1,763 research outputs found

    Isolation and characterization of sixteen polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Western Spadefoot, Pelobates cultripes (Anura: Pelobatidae) via 454 pyrosequencing

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    The Western Spadefoot, Pelobates cultripes (Anura, Pelobatidae), is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula and southeastern France, with isolated populations in the Atlantic coast of France. Its populations are fragmented and it is considered Near Threatened by the IUCN. Here we describe the development of sixteen polymorphic microsatellite loci in this species. Polymorphism was assessed in 95 individuals from five Iberian populations. The number of alleles and expected heterozygosity ranged from 3 to 14 and 0.20 to 0.76, respectively. Eight loci cross-amplified in the closely related and Endangered Moroccan Spadefoot toad, Pelobates varaldii. These markers will be useful to address questions about the ecology, population genetics and evolutionary history of P. cultripes, including information on effective population size, habitat use and dispersal patterns, which are essential for the efficient management of the fragmented populations characteristic of most of its range.This research was funded by grants CGL2008-04271-C02-01/BOS and CGL2011-28300 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain, and FEDER) and PPII10-0097- 4200 (Junta de Comunidades de Castilla la Mancha) to IMS. JGR is supported by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas of Spain (CSIC) and the European Social Fund (ESF) (JAE-pre PhD fellowship), and IMS is a ‘Ramón y Cajal’ postdoctoral fellow supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the Universidad de Castilla la Mancha.Peer Reviewe

    A review of the palaeoclimatic inference potential of Iberian Quaternary fossil batrachians

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    Ecological suitability analysis aims to model the potential or probable distribution of species using environmental variables and available species occurrence information as predictors. Most of the European fossil Quaternary amphibians belong to extant species, and being physiologically ectothermic animals, their current ecological niches could become a reliable inference tool to infer past environmental conditions. However, this expectation has never been properly verified. The validity and accuracy of palaeoclimatic inferences based on batrachian species ranges is tested on the Iberian Peninsula, using both palaeofaunistic and Recent distribution data, and an updated database of georeferenced species occurrences is provided. The difficulties of using current geographic information to represent the full spectrum of environmental conditions at which a species occurs are critically examined. A palaeofaunistic review of the role played by historical factors as dispersal limitations for present amphibian species ranges is presented using the available phylogeographical scenarios. Virtual hypothetical taxa can be devised by considering the distributions of several species together and relating their known joint presences with the environmental conditions in these locations. Species distribution models based on these virtual taxa provide the best advisable inferential procedure. For direct raw inferences of the mutual climatic range method, contrary to expectations, the combined taxa sets do not increase their accuracy with the number of species included. This preliminary review shows that Iberian amphibian palaeoclimatic inferences are both valid and reliable enough, a sufficient approximation to complement other techniques. The precision, however, is quite variable among taxa, reflecting the effect of non-climaticPeer reviewe

    Morphological and molecular data to describe a hybrid population of the Common toad (Bufo bufo) and the Spined toad (Bufo spinosus) in western France

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    The use of hyper-variable markers across species is often hindered by low cross-species amplification success, a reduced level of polymorphism or a high frequency of null alleles. However, optimizing sets of reliable and informative markers that can be consistently amplified and scored across taxa is key to address questions about patterns of genetic diversity and structure, hybridization and speciation. Here we present 14 newly developed microsatellite markers in the Spined toad (Bufo spinosus), assess their polymorphism in two Iberian populations and test for cross-species amplification in the closely related Common toad (Bufo bufo). We then use the 12 loci co-amplifying in both species to the study of a morphologically intermediate population (Moyaux) from the contact zone in northwest France as well as reference populations of the two species from both sides of the contact zone. Individuals from Moyaux had mtDNA haplotypes of the two species and were identified as hybrids in analyses with software NewHybrids. These results provide solid evidence for ongoing hybridization between B. bufo and B. spinosus, with no apparent restrictions to gene flow.This research was funded by grants CGL2008-04271-C02-01/BOS and CGL2011-28300 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER) and PPII10-0097-4200 (Junta de Comunidades de Castilla la Mancha) to IMS. J. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez was supported by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas of Spain (CSIC) and the European Social Fund (ESF) with a JAE-pre PhD fellowship. IMS was funded by the project ‘Biodiversity, Ecology and Global Change’, co-financed by North Portugal Regional Operational Programme 2007/2013 (ON.2–O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by funding from the Spanish Severo Ochoa Program (SEV-2012-0262). IMS’s stay in Leiden was supported by a Naturalis Temminck fellowship.Peer reviewe

    Localización del usuario en aplicaciones de Realidad Virtual mediante ORB-SLAM2

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    ORB-SLAM2 se trata de una librería desarrollada en la Universidad de Zaragoza, que permite la localización en un entorno y el mapeo de éste de manera simultánea. Esta librería emplea únicamente una cámara para poder realizar ambas tareas, consiguiendo un error en el cálculo de la trayectoria de la cámara dentro de una habitación de unos 3 centímetros. En este proyecto se ha investigado el uso de esta librería como herramienta para la localización de usuarios en aplicaciones de realidad virtual. Además, se ha integrado este software de manera nativa con el motor de videojuegos Unity, basándose el diseño de la integración en el patrón Facade. Dado que es importante reducir cualquier tipo de latencia en aplicaciones de realidad virtual, con el fin de evitar posibles mareos en los usuarios, se ha realizado un análisis temporal de la librería, centrándose en las funciones cuyo coste temporal era mayor para optimizarlas. Tras el estudio y análisis de diferentes alternativas para la optimización, se ha obtenido una reducción del 45% en el coste de procesamiento medio de una imagen, lográndose una reducción temporal del 74% en la operación más pesada. Con ésto se ha pasado de procesar 20,4 imágenes por segundo a 37. Además, se ha empleado la instalación de un sistema de captura de movimiento OptiTrack, disponible en el laboratorio 1.07, para realizar una comparativa de prestaciones frente a ORB-SLAM2. Para facilitar esta tarea se ha desarrollado una demo de realidad virtual que ha permitido analizar ambas alternativas, obteniendo que ORB-SLAM2 es una solución válida para la mayoría de usos relacionados con la realidad virtual

    Species assignment in the pelophylax ridibundus x P. perezi hybridogenetic complex based on 16 newly characterised microsatellite markers

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    Pelophylax perezi is an Iberian green waterfrog with high tolerance to habitat alteration that at times shows local population growth and demographic expansion, even where other species decline. However, pond destruction, invasive predators and hybridisation with other European waterfrog species (P. ridibundus) threaten many of its populations across its range. Hybrids of P. perezi and P. ridibundus (P. kl. grafi) can breed successfully with the former parental species after discarding the whole P. perezi genome in the germinal line, thus representing a sexual parasite for P. perezi. However, little is known about the extent of the contact zone of this hybridogenetic complex. Due to the morphological similarity of the three taxa, molecular tools are needed to delineate their respective ranges. Here we characterise a set of 16 microsatellite markers specifically developed for P. perezi. These markers showed moderate to high polymorphism (2–17 alleles/locus) in two populations from central Spain (n=20 and n=23), allowing individual identification of frogs. Seven of these markers cross-amplified in individuals of P. ridibundus from southern France (3–8 alleles/locus). These markers were used to genotype samples along a transect from southern France to eastern Spain, encompassing both pure and hybrid individuals. Sample assignment to each taxon was based on the new microsatellite loci and compared with nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data. Our results show that these markers are useful to distinguish P. ridibundus, P. pereziand the hybrid form P. kl. grafi from each other, even when sample sizes are low. The newly characterised markers will also be useful in demographic and phylogeographic studies in P. perezi and are thus a valuable tool for evolutionary and conservation oriented researchThis research was funded by grants CGL2008-04271-C02- 01/BOS, and CGL2011-28300 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación- MICINN), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad- MEC, Spain, and FEDER). G. Sánchez-Montes is funded by a predoctoral grant provided by the Asociación de Amigos de la Universidad de Navarra. E. Recuero is supported by a DGAPA-UNAM postdoctoral fellowship. J. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez is supported by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas of Spain (CSIC) and the European Social Fund (ESF) (JAE-pre PhD fellowship). IMS was funded by the project ‘Biodiversity, Ecology and Global Change’, co-financed by North Portugal Regional Operational Programme 2007/2013 (ON.2–O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and is currently supported by funding from the Spanish Severo Ochoa Program (SEV- 2012-0262).Peer reviewe

    Impacto de la Implementación Política Pública Mujer y Equidad de Genero en el Municipio San Vicente del Caguán Caquetá 2016 2019

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    La desigualdad de las mujeres “constituye un caso especial entre todas las discriminaciones sociales. En efecto, a diferencia de otros casos, no constituyen una clase social, ni un grupo específico; no son una comunidad, ni una minoría social o racial, atraviesan todos los grupos y pueblos y, en todos ellos, son una inseparable mitad. Acabar con las condiciones que han permitido su desigualdad social y política sería, después de la liberación de los esclavos, la mayor revolución emancipadora”. (CEPAL, 2010). El fenómeno de la desigualad de género constituye, quizás, el factor más crítico en los municipios apartados del centro del país. Por tanto, se ha vuelto asunto de vital importancia, dado que no permite avanzar en las metas trazadas en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, y representa una gran preocupación porque en la gran mayoría de casos es abandono estatal el cual representa un alto costo económico y social en el desarrollo de la región. Esta investigación tiene como propósito aportar datos y recomendaciones del Impacto de la implementación de política pública “Mujer y Equidad de Género en el municipio de San Vicente del Caguán – Caquetá 2016 - 2019”, permitiendo disminuir la problemática social que vive el Municipio de San Vicente del Caguán – Caquetá, a través del conflicto intrafamiliar y social.   En la obtención de la información se trabajó juntamente con las organizaciones sociales de mujeres y equidad de género socializando experiencias significativas desarrolladas por los mismos, quienes han vivido las causas particulares de esta problemática. La igualdad de género no depende necesariamente de la cantidad de normas emitidas, las causales influyen según en el tipo de población y su capacidad socioeconómica, el gobierno ofrece muchas herramientas para combatir la desigualdad de género, sin embargo, a pesar de los esfuerzos no se ha logrado la igualdad por la que tanto se ha luchado y legislado. Palabras Claves: Equidad, Genero, Impacto, Implementación y Políticas.The inequality of women “constitutes a special case among all social discriminations. Indeed, unlike other cases, they do not constitute a social class, nor a specific group; they are not a community, nor a social or racial minority, they cross all groups and peoples and, in all of them, they are an inseparable half. Ending the conditions that have allowed their social and political inequality would be, after the liberation of the slaves, the greatest emancipatory revolution”. (CEPAL, 2010). The phenomenon of gender inequality constitutes, perhaps, the most critical factor in municipalities far from the center of the country. Therefore, it has become a matter of vital importance, since it does not allow progress to be made on the goals set out in the Sustainable Development Goals, and represents a great concern because in the vast majority of cases it is state abandonment, which represents a high economic cost and social in the development of the region. The purpose of this research is to provide data and recommendations on the impact of the implementation of public policy "Women and Gender Equity in the municipality of San Vicente del Caguán - Caquetá 2016 - 2019", allowing to reduce the social problems experienced by the Municipality of San Vicente del Caguán - Caquetá, through intra-family and social conflict. In obtaining the information, we worked together with the social organizations for women and gender equality, socializing significant experiences developed by them, who have lived through the causes of this problem. Gender equality does not necessarily depend on the number of standards issued, the causes influence according to the type of population and their socioeconomic capacity, the government offers many tools to combat gender inequality, however, despite the efforts, it is not It has achieved equality for which so much has been fought and legislated. Keywords: Equity, Gender, Impact, Implementation of Politics

    Temporal and vertical variation of dung beetles (SCARABAEIDAE: SCARABAEINAE) in two fragments of tropical dry forest in the department of Atlántico-Colombia

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    Objetivo: Analizar la variación vertical y temporal de la composición y estructura de la comunidad de escarabajos coprófagos en dos fragmentos de BST (Corales de San Luis y Reserva Campesina la Montaña) en el departamento del Atlántico. Alcance: Detectar las variaciones espaciales y temporales de las especies de escarabajos coprófagos y cuales son capaces de acceder a estratos superiores en el bosque. Metodología: Por fragmento, se realizaron cuatro muestreos, dos en la época seca y dos durante las lluvias. En cada localidad se seleccionaron cinco estaciones de muestreos distanciadas 150 m y en cada una se marcaron tres puntos distanciados 50 m. Por punto, se colocaron tres trampas de caída, una a ras de suelo (estrato bajo), otra entre 3 a 5 m de altura (estrato medio) y la última a una altura ≥ a 12 m (estrato alto). Principales resultados: Los mayores valores de riqueza fueron registrados durante las lluvias (16 especies) y los menores en la época seca (5-9 especies). Solo durante las lluvias en la Reserva Campesina la Montaña fueron capturadas cuatro especies de Scarabaeinae en los estratos medio y alto (Canthon aff. Morsei Trichillidium pilosum, U. boneti y U. deavilai) con abundancias inferiores a cuatro individuos por taxón. Conclusiones: Con este trabajo se demuestra que pocas especies de Scarabaeinae son capaces de acceder al dosel en búsqueda de recursos; lo que limita a estos a forrajear a nivel del suelo donde pueden encontrar mayor cantidad y variedad de recursos.Objective: To analyze the vertical and temporal variation of the composition and structure of dung beetles in two fragments of tropical dry forest (TDF), Corrales de San Luis and Reserva Campesina La Montaña, in the Department of Atlántico. Scope: To detect spatial and temporal variations of dung beetle species and which ones are able to access higher strata in the forest. Methodology: four samplings were carried out by fragment, two in the dry season and two during the rainy season. Five sampling stations separated by 150 m were selected and in each one, three points, spaced 50 m apart, were marked. Three pitfall traps were installed by point, one at the ground level (low stratum), another between 3 to 5 m high (middle stratum), and the last at a height ≥ 12 m (high stratum). Main results: The highest richness values were recorded during the rainy season (16 species) and the lowest during the dry season (5-9 species). Only four Scarabaeinae species (Canthon aff. Morsei, Trichillidium pilosum, U. boneti y U. deavilai) were captured in the middle and high stratum in the Reserva Campesina La Montaña during the rainy season, with an abundance of less than four individuals by taxon. Conclusions: This research shows that few Scarabaeinae species are able to access the canopy in search of resources, which limits them to forage at ground levels where they can find greater quantity and variety of resources

    Hypercalcemia of Malignancy in a Dog Diagnosed With Cholangiocellular Carcinoma

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    A 4-year-old, neutered male Golden Retriever was presented with a 1-week history of weight loss, polyuria, and polydipsia. The diagnostic workup showed an increased ionized calcium concentration, mild increase in serum creatinine and urea concentration, and severe hyperlipasemia. A complete abdominal ultrasound revealed multiple hepatic nodules. A cytological diagnosis of malignant epithelial neoplasia, highly suggestive of bile duct adenocarcinoma was made. In order to confirm the presumptive diagnosis of hypercalcemia of malignancy due to the presence of a hepatic neoplasia, serum parathormone-related peptide concentration was measured, and the result revealed an increased concentration. The dog was hospitalized and received supportive treatments consisting of intravenous furosemide and fluid therapy. After ruling out lymphoma and hypoadrenocorticism, oral prednisone was initiated and ionized calcium concentration decreased gradually down to normal concentration after 7 days of hospitalization. Chemotherapy with intravenous epirubicin was initiated based on the cytological diagnosis. One month after diagnosis and due to the worsening of its clinical condition, the dog was humanely euthanized. Postmortem examination confirmed a cholangiocellular carcinoma. To our knowledge, this is the first report of malignant hypercalcemia associated with cholangiocellular carcinoma in a dog.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Infección postoperatoria en las fracturas de cadera: La transfusión y su efecto inmunomodulador

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    Se han estudiado 163 fracturas pertrocantéreas tratadas en el hospital comarcal de Barbastro (Huesca) durante los años 2000-2001, con clavo proximal de fémur sin fresado PFN. Se ha recogido la edad, sexo, tipo de fractura según la clasificación AO para las fracturas y se ha valorado la necesidad de transfusión sanguínea y el volumen transfundido, así como la aparición de complicaciones de tipo infeccioso, la mortalidad en el postoperatorio inmediato y la estancia hospitalaria. El 22% de los pacientes presentaron un cuadro infección postoperatoria. El 44% de las fracturas intervenidas fueron transfundidas. Las mujeres fueron transfundidas más que los varones. No hubo diferencias en los valores hematimétricos al ingreso respecto al sexo pero sí en el postoperatorio con cifras inferiores en las mujeres. El 15% de los pacientes transfundidos presentaron infección postoperatoria mientras que los no transfundidos un 20% (p<0.001). Respecto a la mortalidad la presentaron el 5% de los no transfundidos frente al 30% de los transfundidos (p<0.05). Así mismo se ha observado que los pacientes que sufrieron una infección postoperatoria presentaban una estancia hospitalaria mayor que los que no la sufrieron (15.1 vs 12.8 días) (p<0.05). Conclusiones: la administración de sangre alogénica en las fracturas pertrocantéreas se encuentra relacionada con la aparición de una mayor tasa de infecciones postoperatorias, estancia hospitalaria y de mortalidad postoperatoria, posiblemente por el efecto inmunomodulador de la misma.We have reviewed 163 trochanteric hip fractures treated during 2000 and 2001 with proximal femoral unreamed nail PFN. The following variables were analysed: age, gender, kina of hip fracture (AO classification); haemoglobin (Hb) and haematocrit (Hct) at the admission day, the day before surgery and two days later, transfusion needs, infection morbidity, total hospital stay and post surgical mortality (before 28 day). The 33% patients were diagnosed of post surgical infection, 44% of them were transfused. Women were transfused more than men. There were no differences by gender in haematocrit values at post surgical day. A post surgical infection as diagnosed in 51% of transfused patients, but only in 20% of non-transfused (p<0.001). The mortality rate was 43% if the post surgical Hb value was lower than 80 g/l. If Hb was higer 80 g/l the mortality rare was 24% in transfused patients but 5% in non-transfused ones (p<0.005). Conclusions: In the patients affected by trochanteric hip fracture the allogenic blood is associatetd with a higher rate of post surgical infection, higher mortality rate and longer hospital stays

    Autotransfusión predepósito en cirugía ortopédica mayor en España

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    Objetivo: Analizar las comunicaciones a congresos nacionales e internacionales de grupos multidisciplinarios españoles, y realizar un metaanálisis para estimar el posible beneficio de la autotransfusión predepósito (ATPD) en nuestro entorno. Material y métodos: Se han revisado los resúmenes de las comunicaciones de los congresos de la AEHH y de la SETS desde 1995, de la AABB y de la NATA (2000, 2001 y 2002). Variables recogidas: período de estudio, números de pacientes, tipo de cirugía, tasa de rechazo, unidades autólogas solicitadas, extraídas y transfundidas, total transfundido, rendimiento (unidades transfundidas/extraídas) y efectividad. Resultados: La selección incluyó en Cirugía Ortopédica Programada, 2933 pacientes, con una tasa de rechazo del 9,3% (IC95%: 8,1-10,7) (extremos: 5,5-19,5%), con un rendimiento67,8% (IC95%: 66,1-69,5) (extremos: 17-94%), donando2,35 U (IC95%: 2,337-2,367) (extremos 1,73-3,6), transfundiendo1,84 U unidades autólogas/paciente (IC95%: 1,818-1,853) (extremos 0,74-2,85) y sólo con autóloga al 75,9% (IC95%: 74,2-77,6) (extremos 10-100%). Conclusiones: Creemos que hay una escasa comunicación de la experiencias transfusional con ATDP en España. Los resultados resultan bastante dispares entre los diferentes centros de trabajo. En los estudios finalmente seleccionados por su calidad metodológica, se podría afirmar que en nuestro país se excluye a un pacientes de cada 10, transfundiéndose dos de cada tres unidades extraídas y evitando transfundir con sangre alogénica en cuatro de cada cinco pacientes.Objetive: Reviewed and analyzed the Spanish communications defended at different national and international congress or meetings, and done an meta-analysis to estimate the possible preoperative autologous blood donation (PABD) benefit at Spain. Patients and Methods: We hav reviewed abstracts presented by Spanish groups in several national (AEHH and SETS from 1995) and international congresses and meetings (AABB and NATA from 2000 to 2002). A meta-analysis estimating the benefit of PABD in our country has been performed. The variables analyzed were: period, number, surgery, rejection rate, autologous units wished, drawn and transfused; total transfusion; yield (transfused/drawn) and effectiveness. Results: The selection (only Orthopedic Surgery) included 2,933 patients, rejected rate 9.3% (C95%: 8.1-10.7) (range: 5.5 and 19.5%), yield 67.8% (CI95%: 66.1-69.5) (range: 17-94), donation 2.35 U (CI95%: 2.337-2.367) (range 1.73-3.6), transfused 1.84 autologous U (CI95%: 1.818-1.853) (range 0.74-2.85), and only autologous 75.9% (CI95%: 74.2- 77.6) (range 10-100%). Conclusion: There is little communication of the Spanish National transfusion experience of PABD which shows the large differences between groups and regions. In our analysis we found that in Spain one patient in 10 is rejected; we transfuse 2 of 3 autologous drawn, avoiding allogeneic use in 4 of each 5 of our patients