67 research outputs found

    Failure of standard density functional theory to describe the phase behavior of a fluid of hard right isosceles triangles

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    A fluid of hard right isosceles triangles was studied using an extension of scaled-particle density-functional theory which includes the exact third virial coefficient. We show that the only orientationally ordered stable liquid-crystal phase predicted by the theory is the uniaxial nematic phase, in agreement with the second-order virial theory. By contrast, Monte Carlo simulations predict exotic liquid-crystal phases exhibiting tetratic and octatic correlations, with orientational distribution functions having four and eight equivalent peaks, respectively. This demonstrates the failure of the standard density-functional theory based on two- and three-body correlations to describe high-symmetry orientational phases in two-dimensional hard right-triangle fluids, and it points to the necessity to reformulate the theory to take into account high-order body correlations and ultimately particle self-assembling and clustering effects. This avenue may represent a great challenge for future research, and we discuss some fundamental ideas to construct a modified version of density-functional theory to account for these clustering effects.Financial support under Grant No. FIS2017-86007-C3-1-P from Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain. Y. M.-R. acknowledges the support from Grant No. PGC2018-096606-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)

    Interplay between columnar and smectic stability in suspensions of polydisperse colloidal platelets

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    [Póster presentado a]: FisEs'14: XIX Congreso de Física Estadística: libro de resúmenes: Ourense, 2-4 de Abril de 2014The phase behavior of a model suspension of colloidal polydisperse platelets is studied using density-functional theory. Platelets are modelled as parallel rectangular prisms of square section l(2) and height h, with length and height distributions given by different polydispersities delta(l) and delta(h). The model is intended to qualitatively represent experimental colloidal platelet suspensions at high densities with a high degree of orientational ordering. We obtain the phase behavior of the model, including nematic, smectic and columnar phases and its dependence on the two polydispersities delta(l) and delta(h). When delta(l) >; delta(h) we observe that the smectic phase stabilises first with respect to the columnar. If delta(h) >; delta(l) we observe the opposite behavior. Other more complicated cases occur, e. g. the smectic stabilises from the nematic first but then exists a first-order transition to the columnar phase. Our model assumes plate-rod symmetry, but the regions of stability of smectic and columnar phases are non-symmetric in the delta(l) - delta(h) plane due to the different dimensionality of ordering in the two phases. Microsegregation effects, i.e. different spatial distribution for different sizes within the periodic cell, take place in both phases and, in each case, is more apparent in the variable associated with ordering

    Effect of combined roundness and polydispersity on the phase behavior of hard-rectangle fluids

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    We introduce a model for a fluid of polydisperse rounded hard rectangles where the length and width of the rectangular core are fixed, while the roundness is taken into account by the convex envelope of a disk displaced along the perimeter of the core. The diameter of the disk has a continuous polydispersity described by a Schulz distribution function. We implemented the scaled particle theory for this model with the aim of studying: (i) the effect of roundness on the phase behavior of the one-component hard-rectangle fluid and (ii) how polydispersity affects phase transitions between isotropic, nematic, and tetratic phases. We found that roundness greatly affects the tetratic phase, whose region of stability in the phase diagram strongly decreases as the roundness parameter is increased. Also, the interval of aspect ratios where the tetratic-nematic and isotropic-nematic phase transitions are of first order considerably reduces with roundness, both transitions becoming weaker. Polydispersity induces strong fractionation between the coexisting phases, with the nematic phase enriched in particles of lower roundness. Finally, for high enough polydispersity and certain mean aspect ratios, the isotropic-to-nematic transition can change from second (for the one-component fluid) to first order. We also found a packing-fraction inversion phenomenon for large polydispersities: the coexisting isotropic phase has a higher packing fraction than the nemati

    Orientational ordering in a fluid of hard kites: A density-functional-theory study

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    Using Density Functional Theory we theoretically study the orientational properties of uniform phases of hard kites -- two isosceles triangles joined by their common base. Two approximations are used: Scaled Particle Theory, and a new approach which better approximates third virial coefficients of two-dimensional hard particles. By varying some of their geometrical parameters kites can be transformed into squares, rhombuses, triangles, and also very elongated particles, even reaching the hard-needle limit. Thus a fluid of hard kites, depending on the particle shape, can stabilize isotropic, nematic, tetratic and triatic phases. Different phase diagrams are calculated, including those of rhombuses, and kites with two of their equal interior angles fixed to 9090^{\circ}, 6060^{\circ} and 7575^{\circ}. Kites with one of their unequal angles fixed to 7272^{\circ}, which have been recently studied via Monte Carlo simulations, are also considered. We find that rhombuses and kites with two equal right angles and not too large anisometry stabilise the tetratic phase but the latter stabilize it to a much higher degree. By contrast, kites with two equal interior angles fixed to 6060^{\circ} stabilize the triatic phase to some extent, although it is very sensitive to changes in particle geometry. Kites with the two equal interior angles fixed to 7575^{\circ} have a phase diagram with both tetratic and triatic phases, but we show the nonexistence of a particle shape for which both phases are stable at different densities. Finally the success of the new theory in the description of orientational order in kites is shown by comparing with Monte Carlo simulations for the case where one of the unequal angles is fixed to 7272^{\circ}. These particles also present phase diagrams with stable tetratic and triatic phases.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Effect of combined roundness and polydispersity on the phase behavior of hard-rectangle fluids

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    We introduce a model for a fluid of polydisperse rounded hard rectangles where the length and width of the rectangular core are fixed, while the roundness is taken into account by the convex envelope of a disk displaced along the perimeter of the core. The diameter of the disk has a continuous polydispersity described by a Schulz distribution function. We implemented the scaled particle theory for this model with the aim of studying: (i) the effect of roundness on the phase behavior of the one-component hard-rectangle fluid and (ii) how polydispersity affects phase transitions between isotropic, nematic, and tetratic phases. We found that roundness greatly affects the tetratic phase, whose region of stability in the phase diagram strongly decreases as the roundness parameter is increased. Also, the interval of aspect ratios where the tetratic-nematic and isotropic-nematic phase transitions are of first order considerably reduces with roundness, both transitions becoming weaker. Polydispersity induces strong fractionation between the coexisting phases, with the nematic phase enriched in particles of lower roundness. Finally, for high enough polydispersity and certain mean aspect ratios, the isotropic-to-nematic transition can change from second (for the one-component fluid) to first order. We also found a packing-fraction inversion phenomenon for large polydispersities: the coexisting isotropic phase has a higher packing fraction than the nematic.Financial support from Grant No. PGC2018-096606-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER,UE) is acknowledged

    Prediction of the liquid-crystal phase behavior of hard right triangles from fourth-virial density-functional theories

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    We have used an extended scaled-particle theory that incorporates four-body correlations through the fourth-order virial coefficient to analyze the orientational properties of a fluid of hard right isosceles triangles. This fluid has been analyzed by computer simulation studies, with clear indications of strong octatic correlations present in the liquid-crystal phase, although the more symmetric order tetratic phase would seem to be the most plausible candidate. Standard theories based on the second virial coefficient are unable to reproduce this behavior. Our extended theory predicts that octatic correlations, associated to a symmetry under global rotations of the oriented fluid by 45∘, are highly enhanced, but not enough to give rise to a thermodynamically stable phase with strict octatic symmetry. We discuss different scenarios to improve the theoretical understanding of the elusive octatic phase in this intriguing fluid.Financial support from Grant No. PID2021-126307NB-C21 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER,UE) is acknowledged

    Highly confined mixtures of parallel hard squares: A density-functional-theory study

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    Using the fundamental-measure density-functional theory, we study theoretically the phase behavior of extremely confined mixtures of parallel hard squares in slit geometry. The pore width is chosen such that configurations consisting of two consecutive big squares, or three small squares, in the transverse direction, perpendicular to the walls, are forbidden. We analyze two different mixtures with edge lengths of species selected so as to allow or forbid one big plus one small square to fit into the channel. For the first mixture we obtain first-order transitions between symmetric and asymmetric packings of particles: Small and big squares are preferentially adsorbed at different walls. Asymmetric configurations are shown to lead to more efficient packing at finite pressures. We argue that the stability region of the asymmetric phase in the pressure-composition plane is bounded so that the symmetric phase is stable at low and very high pressure. For the second mixture, we observe strong demixing between phases which are rich in different species. Demixing occurs in the lateral direction, i.e., the dividing interface is perpendicular to the walls, and phases exhibit symmetric density profiles. The possible experimental realization of this behavior (which in practical terms is precluded by jamming) in strictly two-dimensional systems is discussed. Finally, the phase behavior of a mixture with periodic boundary conditions is analyzed and the differences and similarities between the latter and the confined system are discussed. We claim that, although exact calculations exclude the existence of true phase transitions in (1+[épsilon])-dimensional systems, density-functional theory is still successful in describing packing properties of large clusters of particles.Financial support from Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Spain) through Grants No. FIS2015-66523-P, No. PGC2018-096606-B-100, and No. FIS2017-86007-C3-1-P is acknowledged

    Effect of clustering on the orientational properties of a fluid of hard right isosceles triangles

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    Recent studies have shown the fluid of hard right triangles to possess fourfold and quasi-eightfold (octatic) orientational symmetries. However, the standard density-functional theory for two-dimensional anisotropic fluids, based on two-body correlations, and an extension to incorporate three-body correlations fail to describe these symmetries. To explain the origin of octatic symmetry, we postulate strong particle clustering as a crucial ingredient. We use the scaled particle theory to analyze four binary mixtures of hard right triangles and squares, three of them being extreme models for a one-component fluid, where right triangles can exist as monomeric entities together with triangular dimers, square dimers, or square tetramers. Phase diagrams exhibit a rich phenomenology, with demixing and three-phase coexistences. More important, under some circumstances the orientational distribution function of triangles has equally high peaks at relative particle angles 0, 𝜋/2, and pi, signaling fourfold, tetratic order, but also secondary peaks located at 𝜋/4 and 3𝜋/4, a feature of eightfold, octatic order. Also, we extend the binary mixture model to a quaternary mixture consisting of four types of clusters: monomers, triangular and square dimers, and square tetramers. This mixture is analyzed using the scaled particle theory under the restriction of fixed cluster fractions. Apart from the obvious tetratic phase promoted by tetramers, we found that, for certain cluster compositions, the total orientational distribution function of monomers can exhibit quasi-eightfold (octatic) symmetry. The study gives evidence on the importance of clustering to explain the peculiar orientational properties of liquid-crystal phases in some two-dimensional fluids.Financial support under Grant No. FIS2017–86007-C3–1-P from Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain, and No. PGC2018–096606-B-I00 from Agencia Estatal de Investigación-Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain, is acknowledged

    Phase behaviour of very asymmetric binary mixtures

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    6 pages, 1 figure.-- PACS nrs.: 82.70.Dd, 64.75.-g, 64.70.K-, 64.70.D-.The phase behaviour of very asymmetric binary mixtures can be understood in terms of the depletion interaction. For hard particles this yields a narrow deep attractive well surrounding the hard core. Colloids with similar interaction potentials are known to destabilize the liquid, causing it to show a wide fluid-solid coexistence, and in extreme cases they exhibit an exotic solid-solid condensation. For a mixture this means that phase separation is not fluid-fluid, as previously thought, but normally fluid-solid, and if the asymmetry is very large, even solid-solid. We present in this work the result of devising a density functional theory for an infinitely asymmetric mixture of parallel hard cubes. This model is singular and undergoes a collapse in a close-packed solid (an extreme fluid-solid demixing). We avoid this collapse by introducing a small amount of polydispersity in the large particles; the resulting phase diagram shows the fluid-solid and solid-solid demixing scenarios described above.JAC’s work is part of the project PB96–0119 of the Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior (Spain).Publicad

    Density-functional theory for clustering of two-dimensional hard particle fluids

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    Fluids made of two-dimensional hard particles with polygonal shapes may stabilize symmetries which do not result directly from the particle shape. This is due to the formation of clusters in the fluid. Entropy alone can drive these effects, which represent a challenge for standard theories. In this article we present a general density-functional theory for clustering effects in fluids of hard particles in two dimensions. The theory combines a free-energy functional of the angular distribution function with an association energy term which qualitatively reproduces the clustering tendencies of the particles found in Monte Carlo simulations. Application is made to a fluid of hard right-angled triangle