350 research outputs found

    Propuesta de elaboración de una guía comunicacional para la realización de un evento. Caso de estudio: Gandía, Think Smart

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    Este proyecto se basa en la elaboración de una guía orientativa desde la óptica de la comunicación mediante el uso y promoción de las redes sociales de un evento. En este cometido, se definirán los tres momentos ¿clave¿ que conforman un evento: pre-evento/ durante / post-evento, explicando detalladamente en qué consiste cada una de estas etapas, así como las distintas actividades a desarrollar para su óptima consecución. La finalidad de este trabajo, es la elaboración de una guía de pautas básicas, para todos aquellos estudiantes y profesionales que tengan que atender desde la vertiente de la comunicación cualquier evento.This project is based on the development of an orientate guide from the point of view if of communication through use and promotion of event social networks. In this essay, a definition of the three keys moments of an event will be given: pre-event, during and post- after, giving a detailed explanation on what each part consists of, as well as various activities to develop to their optimum achievement. The aim of this dissertation is to make it a useful guide for all students and professionals in need of using from communication in social networks in order to guarantee the success of any event.Franco Ripoll, M. (2016). Propuesta de elaboración de una guía comunicacional para la realización de un evento. Caso de estudio: Gandía, Think Smart. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/68742TFG

    Temperature-independent quantum logic for molecular spectroscopy

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    We propose a fast and non-destructive spectroscopic method for single molecular ions that implements quantum logic schemes between an atomic ion and the molecular ion of interest. Our proposal relies on a hybrid coherent manipulation of the two-ion system, using optical or magnetic forces depending on the types of molecular levels to be addressed (Zeeman, rotational, vibrational or electronic degrees of freedom). The method is especially suited for the non-destructive precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions, and sets a starting point for new hybrid quantum computation schemes that combine molecular and atomic ions, covering the measurement and entangling steps.Comment: v3. Substantially enlarged manuscript with details of derivations and calculations in two appendices. To appear in PR

    Neuroleadership: a new way for happiness management

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    In a post-pandemic era, managers and leaders have a role to enable the changes needed to make workplaces happier and more productive. This paper aims to analyse the role of neuroleadership in the application of happiness management. Two research questions are proposed: what do we know about neuroleadership? and what role can neuroleadership play in happiness management? A mixed methodology is applied. A bibliometric technique is used to identify the main topics studied in neuroleadership. An in-depth analysis and logical reasoning are applied to propose a neuroleadership research roadmap and to present some research pathways for neuroleadership for happiness management. A neuroleadership research roadmap is proposed, considering the approaches, practices/actions, and purposes. It is observed that the consideration of the management of emotions and cognitive processes in the work environment is attracting interest to develop a leadership focused on making better workplaces. A new line of action focused on the management of happiness is emerging. In addition, neuroleadership is presented as a new way of understanding management. Their combined application can mark a before and after in business management, and for that, a proposal of future research lines and questions is developed. This paper presents four future research pathways-perspectives, reasons, adoption and implementation, and results-for studying neuroleadership for happiness management.14 página

    Exportación de puertas de aluminio de España a Venezuela: Gexpoalum, S.L.

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    Desarrollo de un proyecto de fin de Master de Comercio exterior sobre Exportación de puertas de aluminio de España a Venezuela. Se buscó un producto duradero y tecnológicamente desarrollado,a fin que sus características físicas permitiese cubrir de una forma adecuada las demandas existentes en el mercado internacional, bajo una rentabilidad aceptable y la factibilidad de una posible expansión a mediano plazo en la cuota de mercado. «Puertas de aluminio tipo sándwich». Este producto, que mantiene un alto nivel de competitividad en la UE y bajo coste por la tecnología empleada en su fabricación en España, se plantea explorar el nicho de negocio y la posible demanda existente en Sudamérica, en especial Venezuela, donde los últimos años ha aumentado considerablemente la expansión en el sector de la construcción en las zonas costeras.Los autores constituyeron la Empresa GEXPOALUM SL., la cual realizó los Estudios, linimientos estratégicos, trámites legales administrativos y de coordinación, así como de negocio para lograr conseguir el proveedor más adecuado, que nos ofrecerá el mejor precio con objeto de obtener una adecuada rentabilidad

    Genetic, parental and lifestyle factors influence telomere length

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    The average length of telomere repeats (TL) declines with age and is considered to be a marker of biological ageing. Here, we measured TL in six blood cell types from 1046 individuals using the clinically validated Flow-FISH method. We identified remarkable cell-type-specific variations in TL. Host genetics, environmental, parental and intrinsic factors such as sex, parental age, and smoking are associated to variations in TL. By analysing the genome-wide methylation patterns, we identified that the association of maternal, but not paternal, age to TL is mediated by epigenetics. Single-cell RNA-sequencing data for 62 participants revealed differential gene expression in T-cells. Genes negatively associated with TL were enriched for pathways related to translation and nonsense-mediated decay. Altogether, this study addresses cell-type-specific differences in telomere biology and its relation to cell-type-specific gene expression and highlights how perinatal factors play a role in determining TL, on top of genetics and lifestyle.We thank J. Dekens for management, A. Maatman and M. Platteel for technical support and K. Mc Intyre for English editing. This project was funded by the BBMRI grant for measuring telomere length and by a Rosalind Franklin Fellowship to A.Z. The researchers participated in this project are supported by Netherlands Heart Foundation (IN-CONTROL CVON grants 2012-03 and 2018-27); the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Gravitation Netherlands Organ-on-Chip Initiative to J.F. and C.W.; NWO Gravitation Exposome-NL (024.004.017) to J.F., A.K. and A.Z.; NWO-VIDI (864.13.013) and NWO-VICI (VI.C.202.022) to J.F.; NWO-VIDI (016.178.056) to A.Z.; NWO-VIDI (917.14.374) to L.F.; NWO-VENI (194.006) to D.V.Z.; NWO-VENI (192.029) to M.W.; NWO Spinoza Prize SPI 92–266 to C.W.; the European Research Council (ERC) (FP7/2007–2013/ERC Advanced Grant 2012-322698) to C.W.; ERC Starting grant 637640 to L.F.; ERC Starting Grant 715772 to A.Z.; ERC Consolidator Grant (grant agreement No. 101001678) to J.F.; and RuG Investment Agenda Grant Personalized Health to C.W. MM work is supported by RYC- 2017-22249 and PID2019-107937GA-I00 grants. T.S. holds scholarships from the Junior Scientific Masterclass, University of Groningen[grant no. 17–34]. AR is funded by a Formación Personal Investigador (FPI) grant [grant no. PRE2019-090193]. The Lifelines Biobank initiative has been made possible by a subsidy from the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport; the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs; the University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG, the Netherlands); the University of Groningen and the Northern Provinces of the Netherlands. The authors wish to acknowledge the services of the Lifelines Cohort Study, the contributing research centres delivering data to Lifelines and all the study participants. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the Genomics Coordination Centre (GCC) at the University Medical College Groningen for the HPC support and the MOLGENIS team for the cloud storage of the data associated with this work.Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 16 autors/es: Sergio Andreu-Sánchez, Geraldine Aubert, Aida Ripoll-Cladellas, Sandra Henkelman, Daria V. Zhernakova, Trishla Sinha, Alexander Kurilshikov, Maria Carmen Cenit, Marc Jan Bonder, Lude Franke, Cisca Wijmenga, Jingyuan Fu, Monique G. P. van der Wijst, Marta Melé, Peter Lansdorp & Alexandra Zhernakova"Postprint (published version

    Coaching leaders toward favorable trajectories of burnout and engagement

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    Existing literature on executive coaching has shown beneficial outcomes for leaders. Indeed, executive coaching can positively affect an individual’s psychological well-being and quality of work life. However, while burnout among leaders is on the rise, to our knowledge no prior study has investigated the influence of executive coaching on the dimensions of burnout and engagement concurrently. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to examine if an executive coaching intervention has positive effects on managerial burnout and engagement. We implemented a ten-week coaching intervention for leaders, where questionnaire data were collected at two time points. Participants (N = 92; Mage = 42; 64% male) were randomly assigned to an intervention or a wait-list control group. Self-reported levels of engagement and burnout were collected at the start of the study protocol (T1) and at the end (T2). Coaching sessions for the intervention group were one hour once per week. The control group did not receive coaching. Repeated measures ANOVAs examined the extent to which the intervention influences the leader’s engagement and burnout. Analyses revealed that all three dimensions of burnout significantly decreased for the intervention group over time while vigor increased. Findings did not reveal an increase in dedication and absorption. Consistent with prior literature, this study supports that executive coaching can improve a leader’s well-being. Specifically, this study shows that an executive coaching intervention can decrease burnout symptoms and increase vigor in leaders. Adding a follow-up survey to the design would allow for further exploration of the intervention on engagement

    Medium- and long-term health effects of earthquakes in high-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate monitoring of population health is essential to ensure proper recovery after earthquakes. We aimed to summarize the findings and features of post-earthquake epidemiological studies conducted in high-income countries and to prompt the development of future surveillance plans. METHODS: Medline, Scopus and six sources of grey literature were systematically searched. Inclusion criteria were: observational study conducted in high-income countries with at least one comparison group of unexposed participants, and measurement of health outcomes at least 1 month after the earthquake. RESULTS: A total of 52 articles were included, assessing the effects of 13 earthquakes that occurred in eight countries. Most studies: had a time-series (33%) or cross-sectional (29%) design; included temporal comparison groups (63%); used routine data (58%); and focused on patient subgroups rather than the whole population (65%). Individuals exposed to earthquakes had: 2% higher all-cause mortality rates [95% confidence interval (CI), 1% to 3%]; 36% (95% CI, 19% to 57%) and 37% (95% CI, 29% to 46%) greater mortality rates from myocardial infarction and stroke, respectively; and 0.16 higher mean percent points of glycated haemoglobin (95% CI, 0.07% to 0.25% points). There was no evidence of earthquake effects for blood pressure, body mass index or lipid biomarkers. CONCLUSIONS: A more regular and coordinated use of large and routinely collected datasets would benefit post-earthquake epidemiological surveillance. Whenever possible, a cohort design with geographical and temporal comparison groups should be used, and both communicable and non-communicable diseases should be assessed. Post-earthquake epidemiological surveillance should also capture the impact of seismic events on the access to and use of health care services


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    RESEÑA 1 de : Saez Fernández, Pedro. Agricultura romana de la Bélica. I, Monografías del Departamento de Historia Antigua de la Universidad de Sevilla. Sevilla : 1987. RESEÑA 2 de : Teja, Ramón. El cristianismo primitivo en la sociedad romana. Colección «La Historia en sus textos». Madrid :Ed. Istmo, 1990. RESEÑA 3 de : Rodríguez Neila, Juan Francisco. Historia de Córdoba, I, Del amanecer prehistórico al ocaso visigodo. Córdoba : Publicaciones del Monte de Piedad y Caja de Ahorros de Córdoba, 1988. RESEÑA 4 de : B. Johnson, Sally. The Cobra Goddess of Ancient Egypt. Predynastic, Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Periods. Londres : Kegan Paul International, 1990. RESEÑA 5 de : del Castillo Álvarez, A.. Ejército y Sociedad. Cinco estudios sobre el mundo antiguo. León :Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de León, 1986

    Utilización de sistemas de cebo basados en ensilados y forrajes unifeed como alternativa al sistema de cebo a pienso; efecto en los parámetro productivos y en la calidad de la carne

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    CONCLUSIONES 1. Las dietas de unifeed con forrajes han resultado más baratas que las del sistema basado en pienso y paja, con una reducción del coste por kilo de ganancia de peso vivo, o por kilo de canal aproximadamente del 25%. 2. Las canales y las carnes de los animales cebados con dietas forrajeras tendieron a presentar menor porcentaje de grasa. 3. Se apreció que la grasa subcutánea de las dietas de silo de maíz o de pradera fue más amarillenta, en especial cuando los animales eran pasteros, mientras que los animales no pasteros y cebados con pienso presentaron una grasa subcutánea blanca. 4. La composición de la grasa intramuscular, que es el veteado de la carne, varió según dietas de cebo. Las dietas unifeed de ensilado de maíz y los animales pasteros depositaron menos ácidos grasos saturados, más ácidos grasos poliinsaturados, con mejor (menor) relación omega-6/omega-3 y con más ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA). 5. En general, no se apreciaron defectos de color en la carne envasadas en bandejas cubiertas por film permeable al oxígeno ni tampoco en las envasadas en atmósferas modificadas (70% O2, 20% CO2 y 10% N2). Hallándose menores variaciones debidas al tipo de dieta de cebo, que a las debidas a sexo, raza, individuo etc. 6. La dureza instrumental de la carne no se modificó por efecto de la dieta de cebo, aunque se apreció que es necesaria una maduración superior a 7 días en muchas de las carnes. La implicación comercial que tiene este trabajo es la utilización de dietas unifeed con forrajes y especialmente silo de maíz, que tienen un menor coste de producción. Se puede producir una carne más acorde con las recomendaciones de la EFSA desde el punto de vista de las enfermedades cardiovasculares de los consumidores. La mayor insaturación de las grasa no ha implicado una reducción de la vida útil de la carne fileteada en bandejas con atmósferas protegidas o al corte. La coloración de la carne ha sido normal y la coloración de la grasa subcutánea algo más amarillenta sirve para su trazabilidad como carne natural de animales jóvenes cebados con forrajes ricos en antioxidantes vegetales naturales