2,579 research outputs found

    Optimización de técnicas de medida de dispersión cromática a frecuencias ópticas

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    En los últimos años la fibra óptica se ha convertido en el medio de transmisión principal para los sistemas de comunicación. Su capacidad de manejo de grandes cantidades de datos así como su inmunidad frente al ruido y el aislamiento eléctrico son algunas de las características que hacen que esta tecnología sea ideal para usarse en los sistemas de comunicación. Al objeto de explotar al máximo todo el potencial que ofrece la fibra, nos encontramos con que la dispersión cromática es el mayor limitante de la velocidad y distancia de transmisión de datos. En el departamento TSC se estudian nuevos métodos de caracterización de la dispersión cromática y se dispone de las herramientas de laboratorio necesarias para calcular su impacto. El objetivo principal del proyecto es estudiar las técnicas de medida de dispersión cromática ya existentes para analizar sus limitaciones y proponer así nuevos métodos que optimicen sus prestaciones. En concreto se presentarán tres métodos, el MPSM, el ABCM y el RF Scan. Realizaremos sus estudios teóricos que posteriormente nos permitirán contrastar sus resultados en el laboratorio. Los procesos de medida de la dispersión cromática en el laboratorio son controlados mediante ordenador. Se dispone de un primer prototipo de una interfaz gráfica denominada Fiber Test orientada a guiar al usuario durante el proceso de medida y a realizar los controles de instrumentos necesarios para llevar a cabo las medidas. Se propone como objetivo elaborar una nueva versión de la interfaz que racionalice la distribución de menús y que presente al usuario un entorno más amigable y visual, con nuevas opciones de interés y que permita que la interfaz vaya creciendo de manera modular para ir incorporando los nuevos métodos de medida que se van desarrollando. Hasta el momento la interfaz incorpora únicamente un método de medida. La idea es ampliar y mejorar la interfaz para que nos permita llevar a cabo las medidas correspondientes a los tres métodos mencionados anteriorment

    Inundaciones y cambio climático

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    Las inundaciones de los ríos han sucedido de forma tradicional en numerosos ríos de la Península Ibérica, aportando grandes beneficios en la agricultura y en la disponibilidad de recursos hídricos, pero en la historia más reciente han originado graves daños en personas y bienes haciendo que hoy día predomine una percepción de las inundaciones como “catástrofes”. En el origen del incremento de la frecuencia de las inundaciones hay que mencionar la intensificación del uso del territorio, sellando y compactando los suelos haciendo que aumenten las escorrentías rápidas, y la alteración hidromorfológica de los ríos, concentrando las aguas y favoreciendo la ocurrencia de avenidas y desbordamientos. En el incremento exponencial de las pérdidas que las inundaciones han originado en los últimos años hay que referirse a la intensa ocupación de las riberas de los ríos y sus llanuras de inundación por personas y actividades económicas, con un desarrollo en dichas zonas no compatible con la dinámica fluvial. El cambio climático es considerado un factor de riesgo adicional muy variable según las regiones, y la estimación de sus efectos sobre las inundaciones presenta todavía numerosas incertidumbres. Atendiendo a ello se revisan algunos estudios e informes relacionados con el fenómeno de las inundaciones y su posible relación con el cambio climático, y se propone la restauración de los sistemas fluviales y la restricción de usos en las zonas inundables como estrategias más acertadas para hacer frente a la mencionada problemática de las inundaciones y a la incertidumbre creada con el cambio climático. El análisis de los sucesivos paradigmas históricos planteados por el hombre frente a las inundaciones de los ríos pone en evidencia el interés de cambiar unas estrategias de “defensa” en contra de ellas, tratando de evitar que ocurran, por otras de “convivencia” con las mismas gestionando de la forma más apropiada el riesgo de los daños que pueden generar, atendiendo al espíritu de las Directivas europeas Marco del Agua y de evaluación y gestión del riesgo de la inundación

    Characterization of the GacS/GacA system in the virulence regulation in Pseudomonas savastanoi.

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    The two-component regulatory system GacS/GacA is one of the main mechanisms for global regulation in bacteria. GacS/GacA is a highly conserved system that has been studied in many pathogenic bacteria. However, its characterization has been mainly focused on pathogenic bacteria of herbaceous plants. Despite previous works have reported that GacS/GacA regulates the expression of virulence factors, its role in virulence varies among different species and strains. The aim of this work was the identification of virulence factors regulated by the GacS/GacA system in the model bacterium Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi (Psv), causal agent of olive knot disease. To this end, we generated a gacA deletion mutant in the strain Psv NCPPB 3335, whose transcriptomic profile was further analyzed using a massive RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) strategy. The bioinformatic analysis of RNA-seq data showed that the Psv GacS/GacA system regulates a large number of genes, including some virulence factors already described, such as those related to the type III secretion system, the biosynthesis of phytohormones and the catabolism of aromatic compounds, among others. In addition, small Rsm-type RNAs and regulatory proteins (RsmA) were identified in the regulatory cascade of the GacS/GacA system. Finally, the involvement of some of the virulence factors of Psv NCPP 3335 were further studied through different phenotypic assays, such as plant virulence assays, induction of hypersensitive response, leaf adhesion tests and translocation of type III effectors. Results obtained in this work indicate that GacS/GacA system presents a role in regulation of virulence factors of Psv NCPPB 3335.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Real-time monitoring of PtaHMGB activity in poplar transactivation assays

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    Precise control of gene expression is essential to synchronize plant development with the environment. In perennial plants, transcriptional regulation remains poorly understood, mainly due to the long time required to perform functional studies. Transcriptional reporters based on luciferase have been useful to study circadian and diurnal regulation of gene expression, both by transcription factors and chromatin remodelers. The high mobility group proteins are considered transcriptional chaperones that also modify the chromatin architecture. They have been found in several species, presenting in some cases a circadian expression of their mRNA or protein. Results: Transactivation experiments have been shown as a powerful and fast method to obtain information about the potential role of transcription factors upon a certain reporter. We designed and validated a luciferase transcriptional reporter using the 5? sequence upstream ATG of Populus tremula × alba LHY2 gene. We showed the robustness of this reporter line under long day and continuous light conditions. Moreover, we confirmed that pPtaLHY2::LUC activity reproduces the accumulation of PtaLHY2 mRNA. We performed transactivation studies by transient expression, using the reporter line as a genetic background, unraveling a new function of a high mobility group protein in poplar, which can activate the PtaLHY2 promoter in a gate-dependent manner. We also showed PtaHMGB2/3 needs darkness to produce that activation and exhibits an active degradation after dawn, mediated by the 26S proteasome. Conclusions: We generated a stable luciferase reporter poplar line based on the circadian clock gene PtaLHY2, which can be used to investigate transcriptional regulation and signal transduction pathway. Using this reporter line as a genetic background, we established a methodology to rapidly assess potential regulators of diurnal and circadian rhythms. This tool allowed us to demonstrate that PtaHMGB2/3 promotes the transcriptional activation of our reporter in a gate-dependent manner. Moreover, we added new information about the PtaHMGB2/3 protein regulation along the day. This methodology can be easily adapted to other transcription factors and reporters

    Host specificity in Pseudomonas savastanoi pathovars of woody hosts: comparative genomics and gene regulation

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    Conferencia por invitación a la sesión 11 del congreso "Genomics and Gene Regulation - I"Pseudomonas savastanoi belongs to the intensively studied Pseudomonas syringae complex, and includes four pathovars causing knots or excrescences in woody hosts. These are P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi (Psv), pv. nerii (Psn), pv. fraxini (Psf) and pv. retacarpa (Psr), comprising isolates from olive (Olea europaea), oleander (Nerium oleander), ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and Spanish broom (Retama sphaerocarpa), respectively. The recent availability of the draft genome sequences of several P. savastanoi strains isolated from different hosts has facilitated bioinformatics-based predictions of virulence determinants in this pathogen, including codification of phytohormones-related genes and type III secretion system effectors (T3E). The super-repertoire of T3E in the P. savastanoi pangenome comprises a core set of 21 effectors, some of which are truncated in the genomes of strains belonging to specific pathovars, suggesting a role of these proteins in host specificity. To address this issue, we have constructed both knock out mutants in some of these genes and strains expressing heterologously the complete version of the truncated effectors. Classification of P. savastanoi pathovar-specific genes into biological functions using Blast2GO revealed that most specific genes were included in the category “regulation of transcription”. Thus, we decided to construct a pipeline allowing the identification of regulatory elements in bacterial genomes. Our preliminary results indicate that P. savastanoi strains show significant differences in the number of transcriptional regulatory proteins (TFs), ranging from about 380 to 440. The role of some of these TFs in virulence and host specificity is currently under analysis and the results will be presented. This project is supported by the Spanish Plan Nacional I+D+i grants AGL2017-82492-C2-1-R and AGL2017-82492-C2-2-R, co-financed by The Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The effect of Holder pasteurization on the lipid and metabolite composition of human milk

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    Human milk (HM) is the gold standard for newborn nutrition. When own mother's milk is not sufficiently available, pasteurized donor human milk becomes a valuable alternative. In this study we analyzed the impact of Holder pasteurization (HoP) on the metabolic and lipidomic composition of HM. Metabolomic and lipidomic profiles of twelve paired HM samples were analysed before and after HoP by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (MS) and gas chromatography-MS. Lipidomic analysis enabled the annotation of 786 features in HM out of which 289 were significantly altered upon pasteurization. Fatty acid analysis showed a significant decrease of 22 out of 29 detectable fatty acids. The observed changes were associated to five metabolic pathways. Lipid ontology enrichment analysis provided insight into the effect of pasteurization on physical and chemical properties, cellular components, and functions. Future research should focus on nutritional and/or developmental consequences of these changes

    Caracterización del sistema de dos componentes GacS/GacA en Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi

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    El sistema de dos componentes GacS/GacA es considerado uno de los principales mecanismos de regulación global en bacterias. Mayoritariamente, los trabajos de caracterización del sistema GacS/GacA se han centrado en bacterias patógenas de plantas herbáceas, donde su papel en virulencia es variable entre distintas especies y cepas. En este trabajo, nos hemos centrado en la identificación de los factores de virulencia regulados por el sistema GacS/GacA en la bacteria modelo Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi (Psv), agente causal de la tuberculosis del olivo. Para ello, hemos llevado a cabo un análisis de secuenciación masiva del RNA (RNA-seq) utilizando la cepa silvestre Psv NCPPB 3335 y un mutante gacA. El análisis bioinformático de los resultados obtenidos muestra que el sistema GacS/GacA de Psv participa en la regulación de un gran número de genes, incluyendo varios factores de virulencia previamente descritos, como el sistema de secreción tipo III, las fitohormonas o una región genómica implicada en el catabolismo de compuesto aromáticos. Además, se han identificado los pequeños RNAs tipo Rsm y las proteínas reguladoras (RsmA) que participan en la cascada de regulación del sistema GacS/GacA. Finalmente, hemos realizado ensayos fenotípicos (ensayos de virulencia en planta, inducción de respuesta hipersensible, síntesis de auxinas, adhesión a hojas y translocación de efectores) para determinar la implicación de algunos de los factores de virulencia identificados por RNAseq en la virulencia de Psv NCPP 3335

    Uncovering cold disruption of the circadian clock in poplar

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    Dormancy is an adaptive mechanism that allows woody plants to survive at low temperatures during the winter. Disruption of circadian clock genes in winter or under low temperatures, both in long days as in short days, were described in our group few years ago (Ramos et al., 2005). Basic mechanisms of the circadian clock function are similar in herbaceous as well as in woody plants although there are differences in their response to low temperatures (Bieniawska et al., 2008). Woody plants growing in daylight conditions should have a specific transcriptional control above the circadian clock genes, which is responsible of their constitutive transcriptional activation observed under low temperatures conditions. In order to understand this regulatory process, we are analyzing the behavior of a circadian clock gene in poplar. To this aim, we have isolated its promoter region and fused to the luciferase reporter gene. This construct has been transformed into Populus tremula x P. alba 717-1B4 INRA clone. Here we present the characterization of these transgenic lines under different conditions of light and temperature

    Potential Impact of Omega 6/3 Ratio and CD68+ Macrophage Infiltration on Survival in NSCLC Patients Undergoing Pulmonary Resection

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    Background: Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounting for the majority of cases. The stage of detection significantly influences survival rates with early-stage diagnosis offering the best prognosis. This study investigates the prognostic impact of the omega-6/omega-3 ratio and tumor infiltration by CD8+ lymphocytes and CD68+ macrophages on overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) in NSCLC patients undergoing pulmonary resection. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of 53 patients with early-stage NSCLC who underwent pulmonary resection between September 2017 and January 2020. The omega-6/omega-3 ratio was quantified using gas chromatography and spectrometry. Tumor infiltration by CD8 and CD68 was assessed through immunohistochemistry. Survival outcomes were evaluated using Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analyses. Results: An increased omega-6/omega-3 ratio and higher CD68+ macrophage infiltration were associated with a trend towards worse OS and DFS in NSCLC patients, though these results did not reach statistical significance. CD8+ T-cell infiltration was associated with improved survival outcomes, confirming its role as a favorable prognostic marker. Comparative analysis with existing datasets revealed similar demographic and clinical characteristics, reinforcing the generalizability of our findings. Conclusions: The omega-6/omega-3 ratio and CD68+ macrophage infiltration serve as important factors potentially influencing prognosis in NSCLC patients undergoing pulmonary resection. These findings highlight the need for further research to refine the prognostic utility of these biomarkers and to explore therapeutic strategies targeting inflammation and immune cell infiltration