731 research outputs found

    Rethinking the stylistic categories of Portuguese 19th Century Sculpture: The Work of António Teixeira Lopes

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    El artículo reflexiona sobre las categorías estilísticas de la escultura portuguesa del siglo XIX a partir del análisis de la obra de António Teixeira Lopes, considerado el principal representante del naturalismo escultórico de este país. En primer lugar, se aborda el concepto de naturalismo en la historia del arte portuguesa, ofreciendo una visión crítica sobre su separación en relación con el Romanticismo, a diferencia de la teoría dominante en la historiografía especializada sobre este tema. Al mismo tiempo, demostraremos la dificultad que entraña la aplicación de los conceptos de análisis de la pintura a la escultura cuando se analiza una obra de arte concreta. En segundo lugar, con el contexto artístico portugués como telón de fondo, se estudia la carrera académica y profesional de Teixeira Lopes. Finalmente, a partir del análisis de la obra del escultor y del conocimiento de sus métodos y puntos de vista sobre el arte, se cuestiona el etiquetado de Lopes como naturalista y se defiende la necesidad de una comprensión menos compartimentada del arte del siglo XIX


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    A presente crónica busca refletir sobre como uma má alimentação afeta a saúde, a vida e os planos dos adolescentes cabo-verdianos.  Mesmo passando pelos bancos escolares,  não há  intenção de nenhum órgão governamental de educá-los para uma alimentação saudável.  Mas o fator que pesa e muito na hora de escolher o que comer é o poder económico das famílias

    Bioemulsifier produced by Yarrowia lipolytica using residual glycerol as a carbon source

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    Bioemulsifier is bioactive molecules produced by different microorganisms with reducing power and surface and interfacial tension. Among the microorganisms producing this molecule is yeast, which can produce different bioemulsifiers in different substrates. Undoubtedly, this biomolecule has excellent potential for industrial applications, but high production costs are the biggest problem in production. Aiming at cost reduction the present study using crude residual glycerol for biosurfactant production by Yarrowia lipolytica. Then isolates were grown in residual glycerol compound medium, rotating 200 rpm at 28ºC for 48 hours. Bioemulsifier production was observed by analysis of dry biomass, pH, surface tension and emulsification index. The results indicated that the emulsion produced from biosurfactant using glycerol as a carbon source by Y. lipolytica has the potential for bioemulsifier production. All isolates obtained similar results for all analyzes, indicating that this species has a linear production among the isolates. Biomass reached 10.08 ± 0.62 g.L-1, there was a sharp drop in pH reaching 4.6, surface tension averaged 41.7 mN.m-1 and emulsification index reached 56%. The isolates tested show potential for bioemulsifier production using glycerol as an unconventional carbon source

    Uso de meta-topolina, una citoquinina no convencional en la multiplicación in vitro de Opuntia stricta Haw.

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    The erect prickly pear (Opuntia stricta Haw) is an important alternative used to feed ruminants during prolonged periods of drought. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of different types and concentrations of cytokinins on the morphophysiological aspects of in vitro multiplication of O. stricta. Segments of O. stricta were grown in liquid and semisolid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2.22 or 1.11 µM l-1 of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 1.11 µMl-1 meta-Topolin (mT). The experiment was conducted in a growth room at 25±2 °C over a period of 45 days. It were evaluated multiplication rate, shoot formation index, rooting and callus formation, fresh biomass, height, activity of antioxidant enzymes, and content of hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde. The experiment was carry out in a completely randomized design with six treatments and twelve replicates. The results showed that the consistency of the medium had influence on the shoots development and roots emission. The increase in BAP concentrations resulted in a reduction in the length and fresh biomass of the shoots and in the root system. The enzymatic activity and oxidative stress were inducted with the use of 6-benzylaminopurine. The micropropagation of O. stricta was improved with the use of mT, verified through shoot with better morphophysiological quality for acclimatization, with longer shoot length, rooting and reduction in the occurrence of hyperhydricity, a morphophysiological disorder that leads to large losses in micropropagation of this specie. Keywords: antioxidant enzyme, hyperhydricity, in vitro stress, morphophysiological anomalies El nopal erecto (Opuntia stricta Haw) es una alternativa importante que se utiliza para alimentar a los rumiantes durante períodos prolongados de sequía. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de diferentes tipos y concentraciones de citoquininas en los aspectos morfofisiológicos de la multiplicación in vitro de O. stricta. Se cultivaron segmentos de O. stricta en medio de cultivo líquido y semisólido de Murashige y Skoog (MS) con 2.22 o 1.11 µM l-1 de 6-bencilaminopurina (BAP) y 1.11 µM l-1 de meta-Topolina (mT). El experimento se realizó en una sala de crecimiento a 25 ± 2 °C durante un período de 45 días. Se evaluaron la tasa de multiplicación, el índice de formación de brotes, la formación de raíces y callos, la biomasa fresca, la altura, la actividad de las enzimas antioxidantes y el contenido de peróxido de hidrógeno y malondialdehído. El experimento se realizó con un diseño completamente al azar con seis tratamientos y doce repeticiones. Los resultados mostraron que la consistencia del medio de cultivo influyó en el desarrollo de brotes y en la emisión de raíces. El aumento en las concentraciones de BAP resultó en una reducción en la longitud y la biomasa fresca de los brotes y en el sistema radicular. La actividad enzimática y el estrés oxidativo se indujeron con el uso de 6-bencilaminopurina. La micropropagación de O. stricta se mejoró con el uso de mT, verificado a través de brotes con mejor calidad morfofisiológica para la aclimatización con mayor longitud de brotes, enraizamiento y reducción en la aparición de hiperhidricidad, un trastorno morfofisiológico que conduce a grandes pérdidas de micropropagación de esta especie. Palabras clave: anomalías morfofisiológicas, enzima antioxidante, estrés in vitro, hiperhidricida

    Determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations of several plants extracts against different bacterial pathogens

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    In the context of COVID 19 the use of face masks has been recommended as a preventive measure against the spread of SARS CoV 2 1 Despite their health benefits, usage of single use masks represents a threat to the environment as they are manufactured fromlong lasting plastic materials Reusable fabric masks are an alternative to reduce the risk of pollution and the amount of plastic wastage 2. The application of antimicrobial agents in the tissues used to produce masks would be an additional hurdle on the preventionof other respiratory infections and secondary bacterial infections that occur from touching contaminated masks In this context, impregnation of the fabrics with plant extracts is an attractive approach since they are potentially safe and free of adverse side effectsand powerful antimicrobials. The objective of this work was to study several plant extracts to select the most efficient against pathogenic microorganisms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of minimum inhibitory concentrations of plants extracts against several bacterial pathogens

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    In the context of COVID-19, the use of face masks has been recommended as a preventive measure against the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Despite their health benefits, usage of single-use masks represents a threat to the environment as they are manufactured from long-lasting plastic materials. Reusable fabric masks are an alternative to reduce the risk of pollution and the amount of plastic wastage. The application of antimicrobial agents in the tissues used to produce masks would be an additional hurdle on the prevention of other respiratory infections and secondary bacterial infections that occur from touching contaminated masks. In this context, impregnation of the fabrics with plant extracts is an atractive approach since they are potentially safe and free of adverse side effects and powerful antimicrobials. The objective of this work was to study twelve plant extracts to select the most efficient against pathogenic microorganisms. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of each extract was determined by broth microdilution in 96-wells microtiter plates (tested concentrations between 50.00 and 0.78% V/V) against different pathogenic bacteria. According to the results obtained, it was possible to selecte two plant extracts, both extracted with 1:1 ethanol:water, as the more effective against most of the pathogens tested, with MICs between 50.00 and 1.56%. It is important to highlight that Gram-positive bacteria were eliminated more easily than Gram-negative bacteria. Although being a preliminary work and more tests are needed, the two plant extracts could be good candidates to be impregnated into tissues in order to eliminate pathogens and avoid health problems associated with them.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aspectos do estabelecimento in vitro de handroanthus chrysotrichus (bignoniaceae) para a produção de mudas / Aspects of the in vitro establishment of handroanthus chrysotrichus (bignoniaceae) for the production of seedlings

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    Handroanthus chrysotrichus é uma espécie arbórea utilizada na arborização e que apresenta dificuldades na reprodução sexuada. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar aspectos do estabelecimento in vitro de H. Chrysotrichus em meio alternativo. O experimento foi realizado no Laboratório de Pesquisas Aplicadas à Biofábrica do Centro de Tecnologias Nordeste. Sementes Handroanthus chrysotrichus foram desinfestadas e inoculadas em frascos contendo os diferentes tipos de meio de cultivo: sais do meio MS (Murashige Skoog, 1962) suplementado com sacarose e inositol; fertilizante comercial Kristalon® laranja e meio sem sais (apenas com água destilada). Em seguida os meios foram gelificados com 5,5 g.L-1 de ágar. Os meios de cultura com ausência de sais ou com o fertilizante Kristalon® laranja foram mais efetivos no controle da contaminação in vitro de H. Chrysotrichus. Os meios supracitados influenciaram positivamente o percentual de germinação e de emergência, provavelmente pela redução no potencial osmótico do meio de cultura. As sementes inoculadas no meio contendo Kristalon® laranja apresentaram maior velocidade de germinação e de emergência, além originar plântulas com maior altura. As plântulas cultivadas nos meios com sais MS e Kristalon® apresentaram maior produção de folhas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos neste trabalho, conclui-se que o meio alternativo contendo o fertilizante comercial Kristalon® proporcionou bons resultados, podendo ser indicado para a simplificação do meio de cultivo na fase de estabelecimento in vitro de H. chrysotrichus

    Pineapple quality in a traditional cultivation system in different soil classes

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    Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merril) is considered one of the most important fruits of the tropical and subtropical regions, and the third most-produced in the world due to its high commercial expansion in the world market, in recent years. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the influence of landscape position on pineapple quality. The work was developed at the Providência Farm, located in the municipality of Miracema do Tocantins. The following soil parameters were evaluated: hydraulic conductivity - KS, soil bulk density – DS, and total porosity – TP, as well as the following quality attributes: titratable acidity - TA, length and diameter of infructescences, total fresh mass - TM, fresh mass of infructescences – IM, and soluble solids – SS. The analyses were performed at the Agri-Environmental Laboratory of the Agricultural Sciences Complex of the Federal University of Tocantins. Less massive infructescences developed on more porous soils. The variation in the mass of infructescences is not associated with soil types, but rather with soil porosity. Soils with higher KS tend to increase the chances of producing infructescences with high acidity and high levels of soluble solids. The DS did not result in a significant association with the pineapple quality attributes. The infructescences were not affected by the landscape position. No position in the landscape influenced fruit quality. In general, the infructescences showed low acidity and low levels of soluble solids, with length and diameter of infructescences below the standard of the cultivar ‘Pérola’.Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merril) is considered one of the most important fruits of the tropical and subtropical regions, and the third most-produced in the world due to its high commercial expansion in the world market, in recent years. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the influence of landscape position on pineapple quality. The work was developed at the Providência Farm, located in the municipality of Miracema do Tocantins. The following soil parameters were evaluated: hydraulic conductivity - KS, soil bulk density – DS, and total porosity – TP, as well as the following quality attributes: titratable acidity - TA, length and diameter of infructescences, total fresh mass - TM, fresh mass of infructescences – IM, and soluble solids – SS. The analyses were performed at the Agri-Environmental Laboratory of the Agricultural Sciences Complex of the Federal University of Tocantins. Less massive infructescences developed on more porous soils. The variation in the mass of infructescences is not associated with soil types, but rather with soil porosity. Soils with higher KS tend to increase the chances of producing infructescences with high acidity and high levels of soluble solids. The DS did not result in a significant association with the pineapple quality attributes. The infructescences were not affected by the landscape position. No position in the landscape influenced fruit quality. In general, the infructescences showed low acidity and low levels of soluble solids, with length and diameter of infructescences below the standard of the cultivar ‘Pérola’