102 research outputs found

    ESP, EMI and interculturality: How internationalised are university curricula in Catalonia?

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    This study analyses Internationalisation at Home (IaH) courses across a wide range of bachelor’s degrees, from humanities to hard sciences, in public universities in Catalonia, as an in-depth analysis of a South European context. IaH courses selected for analysis included courses (i) on international topics, (ii) taught in English and focusing on content (English-medium Instruction, EMI) and (iii) focusing on language, i.e. English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Results point to a high presence of international content courses, especially in humanities and social sciences, followed by EMI courses, although quantitatively scarce and mainly found in engineering. ESP courses are the least present despite their potential to prepare students for EMI. Reasons that may account for this IaH picture are presented. All in all, it seems that current policies leave language and intercultural competence in the hands of content lecturers, who may not have explicit language and intercultural learning outcomes in mind while it appears that the potential role of ESP as an internationalisation driver may be neglected. This paper thus argues for giving visibility to ESP courses and lecturers in their role for the promotion of curricular internationalisation.Postprint (published version

    « L’agir institutionnel » en matière d’immigration et de relations interculturelles à la Ville de Montréal : une approche ethnographique

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    Thèse avec mention « Excellente » et proposée pour être inscrite à la liste d'honneur du doyen de la FESPMa thèse de doctorat porte sur la trajectoire institutionnelle de la Ville de Montréal en relations interculturelles depuis la fin des années 80. Étant donné l’aspect processuel de cette recherche, je me suis inspirée des approches néo-institutionnelles qui accordent une place centrale aux acteurs et à leur activité au sein des institutions ainsi qu'à la composante temporelle et séquentielle du changement politique (Paquet, 2016). Par une perspective qui tient compte de la nature dynamique des institutions, j'ai privilégié, sous une approche complémentariste, à la fois systémique et herméneutique, l'observation et l'analyse des interactions et du passé au sein de l'institution ainsi que leur impact sur l'action publique. Cette thèse présente les résultats d’environ une année de recherche de terrain ethnographique intensive : la collecte et l’analyse documentaire, la réalisation d’une trentaine d’entrevues avec des acteurs clés et l’observation participante au sein du Service de la diversité sociale des sports de la Ville de Montréal. La présence quotidienne au sein de l'institution m'a permis d’appréhender le rôle des interactions au sein des institutions dans la configuration de l’action publique. À cet égard, mes recherches mettent en évidence l’existence de deux variables essentielles dans la configuration de ces rapports, soit celle de la reconnaissance et celle de la mémoire institutionnelle. La reconnaissance de l’institution envers les acteurs institutionnels ainsi que la capacité de l’institution pour mobiliser la mémoire institutionnelle construite par les acteurs au fil du temps apparaissent comme des variables importantes pour la compréhension des dynamiques institutionnelles et l’action publique en matière d’intégration.My doctoral thesis focuses on the Montreal municipal government’s institutional trajectory with regards to intercultural policy and practice since the end of the 1980s. Given the processual aspect of this research, I took inspiration from neo-institutional approaches that emphasize the actors and their role within institutions as well as the temporal and sequential components of political change (Paquet, 2016). From a complementarist perspective that takes into account the dynamic nature of institutions, I used both systemic and hermeneutics, to prioritize the observation and analysis of interactions and the past within the institution and their impact on public action. This thesis presents the results of more than a year of intensive ethnographic field research: documentation and analysis, 23 interviews with key actors, and participant observation within Montreal’s Department of Social Diversity and Sports. My daily presence within the institution allowed me to understand the role of interactions and the past within institutions in the configuration of public action. This research highlights the existence of two structural variables in the configuration of “institutional agency”: recognition and institutional memory. The institution’s recognition of its actors as well as its capacity to mobilize the institutional memory accrued by those actors over time emerge as important variables for understanding institutional dynamics and public action related to integration

    Engineering students' perceptions of the role of ESP curses in internationalized universities

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    Recently there has been a trend towards English-medium instruction (EMI) with increasing numbers of programs taught in English (Wächter & Maiworm, 2014). At the same time, there has been a long tradition of ESP courses aiming at preparing students for effective academic and professional communication. In an increasingly internationalized context, it is necessary to reappraise current ESP courses in order to find out the extent to which they are adapted to the ever-changing needs of engineering graduates in a glob- alized world. Within this context, this study looks at the impact of ESP courses on uni- versity students of engineering in two European universities (Spain and Austria). Specifically, our research was based in three campuses: two campuses from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain), UPC-Vilanova (n 1/4 52) and UPC-Barcelona (n 1/4 26), and a third campus at FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (FHJ) in Austria (n 1/4 17). This research set out to track participants’ perceptions of how ESP courses prepared them for academic communication in general and EMI in particular (N 1/4 95). Data stem mainly from surveys administered both at the start and at the end of an ESP course. Students were asked about their perceived initial level of proficiency, their expectations, and their learning objectives (first survey, T1) as well as their perceived development in the different skills, the degree of fulfilment of their initial learning objectives, and their evaluation of the ESP course as preparation for international academic and professional communication (second survey, T2). These data were complemented with qualitative diary entries from students (n 1/4 7) who reflected on their learning at different stages of their ESP course. Results point to overall satisfaction with ESP courses and greater awareness of the nature of specialized communication and yield deeper insights into students’ strategies and areas where ESP can contribute to better student preparation and empowerment.Postprint (author's final draft

    Integrative analysis of the Regulatory Region of the FGFR3 Oncogene

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    The study of transcriptional regulation often needs the integration of diverse yet independent data. In the present work, sequence conservation, predic-tion of transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) and gene expression analysis have been applied to the detection of putative transcription factor (TF) modules in the regulatory region of the FGFR3 oncogene. Several TFs with conserved binding sites in the FGFR3 regulatory region have shown high positive or negative corre-lation with FGFR3 expression both in urothelial carcinoma and in benign nevi. By means of conserved TF cluster analysis, two different TF modules have been iden-tified in the promoter and first intron of FGFR3 gene. These modules contain acti-vating AP2, E2F, E47 and SP1 binding sites plus motifs for EGR with possible repressor function

    Motivations and challenges of an engineering lecturer to implement EMI and innovative methodology

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    The objective: Explore the drivers for both EMI and teaching innovation.Find out the extent to which they influence each other: does EMI implementation lead to lecturers’ reappraisal of their courses on a level or are innovative lecturers more prone to engage in EMIPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Intégration socioprofessionnelle et mobilité internationale. Le cas des ingénieurs français ayant emprunté l’ARM France-Québec

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    Cet article porte sur l’intégration socioprofessionnelle d’ingénieurs français immigrant au Québec. Notre analyse vise à documenter le fonctionnement des règlements de l’Arrangement de reconnaissance mutuelle (ARM) France-Québec et des mesures compensatoires exigées pour l’entrée en pratique professionnelle d’ingénieurs français au Québec. Leurs parcours s’inscrivent dans le cadre du paradigme de la mobilité. Nous décrivons l’intégration socioprofessionnelle selon deux grandes catégories explicatives inspirées de Heckmann : les dimensions structurelles et les dimensions culturelles et relationnelles. Davantage qu’une question associée à la stricte régulation professionnelle, l’entrée en pratique professionnelle apparaît comme un processus multidimensionnel, où interviennent les acteurs de l’immigration, du système professionnel et des employeurs, principalement. Notre étude de cas s’appuie sur quatorze entrevues menées auprès d’ingénieurs français, d’acteurs du système professionnel et d’informateurs clés issus d’organisations locales, bien au fait des réalités de cette catégorie d’immigrants au Québec.This article focuses on socio-professional integration of French engineers migrating to Quebec. Our analysis aims at describing the France-Quebec Mutual Recognition Arrangements’ rules and its compensatory measures required for entry into professional practice of French engineers in Quebec. Their journey follows the framework of the mobility paradigm. We describe socio-professional integration under two large heuristic categories, inspired by Heckmann: structural dimensions, and cultural and relational dimensions. More than strictly a question of professional regulation, entry into professional practice is shown as a multidimensional process where actors mainly from immigration, professional system and employers intervene. Our case study is based upon 14 interviews conducted with French engineers, actors from the professional system and key informants from local organisations, well aware of this category of immigrants’ context in Quebec.Este artículo aborda la integración socio profesional en Quebec de los ingenieros diplomados en Francia. El análisis pretende documentar el funcionamiento de los reglamentos del acuerdo de reconocimiento mutuo de las cualificaciones profesionales (ARM) Francia-Quebec y las medidas de compensación exigidas para ejercer la profesión en Quebec. La trayectoria de dichos ingenieros se inscribe dentro del paradigma de la movilidad. Consideramos la integración socio profesional según dos grandes categorías explicativas inspiradas de Heckmann: la dimensión estructural y la dimensión cultural y relacional. El ejercicio de la profesión es visto como un proceso multidimensional en el que intervienen diferentes tipos de actores en relación con la inmigración, el sistema profesional y las empresas. El estudio de caso comprende 14 entrevistas realizadas a ingenieros franceses, actores del sistema profesional e informantes claves del tejido asociativo conocedores de la realidad de esta categoría de inmigrantes en Quebec

    Wasteosomes (corpora amylacea) as a hallmark of chronic glymphatic insufficiency

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    In different organs and tissues, the lymphatic system serves as a drainage system for interstitial fluid and is useful for removing substances that would otherwise accumulate in the interstitium. In the brain, which lacks lymphatic circulation, the drainage and cleaning function is performed by the glymphatic system, called so for its dependence on glial cells and its similar function to that of the lymphatic system. In the present article, we define glymphatic insufficiency as the inability of the glymphatic system to properly perform the brain cleaning function. Furthermore, we propose that corpora amylacea or wasteosomes, which are protective structures that act as waste containers and accumulate waste products, are, in fact, a manifestation of chronic glymphatic insufficiency. Assuming this premise, we provide an explanation that coherently links the formation, distribution, structure, and function of these bodies in the human brain. Moreover, we open up new perspectives in the study of the glymphatic system since wasteosomes can provide information about which variables have the greatest impact on the glymphatic system and which diseases occur with chronic glymphatic insufficiency. For example, based on the presence of wasteosomes, it seems that aging, sleep disorders, and cerebrovascular pathologies have the highest impact on the glymphatic system, whereas neurodegenerative diseases have a more limited impact. Furthermore, as glymphatic insufficiency is a risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases, information provided by wasteosomes could help to define the strategies and actions that can prevent glymphatic disruptions, thus limiting the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases

    Uncovering tau in wasteosomes (corpora amylacea) of Alzheimer's disease patients

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    Brain corpora amylacea, recently renamed as wasteosomes, are polyglucosan bodies that appear during aging and some neurodegenerative conditions. They collect waste substances and are part of a brain cleaning mechanism. For decades, studies on their composition have produced inconsistent results and the presence of tau protein in them has been controversial. In this work, we reanalyzed the presence of this protein in wasteosomes and we pointed out a methodological problem when immunolabeling. It is well known that to detect tau it is necessary to perform an antigen retrieval. However, in the case of wasteosomes, an excessive antigen retrieval with boiling dissolves their polyglucosan structure, releases the entrapped proteins and, thus, prevents their detection. After performing an adequate pre-treatment, with an intermediate time of boiling, we observed that some brain wasteosomes from patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) contained tau, while we did not detect tau protein in those from non-AD patients. These observations pointed the different composition of wasteosomes depending on the neuropathological condition and reinforce the role of wasteosomes as waste containers

    Corpora Amylacea in the Human Brain Exhibit Neoepitopes of a Carbohydrate Nature

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    Corpora amylacea (CA) in the human brain are polyglucosan bodies that accumulate residual substances originated from aging and both neurodegenerative and infectious processes. These structures, which act as waste containers, are released from the brain to the cerebrospinal fluid, reach the cervical lymph nodes via the meningeal lymphatic system and may be phagocytosed by macrophages. Recent studies indicate that CA present certain neoepitopes (NEs) that can be recognized by natural antibodies of the IgM class, and although evidence of different kinds suggests that these NEs may be formed by carbohydrate structures, their precise nature is unknown. Here, we adapted standard techniques to examine this question. We observed that the preadsorption of IgMs with specific carbohydrates has inhibitory effects on the interaction between IgMs and CA, and found that the digestion of CA proteins had no effect on this interaction. These findings point to the carbohydrate nature of the NEs located in CA. Moreover, the present study indicates that, in vitro, the binding between certain natural IgMs and certain epitopes may be disrupted by certain monosaccharides. We wonder, therefore, whether these inhibitions may also occur in vivo. Further studies should now be carried out to assess the possible in vivo effect of glycemia on the reactivity of natural IgMs and, by extension, on natural immunity
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