96 research outputs found

    The link between membrane trafficking and cell motility

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    Um sich fortbewegen zu können, muss eine Zelle mit spezialisierten AdhĂ€sionskomplexen fest an ihrem Substrat haften. Die grĂ¶ĂŸten dieser Komplexe, „Fokale AdhĂ€sionen“, sind Ă€ußerst stabil und bilden eine molekulare Kupplung zwischen dem zellulĂ€ren Zytoskelett und der extrazellulĂ€ren Matrix. Zur selben Zeit zeigen diese allerdings hochgradig regulierten MolekĂŒlaustausch um zellulĂ€re Bewegung zu ermöglichen. DarĂŒber hinaus sind Fokale AdhĂ€sionen auch an Signaltransduktionsprozessen beteiligt, sowohl fĂŒr von der Zellumgebung ins Innere der Zelle als auch fĂŒr nach außen gehende Signale. Es ĂŒberrascht daher nicht, dass mehr als 150 Proteine fĂŒr all diese Funktionen benötigt werden. In dieser wissenschaftlichen Arbeit, untersuchte ich den möglichen MolekĂŒlaustausch des Fokalen AdhĂ€sion Proteins Paxillin durch den vesikulĂ€ren Transport und den Einfluss des Clathrin-Adapters EpsinR auf die Organisation der Fokalen AdhĂ€sionen. Von einem Paxillin-Protein, dessen LIM3-DomĂ€ne durch Mutationen geschĂ€digt ist, war bereits bekannt, dass es in Vesikeln lokalisiert ist. Ich konnte zeigen, dass dieses Protein auch in Fokalen AdhĂ€sionen nachweisbar ist, Ă€hnlich dem Wildtyp-Paxillin. Dies deutet an, dass die vesikulĂ€re Lokalisation kein Artefakt ist. DarĂŒber hinaus konnte ich mit der Hilfe von 3D-Dekonvolution Vesikel-Ă€hnliche Strukturen beobachten, die Wildtyp-Paxillin beinhalteten. Zusammen zeigen diese Erkenntnisse auf, dass vesikulĂ€rer Transport möglicherweise im MolekĂŒlaustausch von Paxillin eine Rolle spielt. WĂ€hrend meiner Diplomarbeit, entdeckte ich weiters, dass EpsinR in der NĂ€he Fokaler AdhĂ€sionen angereichert ist und vorĂŒbergehend mit der oben erwĂ€hnten Paxillin-Mutante interagieren kann. Die Inaktivierung von EpsinR durch RNAi fĂŒhrte zur VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung der Fokalen AdhĂ€sionen und verminderter MigrationsfĂ€higkeit von HeLa-Zellen. Allerdings zeigten Photoaktivierungs-Experimente, dass diese Defekte nicht durch eine Verminderung der MolekĂŒlaustausch-Rate erklĂ€rt werden können. ZusĂ€tzlich habe ich zwei mit vesikulĂ€rem Transport in Verbindung stehende Proteine (CCDC51 und KIF19), die in einem siRNA Screen fĂŒr Regulatoren der Fokalen AdhĂ€sionen gefunden wurden, geklont und ihre Lokalisierung bestimmt. Die zwei Proteine CCDC51 und KIF19 konnten im Endoplasmatischen Retikulum beziehungsweise auf Mikrotubuli lokalisiert werden.The migration of a cell requires its attachment to the substrate via specialised adhesion sites. The largest adhesions, “focal adhesions”, are very stable structures and form the molecular clutch between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix. At the same time, they undergo highly regulated turnover to allow cell movement. Furthermore, focal adhesions are also involved in outside-in and inside-out signalling. It is not surprising that these functions require more than 150 proteins. In the present study, I examined the possible turnover of the focal adhesion scaffolding protein paxillin through the vesicular trafficking pathway and the influence of the clathrin adaptor EpsinR on focal adhesion organisation. A mutant of paxillin containing mutations that disrupt its LIM3 domain was previously described to be localised to vesicles. I showed that this mutant also targets focal adhesions similar to wild-type paxillin, suggesting that the vesicular localisation is not an artefact. Moreover, with the help of 3D-Deconvolution I observed vesicle-like punctate structures containing wild-type paxillin. Together, these findings indicate an involvement of vesicular transport in the turnover of endogenous paxillin. In the course of this diploma thesis, the clathrin adaptor EpsinR was found to be enriched in the vicinity of focal adhesions and to interact transiently with the paxillin mutant containing the LIM3 disruption. Moreover, EpsinR siRNA knockdown caused enlargement of focal adhesion size and reduced migratory capability of HeLa cells. However, photoactivation experiments showed that these defects could not be explained by a decrease in the turnover rate of paxillin. In addition, I cloned and localised two vesicular transport related proteins (CCDC51 and KIF19) identified in an earlier siRNA screen for focal adhesion regulators. The two proteins CCDC51 and KIF19 localised to the endoplasmic reticulum and to microtubules respectively

    Tubulins and brain development: The origins of functional specification

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    The development of the vertebrate central nervous system is reliant on a complex cascade of biological processes that include mitotic division, relocation of migrating neurons, and the extension of dendritic and axonal processes. Each of these cellular events requires the diverse functional repertoire of the microtubule cytoskeleton for the generation of forces, assembly of macromolecular complexes and transport of molecules and organelles. The tubulins are a multi-gene family that encode for the constituents of microtubules, and have been implicated in a spectrum of neurological disorders. Evidence is building that different tubulins tune the functional properties of the microtubule cytoskeleton dependent on the cell type, developmental profile and subcellular localisation. Here we review of the origins of the functional specification of the tubulin gene family in the developing brain at a transcriptional, translational, and post-transcriptional level. We remind the reader that tubulins are not just loading controls for your average Western blot

    A systematic cost-benefit analysis of 29 road safety measures

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    Economic evaluations of road safety measures are only rarely published in the scholarly literature. We collected and (re-)analyzed evidence in order to conduct cost-benefit analyses (CBAs) for 29 road safety measures. The information on crash costs was based on data from a survey in European countries. We applied a systematic procedure including corrections for inflation and Purchasing Power Parity in order to express all the monetary information in the same units (EUR, 2015). Cost-benefit analyses were done for measures with favorable estimated effects on road safety and for which relevant information on costs could be found. Results were assessed in terms of benefit-to-cost ratios and net present value. In order to account for some uncertainties, we carried out sensitivity analyses based on varying assumptions for costs of measures and measure effectiveness. Moreover we defined some combinations used as best case and worst case scenarios. In the best estimate scenario, 25 measures turn out to be cost-effective. 4 measures (road lighting, automatic barriers installation, area wide traffic calming and mandatory eyesight tests) are not cost-effective according to this scenario. In total, 14 measures remain cost-effective throughout all scenarios, whereas 10 other measures switch from cost-effective in the best case scenario to not cost-effective in the worst case scenario. For three measures insufficient information is available to calculate all scenarios. Two measures (automatic barriers installation and area wide traffic calming) even in the best case do not become cost-effective. Inherent uncertainties tend to be present in the underlying data on costs of measures, effects and target groups. Results of CBAs are not necessarily generally valid or directly transferable to other settings.acceptedVersio

    Exome-wide Rare Variant Analysis Identifies TUBA4A Mutations Associated with Familial ALS

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    Exome sequencing is an effective strategy for identifying human disease genes. However, this methodology is difficult in late-onset diseases where limited availability of DNA from informative family members prohibits comprehensive segregation analysis. To overcome this limitation, we performed an exome-wide rare variant burden analysis of 363 index cases with familial ALS (FALS). The results revealed an excess of patient variants within TUBA4A, the gene encoding the Tubulin, Alpha 4A protein. Analysis of a further 272 FALS cases and 5,510 internal controls confirmed the overrepresentation as statistically significant and replicable. Functional analyses revealed that TUBA4A mutants destabilize the microtubule network, diminishing its repolymerization capability. These results further emphasize the role of cytoskeletal defects in ALS and demonstrate the power of gene-based rare variant analyses in situations where causal genes cannot be identified through traditional segregation analysis

    Transition, Integration and Convergence. The Case of Romania

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    Schizophrenia-associated somatic copy-number variants from 12,834 cases reveal recurrent NRXN1 and ABCB11 disruptions

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    While germline copy-number variants (CNVs) contribute to schizophrenia (SCZ) risk, the contribution of somatic CNVs (sCNVs)—present in some but not all cells—remains unknown. We identified sCNVs using blood-derived genotype arrays from 12,834 SCZ cases and 11,648 controls, filtering sCNVs at loci recurrently mutated in clonal blood disorders. Likely early-developmental sCNVs were more common in cases (0.91%) than controls (0.51%, p = 2.68e−4), with recurrent somatic deletions of exons 1–5 of the NRXN1 gene in five SCZ cases. Hi-C maps revealed ectopic, allele-specific loops forming between a potential cryptic promoter and non-coding cis-regulatory elements upon 5â€Č deletions in NRXN1. We also observed recurrent intragenic deletions of ABCB11, encoding a transporter implicated in anti-psychotic response, in five treatment-resistant SCZ cases and showed that ABCB11 is specifically enriched in neurons forming mesocortical and mesolimbic dopaminergic projections. Our results indicate potential roles of sCNVs in SCZ risk

    Die Wahl und BeschrÀnkung der Fahrgeschwindigkeit nach der StVO im Vergleich mit dem Schweizer SVG

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    Die richtige Wahl der Fahrgeschwindigkeit spielt fĂŒr alle am Verkehr Beteiligten eine bedeutende Rolle. Vom Gesetzgeber werden fĂŒr Ortsgebiete, Freilandstraßen, Autostraßen und Autobahnen Höchstgeschwindigkeiten vorgegeben. Die Ausnutzung dieser Höchstgeschwindigkeit ist ausschließlich unter optimalen VerhĂ€ltnissen gestattet. Zu jeder Zeit muss die Fahrgeschwindigkeit an die gegebenen oder durch Straßenverkehrszeichen angekĂŒndigten UmstĂ€nde angepasst werden. Dabei spielen Straßen-, Sicht- und VerkehrsverhĂ€ltnisse, sowie die Eigenschaften von Fahrzeug und Ladung eine Rolle. Gefahrenerhöhende UmstĂ€nden zwingen Kraftfahrer vielfach zu einer Verminderung der Geschwindigkeit. Des Weiteren werden die Bedingungen und Voraussetzungen behandelt, unter denen die Behörden befugt sind, von den allgemeinen gesetzlichen Höchstgeschwindigkeiten abweichende GeschwindigkeitsbeschrĂ€nkungen zu erlassen. Zu Ende folgt ein kompakter Überblick ĂŒber die Rechtslage in der Schweizer Eidgenossenschaft hinsichtlich der Wahl und BeschrĂ€nkung der Fahrgeschwindigkeit.The appropriate choice of the speed is for every road user an important issue. The legislator gave maximum speeds for local areas, open land streets, motor roads and highways. The exploitation of this maximum speed is permitted exclusively under optimum relations. At any time the speed must be adapted to the given or by traffic sign announced circumstances. Besides, streets relations, view relations and traffic conditions, as well as the qualities of the vehicle and load are important. The appearances of danger-raising circumstances often demand to a decrease of the speed. Besides the conditions are treated under which the authorities are authorized to remit divergent speed limits from the general legal maximum speeds. At the end follows a compact overview about the legal situation in the Swiss Confederation concerning the choice and restriction of the speed of vehicles.von Martin BreussAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersGraz, Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 2013(VLID)23206
