3,792 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Cyclotrimerization of Sulfonyl Enynes

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    The synthesis of complex, polysubstituted aromatic rings from simple, non-aromatic building blocks is a consistent challenge to the synthetic community. Neopentylene ring fusions are found in several natural products but are largely absent from synthetic compound libraries. This discrepancy reflects the limitations in modern chemical synthesis. Utilizing, in part, a thoroughly developed fragmentation/olefination methodology from the Dudley Lab, a library of novel 1-sulfonyl-1,6-enynes have been developed. In this methodology, they are prepared in three steps from dimedone (5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexanedione), an inexpensive starting material. A total of 14 novel 1-sulfonyl-1,6-enynes were synthesized. These substrates were subjected to a novel benzannulation reaction based on metal-catalyzed [2 + 2 + 2] cyclotrimerization methodology. The nickel-catalyzed reaction of sulfonyl enyne with an exogenous alkyne partners and in situ elimination of phenylsulfinic acid provides neopentylene-fused indane cores. The novel methodologies presented herein were used to shorten the synthesis of neoprofen, a synthetic analogue of ibuprofen, from ten steps to seven. Improved access to neopentylene-tethered 1,6-enynes advances target- and diversity-oriented synthesis, expanding synthetic libraries

    High specific activity of radium isotopes in baryte from the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin- An example of spontaneous mine water treatment

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    Radium-bearing barytes (radiobarytes) have been known since the beginning of the 20th century. They are mainly found as precipitates of low-temperature hydrothermal solutions. In anthropogenic environments, they frequently occur as crusts on oil industry equipment used for borehole extraction, in leachates from uranium mill tailings, and as a by-product of phosphoric acid manufacturing. Recently, we recognized Ra-rich baryte as a precipitate in the water drainage system of a bituminous coal mine in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin. The precipitate is a relatively pure baryte, with the empirical formula (Ba0.934Sr0.058Ca0.051Mg0.003)(Sigma 1.046)S0.985O4.000. The mean specific activity of Ra-226 was investigated by the two-sample method and it equals 39.62(22) Bq/g, a level that exceeds known natural occurrences. The values for Ra-228 and Ra-224 are 23.39(26) Bq/g and 11.03(25) Bq/g. The radium content in the baryte is 1.071 ng/g. It is clear that the Ra-rich baryte results from the mixing of two different mine waters-brines rich in Ba, Sr, and isotopes Ra-226 and Ra-228 and waters that are affected by sulfide weathering in mine works. When this mixing occurs in surface watercourses, it could present a serious problem due to the half-life of Ra-226, which is 1600 years. If such mixing spontaneously happens in a mine, then the environmental risks will be much lower and will be, to a great, extent eliminated after the closure of the mine.Web of Science102art. no. 10

    Building technological project nursery school

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    Tato diplomová práce zpracovává stavebně technologický projekt mateřské školy v Brně. Zabývá se technickou zprávou, technologickými postupy výstavby. Obsahuje technickou zprávu zařízení staveniště, časový plán, návrh strojní sestavy, kontrolní a zkušební plán, bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví při práci.This thesis handles the construction and technological project of nursery school in the Brno. It deals with technical reports, technological methods of construction. The report contains technical reporst of building equipment, schedule, design of mechanical assembly, inspection and health and safety at work.

    The verification of the time development of the concrete elastic modulus and the compressive strength

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    Především v počátečních dnech zrání betonu u staveb citlivých na deformace, jako jsou mosty z předpjatého betonu, je podstatná přesná znalost hodnoty modulu pružnosti, aby se dalo předcházet nadměrným deformacím. V této práci se ověřuje vývoj modulu pružnosti betonu (v prvních 28 dnech), který je použit pro výstavbu mostů na dálnici D1 v blízkosti Ružomberoku. K porozumění této problematiky byla provedena rešerše literatury a byl proveden experiment, který sleduje časový vývoj pevnosti betonu v tlaku a modulu pružnosti betonu v tlaku. Mimo stanovení statického modulu pružnosti byl v experimentu zjišťován i dynamický modul pomocí ultrazvukové impulsní metody a metody rezonanční a v rámci experimentu bylo také provedeno měření Schmidtovým tvrdoměrem. Získané výsledky mohou posloužit pro ověření vývoje modulu pružnosti na skutečné konstrukci.Especially in the early days of curing concrete for structures sensitive on deformation. Same like bridges of prestressed concrete a substantial knowledge of the exact value of the modulus of elasticity that could prevent excessive deformation. In this work we validates the development of concrete modulus of elasticity (in the first 28 days), which is used for the construction of bridges on the highway D1 near Ružomberok. To understand this issue was made a literature review and conducted experiment, which follows the time development of the concrete compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete. Except the determination of modulus of elasticity in the experiment was investigated a dynamic moduli by an ultrasonic pulse method and the resonance method and the experiment was also performed by rebound hammer. The results can serve to verify the development of the modulus of elasticity on the actual structure.

    Forest Condition in Europe: 2013 technical report of ICP Forests. Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP)

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    Of the 42 countries that have participated in ICP Forests since 1986, 27 countries reported largescale monitoring data from Level I plots and more detailed forest ecosystem related monitoring data from Level II plots for the year 2012. In total, the participating countries provided information on more than 15,000 plots and more than 220,000 trees. Data analyses for this 2013 Technical Report focused on the impact of air pollution on tree crown condition and on sulphate and nitrogen deposition to forests. In addition, the impact on individual trees of factors other than air pollution, e.g., biotic agents, was assessed. Crown condition is the most widely applied indicator for forest health and vitality of European forests. One of its primary parameters is the rate of defoliation, which is assessed as the percentage of needle/leaf loss in the crown compared to a reference tree with full foliage. The mean defoliation of 114,361 sample trees on 6,168 transnational Level I plots in 2012 was 19.7%. Of all trees assessed in 2012 every fourth to fifth tree (22.9%) was scored as damaged, i.e., had a defoliation rate of more than 25%. In general, broadleaved trees showed a higher mean defoliation rate than conifer species (23.6% and 20.2%, respectively). Oak species still seem to be the most vulnerable of all the investigated species. Of the main species groups, deciduous temperate oak species had the highest mean defoliation (26.5%), closely followed by Mediterranean evergreen oak species (25.2%), and deciduous (sub-) temperate oak species (24.6%). A mean defoliation rate of 19.6% was assessed for European beech (Fagus sylvatica). Coniferous species expressed lower defoliation rates on average, with European spruce (Picea abies) reaching 19.2%, followed by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) with 19.3%, and Mediterranean lowland pine species with 20.7%. These figures are, however, not directly comparable to those of previous reports because of fluctuations in the plot sample that are primarily due to changes in the annual participation of countries. Therefore, the temporal development of crown condition was calculated separately from the monitoring results for those countries which have submitted data every year without interruption since 1993, 1998, and 2002, respectively. In addition, maps were drawn that depict temporal species trends in defoliation. The presented results suggest that there was no overall improvement of crown condition for the longest analyzed time period from 1993 to 2012. Over the last 20 years the percentage of plots with clearly increasing mean defoliation (17.2%) even exceeded the share of plots with decreasing defoliation (12.5%) but most of the investigated plots showed no statistically significant change in crown condition (70.3%). Compared to the previous year only, the investigated trees showed on average similar rates of defoliation in 2012. More than three out of four plots (78.7%) showed no statistically significant difference in mean defoliation between those two years. Defoliation increased on 13.8% and decreased on only 7.5% of the plots


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    The paper investigates the way a shrinkage-reducing admixture affects the long-term development of dynamic properties in mortars made with alkali-activated slag (AAS). Two AAS mortars were tested - one contained a shrinkage-reducing admixture, the other did not. The specimens (prisms of 40 × 40 × 160mm) were observed for changes in the dynamic modulus of elasticity at ages of 3 days through 2 years using the ultrasonic pulse velocity test and the resonance method. Even though the statistical analysis of the results gave no proof that the shrinkage-reducing admixture affected the final values, the development of the elastic modulus appeared to follow a very interesting trend which is completely different from trends commonly observed in cement-based composites

    Profiles and Predictors of Dating Violence Among Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents

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    Purpose: Sexual and gender minority adolescents report higher levels of dating violence compared with their heterosexual and cisgender peers. The objectives of the present study were to (1) identify latent profiles of dating violence; (2) examine if sexual and gender minority adolescents were particularly vulnerable to certain profiles of dating violence; and (3) explore how experiences of peer victimization, discrimination, and parental maltreatment explained this greater vulnerability. Methods: High school students in Grades 9 and 11 from the 2016 Minnesota Student Survey (N = 87,532; mean age = 15.29 years, SD = 1.23) were asked about their sexual and gender identities, their gender nonconformity, their experiences of verbal, physical, and sexual dating violence victimization and perpetration, as well their experiences of childhood maltreatment, peer victimization, and gender-based and sexual minority status–based discrimination. Results: Multinomial logistic regression analysis in a three-step latent class analysis procedure suggested five profiles of dating violence victimization and perpetration across the entire sample. Sexual and gender minority adolescents were generally more likely to be in classes high in dating violence victimization, perpetration, or both, compared with their heterosexual and cisgender peers. Gender nonconformity was also associated with greater risk for being in high dating violence classes. These differences, however, were generally nonsignificant when the social stressors of childhood maltreatment, peer victimization, and experiences of discrimination were accounted for. Conclusions: Although findings suggested greater vulnerability for dating violence among sexual and gender minority adolescents, they underscore the importance of how minority stressors generally accounted for this greater vulnerability for dating violence

    Psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavior therapy of chronic depression : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Despite limited effectiveness of short-term psychotherapy for chronic depression, there is a lack of trials of long-term psychotherapy. Our study is the first to determine the effectiveness of controlled long-term psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral (CBT) treatments and to assess the effects of preferential vs. randomized assessment. Methods/design: Patients are assigned to treatment according to their preference or randomized (if they have no clear preference). Up to 80 sessions of psychodynamic or psychoanalytically oriented treatments (PAT) or up to 60 sessions of CBT are offered during the first year in the study. After the first year, PAT can be continued according to the ‘naturalistic’ usual method of treating such patients within the system of German health care (normally from 240 up to 300 sessions over two to three years). CBT therapists may extend their treatment up to 80 sessions, but focus mainly maintenance and relapse prevention. We plan to recruit a total of 240 patients (60 per arm). A total of 11 assessments are conducted throughout treatment and up to three years after initiation of treatment. The primary outcome measures are the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms (QIDS, independent clinician rating) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) after the first year. Discussion: We combine a naturalistic approach with randomized controlled trials(RCTs)to investigate how effectively chronic depression can be treated on an outpatient basis by the two forms of treatment reimbursed in the German healthcare system and we will determine the effects of treatment preference vs. randomization