228 research outputs found

    Estimating emissions of NMVOC from solvent and other product use : Revised model

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    This report is the end product of a project revising the Norwegian emission calculations of NMVOCs1 from the use of solvents and other products. The development of a new emission model started in 2007, and the results will be used for reporting from the year 2008. According to international emission reporting guidelines, emissions shall be recalculated if new information about emission factors or improved calculation methods is available. The emissions of NMVOC from solvents and other product use were previously calculated using data on import, export and production of solvent-containing substances. The previous solvent balance was developed in 1995, and by the year 2000 the method was considered obsolete. It was thus decided to keep the emission estimates at the year 2000 level until a revised method was developed. A replacement of the solvent balance was due because the assumptions about solvent content and the emission factors were out of date

    Use and emissions of hazardous substances in Norway, 2002-2006 : Based on data from the Norwegian Product Register

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    Økt oppmerksomhet rundt skadevirkningene av helse- og miljøfarlige stoffer har medført en voksende etterspørsel etter informasjon knyttet til bruk og utslipp av slike stoffer. De siste årene har Statistisk sentralbyrå arbeidet med å lage ny statistikk over forbruk og utslipp av helse- og miljøfarlige stoffer i Norge. Så langt dekker denne statistikken utslipp av et utvalg farlige stoffer grunnet bruk av produkter som er deklarert til det norske produktregisteret. Statistikken inkluderer rundt 450 stoffer som er kreftfremkallende (C), mutagene (M), reproduksjonsskadelige (R) (såkalte CMR-stoffer), kronisk giftige, allergifremkallende og/eller miljøskadelige. Utslipp av farlige stoffer til omgivelsene (luft, jord og vann) er beregnet ved å multiplisere mengden av et gitt stoff brukt et gitt år med en utslippsfaktor. Stoffmengden brukt er summen av produksjon og import minus eksport, i henhold til deklarasjoner til Produktregisteret. Utslippsfaktoren er den andelen av stoffmengden brukt som ikke inngår i nye produkter, omdannes til andre stoffer (f.eks. ved forbrenning) eller håndteres på en eller annen måte som forhindrer utslipp (f.eks. avfallshåndtering). Andelen av et farlig stoff som slippes ut antas å avhenge av både typen produkt stoffet inngår i og i hvilken næring (private husholdninger inkludert) produktet brukes

    Multicultural Vanguard? Sarajevo’s interethnic young adults between ethnic categorisation and international spaces

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    This article analyses how Sarajevo’s young adults from a middle class, interethnic background deal with the rigid ethnic categorisation enforced by state institutions and society. Their strategies (exit, reframing, and partial separation) appear to be unsatisfactory to the actors themselves, and wield generally no influence on the institutions they wish to change. Three factors have been setting into motion this dynamic: first, the difficulty of escaping ethnic group thinking when attempting to reframe ethnic categories; second, the rationality of avoiding open defiance to ethnic categorisation; and third, the young adults’ tendency to centre their life on interethnic and international spaces. As a ‘project elite’, Sarajevo’s young adults are rather separated from society, both discursively and socio-economicall

    Direct electrochemical reduction of indigo: process optimization and scale-up in a flow cell

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    Reducing agents required in the dyeing process for vat and sulfur dyes cannot be recycled, and lead to problematic waste products. Therefore, modern economical and ecological requirements are not fulfilled. The industrial feasibility of the direct electrochemical reduction of indigo as a novel method has been determined and a preliminary optimization of electrolytic conditions was performed using a laboratory-scale flow-cell system. The role of current density, pH, temperature and the rate of mass transport are discussed. The influence of particle size reduction by the application of ultrasound is critically considere

    Model-based segmentation of CT Images

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    This paper presents preliminary work on the segmentation of Computed Tomography data using a model-based approach. Conventional image processing of CT data is aimed at the production of simple iso-surfaces for surgical planning or diagnosis — such methods are not suitable for the automated detection of fractures, which is the ultimate application of our work. To address these deficiencies a surface-based technique with appropriate constraints is introduced. The output of the segmentation phase is a triangulated surface representing the bone or bones of interest. We illustrate the method applied to low resolution CT test data and discuss its robustness and performance

    Orbital angular momentum exchange in an optical parametric oscillator

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    We present a study of orbital angular momentum transfer from pump to down-converted beams in a type-II Optical Parametric Oscillator. Cavity and anisotropy effects are investigated and demostrated to play a central role in the transverse mode dynamics. While the idler beam can oscillate in a Laguerre-Gauss mode, the crystal birefringence induces an astigmatic effect in the signal beam that prevents the resonance of such mode.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, regular articl

    Transients in Power Systems

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    Power system engineering largely focuses on steady state analysis. The main areas of power system engineering are power flow studies and fault studies - both steady state technologies. But the world is largely transient, and power systems are always subject to time varying and short lived signals. This technical report concerns several important topics in transient analyses of power systems. The leading chapter deals with a new analytical tool-wavelets-for power system transients. Flicker and electric are furnace transients are discussed in Chapters I1 and IV. Chapter 111 deals with transients from shunt capacitor switching. The concluding chapters deal with transformer inrush current and non simultaneous pole closures of circuit breakers. This report was prepared by the students in EE532 at Purdue University. When I first came to Purdue in 1965, Professor El-Abiad was asking for student term projects which were turned into technical reports. I have \u27borrowed\u27 this idea and for many years we have produced technical reports from the power systems courses. The students get practice in writing reports, and the reader is able to get an idea of the coverage of our courses. I think that the students have done a good job on the subject of transients in power systems

    Hvem etablerer eget foretak? Om etablerere og etableringer i Norge

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    Dette notatet presenterer deskriptiv statistikk om etablerere og etableringer i Norge.Videre gjengir vi noen resultater fra sammenlignende internasjonale studier fra OECD og SSB-analyser av jobbstrømmer. Notatet trekker fram flere aspekter ved etableringspraksis i Norge. Jobbskapingen de senere årene har vært størst i tjenestenæringene. Det er klare kjønnsforskjeller i entreprenørskap, både når man ser på andel etablerere og andel av etablererne som velger organisasjonsformen AS. Kvinner er underrepresenterte langs begge dimensjoner, men det er en tendens til at forskjellene mellom kvinner og menn avtar noe over tid. Når det gjelder aleneboende er det ingen forskjell mellom etablerere og andre i andelen som har barn. For par er det noe større andel med barn blant etablerere enn andre. Nedsettelse av kravet til minste aksjekapital for aksjeselskaper i 2011/2012 medførte en kraftig økning i antall etablerere. Det har vært noe overgang fra ansvarlige selskapsformer til AS, men likevel en klar nettoøkning av antall etablerere. Effekten var sterkest for kvinner og yngre etablerere. Blant dem som benyttet seg av anledningen til å starte AS med lav aksjekapital kan man videre observere noe lavere inntekt og formue enn de som starter med større aksjekapital. Til sammen indikerer dette at rasjonering i tilgang på kapital kan være en faktor som begrenser nye bedriftsetableringer. Forfatterne takker Håkon Frøysa Skullerud for hjelp med programmering og Marina Rybalka for kommentarer.Næring- og fiskeridepartementet (NFD)publishedVersio

    Hermite Coherent States for Quadratic Refractive Index Optical Media

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    Producción CientíficaLadder and shift operators are determined for the set of Hermite–Gaussian modes associated with an optical medium with quadratic refractive index profile. These operators allow to establish irreducible representations of the su(1, 1) and su(2) algebras. Glauber coherent states, as well as su(1, 1) and su(2) generalized coherent states, were constructed as solutions of differential equations admitting separation of variables. The dynamics of these coherent states along the optical axis is also evaluated.MINECO grant MTM2014-57129-C2-1-P and Junta de Castilla y Leon grant VA057U16