518 research outputs found

    Miért hagytuk?: Szemelvények az elmúlt 25 évben született írásaimból

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    1990 óta mintegy 130 tanulmányt (köztük több könyvet) írtam a területi kormányzásról, jórészt a hazai önkormányzati rendszert fókuszba állítva, tehát van és volt mondanivalóm a kérdéskörben. Nem azért választottam a szemelvényes műfajt, korábbi írásaim ból válogatva, mert egyszerűbb és gyorsabb megoldásnak tűnt, nem beszélve az önfényezés kézenfekvő lehetőségéről, hanem azért, mert azt szeretném szemléltetni, hogy a szakma (jelentős része) kezdetektől fogva tisztában volt az önkormányzati rendszer előnyeivel és hátrányaival, s egyben képes is volt arra, hogy javaslatokat fogalmazzon meg a megoldásokra. Hogy 25 év alatt miért jártuk be a teljes decentralizációtól a szinte totális centralizációig terjedő göröngyös és nem is egyirányú utat, az sokkal inkább magyarázható a hazai politikai elit érdekei és értékei felől, illetve a reformdöntések körülményeivel. Ebben az évben záruló OTKA kutatásunk 1 reményeim szerint evidenciákkal alátámasztva igazolja ezt a feltételezést. Az összeállítás talán arra is alkalmas, hogy értékeljük a kormányzati reformokban a szakértői tudás szerepét

    Transcriptional networks controlling the cell cycle.

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    In this work, we map the transcriptional targets of 107 previously identified Drosophila genes whose loss caused the strongest cell-cycle phenotypes in a genome-wide RNA interference screen and mine the resulting data computationally. Besides confirming existing knowledge, the analysis revealed several regulatory systems, among which were two highly-specific and interconnected feedback circuits, one between the ribosome and the proteasome that controls overall protein homeostasis, and the other between the ribosome and Myc/Max that regulates the protein synthesis capacity of cells. We also identified a set of genes that alter the timing of mitosis without affecting gene expression, indicating that the cyclic transcriptional program that produces the components required for cell division can be partially uncoupled from the cell division process itself. These genes all have a function in a pathway that regulates the phosphorylation state of Cdk1. We provide evidence showing that this pathway is involved in regulation of cell size, indicating that a Cdk1-regulated cell size checkpoint exists in metazoans

    Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms and Their Economic Impact on Finland and the EU

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    In this report, we address an EU carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) and its economic implications. While a CBAM is proposed as a solution to the EU’s carbon leakage problem, we acknowledge that there are several ways to implement CBAMs, with varying combinations of technical difficulties, administrative burden, legal risks, and risks of political backlash. We construct scenarios in which the CBAM is designed based on feasibility considerations and compare them with broader, but also more complex, alternatives. Based on our analysis, the CBAM may face major implementation hurdles in its deployment going forward. Thus, the likeliest approach would be to test its use with a narrow set of imported products that are emission intensive which would limit administrative challenges. After considering a feasible alternative, we find that the economic and environmental impact of such a narrow tariff would most likely be small, and such a CBAM would serve more as a signal of the EU’s determination to resolve the carbon leakage problem rather than as a true solution to it. More ambitious CBAMs will inevitably face difficulties in terms of data collection and administration. Moreover, China in particular will be strongly affected by such CBAMs. Countermeasures could nullify the economic benefits of CBAMs. To avoid the countermeasures, the EU should focus on designing the CBAM in a manner that aims at strengthening multilateral cooperation on climate change

    MTDATA and the prediction of phase equilibria in oxide systems : 30 years of industrial collaboration

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    This paper gives an introduction to MTDATA, Phase Equilibrium Software from the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), and describes the latest advances in the development of a comprehensive database of thermodynamic parameters to underpin calculations of phase equilibria in large oxide, sulfide, and fluoride systems of industrial interest. The database, MTOX, has been developed over a period of thirty years based upon modeling work at NPL and funded by industrial partners in a project co-ordinated by Mineral Industry Research Organisation. Applications drawn from the fields of modern copper scrap smelting, high-temperature behavior of basic oxygen steelmaking slags, flash smelting of nickel, electric furnace smelting of ilmenite, and production of pure TiO2via a low-temperature molten salt route are discussed along with calculations to assess the impact of impurities on the uncertainty of fixed points used to realize the SI unit of temperature, the kelvin