29 research outputs found

    Spisateljica pomno građena kontinuiteta (Tena Štivičić, Nevidljivi (drame), Hena com, Zagreb 2015.)

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    <p><b>Hooded seal foraging trips during A) the post-breeding season and B) the post-molting season</b>. Blue lines represent adult males, red lines represent adult females and purple lines represent the pups. The green dot represents the mean deployment point.</p

    Candidate logistic mixed effects models of the occurrence of diel dive variation of southern elephant seals instrumented on Bouvetøya in February 2008.

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    <p><i>log</i> ℒ: Model log-likelihood; ΔAIC: Difference in AIC relative to model with lowest AIC value; Rel ℒ: Relative likelihood; AICw: AIC weight.</p

    Schematic flow-chart of the analytical approach.

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    <p>The strip-charts in the left column represent time vs depth (cf. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0013816#pone-0013816-g006" target="_blank">Fig. 6</a>). The top figure shows the raw data for maximum depth reached during individual dives throughout the sampling record of one seal and subsequent strip-charts illustrate the output of applying the successive procedures indicated in italics in the middle column. The inset (top right-hand) illustrates the parameters of the four-parameter logistic model of diving depth as a function of time of day, as defined in Eq. 1. The <i>λ</i> symbol indicates that the maximum slope of the curve is determined by the <i>λ</i> parameter. The two squares (bottom right-hand) represent the two series of final logistic mixed effects models testing for relationships between dive patterns and environmental covariates.</p

    Hooded seal diving behavior when foraging for adult males, adult females and pups during the post-breeding and the post-molting seasons.

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    <p>Med. = median, and Q(25%) and Q(75%) = the 25% and 75% quantiles, respectively. The number of days per age/sex class and season is detailed in parentheses. These records represent diving activities conducted by 2 males, 6 females and 5 pups in the post-breeding period and by 2 males and 5 pups in the post-molting period.</p

    Depth of subsurface temperature maximum (<i>T<sub>max</sub></i>) vs. distance from Dronning Maud Land Shelf 1000-m contour.

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    <p>The vertical line represents a distance of 150 km which was used to delineate between the Weddell Warm Regime (WWR) and the Dronning Maud Land Shelf Regime (SR). This distance was chosen based on the location of the Antarctic Slope Front (ASF) which is associated with the sharp deepening of the (<i>T<sub>max</sub></i>).</p

    Candidate logistic mixed effects models estimating the occurrence of overlap between the mean 1 standard deviation of the location of the Tmax and the mean 1 standard error of the parameter estimate pattern was or was not observed).

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    <p>(i.e. Dnight or the linear intercept parameter respectively, if a diel pattern was or was not observed).</p><p><i>log</i> ℒ: Model log-likelihood; ΔAIC: Difference in AIC relative to model with lowest AIC value; Rel ℒ: Relative likelihood; AICw: AIC weight.</p

    Acronyms used in the text to denote technical terms, ocean regimes, water masses, hydrographic features and model parameters.

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    <p>Acronyms used in the text to denote technical terms, ocean regimes, water masses, hydrographic features and model parameters.</p

    Bouvetøya elephant seal tracks and seal-derived subsurface temperature maximum.

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    <p>A) Tracks of 19 southern elephant seals instrumented at Bouvetøya (grey diamond) covering the period February -November 2008. Green tones  =  males, red tones  =  females. B) Positions of 8749 CTD profiles obtained throughout the tracking period. The color represents the temperature at the subsurface maximum (<i>T<sub>max</sub></i>). The dark blue contour line represents the 0.8°C isotherm used to delineate between the Antarctic Circumpolar Current Regime (ACCR), Weddell Cold Regime (WCR) and Weddell Warm Regime (WWR). The delineation between the WWR and the Dronning Maud Land Shelf regime (SR) was based on the location of the Antarctic Slope front (ASF).</p

    Distance to A) the Antarctic coastline and B) edge of the pack ice.

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    <p>Time-traces of males and females throughout the tracking period are illustrated in green and red tones respectively.</p

    Diving strip-chart for adult female southern elephant seal from Bouvetøya.

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    <p>Stripchart represents a 40-day period during the early stage of the post-moult trip. Black filled circles represent the maximum depths of individual dives. Vertical broken lines represent local midnight. The solid and broken red lines represent the time-weighted means and standard deviations of the depth of the sub-surface water temperature maximum, corresponding to Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) or Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) depending on the geographic location. The temperature profile on the right corresponds to data collected during the deepest dive of this 40-day period (registered 2<sup>nd</sup> Apr).</p