71 research outputs found

    Multimedia as a modernization direction in the course of teaching "History of Ukraine"

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    Використання мультимедійних презентацій в системі сучасної освіти займає все більше місце та стає певною повсякденністю. Мультимедія під час викладання дисципліни "Історія України" є важливим елементом освітнього процесу, яка покликана мотивувати студентів до навчання, поліпшити сприйняття інформації, зробити навчальний процес сучасним, цікавим та продуктивним. Мультимедійні презентації створені викладачами та студентами постійно вдосконалюються та являються модернізаційним напрямком навчання та комунікації.The use of multimedia presentations in the system of modern education takes up an increasing number of places and becomes a "daily routine". Multimedia during the teaching of the discipline "History of Ukraine" is an important element of the educational process. During lectures and seminars, using the multimedia technologies is a topical issue today. Multimedia is designed to motivate students to study, improve perceptions of information, make the learning process interesting and productive. Multimedia presentations created by lecturers and students serve as a kind of communication. They are constantly improving and being a modernization training area

    Model Order Reduction of Parametrized Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Systems

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    Abstract We present a model order reduction technique for parametrized nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems. In our approach we combine the reduced basis method -a computational framework for rapid evaluation of functional outputs associated with the solution of parametrized partial differential equations -with the empirical interpolation method -a tool to construct "affine" coefficient-function approximations of nonlinear parameter dependent functions. We develop an efficient offline-online computational procedure for the evaluation of the reduced basis approximation: in the offline stage, we generate the reduced basis space; in the online stage, given a new parameter value, we calculate the reduced basis output. The operation count for the online stage depends only on the dimension of the reduced order model and the parametric complexity of the problem. The method is thus ideally suited for the many-query or real-time contexts. We present numerical results for a non-isothermal reaction-diffusion model to confirm and test our approach

    Reduced-basis approximation a posteriori error estimation for parabolic partial differential equations

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 243-251).Modern engineering problems often require accurate, reliable, and efficient evaluation of quantities of interest, evaluation of which demands the solution of a partial differential equation. We present in this thesis a technique for the prediction of outputs of interest of parabolic partial differential equations. The essential ingredients are: (i) rapidly convergent reduced-basis approximations - Galerkin projection onto a space WN spanned by solutions of the governing partial differential equation at N selected points in parameter-time space; (ii) a posteriori error estimation - relaxations of the error-residual equation that provide rigorous and sharp bounds for the error in specific outputs of interest: the error estimates serve a priori to construct our samples and a posteriori to confirm fidelity; and (iii) offline-online computional procedures - in the offline stage the reduced- basis approximation is generated; in the online stage, given a new parameter value, we calculate the reduced-basis output and associated error bound. The operation count for the online stage depends only on N (typically small) and the parametric complexity of the problem; the method is thus ideally suited for repeated, rapid, reliable evaluation of input-output relationships in the many-query or real-time contexts. We first consider parabolic problems with affine parameter dependence and subsequently extend these results to nonaffine and certain classes of nonlinear parabolic problems.(cont.) To this end, we introduce a collateral reduced-basis expansion for the nonaffine and nonlinear terms and employ an inexpensive interpolation procedure to calculate the coefficients for the function approximation - the approach permits an efficient offline-online computational decomposition even in the presence of nonaffine and highly nonlinear terms. Under certain restrictions on the function approximation, we also introduce rigorous a posteriori error estimators for nonaffine and nonlinear problems. Finally, we apply our methods to the solution of inverse and optimal control problems. While the efficient evaluation of the input-output relationship is essential for the real-time solution of these problems, the a posteriori error bounds let us pursue a robust parameter estimation procedure which takes into account the uncertainty due to measurement and reduced-basis modeling errors explicitly (and rigorously). We consider several examples: the nondestructive evaluation of delamination in fiber-reinforced concrete, the dispersion of pollutants in a rectangular domain, the self-ignition of a coal stockpile, and the control of welding quality. Numerical results illustrate the applicability of our methods in the many-query contexts of optimization, characterization, and control.by Martin A. Grepl.Ph.D

    Approximation of Parametric Derivatives by the Empirical Interpolation Method

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    We introduce a general a priori convergence result for the approximation of parametric derivatives of parametrized functions. We consider the best approximations to parametric derivatives in a sequence of approximation spaces generated by a general approximation scheme, and we show that these approximations are convergent provided that the best approximation to the function itself is convergent. We also provide estimates for the convergence rates. We present numerical results with spaces generated by a particular approximation scheme—the Empirical Interpolation Method—to confirm the validity of the general theory

    A Reduced Order Approach for the Embedded Shifted Boundary FEM and a Heat Exchange System on Parametrized Geometries

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    A model order reduction technique is combined with an embedded boundary finite element method with a POD-Galerkin strategy. The proposed methodology is applied to parametrized heat transfer problems and we rely on a sufficiently refined shape-regular background mesh to account for parametrized geometries. In particular, the employed embedded boundary element method is the Shifted Boundary Method (SBM), recently proposed in Main and Scovazzi, J Comput Phys [17]. This approach is based on the idea of shifting the location of true boundary conditions to a surrogate boundary, with the goal of avoiding cut cells near the boundary of the computational domain. This combination of methodologies has multiple advantages. In the first place, since the Shifted Boundary Method always relies on the same background mesh, there is no need to update the discretized parametric domain. Secondly, we avoid the treatment of cut cell elements, which usually need particular attention. Thirdly, since the whole background mesh is considered in the reduced basis construction, the SBM allows for a smooth transition of the reduced modes across the immersed domain boundary. The performances of the method are verified in two dimensional heat transfer numerical examples

    Greedy optimal control for elliptic problems and its application to turnpike problems

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Numerische Mathematik. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00211-018-1005-zWe adapt and apply greedy methods to approximate in an efficient way the optimal controls for parameterized elliptic control problems. Our results yield an optimal approximation procedure that, in particular, performs better than simply sampling the parameter-space to compute controls for each parameter value. The same method can be adapted for parabolic control problems, but this leads to greedy selections of the realizations of the parameters that depend on the initial datum under consideration. The turnpike property (which ensures that parabolic optimal control problems behave nearly in a static manner when the control horizon is long enough) allows using the elliptic greedy choice of the parameters in the parabolic setting too. We present various numerical experiments and an extensive discussion of the efficiency of our methodology for parabolic control and indicate a number of open problems arising when analyzing the convergence of the proposed algorithmsThis project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 694126-DyCon). Part of this research was done while the second author visited DeustoTech and Univesity of Deusto with the support of the DyCon project. The second author was also partially supported by Croatian Science Foundation under ConDyS Project, IP-2016-06-2468. The work of the third author was partially supported by the Grants MTM2014-52347, MTM2017-92996 of MINECO (Spain) and ICON of the French AN

    A level set reduced basis approach to parameter estimation

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