528 research outputs found

    The metallic state in disordered quasi-one-dimensional conductors

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    The unusual metallic state in conjugated polymers and single-walled carbon nanotubes is studied by dielectric spectroscopy (8--600 GHz). We have found an intriguing correlation between scattering time and plasma frequency. This relation excludes percolation models of the metallic state. Instead, the carrier dynamics can be understood in terms of the low density of delocalized states around the Fermi level, which arises from the competion between disorder-induced localization and interchain-interactions-induced delocalization.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figure

    Evaluation of human and non-human primate antibody binding to pig cells lacking GGTA1/CMAH/β4GalNT2 genes

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    Background Simultaneous inactivation of pig GGTA1 and CMAH genes eliminates carbohydrate xenoantigens recognized by human antibodies. The β4GalNT2 glycosyltransferase may also synthesize xenoantigens. To further characterize glycan-based species incompatibilities, we examined human and non-human primate antibody binding to cells derived from genetically modified pigs lacking these carbohydrate-modifying genes. Methods The Cas9 endonuclease and gRNA were used to create pigs lacking GGTA1, GGTA1/CMAH, or GGTA1/CMAH/β4GalNT2 genes. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from these animals and examined for binding to IgM and IgG from humans, rhesus macaques, and baboons. Results Cells from GGTA1/CMAH/β4GalNT2 deficient pigs exhibited reduced human IgM and IgG binding compared to cells lacking both GGTA1 and CMAH. Nonhuman primate antibody reactivity with cells from the various pigs exhibited a slightly different pattern of reactivity than that seen in humans. Simultaneous inactivation of the GGTA1 and CMAH genes increased nonhuman primate antibody binding compared to cells lacking either GGTA1 only or to those deficient in GGTA1/CMAH/β4GalNT2. Conclusions Inactivation of the β4GalNT2 gene reduces human and nonhuman primate antibody binding resulting in diminished porcine xenoantigenicity. The increased humoral immunity of nonhuman primates towards GGTA1/CMAH-deficient cells compared to pigs lacking either GGTA1 or GGTA1/CMAH/β4GalNT2 highlights the complexities of carbohydrate xenoantigens and suggests potential limitations of the nonhuman primate model for examining some genetic modifications. The progressive reduction of swine xenoantigens recognized by human immunoglobulin through inactivation of pig GGTA1/CMAH/β4GalNT2 genes demonstrates that the antibody barrier to xenotransplantation can be minimized by genetic engineering

    Microbial activity in surficial sediments overlying acoustic wipeout zones at a Gulf of Mexico cold seep

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    Down core concentration gradients of dissolved methane and sulfate; isotope gradients of methane, dissolved inorganic carbon, and authigenic carbonate; and organic matter elemental ratios are incorporated into a vent evolution model to describe spatial and temporal variability of sedimentary microbial activity overlying acoustic wipeout zones at Mississippi Canyon (MC) 118, Gulf of Mexico. We tested the hypothesis that these zones indicate areas where sediments are exposed to elevated fluid flux and therefore should contain saturated methane concentrations and enhanced microbial activity from sulfate reduction (SR), anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM), and methanogenesis (MP). Thirty surficial cores (between 22 and 460 cm deep) were collected from sediments overlying and outside the wipeout zones and analyzed for pore water and solid phase constituents. Outside the wipeout zones, sulfate and methane concentrations were similar to overlying-water values and did not vary with depth; indicating low microbial activity. Above the wipeouts, nine cores showed moderate activity with gently sloping sulfate and methane concentration gradients, methane concentrations <20 μM, and isotope depth gradients indicative of organic matter oxidation. In stark contrast to this moderate activity, four cores showed high microbial activity where sulfate concentrations were depleted by ∼50 cm below seafloor, maximum methane concentrations in the decompressed cores were above 4 mM, and down core profiles of δ13C-CH4 and δ13C-dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) indicated distinct depth zones of SR, AOM, and MP. Bulk organic matter analysis suggested that the high activity was supported by an organic source that was enriched in carbon (C:N ∼15) and depleted in d15N and δ13C compared to other activity groups, possibly due to the influx of petroleum or chemosynthetically fixed carbon. Within high activity cores, the δ13C-DIC values were similar to the δ13C-CaCO3 values, a result expected for authigenic carbonate recently precipitated. However, these values were dissimilar in moderate activity cores, suggesting that microbial activity was higher in the past. This study provides evidence that the fluid flux at MC 118 varies over time and that the microbial activity responds to such variability. It also suggests that sediments overlying wipeout zones are not always saturated with respect to methane, which has implications for the formation and detection of gas hydrate

    Effect of seasonal changes in the pathways of methanogenesis on the δ13C values of pore water methane in a Michigan peatland

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    The δ13C value of pore water methane produced in a Michigan peatland varied by 11% during the year. This isotopic shift resulted from large seasonal changes in the pathways of methane production. On the basis of mass balance calculations, the δ13C value of methane from CO2 reduction (average =-71.4 ± 1.8%) was depleted in 13C compared to that produced from acetate (-44.4 ± 8.2%o). The dissolved methane at the site remained heavy (approximately-51%o) during most of the year. Tracer experiments using 14C-labeled CO2 indicated that during January 110 ± 25% of the methane was produced by CO2 reduction. Because of low-methane production rates during the winter, this C-depleted methane had only a slight effect on the isotopic composition of the methane pool. In early spring when peat temperatures and methane production rates increased, the δ13C value of the dissolved methane in shallow peat was influenced by the isotopically light methane and approached-61‰. Peat incubation experiments conducted at 15°C in May and June (when the peat reaches its maximum temperature) indicated that an average of 84 ± 9% of the methane production was from acetate and had an average δ13C value of-48.7 ± 5.6‰. Rising acetate concentrations during April-May (approaching 1 mmol L-1(mM)) followed by a rapid decrease in acetate concentrations during May-June reflected the shift toward methane production dominated by acetate fermentation. During this period, dissolved methane in shallow peat at the site returned to heavier values (approximately-5 l%o) similar to that produced in the incubation experiments

    Sensitivity to systemic therapy for metastatic breast cancer in CHEK2 1100delC mutation carriers

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    Purpose: The role of CHEK2 in DNA repair by homologous recombination suggests that CHEK2-associated breast cancer (BC) patients might be more sensitive to chemotherapy inducing double-strand DNA breaks, but results hereon are lacking. We compared the sensitivity to first-line chemotherapy and endocrine therapy between CHEK2 1100delC and non-CHEK2 metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients. Methods: Sixty-two CHEK2 1100delC MBC patients were selected from three cohorts genotyped for CHEK2 1100delC (one non-BRCA1/2 cohort and two sporadic cohorts). Controls were 62 non-CHEK2 MBC patients, matched for age at and year of primary BC diagnosis, and year of metastatic disease. Objective response rate (complete and partial response) to, and progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) after start of first-line chemotherapy and endocrine therapy were compared between CHEK2 and non-CHEK2 patients. Results: Median age at BC diagnosis was 46 and 51 years at MBC diagnosis. First-line chemotherapy consisted of anthracycline-based chemotherapy (n = 73), taxanes (n = 16), CMF(-like) chemotherapy (n = 33) and taxane/anthracycline regimens (n = 2). CHEK2 and non-CHEK2 patients had a comparable objective response rate (44 vs. 52 %). Also, PFS and OS after start of chemotherapy were comparable between both patient groups (hazard ratio 0.91; 95 % confidence interval 0.63–1.30 and 1.03; 95 % CI 0.71–1.49, respectively). Thirty-six CHEK2 and 32 non-CHEK2 patients received first-line endocrine therapy (mainly tamoxifen) for MBC. No significant differences were observed in objective response rate to, and PFS and OS after start of endocrine therapy. Conclusion: No differ

    On the structure and evolution of a polar crown prominence/filament system

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    Polar crown prominences are made of chromospheric plasma partially circling the Suns poles between 60 and 70 degree latitude. We aim to diagnose the 3D dynamics of a polar crown prominence using high cadence EUV images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/AIA at 304 and 171A and the Ahead spacecraft of the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO-A)/EUVI at 195A. Using time series across specific structures we compare flows across the disk in 195A with the prominence dynamics seen on the limb. The densest prominence material forms vertical columns which are separated by many tens of Mm and connected by dynamic bridges of plasma that are clearly visible in 304/171A two-color images. We also observe intermittent but repetitious flows with velocity 15 km/s in the prominence that appear to be associated with EUV bright points on the solar disk. The boundary between the prominence and the overlying cavity appears as a sharp edge. We discuss the structure of the coronal cavity seen both above and around the prominence. SDO/HMI and GONG magnetograms are used to infer the underlying magnetic topology. The evolution and structure of the prominence with respect to the magnetic field seems to agree with the filament linkage model.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, Accepted for publication in Solar Physics Journal, Movies can be found at http://www2.mps.mpg.de/data/outgoing/panesar

    Observation of the Ankle and Evidence for a High-Energy Break in the Cosmic Ray Spectrum

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    We have measured the cosmic ray spectrum at energies above 101710^{17} eV using the two air fluorescence detectors of the High Resolution Fly's Eye experiment operating in monocular mode. We describe the detector, PMT and atmospheric calibrations, and the analysis techniques for the two detectors. We fit the spectrum to models describing galactic and extragalactic sources. Our measured spectrum gives an observation of a feature known as the ``ankle'' near 3×10183\times 10^{18} eV, and strong evidence for a suppression near 6×10196\times 10^{19} eV.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. To appear in Physics Letters B. Accepted versio

    Professionalism, Golf Coaching and a Master of Science Degree: A commentary

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    As a point of reference I congratulate Simon Jenkins on tackling the issue of professionalism in coaching. As he points out coaching is not a profession, but this does not mean that coaching would not benefit from going through a professionalization process. As things stand I find that the stimulus article unpacks some critically important issues of professionalism, broadly within the context of golf coaching. However, I am not sure enough is made of understanding what professional (golf) coaching actually is nor how the development of a professional golf coach can be facilitated by a Master of Science Degree (M.Sc.). I will focus my commentary on these two issues