896 research outputs found

    Sex and Age Differences in the Endorsement of Sex Stereotypes Associated with Driving

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    Sex and age differences are particularly pronounced in car accidents. Current psychological research is exploring the relationship between risky driving and compliance with sex stereotypes, notably conformity with social expectations concerning masculinity. Some studies have already shown that sex stereotypes associated with driving (SSAD) may influence driving behaviors. The aim of this research was to explore the participants' sex and age differences in SSAD endorsement. A questionnaire was developed and validated on four dimensions of SSAD: male's driving skills and female's compliance with traffic rules, courtesy behind the wheel, and risk avoidance in driving. SSAD endorsement was measured for 291 licensed drivers from 18 to 64 years of age. Results revealed that females endorsed the female's risk avoidance stereotype more (p < .05), whereas males endorsed the male drivers (driving skills) stereotype more (p < .05). Results also revealed that the endorsement of male's driving skills decreases with age (p < .01) and the endorsement of female's courtesy increases with age among all participants (p = .01), while the endorsement of female's compliance with traffic rules increases with age only among female participants (p < .05). The results are discussed in terms of in-group/out-group relations and sex and age differences.Les différences de sexe et d'âge sont particulièrement prononcées dans des accidents routiers. La recherche psychologique actuelle explore la relation entre la conduite dangereuse et la conformité aux stéréotypes de sexe, notamment la conformité avec les attentes sociales concernant la masculinité. Certaines études ont déjà montré que les stéréotypes de sexe associés à la conduite (SSAD) peuvent influencer les comportements de conduite. L'objectif de cette recherche est d'explorer les différences de sexe et d'âge dans l'adhésion aux SSAD. Un questionnaire a été élaboré et validé sur les quatre dimensions de la SSAD: la compétence de conduite des hommes et la conformité avec les règles routières, la courtoisie au volant, et l'évitement des risques dans la conduite des femmes. L'adhésion aux SSAD a été mesurée chez 291 participants de 18 à 64 ans titulaires du permis de conduire. Les résultats ont révélé que les femmes adhèrent plus au le stéréotype de la femme évitant le risque (

    Does the Sensation-Seeking trait differ among participants engaged in sports with different levels of physical risk?

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    This paper aims to establish to what extent participants engaged in different levels of physical risk sports differ in levels of Sensation Seeking (SS) trait. A systematic searching of the literature gave 36 peer-reviewed studies published until September 2010. Results suggested that high scores on Thrill and Adventure Seeking seem characteristic of participants engaged in sports with high and medium levels of risk, and to a lesser extent of low risk sports as well. High scores on Experience Seeking seem characteristic only of participants engaged in sports with high levels of risk. Scores on Boredom Susceptibility only differ when comparing participants engaged in high risk with those engaged in low risk sports. Finally, high scores on Disinhibition and high Total score seem characteristic of athletes at any level of risk as compared to controls, and of athletes engaged in high risk sports as compared to those engaged in low risk sports. We conclude that the SS scale is a useful tool to assess and interpret individual differences in personality that exist between sportspersons practicing sports with different levels of riskEl objetivo de dicha revisión consiste en establecer si los practicantes de deportes de diferente nivel de riesgo físico difieren en el rasgo de personalidad Búsqueda de Sensaciones. Una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura obtuvo 36 estudios publicados en revistas indexadas hasta septiembre del año 2010. Los resultados sugieren que puntuaciones elevadas en Búsqueda de Peligro y Aventura parecen características de los practicantes de deportes de riesgo alto y medio, y en menor grado de deportes de bajo riesgo. Puntuaciones elevadas en Búsqueda de Experiencias son características exclusivamente de practicantes de deportes de alto riesgo. Las puntuaciones en Susceptibilidad al Aburrimiento solo difieren cuando se comparan practicantes de deportes de alto riesgo con practicantes de deportes de bajo riesgo. Finalmente, puntuaciones elevadas en Desinhibición y en el Total de la escala parecen ser características de los atletas de todos los niveles de riesgo cuando se comparan con grupos controles, así como de los practicantes de deportes de alto riesgo comparados con los de bajo riesgo. Se concluye que la escala Búsqueda de Sensaciones es un instrumento útil para evaluar e interpretar las diferencias individuales de personalidad existentes entre practicantes de deportes con diferentes niveles de riesg

    Household Transmission of Rotavirus in a Community with Rotavirus Vaccination in Quininde, Ecuador

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    Background: We studied the transmission of rotavirus infection in households in peri-urban Ecuador in the vaccination era. Methods: Stool samples were collected from household contacts of child rotavirus cases, diarrhea controls and healthy controls following presentation of the index child to health facilities. Rotavirus infection status of contacts was determined by RT-qPCR. We examined factors associated with transmissibility (index-case characteristics) and susceptibility (householdcontact characteristics). Results: Amongst cases, diarrhea controls and healthy control household contacts, infection attack rates (iAR) were 55%, 8% and 2%, (n = 137, 130, 137) respectively. iARs were higher from index cases with vomiting, and amongst siblings. Disease ARs were higher when the index child was ,18 months and had vomiting, with household contact ,10 years and those sharing a room with the index case being more susceptible. We found no evidence of asymptomatic infections leading to disease transmission. Conclusion: Transmission rates of rotavirus are high in households with an infected child, while background infections are rare. We have identified factors associated with transmission (vomiting/young age of index case) and susceptibility (young age/sharing a room/being a sibling of the index case). Vaccination may lead to indirect benefits by averting episodes or reducing symptoms in vaccinees

    Multiple reassortment events in the evolutionary history of H1N1 influenza A virus since 1918

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    The H1N1 subtype of influenza A virus has caused substantial morbidity and mortality in humans, first documented in the global pandemic of 1918 and continuing to the present day. Despite this disease burden, the evolutionary history of the A/H1N1 virus is not well understood, particularly whether there is a virological basis for several notable epidemics of unusual severity in the 1940s and 1950s. Using a data set of 71 representative complete genome sequences sampled between 1918 and 2006, we show that segmental reassortment has played an important role in the genomic evolution of A/H1N1 since 1918. Specifically, we demonstrate that an A/H1N1 isolate from the 1947 epidemic acquired novel PB2 and HA genes through intra-subtype reassortment, which may explain the abrupt antigenic evolution of this virus. Similarly, the 1951 influenza epidemic may also have been associated with reassortant A/H1N1 viruses. Intra-subtype reassortment therefore appears to be a more important process in the evolution and epidemiology of H1N1 influenza A virus than previously realized

    Global Influenza Seasonality: Reconciling Patterns across Temperate and Tropical Regions

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    Bac k g r o u n d: Despite the significant disease burden of the influenza virus in humans, our understanding of the basis for its pronounced seasonality remains incomplete. Past observations that influenza epidemics occur in the winter across temperate climates, combined with insufficient knowledge about the epidemiology of influenza in the tropics, led to the perception that cool and dry conditions were a necessary, and possibly sufficient, driver of influenza epidemics. Recent reports of substantial levels of influenza virus activity and well-defined seasonality in tropical regions, where warm and humid conditions often persist year-round, have rendered previous hypotheses insufficient for explaining global patterns of influenza. Objectiv e: In this review, we examined the scientific evidence for the seasonal mechanisms that potentially explain the complex seasonal patterns of influenza disease activity observed globally. Me t h o d s: In this review we assessed the strength of a range of hypotheses that attempt to explain observations of influenza seasonality across different latitudes and how they relate to each other. We reviewed studies describing population-scale observations, mathematical models, and ecological, laboratory, and clinical experiments pertaining to influenza seasonality. The literature review includes studies that directly mention the topic of influenza seasonality, as well as other topics w

    Psychosexual development, sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction in long-term childhood cancer survivors:DCCSS-LATER 2 sexuality substudy

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    Objectives: Childhood cancer may negatively impact childhood cancer survivors' (CCS) sexuality. However, this is an understudied research area. We aimed to describe the psychosexual development, sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction of CCS, and identify determinants for these outcomes. Secondarily, we compared the outcomes of a subsample of emerging adult CCS to the Dutch general population. Methods: From the Dutch Childhood Cancer Survivor Study LATER cohort (diagnosed 1963–2001), 1912 CCS (18–71 years, 50.8% male) completed questions on sexuality, psychosocial development, body perception, mental and physical health. Multivariable linear regressions were used to identify determinants. Sexuality of CCS age 18–24 (N = 243) was compared to same-aged references using binomial tests and t-tests. Results: One third of all CCS reported hindered sexuality due to childhood cancer, with insecure body the most often reported reason (44.8%). Older age at study, lower education, surviving central nervous system cancer, poorer mental health and negative body perception were identified as determinants for later sexual debut, worse sexual functioning and/or sexual satisfaction. CCS age 18–24 showed significantly less experience with kissing (p = 0.014), petting under clothes (p = 0.002), oral (p = 0.016) and anal sex (p = 0.032) when compared to references. No significant differences with references were found for sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction, neither among female CCS nor male CCS age 18–24. Conclusions: Emerging adult CCS reported less experience with psychosexual development, but similar sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction compared to references. We identified determinants for sexuality, which could be integrated in clinical interventions for CCS at risk for reduced sexuality.</p

    Psychosocial outcomes in long-term Dutch adult survivors of childhood cancer:The DCCSS-LATER 2 psycho-oncology study

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    Background: This study compares a comprehensive range of psychosocial outcomes of adult childhood cancer survivors (CCS) to general population-based references and identifies sociodemographic and medical risk factors.Methods: CCS from the Dutch Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (DCCSS)-LATER cohort (diagnosed 1963–2001) part 2 (attained age ≥18 years, diagnosed &lt;18 years, ≥5 years since diagnosis) completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Distress Thermometer, Self-Rating Scale for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and the Short Form-36 (Health Related Quality of Life). CCS’ scores were compared with references using analysis of variances and logistic regression analysis, controlling for age and sex (p &lt;.05). Risk factors for worse psychosocial outcomes were assessed with regression analyses (p &lt;.05).Results: CCS, N = 1797, mean age 35.4 years, 49.0% female, all ≥15 years since diagnosis, participated. Three percent reported posttraumatic stress disorder because of childhood cancer and 36.6% experienced clinical distress. CCS did not differ from references on self-esteem and anxiety but were less depressed (d = −.25), and scored poorer on all health-related quality of life scales, except for bodily pain (.01 ≤ d ≥ −.36). Female sex, lower educational attainment, not being in a relationship, and being unemployed were negatively associated with almost all psychosocial outcomes. Except for a central nervous system tumor diagnosis, few medical characteristics were associated with psychosocial outcomes.Conclusion: CCS appear resilient regarding mental health but have slightly poorer health-related quality of life than references. Sociodemographic characteristics and central nervous system tumors were related to most psychosocial outcomes, but no clear pattern was observed for other medical factors. Future studies should address additional factors in explaining CCS’ psychosocial functioning, such as coping, social support, and physical late effects.</p

    Increased health-related quality of life impairments of male and female survivors of childhood cancer:DCCSS LATER 2 psycho-oncology study

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to compare the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of Dutch adult male and female childhood cancer survivors (CCSs) to general population references and to study medical determinants. METHODS: CCSs from the Dutch Childhood Cancer Survivor Study LATER cohort (1963-2001) part 2, who were 18 years old or older (time since diagnosis ≥ 5 years), were invited to complete the TNO-AZL Questionnaire for Adult Health-Related Quality of Life. Domain scores and proportions of CCSs with impaired HRQOL (score 1.4. In addition, female CCSs were more often impaired in daily activities, pain, and sexuality (ORs, 1.4-1.9) and were less often aggressive (OR, 0.6). CCCs of central nervous system (CNS) tumors, bone tumors, and retinoblastoma and those with cranial, abdominopelvic, or lower extremity radiotherapy were at increased risk of impairment in 1 or more domains. CONCLUSIONS: Dutch adult CCSs, especially females, have impaired HRQOL in several domains; this is most pronounced in cognitive functioning. The vulnerabilities of subgroups at risk, such as CCSs of CNS tumors, were confirmed. Surveillance of HRQOL and multidisciplinary survivor care are recommended. LAY SUMMARY: The health-related quality of life in a Dutch nationwide cohort of 1766 survivors of childhood cancer was studied. Survivors of childhood cancer were found to have lower health-related quality of life in several domains (eg, motor functioning and vitality) in comparison with the general population. They most often reported low cognitive functioning (eg, memory and attention). Females had low health-related quality of life in more domains than males. Survivors of brain tumors had low health-related quality of life in most domains. Monitoring health-related quality of life regularly and collaborating between disciplines in survivor care is recommended

    Adverse late health outcomes among children treated with 3D radiotherapy techniques:Study design of the Dutch pediatric 3D-RT study

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    Background: Adverse late health outcomes after multimodal treatment for pediatric cancer are diverse and of prime interest. Currently available evidence and survivorship care guidelines are largely based on studies addressing side-effects of two dimensional planned radiotherapy. Aims: The Dutch pediatric 3D-planned radiotherapy (3D-RT) study aims to gain insight in the long-term health outcomes among children who had radiotherapy in the 3D era. Here, we describe the study design, data-collection methods, and baseline cohort characteristics. Methods and Results: The 3D-RT study represents an expansion of the Dutch Childhood Cancer Survivor study (DCCSS) LATER cohort, including pediatric cancer patients diagnosed during 2000–2012, who survived at least 5 years after initial diagnosis and 2 years post external beam radiotherapy. Individual cancer treatment parameters were obtained from medical files. A national infrastructure for uniform collection and archival of digital radiotherapy files (Computed Tomography [CT]-scans, delineations, plan, and dose files) was established. Health outcome information, including subsequent tumors, originated from medical records at the LATER outpatient clinics, and national registry-linkage. With a median follow-up of 10.9 (interquartile range [IQR]: 7.9–14.3) years after childhood cancer diagnosis, 711 eligible survivors were identified. The most common cancer types were Hodgkin lymphoma, medulloblastoma, and nephroblastoma. Most survivors received radiotherapy directed to the head/cranium only, the craniospinal axis, or the abdominopelvic region. Conclusion: The 3D-RT study will provide knowledge on the risk of adverse late health outcomes and radiation-associated dose-effect relationships. This information is valuable to guide follow-up care of childhood cancer survivors and to refine future treatment protocols.</p

    Prevalence and risk factors of cancer-related fatigue in childhood cancer survivors:A DCCSS LATER study

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    BACKGROUND: Cancer-related fatigue is a debilitating late effect after treatment for childhood cancer. The prevalence of fatigue in childhood cancer survivors (CCSs) and associated factors for fatigue has varied widely in previous studies. Two important aspects of cancer-related fatigue, its severity and chronicity, are often not assessed. This study investigated the prevalence of, and risk factors for, severe chronic fatigue (CF) in a national cohort of Dutch CCSs. METHODS: In this study, 2810 CCSs (5-year survivors of all childhood malignancies diagnosed between 1963 and 2001 with a current age of 12-65 years) and 1040 sibling controls were included. CF was assessed with the Short Fatigue Questionnaire and was defined as a score ≥ 18 and persistence of fatigue for ≥6 months. Cancer- and treatment-related characteristics, current health problems, and demographic and lifestyle variables were assessed as potential risk factors for CF via multivariable logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: In adult CCSs and sibling controls (≥18 years old), the prevalence of CF was 26.1% and 14.1%, respectively (P 2, 2.20; 95% CI, 1.50-3.21), and a central nervous system diagnosis (OR, 1.74; 95% CI, 1.17-2.60) were significantly associated with CF in adult CCSs. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that CCSs, regardless of their cancer diagnosis, report CF more often than sibling controls. This study provides new evidence for the prevalence of fatigue in CCSs
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