45 research outputs found
Utjecaj kroničnoga stresa i starenja na lipidne splavi moždanih stanica u štakora [Influence of chronic stress and aging on lipid rafts in rat brain cells]
The main hypothesis of this thesis proposed that aging and stress combined lead towards changes in lipid rafts composition of brain and trigger neurodegeneration mediated by location shift of lipid raft proteins in hippocampus – insulin and leptin receptor.
In experiments performed in this thesis diminished memory in older females was observed and was followed by reduced expression of insulin and AMPA receptors in hippocampus of older animals. Leptin receptor was activated upon stress in older animals and could be a potential neuroprotection activator. Also, it was determined that both – insulin and leptin receptors are not located inside lipid rafts of hippocampus and cerebellum as considered up to now by peripheral tissue analysis.
Lipid content changes of lipid rafts upon stress were noticed as GM1 ganglioside expression increase in CA1 and dentate gyrus of hippocampus of young animals and increase of GD1a expression in CA1 region of hippocampus in all chronically stressed animal groups. Also, colocalization of amyloid precursor protein and GD1a was observed in hippocampus of older females as a result of chronic stress response.
If insulin and leptin receptors expression is decreased, AMPA receptor and neuroplastin follow this trend. It implies a connection of leptin and insulin signalling pathways with pathways involved with neuroplasticity.
During experimental part of this thesis, a unique animal model of sex and age specific chronic stress was developed that implies strong chronic stress resistance of young animals. It was observed that chronic stress had the strongest impact in older females and that stress regulation in the brain is sex and age specific
Edukacija o primjeni Pravilnika za opis i pristup građi u knjižnicama arhivima i muzejima kroz Centar za stalno stručno usavršavanje knjižničara u Republici Hrvatskoj i Radnu grupu za edukaciju pri Stalnom odboru za razvoj i održavanje pravilnika
Cilj. Cilj je rada analizirati sudjelovanje i zadovoljstvo edukacijama za primjenu Pravilnika KAM koje su se održavale od 2018. do 2022. godine u okviru Centra za stalno stručno usavršavanje knjižničara u Republici Hrvatskoj (CSSU). Usto rad donosi analizu posjećenosti regionalnih radionica (održanih neovisno o CSSU-u) na temu primjene Pravilnika KAM u organizaciji Radne grupe za edukaciju pri Stalnom odboru za razvoj i održavanje Pravilnika KAM u suradnji sa županijskim matičnim narodnim knjižnicama i Vijećem za matičnu djelatnost Muzejskog dokumentacijskog centra (MDC).
Pristup/metodologija/dizajn. U radu se analiziraju podaci o edukacijama za primjenu Pravilnika KAM: teme, formati, trajanje edukacija, broj polaznika te rezultati evaluacijskih upitnika – zadovoljstvo polaznika edukacijskim sadržajima i predavačima te primjenjivost na radno mjesto.
Rezultati. Na edukacijama o Pravilniku KAM tijekom petogodišnjeg razdoblja sudjelovalo je najviše knjižničara, ali i značajan broj polaznika iz arhiva i muzeja. Održavanjem edukacija online te javnom dostupnošću snimki webinara od 2020. godine omogućena je široka dostupnost edukativnog sadržaja. Polaznici su iskazali izvrsnu razinu zadovoljstva kvalitetom predavača i edukacijskih sadržaja te vrlo dobru razinu zadovoljstva primjenjivošću edukacija na radno mjesto. Održavanjem regionalnih radionica praktična primjena Pravilnika KAM približena je široj stručnoj zajednici.
Ograničenja. Od 2018. do 2020. godine za polaznike iz arhiva i muzeja prilikom prijave nije bila ponuđena opcija odabira navedenih ustanova te je za njih bila predviđena kategorija „Ostalo”. Međutim naknadnom analizom utvrđeno je da se jedan broj takvih polaznika (na temelju samostalnog upisa) nalazi i u kategoriji „Specijalne knjižnice“. Stoga su ti polaznici, za potrebe ovog rada, naknadno izdvojeni u zasebne kategorije prema vrsti ustanove iz koje dolaze.
Praktična primjena. Rezultati rada uzet će se u obzir pri planiranju edukacija CSSU-a u kontekstu bibliografske kontrole i katalogizacije građe te općenito novih edukacijskih aktivnosti za primjenu Pravilnika KAM.
Originalnost/vrijednost. U radu su prikazani trendovi u području stručnog usavršavanja stručnjaka iz knjižnica, arhiva i muzeja o primjeni Pravilnika KAM
Ovariectomy and chronic stress lead toward leptin resistance in the satiety centers and insulin resistance in the hippocampus of Sprague- Dawley rats
Aim To evaluate the changes in the expression level of
gonadal steroid, insulin, and leptin receptors in the brain
of adult Sprague-Dawley female rats due to ovariectomy
and/or chronic stress.
Methods Sixteen-week-old ovariectomized and non-ovariectomized
female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided in
two groups and exposed to three 10-day-sessions of sham
or chronic stress. After the last stress-session the brains
were collected and free-floating immunohistochemical
staining was performed using androgen (AR), progesterone
(PR), estrogen-β (ER-β), insulin (IR-α), and leptin receptor
(ObR) antibodies. The level of receptors expression was
analyzed in hypothalamic (HTH), cortical (CTX), dopaminergic
(VTA/SNC), and hippocampal regions (HIPP).
Results Ovariectomy downregulated AR in the hypothalamic
satiety centers and hippocampus. It prevented or
attenuated the stress-specific upregulation of AR in these
regions. The main difference in stress response between
non-ovariectomized and ovariectomized females was in
PR level. Ovariectomized ones had increased PR level in the
HTH, VTA, and HIPP. Combination of stressors pushed the
hypothalamic satiety centers toward the rise of ObR and
susceptibility to leptin resistance. When exposed to combined
stressors, the HIPP, SNC and piriform cortex upregulated
the expression of IR-α and the possibility to develop
insulin resistance.
Conclusion Ovariectomy exacerbates the effect of chronic
stress by preventing gonadal receptor-specific stress response
reflected in the up-regulation of AR in the satiety
and hippocampal regions, while stress after ovariectomy
usually raises PR. The final outcome of inadequate stress
response is reflected in the upregulation of ObR in the satiety
centers and IR-α in the regions susceptible to early
neurodegeneration. We discussed the possibility of stress
induced metabolic changes under conditions of hormone
Sex-Related Differences in Oxidant and Antioxidant Profiles of Murine Kidney and Brain: A Focus on Sirt3-Mediated Regulation
Background: Sirt3 is a mitochondrial deacetylase with an important role in maintainance of cellular redox and metabolic homeostasis and mitochondrial function. As growing evidence support the existence of sex-specific responses to metabolic and oxidative stress, we aimed to investigate sex- and organ-specific effects of Sirt3 loss.
Materials and methods: Expression of Sirt3, PGC-1a, CuZnSOD, MnSOD and Cat proteins in kidneys and brains of Sirt3-wild type (Sirt3 WT) and Sirt3-knockout (Sirt3 KO) mice was assessed by Western blotting. Protein carbonylation and lipid peroxidation levels were measured using ELISA and fluorometric assays, respectively. SOD and Cat activities were determined using standard enzymatic assays.
Results: Significant sex- and organ- specific differences in response to Sirt3 loss were detected. Sirt3 knockout affected kidneys more than brain tissue, with females showing lower levels PC and LPO. In kidneys, female KO showed higher MnSOD, but lower CuZnSOD and Cat activity compared to males. In brains, WT females show higher activities of these enzymes than males, suggesting a sex-specific protection mechanism, but female KO brains show a larger decrease in these parameters.
Conclusion: Our study provides comprehensive insights into the complex interplay of Sirt3, oxidative stress, and antioxidant defenses in murine kidney and brain. The observed differences between the two organs and the impact of sex highlight the need for studying Sirt3 function in diverse physiological contexts. The tissue-specific responses and sex-related variations underscore the importance of considering these factors in the development of therapeutic strategies targeting mitochondrial function and redox homeostasis
Plasma Content of Glucose, C-reactive Protein, Uric Acid and Cholesterol in Male, Female and Ovariectomized Rats upon Acute and Chronic Stress – a Path for Development of Cardiovascular Diseases
To explore sex differences in cardiovascular function under stress, we analyzed plasma levels of glucose, C-reactive protein (CRP), uric acid and cholesterol in male, female and ovariectomized rats under acute and chronic stress. Glucose tolerance test (GTT) was performed in all rats before any stress was performed, as well as later in the chronic stress experiment. GTT in control animals showed the same trend as in chronically stressed. Male rats showed the highest plasma level of glucose and uric acid upon acute stress in comparison between the other two groups. Ovariectomized rats reached the highest concentration of plasma cholesterol during acute and chronic stress, respectively and also the highest plasma concentration of CRP during acute stress. Stress, as a risk factor of metabolic syndrome, affected biochemical parameters in males upon acute more than upon chronic stress, but the opposite was observed in female rats. Gender differences supported by ovariectomy show that stress managing could be affected by sexual hormones
Sex differences in oxidative stress level and antioxidative enzymes expression and activity in obese pre-diabetic elderly rats treated with metformin or liraglutide
Aim To determine the effects of metformin or liraglutide on
oxidative stress level and antioxidative enzymes gene ex
pression and activity in the blood and vessels of pre-diabet
ic obese elderly Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats of both sexes.
Methods Male and female SD rats were assigned to the
following groups: a) control group (fed with standard ro
dent chow); b) high-fat and high-carbohydrate diet
(HSHFD) group fed with HSHFD from 20-65 weeks of age;
c) HSHFD+metformin treatment (50 mg/kg/d s.c.); and d)
HSHFD+liraglutide treatment (0.3 mg/kg/d s.c). Oxidative
stress parameters (ferric reducing ability of plasma and
thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) and superoxide dis
mutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase
(GPx) activity and gene expression were determined from
serum, aortas, and surface brain blood vessels (BBV).
Results HSHFD increased body weight in both sexes com
pared with the control group, while liraglutide prevented
this increase. Blood glucose level did not change. The lira
glutide group had a significantly increased antioxidative ca
pacity compared with the HSHFD group in both sexes. The
changes in antioxidative enzymes’ activities in plasma were
more pronounced in male groups. The changes in gene ex
pression of antioxidative enzymes were more prominent in
microvessels and may be attributed to weight gain preven
Conclusions Obesity and antidiabetic drugs caused sexrelated differences in the level of antioxidative parameters.
Liraglutide exhibited stronger antioxidative effects than
metformin. These results indicate that weight gain due to
HSHFD is crucial for developing oxidative stress and for in
hibiting antioxidative protective mechanism
Sex-specific chronic stress response at the level of adrenal gland modified sexual hormone and leptin receptors
Aim To compare cardiometabolic risk-related biochemical
markers and sexual hormone and leptin receptors in the
adrenal gland of rat males, non-ovariectomized females
(NON-OVX), and ovariectomized females (OVX) under
chronic stress.
Methods Forty six 16-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats were
divided into male, NON-OVX, and OVX group and exposed
to chronic stress or kept as controls. Weight, glucose tolerance
test (GTT), serum concentration of glucose, and cholesterol
were measured. Adrenal glands were collected at
the age of 28 weeks and immunohistochemical staining
against estrogen beta (ERβ), progesterone (PR), testosterone
(AR), and leptin (Ob-R) receptors was performed.
Results Body weight, GTT, serum cholesterol, and glucose
changed in response to stress as expected and validated
the applied stress protocol. Stressed males had significantly
higher number of ERβ receptors in comparison
to control group (P = 0.028). Stressed NON-OVX group had
significantly decreased AR in comparison to control group
(P = 0.007). The levels of PR did not change in any consistent
pattern. The levels of Ob-R increased upon stress in
all groups, but the significant difference was reached only
in the case of stressed OVX group compared to control
(P = 0.033).
Conclusion Chronic stress response was sex specific. OVX
females had similar biochemical parameters as males.
Changes upon chronic stress in adrenal gland were related
to an increase in testosterone receptor in females and decrease
in estrogen receptor in males
Single acute stress-induced progesterone and ovariectomy alter cardiomyocyte contractile function in female rats
Aim To assess how ovarian-derived sex hormones (in particular
progesterone) modify the effects of single acute
stress on the mechanical and biochemical properties of
left ventricular cardiomyocytes in the rat.
Methods Non-ovariectomized (control, n = 8) and ovariectomized
(OVX, n = 8) female rats were kept under normal
conditions or were exposed to stress (control-S, n = 8
and OVX-S, n = 8). Serum progesterone levels were measured
using a chemiluminescent immunoassay. Left ventricular
myocardial samples were used for isometric force
measurements and protein analysis. Ca2+-dependent active
force (Factive), Ca2+-independent passive force (Fpassive),
and Ca2+-sensitivity of force production were determined
in single, mechanically isolated, permeabilized cardiomyocytes.
Stress- and ovariectomy-induced alterations in myofilament
proteins (myosin-binding protein C [MyBP-C], troponin
I [TnI], and titin) were analyzed by sodium dodecyl
sulfate gel electrophoresis using protein and phosphoprotein
stainings. Results Serum progesterone levels were significantly increased
in stressed rats (control-S, 35.6 ± 4.8 ng/mL and
OVX-S, 21.9 ± 4.0 ng/mL) compared to control (10 ± 2.9
ng/mL) and OVX (2.8 ± 0.5 ng/mL) groups. Factive was higher
in the OVX groups (OVX, 25.9 ± 3.4 kN/m2 and OVX-S,
26.3 ± 3.0 kN/m2) than in control groups (control, 16.4 ± 1.2
kN/m2 and control-S, 14.4 ± 0.9 kN/m2). Regarding the
potential molecular mechanisms, Factive correlated with
MyBP-C phosphorylation, while myofilament Ca2+-sensitivity
inversely correlated with serum progesterone levels
when the mean values were plotted for all animal groups.
Fpassive was unaffected by any treatment.
Conclusion Stress increases ovary-independent synthesis
and release of progesterone, which may regulate Ca2+-sensitivity
of force production in left ventricular cardiomyocytes.
Stress and female hormones differently alter Ca2+-
dependent cardiomyocyte contractile force production,
which may have pathophysiological importance during
stress conditions affecting postmenopausal women
Standardization procedure for flow cytometry data harmonization in prospective multicenter studies
One of the most challenging objective for clinical cytometry in prospective multicenter
immunomonitoring trials is to compare frequencies, absolute numbers of leukocyte populations and
further the mean fluorescence intensities of cell markers, especially when the data are generated from
different instruments. Here, we describe an innovative standardization workflow to compare all data
to carry out any large-scale, prospective multicentric flow cytometry analysis whatever the duration,
the number or type of instruments required for the realization of such project
Machine learning identifies a common signature for anti-SSA/Ro60 antibody expression across autoimmune diseases
Anti-Ro autoantibodies are among the most frequently detected extractable nuclear antigen autoantibodies, mainly associated with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD). Is there a common signature to all patients expressing anti-Ro60 autoantibodies regardless of their disease phenotype?Using high-throughput multi-omics data collected within the cross-sectional cohort from the PRECISESADS IMI project (genetic, epigenomic, transcriptomic, combined with flow cytometric data, multiplexed cytokines, classical serology and clinical data), we assessed by machine learning the integrated molecular profiling of 520 anti-Ro60-positive (anti-Ro60+ ) compared to 511 anti-Ro60-negative (anti-Ro60- ) patients with pSS, SLE and UCTD, and 279 healthy controls (HCs).The selected features for RNA-Seq, DNA methylation and GWAS data allowed a clear separation between anti-Ro60+ and anti-Ro60- patients. The different features selected by machine learning from the anti-Ro60+ patients constitute specific signatures when compared to anti-Ro60- patients and HCs. Remarkably, the transcript z-score of three genes (ATP10A, MX1 and PARP14), presenting an overexpression associated with a hypomethylation and genetic variation, and independently identified by the Boruta algorithm, was clearly higher in anti-Ro60+ patients compared to anti-Ro60- patients in all the diseases. We demonstrate that these signatures, enriched in interferon stimulated genes, were also found in anti-Ro60+ patients with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic sclerosis and remained stable over time and not influenced by treatment.Anti-Ro60+ patients present a specific inflammatory signature regardless of their disease suggesting that a dual therapeutic approach targeting both Ro-associated RNAs and anti-Ro60 autoantibodies should be considered