2,588 research outputs found

    Organisation des travaux ST-CV

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    Débutée il y a deux ans, la phase de construction des installations de refroidissement du LHC a atteint en 2003 son apogée. De nombreux autres projets sont également gérés par le groupe dans divers secteurs du laboratoire. La spécificité du groupe est de réaliser des installations complexes impliquant des spécificités diverses telles qu’aéraulique, hydraulique, électrique, etc. Pour faire face à ces demandes la section travaux du groupe ST CV a adopté une structure capable de réaliser ces divers projets avec un minimum de personnel. La première partie de ce document décrit l’organisation de la section travaux ST CV. Dans une deuxième partie, les auteurs dressent un état des lieux des chantiers par projet en décrivant plus particulièrement les activités dans les domaines du traitement d’air et de refroidissement par eau

    Dynamics of a hyperbolic system that applies at the onset of the oscillatory instability

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    A real hyperbolic system is considered that applies near the onset of the oscillatory instability in large spatial domains. The validity of that system requires that some intermediate scales (large compared with the basic wavelength of the unstable modes but small compared with the size of the system) remain inhibited; that condition is analysed in some detail. The dynamics associated with the hyperbolic system is fully analysed to conclude that it is very simple if the coefficient of the cross-nonlinearity is such that , while the system exhibits increasing complexity (including period-doubling sequences, quasiperiodic transitions, crises) as the bifurcation parameter grows if ; if then the system behaves subcritically. Our results are seen to compare well, both qualitatively and quantitatively, with the experimentally obtained ones for the oscillatory instability of straight rolls in pure Rayleigh - Bénard convection

    The Spatial Distribution of the Galactic First Stars II: SPH Approach

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    We use cosmological, chemo-dynamical, smoothed particle hydrodynamical simulations of Milky-Way-analogue galaxies to find the expected present-day distributions of both metal-free stars that formed from primordial gas and the oldest star populations. We find that metal-free stars continue to form until z~4 in halos that are chemically isolated and located far away from the biggest progenitor of the final system. As a result, if the Population III initial mass function allows stars with low enough mass to survive until z=0 (< 0.8 Msol), they would be distributed throughout the Galactic halo. On the other hand, the oldest stars form in halos that collapsed close to the highest density peak of the final system, and at z=0 they are located preferentially in the central region of the Galaxy, i.e., in the bulge. According to our models, these trends are not sensitive to the merger histories of the disk galaxies or the implementation of supernova feedback. Furthermore, these full hydrodynamics results are consistent with our N-body results in Paper I, and lend further weight to the conclusion that surveys of low-metallicity stars in the Galactic halo can be used to directly constrain the properties of primordial stars. In particular, they suggest that the current lack of detections of metal-free stars implies that their lifetimes were shorter than a Hubble time, placing constraints on the metal-free initial mass function.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. Emulate ApJ styl

    Finite size effects near the onset of the oscillatory instability

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    A system of two complex Ginzburg - Landau equations is considered that applies at the onset of the oscillatory instability in spatial domains whose size is large (but finite) in one direction; the dependent variables are the slowly modulated complex amplitudes of two counterpropagating wavetrains. In order to obtain a well posed problem, four boundary conditions must be imposed at the boundaries. Two of them were already known, and the other two are first derived in this paper. In the generic case when the group velocity is of order unity, the resulting problem has terms that are not of the same order of magnitude. This fact allows us to consider two distinguished limits and to derive two associated (simpler) sub-models, that are briefly discussed. Our results predict quite a rich variety of complex dynamics that is due to both the modulational instability and finite size effects

    Réponses de trois espèces sentinelles aquatiques à la contamination en métaux traces dans deux rivières de l'Abitibi, Québec

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    La métallothionéine (MT) est un ligand protéinique intracellulaire important à cause de son implication dans les processus de régulation des métaux traces essentiels et non-essentiels. Bon nombre de travaux ont été conduits en laboratoire pour bien comprendre les mécanismes de synthèse de cette protéine, mais les études réalisées en milieu aquatique sont beaucoup plus rares, particulièrement dans les rivières (milieu lotique). Dans ce contexte, la présente étude avait deux objectifs principaux : (1) identifier en milieu lotique les métaux traces (argent "Ag", cadmium "Cd", cuivre "Cu", nickel "Ni", plomb "Pb" et zinc "Zn") susceptibles d'induire la synthèse de la MT chez trois espèces sentinelles, soit le mollusque bivalve Pyganodon grandis, la larve d'éphémère Hexagenia limbata et le grand brochet du nord Esox lucius ; (2) définir les variables physico-chimiques ou toxicologiques pouvant influencer la prise en charge des métaux traces et conséquemment les concentrations en MT chez le mollusque P. grandis et l'éphémère H. limbata. Deux rivières de la région de l'Abitibi ont été échantillonnées à l'été 2001 afin de récolter les espèces sentinelles à 21 stations. Les concentrations en métaux traces, ainsi qu'en métallothionéine, ont été mesurées dans les branchies des mollusques, dans le rein des brochets et dans le corps entier des éphémères. La métallothionéine a été mesurée à l'aide d'une technique de saturation au mercure. D'après nos résultats, le cadmium tissulaire semble être le meilleur prédicteur de la concentration de MT chez les trois espèces sentinelles. Cependant, l'implication d'autres métaux est également possible. Dans le cas de P. grandis, la concentration de manganèse (Mn) dans les sédiments pourrait influencer la prise en charge du Cd et la synthèse de MT.Metallothionein (MT), an intracellular metal binding protein, is recognized for its role in the regulation of essential and non-essential trace metals. The mechanisms of synthesis of this protein have been studied in the laboratory but much less work has been carried out in the field, particularly in lotic environments. According to the literature, metallothionein protects tissues from metal damage, and may be used as a direct measure of the biochemical state of the affected tissue. Metallothionein shows high affinity for group IB and IIB metals ions (e.g. Cd, Cu, Zn), and consequently can sequester and detoxify metals. The use of MT as a biomarker for elevated levels of trace metals in aquatic environments has therefore been proposed as a tool in ecotoxicological studies. Changes at the biochemical level offer distinct advantages as biomarkers, since molecular alterations are normally the first detectable responses to environmental changes.The present study focused on two objectives, the first of which was to identify which trace metals (silver "Ag", cadmium "Cd", copper "Cu", nickel "Ni", lead "Pb" and zinc "Zn") may induce MT synthesis in three sentinel species collected in two northern Quebec rivers (Colombière River, close to Val d'Or, and Matagami River close to the town of Matagami) in a mining region (Abitibi, Québec). The three sentinel species were the adult bivalve Pyganodon grandis, the larval mayfly Hexagenia limbata, and the adult great northern pike Esox lucius. The second objective was to define variables that could influence the uptake of these trace metals and consequently the concentrations of MT in the sentinel species. The selection of these sentinel species was based on the following criteria: their relative abundance in the aquatic systems studied; their relative immobility; the ease of sampling; metal tolerance; metal bioaccumulation capacity; dynamics of metal accumulation; capacity to synthesize metallothionein; and availability of physiological and behavioural data.In 2001, physico-chemical conditions (e.g.: temperature, oxygen, transparency, phosphorus, chlorophyll a, etc.) were monitored during two sampling campaigns at 21 stations. Trace metals were measured in water and sediment in all stations, and in tissues of the sentinel species that were collected when present at the station (P. grandis - gills; H. limbata - whole body; E. lucius - kidney). Dialysis cells were used to collect water samples for the determination of concentrations of total dissolved metals, major anions and cations, humic and fulvic acids, and dissolved organic carbon. At each sampling site, divers collected three replicate sub-samples from two sediment cores for metal analyses. The cores were extruded in the boat and samples taken from the uppermost 0.5 cm, i.e. from the oxidized layer.The two rivers differ in their morphometry, their physico-chemistry, and their biology. The Allard River is larger (200 m vs. 7 m) and deeper (30 m vs. 3 m) than the Colombière River. The Colombière River is slightly more acid (pH: 6.2 - 6.7) and less productive (14 - 32 µg total P L-1) than the Allard River (pH: 6.7 - 7.4; 24 - 45 µg total P L-1). However, the rivers present some similarities such as slow current conditions and limited water transparencies. The range of Ag, Cu and Ni concentrations in water and sediment was greater in the Colombière River, whereas Pb concentrations were higher in the Allard River and Cd concentrations were similar in the two rivers. Zinc was the dominant metal in both rivers, but variations were more significant in water in the Colombière River. Although trace metal and MT concentrations were highly variable among species, stations and rivers, no consistent spatial gradients were detected in animals collected downstream from mining activities.As was the case for the ambient environment, Zn was also the dominant metal in organisms of both rivers. Zinc concentrations were similar in mayflies from the two rivers, but higher in molluscs and lower in pike collected from the Colombière River than in comparable animals from the Allard River. Following Zn, Cu was the second metal in importance in species from the two rivers, whereas the concentrations of Ag were low in all organisms and were undetectable in pike. Cadmium was more concentrated in mayflies and molluscs from the Colombière River than in those from Allard River, and also higher in the pike collected in the contaminated zone of the Colombière River. The concentrations of Ni in all species were comparable between rivers, but were more elevated in mayflies than in the other sentinel species.The range of Pb concentrations was comparable between rivers for all species, but concentrations were lower in the pike (kidney). The concentration of MT was higher in the pike than in the two other species. Mayflies had higher MT levels in the Allard River, while MT concentrations were higher in molluscs of the Colombière River. The relationships between metals and MT were very variable between rivers and species. Nevertheless, MT concentrations were most strongly related to those of accumulated Cd in the three sentinel species. The relationships between MT and Cd for all three species were stronger in the Allard River than in the Colombière River. In the case of P. grandis, because the number of stations where the bivalves could be collected from the Colombière River was low (n=4), no statistically significant relationship was observed between MT and Cd in the tissues, in spite of the high correlation coefficient (r=0.98). For the bivalves, manganese (Mn) concentrations in the sediment were negatively correlated with accumulated Cd concentrations and with MT levels. In H. limbata, in addition to Cd, other metals such as Cu (-) and Zn (+) also exhibited weak relationships with MT. Finally, in bivariate analyses, Pb concentrations in pike liver were significantly correlated with those of MT in this species, but based on multiple regression models, no variable other than Cd affected the level of MT in E. lucius

    A Protocol Guide for the N. crassa Yeast Artificial Chromosome Library

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    A yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library of Neurospora crassa strain 74-OR23-1A has been constructed. This library has been used to clone 750 kb of contiguous DNA sequences from the centromere region of linkage group VII (M. Centola and J. Carbon. 1994. Mol. Cell. Biol. 14:1510-1519). The purpose of this article is explicitly to outline procedures that have been developed for library screening and chromosome walking

    Valence band offset of the ZnO/AlN heterojunction determined by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy

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    The valence band offset of ZnO/AlN heterojunctions is determined by high resolution x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The valence band of ZnO is found to be 0.43±0.17 eV below that of AlN. Together with the resulting conduction band offset of 3.29±0.20 eV, this indicates that a type-II (staggered) band line up exists at the ZnO/AlN heterojunction. Using the III-nitride band offsets and the transitivity rule, the valence band offsets for ZnO/GaN and ZnO/InN heterojunctions are derived as 1.37 and 1.95 eV, respectively, significantly higher than the previously determined values

    Polarimetry and the High-Energy Emission Mechanisms in Quasar Jets

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    The emission mechanisms in extragalactic jets include synchrotron and various inverse-Compton processes. At low (radio through infrared) energies, it is widely agreed that synchrotron emission dominates in both low-power (FR I) and high-power (FR II and quasar) jets, because of the power-law nature of the spectra observed and high polarizations. However, at higher energies, the emission mechanism for high-power jets at kpc scales is hotly debated. Two mechanisms have been proposed: either inverse-Compton of cosmic microwave background photons or synchrotron emission from a second, high-energy population of electrons. Here we discuss optical polarimetry as a method for diagnosing the mechanism for the high-energy emission in quasar jets, as well as revealing the jet's three-dimensional energetic and magnetic field structure. We then discuss high-energy emission mechanisms for powerful jets in the light of the HST polarimetry of PKS 1136-135.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. To appear in proceedings of "The Monster's Fiery Breath: Feedback in galaxies, groups, and clusters" meeting, June 1-5, 2009 held in Madison, WI, US