6 research outputs found

    High throughput determination log Po/w/pKa/log Do/w of drugs by combination of UHPLC and CE methods

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    In 1997 Valk贸 et al. developed a generic fast gradient HPLC method, based on the calculation of the Chromatographic Hydrophobicity Index (CHI) from the gradient retention times, in order to measure lipophilicity. We have employed the correlations between CHI and log Po/w and adapted the rapid gradient HPLC method to UHPLC obtaining excellent resolution and repeatability in a short analysis time (< 4min). log Po/w values can be easily obtained from these CHI measurements but, unfortunately, these correlations are only valid for non-ionized compounds. Consequently, in order to determine the effective log Po/w value at a particular pH, a fast high-throughput method for pKa determination was required. The IS-CE method, based on the use of internal standards (IS) and capillary electrophoresis (CE), is a fast and attractive alternative to other methods for pKa determination, since it offers multiple advantages compared to them: low amounts of test compounds and reagents are needed, high purity is not required, specific interactions between test compounds and buffers are corrected, etc. In addition, it allows the determination of a pKa value in less than 5 minutes. Both CHI and IS-CE have been combined in order to describe a high throughput alternative in the determination of the lipophilicity profiles of bioactive compounds

    Evaluation of log Po/w values of drugs from some molecular structure calculation software

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    Predictive software packages to estimate the lipophilicity of molecules have become key tools in the new drug design. Six different well-known computational programs including the classical BioByte-clogP and the GALAS algorithm offered by ACDlabs were evaluated through a set of 103 drugs with different structures and functionalities. To evaluate the predictions accuracy, reliable experimental log Po/w values for the whole testing set were carefully selected. The best estimations are performed by GALAS/logP based on the fragmental method, corrected according to the similarity with compounds included in the software training set

    Apolipoprotein E related Co-Morbidities and Alzheimer鈥檚 disease

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    The primary goal of advancement in clinical services is to provide a health care system that enhances an individual鈥檚 quality of life. Incidence of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and associated dementia coupled with the advancing age of the population, have led to an increase in the worldwide challenge to the healthcare system. In order to overcome these challenges prior knowledge of common, reliable risk factors and their effectors is essential. The oral health constitutes one such relatively unexplored but indispensable risk factor for aforementioned co-morbidities, in the form of poor oral hygiene and tooth loss during aging. Behavioural traits such as low education, smoking, poor diet, neglect of oral health, lack of exercise, and hypertension are few of the risk factors that are shared commonly amongst these conditions. In addition, common genetic susceptibility traits such as the apolipoprotein 蓻 gene, together with an individual鈥檚 life style can also influence the development of co-morbidities such as periodontitis, atherosclerosis/stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer鈥檚 disease. This review specifically addresses the susceptibility of apolipoprotein 蔚 gene allele 4 as the plausible commonality for the etiology of co-morbidities that eventually result from periodontal diseases and ultimately progress to dementia