz in April 1982 comparative measurements of phytoplankton primary production by several techniques were conducted simultaneously at an offshore station in Lake Konstanz and an experimental algal pond. Suspended glass bottle exposure techniques using 14C and 13C uptake gave Pz (mg C m−3 h−1) values which varied considerably near-surface, but estimates of areal rates for the euphotic zone ΣPcu(mg C m−3 h−1) which were reasonably close. In the lake, ΣPz, from a vertical tube exposure (with 14C uptake) was greater than rates derived for integrated bottle samples. The oxygen bottle method permitted a good estimate of compensation depth, corresponding to in situ growth studies. There were difficulties in direct comparison between O2 and carbon methods. Correlation between them for Pz was good in the lake but poor in the pond, both for suspended bottle and vertical tube methods. This series demonstrates that despite reasonable overall estimates, comparatively minor methodological differences in experimental technique can cause large variatio