252 research outputs found

    MPAgenomics : An R package for multi-patients analysis of genomic markers

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    MPAgenomics, standing for multi-patients analysis (MPA) of genomic markers, is an R-package devoted to: (i) efficient segmentation, and (ii) genomic marker selection from multi-patient copy number and SNP data profiles. It provides wrappers from commonly used packages to facilitate their repeated (sometimes difficult) use, offering an easy-to-use pipeline for beginners in R. The segmentation of successive multiple profiles (finding losses and gains) is based on a new automatic choice of influential parameters since default ones were misleading in the original packages. Considering multiple profiles in the same time, MPAgenomics wraps efficient penalized regression methods to select relevant markers associated with a given response

    Vivir el conflicto lejos de los campos de batalla. La comunidad alemana del PerĂş y la Primera Guerra Mundial

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    La conmemoración del Centenario de la Primera Guerra Mundial en 2014 representó la oportunidad de renovar los enfoques historiográficos tradicionales de la Gran Guerra, al analizar el conflicto desde nuevos espacios y nuevos cuestionamientos. Desde esta perspectiva, el presente artículo estudia la movilización de la comunidad alemana del Perú a lo largo del conflicto a través de dos publicaciones germano-peruanas: La Guerra Gráfica y Germania. En un país claramente aliadófilo, el análisis de las representaciones elaboradas por la comunidad alemana del Perú nos invita a cuestionar las nociones de movilización y de cultura de la guerra, sobre un conflicto a la vez lejano y cercano para estos migrantes europeos.Commémoré en 2014, le Centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale a représenté une opportunité sans précédent de renouvellement de l’approche historiographique de la Grande Guerre, en l’analysant à l’aune de nouveaux espaces et de nouveaux questionnements. Dans cette perspective, le présent article analyse la mobilisation de la communauté allemande du Pérou pendant le conflit, au travers de deux publications germano-péruviennes : La Guerra Gráfica et Germania. Au sein d’un pays largement alliadophile, l’analyse des représentations mises en œuvre par la communauté allemande du Pérou pendant la Guerre nous invite à réinterroger les notions de mobilisation et de culture de la guerre, pendant un conflit à la fois proche et lointain pour l’Amérique latine.Commemorated in 2014, the Centenary of the First World War represented an opportunity to renew traditional historical studies of the Great War by developing an analysis of the conflict from new spaces and with new questions. From that perspective, this paper studies the mobilization of the German community of Peru during the First World War based on two German-Peruvian publications: La Guerra Gráfica and Germania. In a country that was clearly pro-Allies, an analysis of the representations created by the German community of Peru is an invitation to interrogate the notions of mobilization and of the culture of war during a conflict that was both close and distant at the same time for these European migrants

    Impacts of litter decay on organic leachate composition and reactivity

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    Litter decomposition produces labile and recalcitrant forms of dissolved organic matter (DOM) that significantly affect soil carbon (C) sequestration. Chemical analysis of this DOM can provide important knowledge for understanding soil DOM dynamics, but detailed molecular analyses on litter derived DOM are scarce. Here we use ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) to characterize the molecular composition of DOM from fresh and progressively decomposed litter samples. We compared high reactive (HR) and low reactive (LR) litter sources with regard to changes in the chemistry and bioavailability of leachates throughout the early phase of litter decay. We show that litter reactivity is a driver of chemical changes in the leached DOM of litter species. Birch, alder and Vaccinium (i.e. HR) litter initially produced more DOM with a higher lability than that of spruce, pine and wood (i.e. LR) litter. Labile oxidized phenolic compounds were abundant in leachates produced during the initial HR litter decay stages, indicating litter lignin degradation. However, the similarity in chemistry between HR and LR leachates increased during the litter decay process as highly leachable structures in HR litter were depleted. In contrast, chemistry of leachates from LR litter changed little during the litter decay process. The oxygenated phenolic compounds from HR litter were driving the lability of HR leachates and the changes in relative abundance of molecules during DOM incubation. This appeared to result in the creation of stable aliphatic secondary microbial compounds. In LR leachates, lability was driven by labile aliphatic compounds, while more resistant phenolic compounds were associated with recalcitrance. These results show how DOM dynamics follow different paths depending on litter reactivity, which has important implications for soil biogeochemistry and C sequestration

    Le « national » et l’« international » dans les sciences sociales

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    M. Pierre-Yves Saunier est professeur agrégé au département des sciences historiques de l'Université Laval à Québec. Cet entretien a été réalisé par Vincent Houle, doctorant en histoire en cotutelle entre l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (SIRICE) et l'Université de Montréal, Solène Maillet, doctorante en histoire à l’Université de Montréal et à l’Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (Inalco, Paris), et Guillemette Martin, titulaire d'un Doctorat en Histoire contemporaine obtenu en 2013 à l’IHEAL (Institut des Hautes Études de l’Amérique Latine- Université Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle) et enseignante et chercheuse dans le Département d’Histoire de la Universidad Iberoamericana à Mexico. &nbsp

    Degradation potentials of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from thawed permafrost peat

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    Global warming can substantially affect the export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from peat-permafrost to aquatic systems. The direct degradability of such peat-derived DOC, however, is poorly constrained because previous permafrost thaw studies have mainly addressed mineral soil catchments or DOC pools that have already been processed in surface waters. We incubated peat cores from a palsa mire to compare an active layer and an experimentally thawed permafrost layer with regard to DOC composition and degradation potentials of pore water DOC. Our results show that DOC from the thawed permafrost layer had high initial degradation potentials compared with DOC from the active layer. In fact, the DOC that showed the highest bio- and photo-degradability, respectively, originated in the thawed permafrost layer. Our study sheds new light on the DOC composition of peat-permafrost directly upon thaw and suggests that past estimates of carbon-dioxide emissions from thawed peat permafrost may be biased as they have overlooked the initial mineralization potential of the exported DOC
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