1,364 research outputs found

    Effect of mechanical compression on Cu(In,Ga)Se films : micro-structural and photoluminescence analysis

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    Cu(In,Ga)Se (CIGS) thin films were deposited by a two-step process on Mo-coated soda-lime glass substrates. The CuInGa (CIG) precursors were prepared in an in-line evaporation system at room temperature, and then selenised at 500 °C. The two-step processed CIGS films were mechanically compressed at 25 MPa to improve their optoelectronic properties, which were verified by photoluminescence (PL). The surface and structural properties were compared before and after compression. The mechanical compression has brought changes in the surface morphology and porosity without changing the structural properties of the material. The PL technique has been used to reveal changes in the electronic properties of the films. PL spectra at different excitation laser powers and temperatures were measured for as-grown as well as compressed samples. The PL spectra of the as-grown films revealed three broad and intense bands shifting at a significant rate towards higher energies (j-shift) with the increase in excitation power suggesting that the material is highly doped and compensated. At increasing temperature, the bands shift towards lower energies, which is a characteristic of the band tails generated by spatial potential fluctuation. The compression increases the intensity of energy bands by an order of magnitude and reduces the j-shift, demonstrating an improvement of the electronic properties

    Leading-twist light cone distribution amplitudes for p-wave heavy quarkonium states

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    In this paper, a study of light-cone distribution amplitudes for p-wave heavy quarkonium states are presented. Within the light-front framework, the leading twist light-cone distribution amplitudes, and their relevant decay constants, have some simple relations. These relations can be further simplified when the non-relativistic limit and the wave function as a function of relative momentum |\vec\kappa| are taken into consideration. In addition, the \kappa_\perp integrations in the equations of LCDAs and \xi-moments can be completed analytically when the Gaussian-type wave function is considered. After fixing the parameters that appear in the wave function, the curves and the corresponding decay constants of the LCDAs are plotted and calculated for the charmonium and bottomonium states. The first three \xi-moments of the LCDAs are estimated and are consistent with those of other theoretical approaches.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, some details and one reference added; version to appear in JHE

    Dominant oceanic bacteria secure phosphate using a large extracellular buffer

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    The ubiquitous SAR11 and Prochlorococcus bacteria manage to maintain a sufficient supply of phosphate in phosphate-poor surface waters of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. Furthermore, it seems that their phosphate uptake may counter-intuitively be lower in more productive tropical waters, as if their cellular demand for phosphate decreases there. By flow sorting 33P-phosphate-pulsed 32P-phosphate-chased cells, we demonstrate that both Prochlorococcus and SAR11 cells exploit an extracellular buffer of labile phosphate up to 5–40 times larger than the amount of phosphate required to replicate their chromosomes. Mathematical modelling is shown to support this conclusion. The fuller the buffer the slower the cellular uptake of phosphate, to the point that in phosphate-replete tropical waters, cells can saturate their buffer and their phosphate uptake becomes marginal. Hence, buffer stocking is a generic, growth-securing adaptation for SAR11 and Prochlorococcus bacteria, which lack internal reserves to reduce their dependency on bioavailable ambient phosphate

    Evaluation of the isospin asymmetry of the nucleon structure functions with CLAS++

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    The possibility to estimate the isospin symmetry breaking effects in the non-perturbative part of F_2 structure function of the chargeg lN deep-pnelastic scattering, which will provide CLAS++ dewtector of the upgraded TJNAF machine at Q22GeV2Q^2\approx 2 GeV^2, is discussed. The problems of the Gottfried sum rule extraction are also considered.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, presented at BARYONS04 Conference, Palaiseau, France, October 2004, submitted to the Proceedings

    Exterior Differentials in Superspace and Poisson Brackets

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    It is shown that two definitions for an exterior differential in superspace, giving the same exterior calculus, yet lead to different results when applied to the Poisson bracket. A prescription for the transition with the help of these exterior differentials from the given Poisson bracket of definite Grassmann parity to another bracket is introduced. It is also indicated that the resulting bracket leads to generalization of the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket for the cases of superspace and brackets of diverse Grassmann parities. It is shown that in the case of the Grassmann-odd exterior differential the resulting bracket is the bracket given on exterior forms. The above-mentioned transition with the use of the odd exterior differential applied to the linear even/odd Poisson brackets, that correspond to semi-simple Lie groups, results, respectively, in also linear odd/even brackets which are naturally connected with the Lie superalgebra. The latter contains the BRST and anti-BRST charges and can be used for calculation of the BRST operator cohomology.Comment: 12 pages, LATEX 2e, JHEP format. Correction of misprints. The titles for some references are adde

    Impact of 2050 climate change on North American wildfire: consequences for ozone air quality

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    We estimate future area burned in the Alaskan and Canadian forest by the mid-century (2046–2065) based on the simulated meteorology from 13 climate models under the A1B scenario. We develop ecoregion-dependent regressions using observed relationships between annual total area burned and a suite of meteorological variables and fire weather indices, and apply these regressions to the simulated meteorology. We find that for Alaska and western Canada, almost all models predict significant (p < 0.05) increases in area burned at the mid-century, with median values ranging from 150 to 390 %, depending on the ecoregion. Such changes are attributed to the higher surface air temperatures and 500 hPa geopotential heights relative to present day, which together lead to favorable conditions for wildfire spread. Elsewhere the model predictions are not as robust. For the central and southern Canadian ecoregions, the models predict increases in area burned of 45–90 %. Except for the Taiga Plain, where area burned decreases by 50 %, no robust trends are found in northern Canada, due to the competing effects of hotter weather and wetter conditions there. Using the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model, we find that changes in wildfire emissions alone increase mean summertime surface ozone levels by 5 ppbv for Alaska, 3 ppbv for Canada, and 1 ppbv for the western US by the mid-century. In the northwestern US states, local wildfire emissions at the mid-century enhance surface ozone by an average of 1 ppbv, while transport of boreal fire pollution further degrades ozone air quality by an additional 0.5 ppbv. The projected changes in wildfire activity increase daily summertime surface ozone above the 95th percentile by 1 ppbv in the northwestern US, 5 ppbv in the high latitudes of Canada, and 15 ppbv in Alaska, suggesting a greater frequency of pollution episodes in the future atmosphere

    Impact of 2050 climate change on North American wildfire: consequences for ozone air quality

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    We estimate future area burned in the Alaskan and Canadian forest by the mid-century (2046–2065) based on the simulated meteorology from 13 climate models under the A1B scenario. We develop ecoregion-dependent regressions using observed relationships between annual total area burned and a suite of meteorological variables and fire weather indices, and apply these regressions to the simulated meteorology. We find that for Alaska and western Canada, almost all models predict significant (p < 0.05) increases in area burned at the mid-century, with median values ranging from 150 to 390 %, depending on the ecoregion. Such changes are attributed to the higher surface air temperatures and 500 hPa geopotential heights relative to present day, which together lead to favorable conditions for wildfire spread. Elsewhere the model predictions are not as robust. For the central and southern Canadian ecoregions, the models predict increases in area burned of 45–90 %. Except for the Taiga Plain, where area burned decreases by 50 %, no robust trends are found in northern Canada, due to the competing effects of hotter weather and wetter conditions there. Using the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model, we find that changes in wildfire emissions alone increase mean summertime surface ozone levels by 5 ppbv for Alaska, 3 ppbv for Canada, and 1 ppbv for the western US by the mid-century. In the northwestern US states, local wildfire emissions at the mid-century enhance surface ozone by an average of 1 ppbv, while transport of boreal fire pollution further degrades ozone air quality by an additional 0.5 ppbv. The projected changes in wildfire activity increase daily summertime surface ozone above the 95th percentile by 1 ppbv in the northwestern US, 5 ppbv in the high latitudes of Canada, and 15 ppbv in Alaska, suggesting a greater frequency of pollution episodes in the future atmosphere

    The dual parametrization for gluon GPDs

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    We consider the application of the dual parametrization for the case of gluon GPDs in the nucleon. This provides opportunities for the more flexible modeling unpolarized gluon GPDs in a nucleon which in particular contain the invaluable information on the fraction of nucleon spin carried by gluons. We perform the generalization of Abel transform tomography approach for the case of gluons. We also discuss the skewness effect in the framework of the dual parametrization. We strongly suggest to employ the fitting strategies based on the dual parametrization to extract the information on GPDs from the experimental data.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure