407 research outputs found

    Propolis components accountable for bactericidal accomplishment and antibiofilm activity

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    This study aimed at evaluating antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of phenolic compounds present in propolis ethanol extracts (PEE). Seventy per cent ethanol extracts from seven types of propolis, one Green, two Red and four Brown collected in four Brazilian States were prepared and total phenolics, flavonoids, tannins and anthocyanins were assessed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) and inhibitor effect on Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation and capacity to disrupt established biofilms were assessed towards eight S. aureus isolates from milk of small ruminants with mastitis, one methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and S. aureus ATCC 25923. To evaluate different propolis components accountability for bactericidal accomplishment and antibiofilm activity, the results were analysed by the non-parametric Spearman coefficient. Results of phenolic compounds were 216,21 to 312,08 gallic acid milligram equivalent per extract gram (mg EGA/g) of total phenolics, 55,08 to 140,6 quercetin milligram equivalent per extract gram (mg EQ/g) of flavonoids, 118,51 to 3766,16 catechin milligram equivalent per extract gram (mg EC/g) of tannins and 1,03 to 8,39 milligram per extract gram (mg/g) of anthocyanins. Red1 and Red2 showed higher tannin contents, while Red2 exhibited superior amount of anthocyanins and total phenolics. Brown3 presented higher flavonoid quantity. Green, Red1 and Red2 PEE showed the lowest levels of flavonoids, but the higher antimicrobial activity. Most PEE exhibit bactericidal activity at a concentration of 1.6 mg/mL. Brown4 PEE showed the worst capacity to inhibit S. aureus. Green PEE showed to be the most efficient in both preventing and disrupting biofilm. All PEE studied exhibited a better inhibitory activity prior-to than post-biofilm formation. According to non-parametric Spearman correlation analysis, there seems to be a significant negative correlation between the ability to disrupt biofilm and both tannins and anthocyanins contents

    Effect of the irradiation wavelength on the performance of nanoporous carbon as an additive to TiO2

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    We report the dependence of the photochemical activity of titania/carbon hybrid catalysts toward the degradation of phenol from solution using polychromatic light and filters. In all cases larger photooxidative efficiencies were obtained using light at 200 nm 200 nm. The photocatalytic runs carried out with the nonporous carbon alone confirmed a certain level of intrinsic photoactivity under both irradiation conditions. Nevertheless, a clear deactivation was evident after 60 min of irradiation suggesting that the photoactive sites in the carbon are either consumed or deactivated in the course of the reaction. The composition of the catalyst and the illumination conditions also have a strong effect on the nature of the degradation intermediates, with a marked regioselectivity toward ortho-substitution at high energy photons and when the carbon component is added to the catalyst composition.The authors thank Cordex (Portugal) for kindly supplying sisal. The financial support of the pluriannual funding to CQB (UID/MULTI/00612/2013), and MINECO (CTM2014/56770-R, AIB2010-PT00209) is also acknowledged. MAA and ASM thank FCT for their PhD (SFRH/BD/71673/2010) and Post-Doc (SFRH/BPD/86693/2012) fellowships, respectively. RJC thanks PCTI Asturias Fondos Feder for her Severo Ochoa fellowship. The authors thank Dr. Matos for fruitful discussion.Peer reviewe

    Current impact of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing: young adults' perspective

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    I&DICA IPL/2021/Vaccin2you_CE EsTESLThe European Commission referred to the COVID generation and highlighted an increase of 25% in the number of mental illness problems in adolescents and young people, related to COVID-19 and associated lockdown measures. A critical review of longitudinal studies about the impact of COVID-19 on youth mental health points out the increase in: externalized disorders; suicide ideation and attempts; frequency and problematic use of substances in some higher-risk youth; disordered eating symptomatology. Aims of the study: to understand how young adults perceive short and long-term consequences (positive and negative) of the pandemic on their mental health and psychological well-being; to relate the individual characteristics relevant to psychological adaptation to the pandemic with positive and negative perceptions of pandemic consequences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The influence of the textural properties of activated carbons on acetaminophen adsorption at different temperatures

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    The influence of temperature (20–40 °C) on the acetaminophen adsorption onto activated carbons with different textures was studied. Different temperature dependences, not explained by kinetic effects, were observed for carbons with different micropore size distribution patterns: adsorption capacity increased for pine gasification residues (Pi-fa) derived carbons and decreased for sisal based materials. No significant variation was seen for carbon CP. The species identified by 1H NMR spectroscopy on the back-extraction solution proved that during the adsorption process exist the conditions required to promote the formation of acetaminophen oligomers which have constrained access to the narrow microporosity. The rotation energy of the dihedral angle between monomers (estimated by electronic DFT methods) showed that conformations in the planar form are less stable than the non-planar conformation (energy barrier of 70 and 23 kJ mol-1), but have critical dimensions similar to the monomer and can access most of the micropore volume. The enthalpy change of the overall process showed that the energy gain of the system (endothermic) for Pi-fa samples (˜40 kJ mol-1) was enough to allow a change in the dimer, or even a larger oligomer, conformation to the planar form. This will permit adsorption in the narrow micropores, thus explaining the uptake increase with temperature. Non-continuous micropore size distributions centered at pore widths close to the critical dimensions of the planar form seem to be crucial for a positive evolution of the adsorption capacity with temperature

    Síndrome de Bartter: evaluación del desarrollo estatural y perfil metabólico

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    OBJECTIVE: Bartter's syndrome is one of the most important inherited diseases that cause chloride leak. The objective of this study was to report the follow-up of ten patients with the syndrome. METHODS: This observational study was based on the review of medical charts reporting the metabolic features, creatinine clearance, nutritional and anthropometric assessment of ten patients with Bartter's syndrome followed at the Nephrology Service of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), in their first and last medical appointments, after a mean follow-up period of 43 months (3-76 months). During the follow-up, the management included the administration of potassium (100%) and magnesium (60%) supplements, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (90%), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (40%) and spironolactone (50%). Statistical analysis was performed comparing the results of first versus last clinical appointment by non-parametric Wilcoxon test. RESULTS: Improvement of serum electrolytes and statural growth after the treatment was observed but only serum potassium [3.05mEq/L versus 3.25 mEq/L (p=0.01)] and weigh-for-age Z-score [initial median -2.47 versus -1.35 (p=0.02)] improved significantly. Out of the ten patients studied, two presented decrease of creatinine clearance with chronic kidney disease at stage 2 at the end of the follow-up. These patients had already started the follow-up with decreased creatinine clearance. CONCLUSIONS: There is a need of early treatment of patients with Bartter's syndrome in order to improve their electrolytes and nutritional condition without compromising the creatinine clearance.OBJETIVO: El síndrome de Bartter (SB) es una enfermedad rara, pero una de las más frecuentes condiciones congénitas perdedoras de cloro. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo relatar la evolución de diez pacientes con SB. MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, obtenido mediante análisis de prontuarios médicos. Relata el perfil metabólico, la depuración de creatinina, el estado nutricio-nal y ponderoestatural de los diez pacientes atendidos en el ambulatorio de Tubulopatías de Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) con características clínico-laboratoriales de SB, seguidos por un periodo mediano de 43 meses (3-76 meses). Durante el seguimiento se practicó protocolo de tratamiento que consistió en la administración de suplemento de potasio (100%), magnesio (60%), anti-inflamatorios no hormonales (90%), inhibidores de enzima convertidora de angiotensina (40%) y espironolactona (50%). Se consideraron criterios de exclusión la presencia de alteraciones séricas y urinarias no compatibles con SB. El análisis estadístico constó de la comparación de datos de la primera y la última consulta, utilizándose la prueba de Wilcoxon. RESULTADOS: Se observó mejora numérica de los valores absolutos de los ítems evaluados y del desarrollo ponderoestatural con la terapéutica utilizada, pero solamente la calemia [mediana inicial 3,05mEq/L y final 3,25mEq/L (p=0,01)] y el escore Z de peso/edad [mediana inicial -2,47 y final 1,35 (p=0,02)] presentaron mejora significante. De los 10 pacien-tes estudiados, dos presentaban reducción de la depuración de creatinina con enfermedad renal crónica etapa 2 y en el final del seguimiento (ambos habían iniciado el seguimiento con depuración renal comprometida). CONCLUSIONES: Los datos enfatizan la necesidad de la ins-titución terapéutica precoz para mejorar los niveles séricos de los electrólitos y el estado nutricional, sin comprometer la depuración de creatinina.OBJETIVO: A síndrome de Bartter é uma doença rara, porém uma das mais frequentes condições congênitas perdedoras de cloro. Este trabalho teve como objetivo relatar a evolução de dez pacientes com a síndrome. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, descritivo, realizado pela análise de prontuários médicos relatando o perfil metabólico, a depuração de creatinina, o estado nutricional e pôndero-estatural de dez pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Nefrologia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) com características clínico-laboratoriais da síndrome de Bartter, seguidos por um período médio de 43 meses (3-76 meses). Durante o acompanhamento, o tratamento consistiu na administração de suplemento de potássio (100%), magnésio (60%), anti-inflamatórios não hormonais (90%), inibidores de enzima conversora de angiotensina (40%) e espironolactona (50%). A análise estatística constou da comparação dos dados da primeira e da última consulta, utilizando-se o teste de Wilcoxon. RESULTADOSs: Observou-se melhora dos valores absolutos dos itens avaliados e do desenvolvimento pôndero-estatural com a terapêutica empregada, porém apenas a calemia [mediana inicial 3,05mEqL e final 3,25mEqL (p=0,01)] e o escore Z de peso idade [mediana inicial -2,47 e final -1,35 (p=0,02)] apresentaram melhora significante. Dos dez pacientes estudados, dois apresentavam diminuição da depuração de creatinina com doença renal crônica estágio 2 no final do acompanhamento (ambos tinham iniciado o acompanhamento com depuração renal comprometida). CONCLUSÕES: Há necessidade da instituição terapêutica precoce para melhorar os níveis séricos dos eletrólitos e o estado nutricional dos pacientes acometidos, sem comprometer a depuração de creatinina.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Education and health: welfare state composition and growth across country groups

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    When analysing the Welfare State-economic growth nexus, the importance of health and education expenditures and their impact on human capital accumulation is often neglected. In this study, we claim that the Welfare State composition matters for growth, making it necessary to assess the impact of education and health (public) expenditures on educational attainment and health status, as well as their effect on the real output across countries. To better account for the influence of differences across countries we consider three groups over the period 1960-2012: high income (non-EU) OECD countries, the EU member states before the 2004 enlargement and the EU enlargement (2004 and 2007) new member states. The contribution of the study is twofold. First, we identify long-run relationships for the main variables using the DOLS estimator corrected for cross-sectional dependence. Secondly, we estimate short-run relationships that include an ECM term from the associated long-run equation by applying fixed effects and pooled mean group estimators and identify the direction of causality. The results of the estimation of the long-run equilibrium relationships point to a positive, direct or indirect, influence of (public) education expenditures and (public, private or total) health expenditures on the output in all the groups. However, causality analysis presented mixed results concerning our policy variables, education and health expenditures, within and between country groups. These results can have important implications for Welfare State policy design in the EU and its OECD partners. For the high-income OECD (non EU) group, the results unequivocally support the use of social policy variables as a means to foster economic growth. However, for both EU country groups, educational and health expenditures react to disequilibrium relative to the long-run equilibrium path, so that they are endogenously determined with output, which undermines their use as growth enhancing policies

    Nonspecific Skin Reactivity in Epidemiological Studies

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    Os testes cutâneos por prick constituem o método diagnóstico de eleição no estudo da sensibilização alergénica, sendo no entanto influenciados por diversos factores. Não se encontram disponíveis dados sobre a quantificação da reacti-vidade cutânea inespecífica em estudos populacionais pediátricos, incluindo amostras de raças diversas. Objectivo: Avaliar e correlacionar a reactividade cutânea à histamina em crianças de diferentes raças,bem como a possível influência de factores como o sexo e a atopia. Material e Métodos: Englobado no Estudo Português de Doenças Alérgicas na Criança (PAC Study), foram estudadas 1710 crianças em idade escolar (6 a 12 anos), 244 de raça Negra na República de Cabo Verde, 756 Caucasianas na Ilha da Madeira e 710 de raça Chinesa em Macau. A todas as crianças foram efectuados testes cutâneos por prick com aeroalergenos, utilizando como referência positiva um extracto de histamina a 10mg/ml (Merck Allergopharma). Foi efectuada análise comparativa do diâmetro médio da pápula induzida pela histamina

    Oxido-and dioxido-vanadium(V) complexes supported on carbon materials: Reusable catalysts for the oxidation of cyclohexane

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    UIDB/00100/2020 UIDB/50006/2020 UIDP/50006/2020 CEECINST/00102/2018 UIDB/50020/2020 IST-ID/102/2018 UID/QUI/00100/2019-BL/CQE-2017-022 FCTOxidovanadium(V) and dioxidovanadium(V) compounds, [VO(OEt)L] (1) and [Et3NH][VO2L] (2), were synthesized using an aroylhydrazone Schiff base (5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-2-hydroxybenzohydrazide (H2L). They were characterized by elemental analysis, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), (1H and51V) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electrospray ioniza-tion mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and single crystal X-ray diffraction analyses. Both complexes were immobilized on functionalized carbon nanotubes and activated carbon. The catalytic performances of 1 and 2, homogenous and anchored on the supports, were evaluated for the first time towards the MW-assisted peroxidative oxidation (with tert-butylhydroperoxide, TBHP) of cyclohexane under heterogeneous conditions. The immobilization of 1 and 2 on functionalized carbon materials improved the efficiency of catalytic oxidation and allowed the catalyst recyclability with a well-preserved catalytic activity.publishersversionpublishe

    Loss of S-nitrosoglutathione reductase disturbs phytohormone homeostasis and regulates shoot side branching and fruit growth in tomato

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    S-Nitrosoglutathione plays a central role in nitric oxide (NO) homeostasis, and S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR) regulates the cellular levels of S-nitrosoglutathione across kingdoms. Here, we investigated the role of endogenous NO in shaping shoot architecture and controlling fruit set and growth in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). SlGSNOR silencing promoted shoot side branching and led to reduced fruit size, negatively impacting fruit yield. Greatly intensified in slgsnor knockout plants, these phenotypical changes were virtually unaffected by SlGSNOR overexpression. Silencing or knocking out of SlGSNOR intensified protein tyrosine nitration and S-nitrosation and led to aberrant auxin production and signaling in leaf primordia and fruit-setting ovaries, besides restricting the shoot basipetal polar auxin transport stream. SlGSNOR deficiency triggered extensive transcriptional reprogramming at early fruit development, reducing pericarp cell proliferation due to restrictions on auxin, gibberellin, and cytokinin production and signaling. Abnormal chloroplast development and carbon metabolism were also detected in early-developing NO-overaccumulating fruits, possibly limiting energy supply and building blocks for fruit growth. These findings provide new insights into the mechanisms by which endogenous NO fine-tunes the delicate hormonal network controlling shoot architecture, fruit set, and post-anthesis fruit development, emphasizing the relevance of NO-auxin interaction for plant development and productivity.This work was supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (grants 16/02033-1, 16/01128-9 17/17935-3, 18/16389-8, 18/06436-9, 20/03720-8, 21/05714-8), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (grants 422287/2018-0, 305012/2018-5), and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 00

    Resultados tardios do tratamento da paracoccidioidomicose com anfotericina B mais sulfamídicos "versus" anfotericina B isoladamente

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    Os Autores avaliam tardiamente dois grupos de doentes de paracoccidioidomicose. Ambos foram tratados com anfotericina B, tendo um deles feito tratamento de manutenção com sulfamídicos. Através de análises estatísticas comprovam a maior eficácia do tratamento, quando se faz a manutenção com sulfamídicos.A delayed evaluation of two groups of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis was carried out. Both groups were treated with amphotericin B, "but one of them was submitted to maintenance treatment with sulfonamides. Statistical analysis showed that treatment is more effective when patients are maintained with sulfonamide drugs
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