260 research outputs found

    Why are undergraduate emerging adults anxious and avoidant in their romantic relationships? The role of family relationships

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    The exploration of and search for romantic relationships is one of the developmental tasks that characterise emerging adulthood, a new developmental phase halfway between adolescence and full adulthood. This study aims to explore, in a Mediterranean country, the existing relationships between the subjective perception of some parental behaviour and the anxiety and avoidance dimensions of attachment during emerging adulthood. To do so, 1,502 university students (903 women and 599 men) aged between 18 and 29 (M = 20.32 and SD = 2.13) completed a self-report questionnaire. The results revealed that perceived family support and perceived parental warmth were negatively associated with the avoidance and anxiety dimensions. In contrast, perceived parental control (both behavioural and psychological) was found to be positively associated with both attachment dimensions. Perceived behavioural control was also found to play a moderator role between perceived parental warmth and romantic attachment anxiety. Only in cases in which emerging adults of our sample perceived low levels of behavioural control was warmth found to be negatively associated with anxiety. The main conclusion of this work is the negative impact that parental control seems to have on romantic attachment during emerging adulthood. The results are discussed with a focus on the continuing importance of the family context in relation to the completion of developmental tasks, even during emerging adulthood.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad EDU2013-45687-RMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-097405-B-I0

    Perceived parenting styles and adjustment during emerging adulthood: a cross-national perspective

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    The aim of the present study is to determine whether the influence of parenting style on children’s wellbeing is sustained during emerging adulthood. This is a stage in which young people, despite feeling themselves to be adults, often remain in the family home and continue to be financially dependent on their parents. Moreover, since parents’ beliefs, attitudes and behaviors are constructed and interpreted within their cultural milieu, the study also aims to explore the situation in Spain (SP) and Portugal (PT). Those two Southern Europe countries are representative of what is known as the “family welfare regime”, in which the family acts as the main provider of care and security not only during childhood, but also during emerging adulthood. Thus, the present study examines, from a cross-cultural perspective, the relationship between perceived parenting styles and psychological adjustment among a sample of 1047 emerging adults from Spain and Portugal. The results reveal that the most beneficial styles during this stage are the authoritative and permissive ones, with the authoritarian style being more closely related to psychological distress. The study highlights intercultural similarities and the positive role played by more symmetrical relationships in the adjustment of emerging adults in both countries.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad EDU2013-45687-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad RTI2018-097405-B-I0

    Transformación didáctica: desde las ciencias veterinarias hasta la enseñanza en educación secundaria

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    El presente trabajo fin de máster incluye una propuesta didáctica titulada "De la realidad virtual a la realidad real". Dada la evidente dificultad de los alumnos de Educación Secundaria para la comprensión de sistemas complejos, especialmente dentro del ámbito de la Biología y, concretamente, en la comprensión del organismo vivo, es especialmente relevante el diseño de actividades que mejoren la comprensión por parte de los alumnos del funcionamiento del organismo. En esta propuesta, se incluye como contenido el estudio del corazón y los pulmones desde el punto de vista tanto anatómico como fisiológico. Para ello, se utilizan recursos como los modelos anatómicos virtuales, esenciales para conocer la posición anatómica y comprender la interacción con otros órganos del cuerpo. A continuación, se trabaja con órganos reales, realizando disecciones que permiten observar macroscópicamente sus estructuras. Por último, se trabaja la estructura y función microscópicas, a partir de preparaciones histológicas. La evaluación de la propuesta se realiza a partir de un informe de laboratorio que incluye la realización de esquemas y un formulario electrónico. En la memoria se detallan tanto las dificultades encontradas en su aplicación como las propuestas de mejora

    Flourishing and social relationships during emerging adulthood in Spain

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    Archivo descargado de web de Inmaculada Sánchez-Queija http://personal.us.es/queija/index.php?page=actas-y-congresosPsychosocial flourishing is a recent conceptualization of social and psychological well being. Flourishing is a combination of feeling good and working effectively. The person who “flourishes” notices that her/his life is going well, works productively, contribute to the community, is healthier, has a longer life expectancy, and has better social relationships. Social relationships, and particularly perceived friends and family support, as well as romantic relationships, play an important role as predictor of positive development in emerging adulthood. In this way, these social relationships contribute to wellbeing and flourishing in this stage of development. Emerging Adulthood is a period of instability and exploration in which young people will probably have more distanced relationships with their parents than in previous years, and couples will burst into important figures for development. For this reason, it´s necessary to study the influence of family, peer and romantic relationships over the young people positive development. The main goal of this paper is to know if social relationships among emerging adults, in particular, the perceived social support from parents and friends and the quality of romantic relationship, have an effect on the psychological flourishing of a sample of Spanish emerging adults. Method The sample was composed by 278 young adults (197 female), aged range 18 to 29 years. They completed a self-administered questionnaire which included flourishing (Flourishing scale; Diener et al., 2010), family and peer support (Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support; Zimet et al., 1988) and romantic relationship (Experience of Close Relationship; ECRR, short; Wei et al., 2007). Results Results showed that flourishing of young adults is positively related to the perceived social support of family and friends, and negatively related to the anxiety in romantic relationships. Flourishing was related to sex: women reached higher levels of flourishing than men. Nevertheless, the regression equations revealed that, once included family support, anxiety in romantic relationships and friends support, sex ceased being influential. Thus we may conclude that during emerging adulthood flourishing is closely linked to the social network, in particular, to the family, romantic and friends relationships, in that order. Discussion These first results point out the significance of social relationships for flourishing in emerging adulthood. It is especially important the family role. Family influence remains essential for these years, contributing to flourishing more than peer support and romantic relationships. However, more research with larger samples is necessary to explain the factors determining flourishing during the emerging adulthood in diverse cultural contexts.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España EDU2013-45687-

    Are Passages Enough? The MIRACLE Team Participation at QA@CLEF2009

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    Preceedins of: 10th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2009.Took place September 30 - October 2, 2009,in Corfu, Greece. The event Web site is http://www.clef-campaign.org/2009.htmlThis paper summarizes the participation of the MIRACLE team in the Multilingual Question Answering Track at CLEF 2009. In this campaign, we took part in the monolingual Spanish task at ResPubliQA and submitted two runs. We have adapted our QA system to the new JRC-Acquis collection and the legal domain. We tested the use of answer filtering and ranking techniques against a baseline system using passage retrieval with no success. The run using question analysis and passage retrieval obtained a global accuracy of 0.33, while the addition of an answer filtering resulted in 0.29. We provide an analy-sis of the results for different questions types to investigate why it is difficult to leverage previous QA techniques. Another task of our work has been the appli-cation of temporal management to QA. Finally we include some discussion of the problems found with the new collection and the complexities of the domain.This work has been partially supported by the Research Network MAVIR (S-0505/TIC/000267) and by the project BRAVO (TIN2007- 67407-C3-01).Publicad

    El papel mediador de la fuerza del compromiso entre los estilos de procesamiento de la identidad y el bienestar de jóvenes adultos emergentes

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    Background: Identity styles seek to know how people handle themselves daily in situations looking for an identity commitment. This article aims to find out whether identity styles vary according to age and sex, and to analyze the relation between these identity styles and the strength of commitment with variables of well-being and psychological distress. In addition, it investigates whether commitment mediates between identity styles, well-being and psychological distress. Method: 278 participants (M = 22.03; DT = 2.65), recruited through a non-probabilistic snowball sampling, completed the questionnaires. Results: Women scored higher in strength of commitment and men adopted a more diffusive-avoidant style. Age did not relate to identity style. The informational style correlated positively with well-being variables (flourishing and optimism); the normative style with depression and anxiety and the diffuse-avoidant style correlated positively with psychological distress (depression, anxiety and stress) and negatively with well-being. Finally, the greater the strength of commitment found, the more flourishing and optimism and the less psychological distress there was. The strength of commitment partially or totally mediated the relationship between identity styles and the variables of well-being / psychological distress. Conclusions: The importance of the strength of commitment in personal well-being and the necessity to favour the development of young people´s identity is observed / deduced.Antecedentes: Los estilos de identidad buscan conocer cómo las personas se manejan diariamente en las situaciones buscando un compromiso identitario. En este trabajo se propone conocer si los estilos de identidad varían según la edad y el sexo, y analizar la relación entre estos y la fuerza del compromiso con variables de bienestar y malestar psicológico. Método: 278 participantes (M = 22.03; DT = 2.65) reclutados a través de un muestreo no probabilístico por bola de nieve cumplimentaron los cuestionarios. Resultados: Las mujeres puntuaron más alto en fuerza del compromiso y ellos adoptaron más un estilo difuso-evitativo. El estilo informacional correlacionó positivamente con las variables de bienestar (optimismo y florecimiento); el estilo normativo con depresión y ansiedad y el estilo difuso-evitativo correlacionó positivamente con las variables de malestar (depresión, ansiedad y estrés) y negativamente con las de bienestar. Finalmente, a mayor fuerza del compromiso más bienestar y menos malestar. La fuerza del compromiso media parcial o totalmente la relación entre estilos identitarios y las variables de bienestar/malestar. Conclusiones: Se deduce la importancia de la fuerza del compromiso en el bienestar personal y la necesidad de favorecer el desarrollo de la identidad de nuestros jóvenes

    Conciencia cívica y participación social durante la adultez emergente desde una perspectiva de género. El papel del florecimiento, el malestar psicológico y el apoyo social.

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    La adultez emergente es una etapa del ciclo vital que transcurre entre el final de la adolescencia y los años intermedios o finales de la tercera década de la vida (Arnett, 2000). Durante esta etapa, los y las jóvenes han jugado, tradicionalmente, un papel importante como agentes para el cambio social, principalmente durante su paso por la universidad. Factores individuales, como el género, han demostrado tener relación con la participación social, encontrándose niveles más altos de participación en los chicos en ámbitos públicos o políticos y en las chicas en ámbitos denominados de participación altruista (voluntariado o ayuda a la comunidad, por ejemplo). Sin embargo, más allá del género, existen otros factores individuales también relevantes para comprender la participación social y que han sido mucho menos estudiados. Factores como el florecimiento, el malestar o el apoyo social percibido pueden influir en los niveles de participación y conciencia cívica en la etapa de la adultez emergente. El objetivo de este trabajo es: (1) Conocer si existen diferencias de género en los niveles de participación social y conciencia cívica. (2) Explorar la relación del florecimiento, malestar psicológico (depresión, ansiedad y estrés) y el apoyo social (de las amistades, familiar y de la pareja) con la participación social y la conciencia cívica, así como analizar si esa relación es similar o no en chicos y chicas. Método: La muestra está compuesta por 1037 estudiantes de la Universidad de Sevilla (60.1% de chicas) de entre 18 y 29 años (media de edad=21.39) que participaron en el proyecto TAE (“Transición a la Adultez Emergente”). Se realizaron análisis de correlaciones, ANOVAs y modelos líneales generales univariados. Resultados: Las chicas obtuvieron niveles más altos de participación social y conciencia cívica que los chicos. La participación social se relacionó en positivo con florecimiento, ansiedad, estrés y apoyo de las amistades. Por su parte, la conciencia cívica se relacionó con florecimiento y los tres tipos de apoyo (amistades, familia y pareja), también en positivo. Además, ambas dimensiones, participación y conciencia cívica, se relacionaron en negativo con el nivel de ingresos familiares. El florecimiento contribuyó significativamente a explicar el grado de participación social y conciencia cívica únicamente en el caso de los chicos. Discusión: En la actualidad, parece que las chicas muestran más conciencia cívica que los chicos y han conseguido romper la brecha de género en cuanto a la participación social, implicándose activamente para conseguir cambios sociales en su comunidad en mayor medida que sus compañeros varones. En línea con otros resultados previos, aquellas personas (chicos y chicas) que reciben apoyo social de su entorno son más proclives a desarrollar conciencia cívica y a participar para conseguir cambios sociales. Se discute especialmente el rol diferencial del florecimiento y el malestar psicológico en la participación social y niveles de concienciación para unos y otras

    Ejercicios resueltos de investigación operativa : exámenes propuestos en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

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    La asignatura Investigación Operativa es una asignatura cuatrimestral dedicada fundamentalmente a la introducción de los modelos deterministas más elementales dentro de la investigación de operaciones. Esta asignatura se ha impartido en los últimos años en el tercer curso de la Licenciatura de Administración y Dirección de Empresas (L.A.D.E.) en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la UPV/EHU. Esta publicación recoge los problemas resueltos propuestos en los exámenes de las distintas convocatorias entre los años 2005 y 2010. El temario oficial de la asignatura desglosado por temas es el siguiente: 1. Programación lineal entera: 1.1 Formulación de problemas de Programación Lineal Entera. 1.2 Método de ramificación y acotación (Branch and Bound). 1.3 Otros métodos de resolución. 2. Programación multiobjetivo y por metas: 2.1 Introducción a la Programación Multiobjetivo. 2.2 Programación por metas. 2.3 Programación por prioridades. 3. Modelos en redes: 3.1 Conceptos básicos. 3.2 Problema del árbol de expansión minimal. 3.3 Problema del camino más corto. 3.4 Problema del camino más largo. 3.5 Problema del flujo máximo. 3.6 Problema de asignación. 3.7 Planificación de Proyectos: Métodos C.P.M. y P.E.R.T

    Ivabradine Induces Cardiac Protection against Myocardial Infarction by Preventing Cyclophilin-A Secretion in Pigs under Coronary Ischemia/Reperfusion.

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    In response to cardiac ischemia/reperfusion, proteolysis mediated by extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) and its secreted ligand cyclophilin-A (CyPA) significantly contributes to cardiac injury and necrosis. Here, we aimed to investigate if, in addition to the effect on the funny current (I(f)), Ivabradine may also play a role against cardiac necrosis by reducing EMMPRIN/CyPA-mediated cardiac inflammation. In a porcine model of cardiac ischemia/reperfusion (IR), we found that administration of 0.3 mg/kg Ivabradine significantly improved cardiac function and reduced cardiac necrosis by day 7 after IR, detecting a significant increase in cardiac CyPA in the necrotic compared to the risk areas, which was inversely correlated with the levels of circulating CyPA detected in plasma samples from the same subjects. In testing whether Ivabradine may regulate the levels of CyPA, no changes in tissue CyPA were found in healthy pigs treated with 0.3 mg/kg Ivabradine, but interestingly, when analyzing the complex EMMPRIN/CyPA, rather high glycosylated EMMPRIN, which is required for EMMPRIN-mediated matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activation and increased CyPA bonding to low-glycosylated forms of EMMPRIN were detected by day 7 after IR in pigs treated with Ivabradine. To study the mechanism by which Ivabradine may prevent secretion of CyPA, we first found that Ivabradine was time-dependent in inhibiting co-localization of CyPA with the granule exocytosis marker vesicle-associated membrane protein 1 (VAMP1). However, Ivabradine had no effect on mRNA expression nor in the proteasome and lysosome degradation of CyPA. In conclusion, our results point toward CyPA, its ligand EMMPRIN, and the complex CyPA/EMMPRIN as important targets of Ivabradine in cardiac protection against IR.post-print361 K

    Risk Factors for Relapse in People with Severe Mental Disorders during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicenter Retrospective Study

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    Background: Evidence suggests that different variables associated with the COVID-19 pandemic may increase the risk of relapse in people with Severe Mental Disorders (SMDs). However, no studies have yet looked closely at the different risk factors involved to determine their influence on the worsening of these patients’ illnesses. Objective: To analyze which variables related to the COVID-19 pandemic have increased the risk of relapse in patients with SMDs. Method: A multicenter retrospective cohort study in which data were collected from 270 patients with mental disorders who had been under follow-up in day hospitals during the year 2020. Results: The proportion of full mental health inpatient admissions was significantly higher in those who lost their employment (40.7% vs. 18.1%; p = 0.01), in those who were not receiving psychotherapy interventions (33.9% vs. 16.6%; p = 0.006), and in those who were not receiving occupational therapy (25.7% vs. 13.6%: p = 0.013). Significant associations were detected between urgent mental health consultations, the number of COVID-19 symptoms (B = 0.274; p = 0.02), and the low-income group (1.2424 vs. 0.4583; p = 0.018). Conclusions: COVID-19 symptoms and certain consequences of the pandemic, such as loss of employment, economic hardship, and loss of interventions, have brought about clinical worsening in people with SMDs. Knowledge of these factors is important for health-related decision-making in future outbreaks or pandemics